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Covid Vaccine

If I was losing, my one sentence wouldn’t elicit several paragraphs from you.

Members of the Thread: Do any of you believe Floggy is "winning" in this thread? Any debate? Ever?

So you can LIVE in an area that votes 75% blue, but I can’t VISIT a blue area of a mostly red state? Whatever. I suppose you don’t see yourself as tribal either?

This has been explained to you. By SEVERAL posters. You STILL don't get it.

The reason you get destroyed so much, so often - is exemplified by this post. You're retarded.

Apple? Meet orange. (you're still prolly tryna figure that out)
If I was losing, my one sentence wouldn’t elicit several paragraphs from you. It always does. So you can LIVE in an area that votes 75% blue, but I can’t VISIT a blue area of a mostly red state? Whatever. I suppose you don’t see yourself as tribal either?
Spacing won't copy nicely. Idaho HB 154

LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO Sixty-seventh Legislature First Regular Session - 2023 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HOUSE BILL NO. 154 BY HEALTH AND WELFARE COMMITTEE 1 AN ACT 2 RELATING TO CRIMES; AMENDING CHAPTER 9, TITLE 18, IDAHO CODE, BY THE ADDITION 3 OF A NEW SECTION 18-926, IDAHO CODE, TO PROVIDE THAT PROVIDING OR ADMIN4 ISTERING AN MRNA VACCINE IS A MISDEMEANOR; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY 5 AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 6 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Idaho: 7 SECTION 1. That Chapter 9, Title 18, Idaho Code, be, and the same is 8 hereby amended by the addition thereto of a NEW SECTION, to be known and des9 ignated as Section 18-926, Idaho Code, and to read as follows: 10 18-926. ADMINISTERING AN MRNA VACCINE. (1) Notwithstanding any other 11 provision of law, a person may not provide or administer a vaccine developed 12 using messenger ribonucleic acid technology for use in an individual or any 13 other mammal in this state. 14 (2) A person who violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor. 15 SECTION 2. An emergency existing therefor, which emergency is hereby 16 declared to exist, this act shall be in full force and effect on and after 17 July 1, 2023.
If I was losing, my one sentence wouldn’t elicit several paragraphs from you. It always does. So you can LIVE in an area that votes 75% blue, but I can’t VISIT a blue area of a mostly red state? Whatever. I suppose you don’t see yourself as tribal either?
What blue area is that?
Floggy, I know basic concepts are difficult for you so let me try and put this in a way even a shortbus dimwit can understand:
  • Crime is much, much, MUCH higher in (D)imbo areas. Always.
  • Education is much, much, MUCH worse in (D)imbo areas. 100%.
  • Living conditions are much, much, MUCH worse in (D)imbo areas.
  • The homeless congregate in (D)imbo freebee sanctuaries so (D)imbos get what they deserve.
  • People are fleeing your socialist utopias and moving to conservative-run areas.

  • Only a complete imbecile moron shortbus dimwit fails to recognize these obvious facts.
  • You don't recognize these obvious facts.
  • Complete the syllogism. Okay, first look up the word "syllogism."
One major, huge way in which our Government and Health agencies lied to us, deceived us, and cost lives.

Here you go. Investigative folks, with pharma backgrounds are finally putting together the issues with Pfizer pfucking pFDA and pFeople:

Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine contains mRNA fragments called “truncated mRNA.” This is a serious issue on top of the vaccine’s life-threatening safety events. Stunningly, Pfizer submitted falsified mRNA analytical reports to multiple health authorities.

The issue of truncated mRNA led the European Medicines Agency (EMA) to raise a “major objection” before its December 2020 conditional approval of the vaccine. What has happened? How have these issues been considered resolved? This two-part series article will address the matter in depth and examine its potential consequences for human health.

Summary of Key Facts​

  • Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine contains truncated mRNA, which the EMA flagged as a reason for its “major objection,” indicating a preclusion of their approval.
  • Pfizer has not investigated the detrimental outcomes of truncated mRNA in its vaccines.
  • Pfizer submitted Western blot figures to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the EMA that were digitally generated—not from actual experiments.
  • There has been an alarming lack of action taken by health authorities on this issue.
  • Truncated mRNA potentially contributes to multiple vaccine-related injuries, including misfolded spike protein-induced fibrous blood clots, autoimmune disorders, and cancer.
  • These problems with the Pfizer vaccine could have resulted in drastic product quality variations from batch to batch. This could explain the difference in adverse events experienced by vaccine recipients.
  • The root cause of such irresponsible conduct by pharma and health authorities is a lack of ethics.
When you go to a supermarket and want to buy 10 bottles of whole milk for your children, you usually assume the chemicals and concentrations in these 10 bottles are the same or similar. No one would expect five of the bottles to be filled with watered-down milk while the other five were filled with yogurt.

Most store-bought foods meet our expectations because of regulations and quality control. The same criteria also exist in the pharma industry, including vaccine products.

We expect consistent physical and chemical parameters of key ingredients across different batches of drug or vaccine products. Consistency is the foundation that allows patients and consumers to have confidence in the safety and effectiveness of medications.

The CMC process—short for chemistry, manufacturing, and controls—involves defining manufacturing practices and product specifications that must be followed to ensure product safety and consistency between batches. This is a mandatory criterion for global health authorities to approve a drug or vaccine.

Controlling the quality of a traditional chemical product is relatively straightforward, but for a biological product, like an mRNA, things become more complicated.

What Is Truncated mRNA? Why Does it Matter?​

Our DNA contains gene codes composed of nucleotides. DNA makes proteins consisting of amino acids. Between the gene code and protein, there is a bridge molecule, a “translator”—called messenger RNA (mRNA).

The full-length mRNA sequence of the Pfizer vaccine coding for the spike protein is 4,284 nucleotides in length.

It consists of a 5′ CAP structure to prime its translation into a spike protein. It works like an ignition box of a car. At the end of the translatable region, the open reading frame, there is a stop codon, which is like a car’s brakes. If a truncated mRNA does not contain a stop codon, it fails to give a “brake” signal. The protein translation process will continue endlessly.

Epoch Times PhotoAn mRNA translation into a protein and the role of the stop codon. (Courtesy: National Human Genome Research Institute)
Truncated mRNA’s missing stop codon is highly detrimental to humans. It can lead to the production of toxic protein products.

Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Contains Truncated mRNA​

The EMA is responsible for approving all medicinal products for human use in Europe, including drugs and vaccines. The Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) is the EMA’s committee responsible for interpreting the agency’s opinions.

In an EMA assessment report coded EMA/CHMP/448917/2021, the EMA requested that Pfizer address the impurities of its vaccine product, which the EMA report described as “truncated and modified mRNA.”

Pfizer’s report to the EMA clearly showed that Pfizer’s vaccine contained impurities, as indicated by “Peak 1” in the graph below, based on a screenshot from page 14 of the EMA’s August 2021 report.

Epoch Times PhotoPfizer mRNA vaccine contains impurities. (EMA)
The EMA demanded that Pfizer provide monthly data on the potential of generating truncated spike proteins/peptides or other proteins/peptides causing autoimmune conditions due to molecular mimicry mechanisms. A deadline was set for July 2021, and an interim report should have been submitted by March 2021.

EMA Flagged Truncated mRNA as a ‘Major Objection’​

In an EMA assessment report on “Comirnaty, COVID-19 mRNA vaccine (nucleoside-modified),” coded as EMA/707383/2020, dated Feb. 19, 2021, on page 15 under the section “Manufacturer, process controls and characterisation,” it is stated that “During the procedure, several issues were highlighted relating to the GMP status of the manufacture of the active substance and the testing sites of the finished product for the purpose of batch release. These issues were classified as a Major Objection (MO).”

A “major objection” is a formal regulatory red flag by the EMA. If major objections remain unresolved, they preclude granting the marketing authorization.

Epoch Times PhotoEMA stated a major objection regarding the Pfizer mRNA vaccine. (EMA)
The truncated mRNA has been discussed at length as a “Major Objection” raised by EMA in the two EMA reports we have analyzed above. Before these biological agents were deployed on the global population, EMA reviewers identified the issue of truncated mRNA and brought it up as a “major objection.”

In June 2022, Trial Site News published an investigative report revealing a leaked slide presented at a meeting between Pfizer-BioNTech and the EMA. Alexandra (Sasha) Latypova, a former pharmaceutical industry executive who has worked with many companies, including Pfizer, shared the same slide in her Substack on Jan. 10, 2023.

The EMA demanded that Pfizer address these issues: “The truncated forms should be sufficiently characterized, i.e. they should be described, and it should be discussed if the fragmented species are expected to be similar between batches. In addition, the possibility of translated proteins other than the intended spike protein (S1S2), resulting from truncated and/or modified mRNA species should be addressed, and relevant protein characterization data should be provided, if available.”

Epoch Times PhotoEMA raised a major objection regarding mRNA quality. (EMA)


Pfizer Recognized Truncated mRNA in Its Vaccines​

Pfizer fully recognized the truncated mRNA in its vaccines. Most truncated mRNA is 1,500 to 3,500 nucleotides long with 5’ CAP, missing the Poly(A) tail and the stop codon. They can be translated into a partial spike protein.

Unfortunately, when the mRNA goes to the end of translation, the amino acid chain does not stop prolongation, as no stop signal has been given to them. There are lots of mRNA in the cell. As there is no stop signal, in theory, another mRNA in a cell will take over and continue the unfinished job, prolonging the “spike protein.”

If the same spike mRNA takes over, prolonged spike-like proteins with multiple repeats will form. If different mRNA takes over, unknown types of proteins will be created.

The annotated graph below is based on a screenshot from page 15 of the EMA report from August 2021.

Epoch Times PhotoPeak 1 contains the most truncated mRNAs 1,500-3,500 nucleotides long. (EMA)
Pfizer also admitted that the truncated mRNA was missing a Poly(A) tail. The annotated graph below is based on a screenshot from page 17 of the EMA report from August 2021.

Epoch Times PhotoPeak 1 is missing Poly(A) tails. (EMA)
Strikingly, the precise proportion of impurities of peak 1 was blacked out in this downloaded EMA report.

The annotated table below is based on a screenshot from page 17 of the same EMA report.

Epoch Times PhotoThe precise percentage of Poly(A) in peak 1 was blacked out in the downloaded EMA report. (EMA)

Pfizer Submitted Digitized Western Blot Figures to FDA and EMA​

A “Western blot” method is used to identify specific proteins, allowing researchers to verify the size and abundance of a protein of interest.

Because of concerns that incorrect spike protein can cause unexpected injury, the EMA required Pfizer-BioNTech to submit experimental results to demonstrate that truncated COVID-19 vaccine RNA would not produce fragment proteins.

The EMA’s request is a basic, minimal concern to be addressed for any mRNA product intended for human use.

However, as this is the first instance of using mRNA as the preventive vaccine for a large population, this is also the first time such a quality issue emerged. We are unsure if there was previously any regulatory quality standard to manage the risk of truncated mRNAs.

The only way to characterize these RNA fragments is by sequencing. Pfizer has not reported the detailed sequence of its truncated mRNAs in its report, only the rough number of nucleotides.

In December 2020, Pfizer provided the FDA with images of Western blots that expressed the levels of COVID-19 vaccine-induced spike proteins and asserted that the vaccine did not produce any other proteins.

An example figure generated by Pfizer is shown below, based on a screenshot from page 39 of a 2020 FDA report. Pfizer represented that it had evaluated the protein size expressed by the mRNA vaccine and concluded: “The expressed protein size is consistent with the expected size of the translated mRNA vaccine substance and comparable across all tested batches.”

However, the graph appears digital or computerized. We will explain the reason for our assessment later in this article.
Epoch Times Photo2020 Pfizer Western blot. (FDA)
Three other examples of Western blots submitted in 2021 by Pfizer to the EMA are provided below.

One Western blot showed that the truncated mRNA in Peak 1 does not generate proteins in vitro. The annotated figure below is based on a screenshot from page 19 of the EMA report. However, the Western blots are digital or computerized results similar to those presented in December 2020.

Epoch Times PhotoFictitious Western blot graph submitted by Pfizer to EMA. (EMA)
Pfizer used the two graphs below to explain that full-length transcripts require Poly(A) for expression; however, the Western blots are computerized results. The annotated figure below is based on screenshots from page 18 of the August 2021 EMA report.

Epoch Times PhotoFictitious Western blot graph submitted by Pfizer to EMA. (EMA)

Epoch Times PhotoFictitious Western blot graph submitted by Pfizer to EMA. (EMA)
Pfizer’s phony Western blots were submitted to global regulatory agencies, including at least the FDA, EMA, and Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).

How Do We Know These Western Blots Are Not Real?​

The first step in the Western blotting technique is to separate the proteins in a sample using a molecular biological process called “gel electrophoresis.”

As different proteins have different sizes and molecular weights, when they are put in the same electric field, they will run at different speeds from one pole to the other, like a running race.

At the starting point, the proteins are together in one line, like in a 400-meter running race. Given a certain amount of time, the smaller proteins go faster than the larger ones, and gradually, different proteins will separate at different locations, called “bands.” This is similar to what happens in a running race: different runners will be separated one after another per their speed in a 400-meter running race.

Factors that determine the appearance of Western blots include the speed of protein transfer, incubation time, and antibody concentration.

As a result, in real life, Western blots are rarely perfect; there are always some distortions.

Western blots typically “smile” (curve upward at the edges) a bit, bleed with a tail, and have rounded edges and uneven bars. These are often caused by salt in the samples or by a high concentration of the proteins carrying electric charges, thereby modifying the electric field strength in their vicinity and affecting their migration.

For example, the Western blot graph (below) from the 2021 EMA report appears to be from a real experiment. A common artifact, such as an air bubble between the gel and the blot membrane, probably caused the light spot near the center of Fig. 8 during the real experiment. Lighter and darker areas are common.

This is the only Western blot graph in the EMA report that appeared to be from a “real” experiment. However, Pfizer does not explain why it submitted two sets of Western blot graphs to the EMA in the same report regarding the same issue.

Epoch Times PhotoWestern blot example from Pfizer’s Covid-19 BNT162b2 experiments. (EMA)
Many of the Western blots provided by Pfizer-BioNTech for their COVID-19 vaccine-induced spike proteins appeared to be spotlessly clean and perfectly rectangular.

All three (figures 5, 6, and 7) Western blots cited above appear fake—perfectly regular, with all bands staying nicely in their lane; the blots are entirely noise-free.

The Epoch Times reached out to Pfizer for comment.

The Lack of Experimental Data Does Not Permit a Definitive Conclusion; Nevertheless, the EMA Approved It​

In the same report, EMA also wrote: “It is likely that the fragmented species will not result in expressed proteins, due to their expected poor stability and poor translational efficiency (see below). However, the lack of experimental data on the truncated RNA and expressed proteins do not permit a definitive conclusion and need further characterisation. Therefore, additional characterisation data remain to be provided as a specific obligation (SO1).”

Would anyone interpret fake reports as reliable experimental data and trust them to support regulatory approval?

Epoch Times PhotoThe 2021 EMA report stated that there is a lack of data to draw a definitive conclusion. (EMA)
Nevertheless, on pages 22 and 23 of the August 2021 EMA report, the EMA stated these issues were considered resolved. How is it considered resolved? Was this decision based on those phony Western blots?

The EMA granted Pfizer/BioNTech conditional marketing authorization on Dec. 12, 2020.

In Part 2 of this series, we will continue to discuss the implications of this quality issue and the potential outcome of vaccine-related injuries.

Acknowledgment: Thanks to Dr. Joe Wang for his review and comments on this article.

Epoch Health articles are for informational purposes and are not a substitute for individualized medical advice. Please consult a trusted professional for personal medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment. Have a question? Email us at HealthReporter@epochtimes.nyc
Phew, got that out before pFizer's pflawyers got an injunction.......cause pFizer.

Note that this implicates EMA and pFizer. What is probably coming in Part 2 of this piece is the translation of same onto the US regulatory system. What if FDA officials "missed" this issue?

Since this was very important in the expenditures of billions of dollars on behalf of the public, for the good of public health AND mandatory for many, it seems like a very open questioning, with simple responses from the regulators that approved the pFizer mRNA shots and the company that has raked in $100B in liability free* revenues, right?

* assumes no fraud

Question for litigation smart folks:

Does faking/computer generating data to gain regulatory approval constitute fraud? If not, why not? TIA
"Study finds studies about Covid circa 2020-2021 are complete bullshit, slanted to support the preconceived views of the people who funded the studies."
- Every sentient being
Did you know that NIH funded Moderna $1.7B to develop the mRNA shots that generated, for Moderna alone, $37B in revenues at a price per shot (paid by taxpayers) of about $26, with a manufacturing cost per shot of under $3?
More on the Pfizer fraud.

German Press Discusses Pfizer Vaccine Trial Fraud. Will "Covid Reckoning" Follow?​

"Pfizer fraud" now openly discussed in mainstream national press​

I am pleasantly surprised to see the mainstream German publication Die Welt openly asserting that clinical trials of the “Pfizer COVID vaccine” were rife with fraud. (paywall-free German language link, PDF with English translation) What a change!

Again, click here for the English version saved as a PDF file.

The article explains that Pfizer unblinded and removed numerous patients who suffered adverse events from the Covid vaccine trial. It also gives examples of Pfizer subjects whose deaths were covered up. One of the victims described by Die Welt is Pfizer subject C4591001 1162 11621327, whose story I unearthed in July of 2022.

WELT has documents according to which patient no. 11621327 was found dead in his apartment three days after the 2nd dose, apparently a stroke. Patient #11521497 died 20 days after vaccination, diagnosis of cardiac arrest. "According to the current state of science, these two cases would be assigned to the vaccination," says the Berlin pharmaceutical specialist Susanne Wagner, "especially since the US health authority CDC is currently investigating strokes in vaccinated people and it is known
As you remember, Pfizer’s investigators falsely ruled these deaths unrelated.

Die Welt also describes Argentine lawyer Augusto Roux, who remained alive, but whose sufferings were written off as “anxiety.”

Three weeks later, test candidate Roux received the second dose. He remained under observation for 40 minutes, then left the hospital feeling good. In the taxi home he felt uncomfortable, and later he had shortness of breath, burning chest pain, nausea and fever. His urine turned black like cola and he passed out. Three days later, Roux was in the Alemán Hospital, several PCR tests for Covid were negative. Senior physician Gisela di Stilio noted in the discharge report, which is available to WELT: "Adverse reaction to the coronavirus vaccine (high probability)". The computer tomograph had provided images of fluid in Roux's heart. A pericardial effusion.
Over the next few months, Roux lost 14 kilos, he had liver problems, and his heart sometimes beat irregularly. … The diagnosis for the symptoms after the second vaccination is very likely to be "pericarditis", inflammation of the heart. All of this fits exactly with a clinical picture that the Paul Ehrlich Institute also has in its list of “rare side effects” for mRNA vaccines.
Note how Die Welt sarcastically puts “rare side events” in quotes.

… He found amazing things there. His story, one might think, should appear in Pfizer's pivotal study papers, but it doesn't. The pharmaceutical company's papers say Roux informed the research team that he was hospitalized with pneumonia on both sides, following the initial report, which was classified as an "adverse event of toxicity level 1". That could have nothing to do with the vaccine, the file goes on to say, it is probably a Covid infection. Not a word that Roux had tested negative for Corona in several PCR tests.
The paper finds more cases of Pfizer fraud:

Almost at the same time as the Roux case, there must have been an incident in the Buenos Aires test center. In one fell swoop, the test management said goodbye to 53 subjects on August 31, 2020. The test candidates were "unblinded", which means they were informed about their vaccination status, a process that the Pfizer study protocol expressly only provides for "in emergencies". But there is nothing about it in the approval study. In protocol documents that are available to WELT, and which are actually not intended for the public, those responsible get caught up in contradictions. "

While Die Welt does an excellent job at exposing Pfizer’s trial fraud, which the FDA wanted to hide for 75 years, most of what it discussed is not new to us. What is new is that mainstream newspapers are now discussing it.

Die Welt mentions that Pfizer’s contracts included a liability waiver even for Pfizer's negligence and for "fraud or bad faith on the part of Pfizer itself."

I expect this “fraud waiver” will be litigated furiously in many countries. In the United States, liability for certain misdeeds, such as fraud, cannot be waived in advance because it would “violate public policy” and encourage fraud. Thus, I expect Ed Dowd’s “fraud vitiates all contracts” doctrine to prevail legally in many localities.
A question that many of us are asking is, “will there be trials.” A friend of this substack, Eugyppius, concludes with regret that “there will be no Corona reckoning in Germany.”

I am not an expert on German politics, but I would like to make a statement: in more than one country, though possibly not in Germany, there WILL be Corona reckoning. A mini-reckoning is already happening in Florida, which gives us a hint of the future.

The governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, is a shrewd political operator who expects to benefit politically from defending the public from Covid vaccines.

I am optimistic that some reckoning and some punishments will happen. Consider this:

  • Almost everyone was affected by Corona vaccinations. People were either vaccinated or discriminated against, with the extent of discrimination varying from country to country.
  • [added a day later] A large fraction of vaccinated people were forced to vaccinate and are resentful of what happened to them.
  • Covid vaccination harmed a significant fraction of vaccine recipients. The harms are numerous. A Thailand study found 29% of young males having subclinical heart damage, for example. I discussed, numerous times, immune system damage affecting vaccinated people who suffer Covid reinfections and endless other illnesses.
  • While many vaccinated individuals do not realize that Covid vaccines affected them, they can be easily convinced that they are vaccine victims when presented with evidence.
  • Many vaccinated people had multiple COVID infections. If nudged, they will see the apparent disconnect between promises and the ugly reality.
  • Lawsuits against Big Pharma, and possibly against Google and Facebook, will, naturally, make many people consider whether they are also victims when financial compensation becomes a possibility.
  • People understandably fear death, and the excess mortality we are experiencing worldwide should unsettle any person whose risk of death is heightened in a mysterious, unknowable way.
  • Many political operators will realize they can build a career by being anti-Covid-vaccine and demanding retributions.
  • There is a possibility of mass hysteria created around “will the Covid vaccine kill me,” which the above-mentioned political operators can turn to their advantage. While this has the potential of turning ugly, it is an important factor.
The most important determinant of how much “Corona reckoning” we will see is the future fate of humanity and the disturbing trends of excess mortality and infertility.

I want these trends to reverse and mortality and fertility to return to normal. Such a fortunate turn of events would necessitate only a moderately serious reckoning.

In the highly undesirable case of the general public's health trends taking a turn for the worse, stricter punishments against people who lied to us and forced the public to take the deadly experimental vaccines would be perfectly acceptable.

National laws may need to be revised to allow legal punishment of wrongdoers who participated in a novel global biomedical crime that harmed billions of humans. In plenty of precedents, crimes against humanity committed under the color of national laws were successfully prosecuted.
Thanks for posting this mainstream media re-hash of material that was already posted, in this very thread, months ago.

Maybe some of the FDA/pFizer/Moderna apologists will now be able to understand that which they couldn't a short while ago.

Thanks also Tim. Much of this is based on the FDA material released by court order months ago, posted by you over and over again....

My wife says take the under on Pfizer CEO Bourlas near term health issues. She figures he will get Epsteined very soon.
Did you know that NIH funded Moderna $1.7B to develop the mRNA shots that generated, for Moderna alone, $37B in revenues at a price per shot (paid by taxpayers) of about $26, with a manufacturing cost per shot of under $3?
Can you say "kickback"?
One major, huge way in which our Government and Health agencies lied to us, deceived us, and cost lives.

View attachment 10538

Anyone who believed that the vaccine was better for you than natural immunity is stupid.

I've never seen a disease where they tried to convince people that natural immunity had no effect.
Anyone who believed that the vaccine was better for you than natural immunity is stupid.

I've never seen a disease where they tried to convince people that natural immunity had no effect.
We've never seen a "New World Order" like this before either.. Very scary times indeed. Can't wait for the next global crisis.
Education is much, much, MUCH worse in (D)imbo areas. 100%.
  • Living conditions are much, much, MUCH worse in (D)imbo areas.
  • 44230399-9686593-image-a-26_1623724683011.jpg
Nope. Highest per capita income and best colleges and universities are predominantly in blue areas.

Are you accusing Tim of living in a **** hole?
I've never seen a disease where they tried to convince people that natural immunity had no effect.

^^^This. Shows you where we are and says a hell of a lot about what is actually going on.
Nope. Highest per capita income and best colleges and universities are predominantly in blue areas.

You know full well he was talking about the "taxpayer provided education" - i.e., elementary through highschool.

Are you accusing Tim of living in a **** hole?

I'm slowly watching my county, one of the richest in the nation, crumble.

45 minutes away, in Baltimore, they have 23 schools where NOT ONE SINGLE STUDENT is proficient in math. Thus a 61% exodus from MD.

I'll be a part of that % leaving when my kids are out of college.
^^^This. Shows you where we are and says a hell of a lot about what is actually going on.
With the exception of the vulnerable, older population, this has been exactly the status quo of the flu shots, or "flu vaccines" (credit to OFTB for correcting me) for the past two decades. Natural immunity to the past infection is long standing, and the newer flu variants are very unpredictable (viruses gonna be viral) which renders the best guess of pharma/guvmint unlikely to be useful for the majority of the people.

It has been obvious, to those who want to see, that this same game has been played, just with much better scaremongering and a new flu strain, "Novel Covid" to completely upset western civilization and cause the unnecessary spending of hundreds of billions of dollars concomitant with immeasurable harm to children, youth, poor, etc. as the societal strain was felt most by those most economically and developmentally challenged.

pFuck pFizer
The CDC and the Government just make mistakes. They are inept. They never intend to lie to us or deceive. So...they...say. Of course this is mere coincidence. When you consider this and consider the Government has done nothing to help this community, a Republican stronghold...it all smells.

CDC Updates Profile For Vinyl Chloride Days Before Ohio Train Derailment, And Removes Section On How It Affects Children​

Now it seems even the CDC is minimizing the effects of the chemicals involved in the crash, one of them being vinyl chloride, a gas used to produce a plastic known as polyvinyl chloride (PVC). According to the National Cancer Institute, vinyl chloride is a carcinogen that has links to different kinds of cancers, including liver, brain, and lung cancers, as well as lymphoma and leukemia.

In January 2023, the toxicological profile for vinyl chloride was revised from the original guidelines published in the Federal Register nearly four decades ago – on April 17, 1987, to be exact. While toxicological profiles are updated occasionally, users are alarmed by the odd timing. The last profile for vinyl chloride was released in 2006, 17 years ago. It's strange that they drafted it again in January 2023, just weeks prior to the catastrophe in East Palestine.

The CDC's website page for vinyl chloride was recently modified as well. An archived version displays a longer, more detailed FAQ page before the changes were made. The screenshot below shows a long list of FAQs with additional information. The profile initially had the following sections: "How can vinyl chloride affect children?" and "Has the federal government made recommendations to protect human health?" – but both have since been removed.


The description in the section on children initially said, “It has not been proven that vinyl chloride causes birth defects in humans, but studies in animals suggest that vinyl chloride might affect growth and development. Animal studies also suggest that infants and young children might be more susceptible than adults to vinyl chloride-induced cancer.” This sounds like important information, especially since families live in the oil blast zone. So why would they remove this?

vinyl after edits 2

Updated Profile​

Oh, but no worries. The CDC included a new section on how to keep you and your family protected from vinyl chloride. Their recommendation? Limit your exposure to cigar and tobacco smoke. "Tobacco smoke contains low levels of vinyl chloride, so limiting your family's exposure to cigarette or cigar smoke may help reduce their exposure to vinyl chloride," the page writes. Other slight changes were made, as detailed by a user @thedaly on Reddit, and the old FAQ section can be seen here.

Organizations continue to minimize the risks of these chemicals even when experts have voiced their concerns. Chemical engineering professor, Dr. Eric Beckham, informed NewsNation of the seriousness of these toxins. “It’s a suspected carcinogen. Long-term exposure is associated with cancers, particularly of the liver,” he said. “Short-term exposures, if they’re high enough, it’s just toxic – it can harm you and kill you.”

Interesting how the CDC, which has spent years promoting a vaccine for a "deadly virus," is now keeping quiet about the health and safety of Ohioans.
Nope. Highest per capita income and best colleges and universities are predominantly in blue areas.
So why are those blue state utopias, Illinois, New York, California, New Jersey and Maryland losing population?
I have to wonder if their per capita income is also declining. Having lived in AZ since '83, I can attest to have never seen as many CA license plates as in the last 4 years.

Say “hello” to more than 230,000 new Phoenix neighbors. There are even more on the way, as Arizona continues its rapid population growth into 2022.

Topping the list for new Phoenicians was the Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim, California metro area. -
as reported by the City of Phoenix.
So why are those blue state utopias, Illinois, New York, California, New Jersey and Maryland losing population?

He can't think critically. Nor will he ever, ever, ever, ever concede a singe point of defeat, say I was wrong, or I am sorry.

He will not answer why people are leaving those states - even though there are painfully obvious and non-arguable reasons - rising crime, declining education, excessive taxes.

I have to wonder if their per capita income is also declining.

Per capita income by state generally mirrors one another and grows over time on the same trend line. Example:


Having lived in AZ since '83, I can attest to have never seen as many CA license plates as in the last 4 years.

This is bad news for all of us. I truly believe Democrat cities are falling into ruin by design. I believe it is intentional. It's aimed at one party rule. They KNOW that idiot Dimbos will flee the havoc they have created in LA, Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago, etc. They also know that these Dimbos will be too stupid to vote differently. So they will take their idiocy to Florida, Georgia, Texas and vote Blue. They are intentionally driving the Dims out of these areas to flip other states.

Say “hello” to more than 230,000 new Phoenix neighbors. There are even more on the way, as Arizona continues its rapid population growth into 2022.

Topping the list for new Phoenicians was the Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim, California metro area. -
as reported by the City of Phoenix.

This is how an idiot fool like Katie Hobbs got elected. That, and a **** ton of corruption.
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You know full well he was talking about the "taxpayer provided education" - i.e., elementary through highschool.

I'm slowly watching my county, one of the richest in the nation, crumble.

45 minutes away, in Baltimore, they have 23 schools where NOT ONE SINGLE STUDENT is proficient in math. Thus a 61% exodus from MD.

I'll be a part of that % leaving when my kids are out of college.
And you know full well public education is as good as its demographics and tax base. Show me the poor areas in red states like West Virginia and Mississippi that have high performing public schools.