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Covid Vaccine

Just bow out @Troglodyte :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

UN ******* BELIEVABLE!!!… someone would offer Ice-T $9 million to do a movie?
but, just since you raised this ...

If there's one thing you can put money on, it's that Ice-T is making plenty of money from "Law and Order: SVU." How much we hear you ask? Well, according to Celebrity Net Worth, the rapper earns a whopping $250,000 an episode. That's a quarter of a million dollars. Not bad! Of course, all that adds up, and the outlet estimates he takes home about $6 million for every single season of the show he appears on

Read More: https://www.nickiswift.com/889824/how-much-does-ice-t-make-per-episode-of-law-and-order-svu/

Canadian Court Invalidates Covid Lockdowns Due To Illegal Implementation​

An Albertan court ruled on Tuesday that lockdown orders enacted in response to Covid were invalid.

The ruling in Ingram v. Alberta will likely force prosecutors to withdraw charges against individuals, churches, and other organizations in several other standing cases.

Justice Barbara Romaine ruled in favor of the applicants because the Chief Medical Officer of Health (CMOH) delegated her decisions to the cabinet, which she was not authorized to do under Canadian law. The CMOH herself testified at trial that she provided only advice and recommendations to politicians but did not make the decisions herself.

Canadian Court Invalidates Covid Lockdowns Due To Illegal Implementation​

An Albertan court ruled on Tuesday that lockdown orders enacted in response to Covid were invalid.

The ruling in Ingram v. Alberta will likely force prosecutors to withdraw charges against individuals, churches, and other organizations in several other standing cases.

Justice Barbara Romaine ruled in favor of the applicants because the Chief Medical Officer of Health (CMOH) delegated her decisions to the cabinet, which she was not authorized to do under Canadian law. The CMOH herself testified at trial that she provided only advice and recommendations to politicians but did not make the decisions herself.
Why they put women in these roles whereby key decisions should be made befuddles me. I mean, have you ever asked your wife where she wants to eat?!?! good Lord!

I'm only joking gals...kinda
Ain't it strange how diseases like this are popping up again? Hmmm, what could the link be?

Good read from Jeff Childers today:
Some excerpts:

This week an alarming story exploded all over corporate media about a brand-new outbreak of a loathsome and terrifying disease — leprosy — in Florida. But, is it just another Monkeypox false alarm? Or is it a serious health threat requiring masks, lockdowns, and mass vaccination?

And before you ask, YES — of course — they have a vaccine for it...

According to widespread and coordinated corporate media reports, this week the CDC issued a stark warning to visitors to the Sunshine state: “Travel to this area, even in the absence of other risk factors, should prompt consideration of leprosy in the appropriate clinical context.”

To begin, let’s first look at a handful of recent headlines, to get a sense of the level of media hysteria and panic.

The New York Times, it’s too late:


From Science Alert, leprosy “appears” to be spiking (“appears” is doing a lot of work in that headline, as we’ll see):

image 2.png

Baltimore’s WBAL TV 11, doctors are freaking out:

image 3.png

Where did this spike in leprosy suddenly and unexpectedly come from? The answer is the stories were based on a single “Research Letter” published this week in Emerging Infectious Diseases, titled “Case Report of Leprosy in Central Florida, USA, 2022.” One case. And the diagnosis was already a year old.


The Research Letter described a single case of a 54-year-old Central Florida man who had minor clinical signs of leprosy for five years before he finally went into his dermatologist for a rash, and wound up leaving with a leprosy diagnosis....
The doctors at Shands — a major Central Florida research hospital affiliated with the University of Florida — aren’t that concerned about leprosy. Florida’s Department of Health isn’t that concerned about leprosy. Apart from its ridiculous travel advisory, CDC doesn’t seem that concerned about leprosy.

So why is corporate media so concerned about leprosy?

The media’s hook, which is difficult to identify, is that there appears to be a new etiology of the disease, meaning a few people recently seem to be catching (or showing) leprosy without the usual causes, like cuddling with armadillos. For some baffling reason.

The very first footnote cited in the Research Letter linked a 2017 scientific article on leprosy that mentions this important fact:

Lepromatous leprosy occurs in infected individuals with impaired T-cell immunity resulting in anergy.

Take a gander at the title of this peer-reviewed PLOS journal article, published yesterday:

image 9.png

Uh-oh! That doesn’t sound good! (Writing this, I felt a little disappointment because I know that, by this time, the connection to jabs did not surprise you. It’s getting hard to keep up the drama these days.)

Anyway, I’ll let the study’s first two paragraphs speak for themselves:

image 10.png

The researchers slapped that warning about leprosy vaccines right after explaining that the covid vaccines can spur a latent infection. They seem to be warning that jabbed people might not want to take the leprosy vaccine, unless I’m reading that wrong. That warning might be helpful and important information to include in widespread media reports about leprosy outbreaks.

Given past experience, I wouldn’t be surprised if this paper is taken down any minute now. You might want to save a PDF copy if it interests you. Here’s the link: https://journals.plos.org/plosntds/article?id=10.1371/journal.pntd.0011493.

So what can we conclude from all this? First of all, leprosy is curable. It’s hard to catch. It’s super rare, and it only threatens immunocompromised people. Second, you may want to hesitate before taking the leprosy vaccine, especially if you’ve been jabbed. And third, marvel at the media’s brazenness to keep using this same fear-mongering tactic on us over and over. It won’t work on you, because you are thinking for yourself, or you wouldn’t be reading this. But consider that the media wouldn’t use this disease psyop unless it worked on some proportion of the population.

Who are these people falling for these disease panic stories? Why do they still believe, even after all we’ve been through? These are unanswerable questions.
Whatever it takes to create fake votes, like in ‘20. The libtards know Trump will mop the floor with whatever commie they nominate, so they have to rig the election. Again:
Whatever it takes to create fake votes, like in ‘20. The libtards know Trump will mop the floor with whatever commie they nominate, so they have to rig the election. Again:
IDK, hiding and using the excuse that their opponent is a meanie as to why they refuse to debate them seems to be a winning strategy, and we will likely see again.
The FDA had argued it would be “impractical” to release the estimated 4.8 million pages at more than between 1,000 and 16,000 pages per month, which would have taken at least 23.5 years.
Seriously? If it was impractical to merely release the data in a period of less than 23.5 years, how the hell did they manage to review and evaluate the data and approve the "vaccines" in a much shorter time period?

Pfizer and Moderna Reps Put on the Hot Seat in Fiery Senate Hearing in Australia​

(excerpts below)

Sparks flew during a contentious public hearing in the Australian Parliament earlier this week as Representatives from Pfizer and Moderna gave unsatisfactory answers to multiple lawmakers’ questions.

The Australian Senate’s ‘Education and Employment Legislation Committee’ held a hearing Wednesday regarding the status of the COVID-19 vaccines, which included witnesses from Pfizer Australia, Moderna, and the Australia’s Theraputic Goods Administration (TGA).

Conservative lawmakers were outraged that at least half of all Australians got COVID after the country imposed some of the most draconian lockdowns and vaccine mandates in the world.

During the hearing, a Pfizer representative insisted that no one was forced to get the risky COVID-19 jabs in Australia, despite the county’s strict mandates.

Senator Pauline Hanson confronted Dr. Brian Hewitt, Pfizer Australia’s Head of Regulatory Sciences, about a comment he had made earlier in the hearing regarding the country’s vaccine mandates.

“You actually made a comment that no one was forced to have the vaccination,” Hanson said, after initially attributing the comment to his colleague Dr. Krishan Thiru, Pfizer Australia’s Country Medical Director.

“You were in Australia during COVID-19 … you must have been fully aware that people—nurses, doctors, people—to keep their jobs, were forced to have the vaccination,” she said. “Now, do you retract your statement that they were not forced?”

“Senator, no, I believe firmly that no one was forced to have a vaccine,” Hewitt responded. “Mandates and vaccine requirements are determined by governments and health authorities. I believe everyone was offered an opportunity to get a vaccine or not get a vaccine and I don’t believe that anybody was forced to take the vaccine.”

“A lot of Australians will disagree with you on that one,” Hanson shot back.

Senator Alex Antic had cited statistics showing that cases of Myocarditis spiked precipitously in South Australia following introduction of the COVID injections.

“Now, we know that myocarditis and pericarditis are two heart inflammation conditions well associated with the COVID mRNA injections—even the Theraputic Goods Administration admits to that, Antic began. “Yet despite this well-established fact, the injections were mandated to thousands of Australians and speaking out about these incursions on freedom got one labeled an anti-vaxxer or a peddler of dangerous disinformation,” the senator continued.

Antic cited data he obtained through a Freedom of Information request from the South Australia Health Department that tracked cardiac related presentations in 15-year-olds to 44-year-olds going back to 2018.

The senator showed a chart indicating that the numbers remained steady at 1,100 a month from January 2018 until July of 2021 when it “drastically spiked.” By November of 2021, he said, the number of cases peaked at 2,172 per month, almost double the norm. The rise in cases, he noted, took place “just as these injections were rolled out.”

Antic noted that there was another spike in cardiac related presentations in February of 2023, “just when the boosters were being mandated.”

“These injections are harming, and in many cases, killing our young people,” Antic declared. “So what does SA Health have to say about this? Nothing. They continue to roll out the injections. They continue to push the injection narrative. This injection campaign is going to go down as the greatest scandal in medical history and none of you said a single thing.”

During the hearing, one of the Pfizer representatives admitted that during the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines, Pfizer employees received a different shot than the general public.

“Your vaccine mandate was using your own batch of vaccine especially imported for Pfizer and not tested by the TGA?” conservative Senator Malcolm Roberts asked Dr. Hewitt.

“Pfizer undertook to import Pfizer vaccines specifically for the employee vaccination program and that was so that no vaccine would be taken from government stocks that were being delivered to clinics as needed,” Dr. Hewitt replied, in answer to a senator’s question.

“What we’ve seen during the COVID mismanagement and malfeasance was the largest transfer of wealth in our nation’s history from We the People to Big Pharma via Big Government that lied repeatedly during the COVID mismanagement,” Roberts said.

Queensland Senator Gerard Rennick, a member of the Liberal National Party, on Wednesday as asked the doctors whether they could explain how Pfizer’s mRNA COVID injections were causing heart disease.

As Antic had noted, even Australia’s Theraputic Goods Administration had confirmed the link between COVID vaccines and heart diseases such as myocarditis and pericarditis.

“Can you explain the process, why the vaccine causes myocarditis and pericarditis?” Sen. Rennick asked.

Dr. Thiru began by expressing his “confidence in the safety profile” of the vaccine, but was cut off by Sen. Rennick when it became apparent that the doctor was filibustering.

Calling for a point of order, he again asked the Pfizer doctors, “Do you understand why [Pfizer’s vaccine] causes myocarditis? I want you to explain to me why it causes myocarditis.”

Dr. Thiru said that Pfizer is “aware of very rare reports of myocarditis and pericarditis that have been temporarily associated with the vaccine,” before being interrupted again by Rennick to answer the question.

In response, Thiru again referred t to the “small” number of reports around the world linking myocarditis to the Pfizer jab, before being interrupted for a third time by Rennick.

“I’m not referring to the number of reports,” the Queensland senator pressed. “I want you to explain to me the mechanism of how the vaccine causes myocarditis. Do you or do you not understand the mechanism of why the vaccine causes myocarditis?”

“It looks to me like you don’t. And if you don’t understand it, why are you saying the vaccine is safe without qualifying the risks?” he asked.

The committee chair directed Dr. Thiru to “get to” Sen. Rennick’s question, but the Pfizer doctor insisted on talking about the mRNA product’s benefit-risk ratio, which he indicated was excellent.

Rennick tried one last time to get a straight answer from the Pfizer doc.

“The question that I asked was can you explain why the vaccine causes myocarditis. Yes or no?” he asked.

After Thiru tried to deflect one more time by citing the jabs’ allegedly justifiable benefit-risk ratio, Rennick gave up.

“You clearly don’t understand the pathway, do you? Because you can’t explain it,” the senator said

Thiru said he would have to “come back” to the committee with “whatever information we can provide” on the mechanism of how the vaccine causes myocarditis.

Sen. Antic was similarly frustrated when he asked the doctors from Moderna to provide data on the rates of serious adverse events, which a recent medical journal report showed was occurring in one of 800 vax recipients.

He asked the Moderna representatives how their own internal adverse reaction numbers compared with that study.

Dr. Chris Clarke, Moderna’s Director, Scientific Leadership, told Antic that he had not seen the report.

“Do you think you should be aware of that?” Antic pressed. “This has been widely reported. You are a manufacturer of vaccines. I find it difficult to think that you wouldn’t be aware of this report.”

“You can’t tell me the rates of serious adverse events. You realize you’ve come to a Senate hearing today for the purposes of exactly that question. And you can’t tell me the rates of serious adverse reactions to your product, which I find extraordinary,” he said.

When Antic asked Clarke what Moderna’s overall rate of serious vaccine injury was for its COVID product, the doctor admitted that he doesn’t know “the actual rates of adverse events.”

“You don’t have the rates of adverse events in front of you?” Antic asked incredulously.


Pfizer and Moderna Reps Put on the Hot Seat in Fiery Senate Hearing in Australia​

(excerpts below)

Sparks flew during a contentious public hearing in the Australian Parliament earlier this week as Representatives from Pfizer and Moderna gave unsatisfactory answers to multiple lawmakers’ questions.

The Australian Senate’s ‘Education and Employment Legislation Committee’ held a hearing Wednesday regarding the status of the COVID-19 vaccines, which included witnesses from Pfizer Australia, Moderna, and the Australia’s Theraputic Goods Administration (TGA).

Conservative lawmakers were outraged that at least half of all Australians got COVID after the country imposed some of the most draconian lockdowns and vaccine mandates in the world.

During the hearing, a Pfizer representative insisted that no one was forced to get the risky COVID-19 jabs in Australia, despite the county’s strict mandates.

Senator Pauline Hanson confronted Dr. Brian Hewitt, Pfizer Australia’s Head of Regulatory Sciences, about a comment he had made earlier in the hearing regarding the country’s vaccine mandates.

“You actually made a comment that no one was forced to have the vaccination,” Hanson said, after initially attributing the comment to his colleague Dr. Krishan Thiru, Pfizer Australia’s Country Medical Director.

“You were in Australia during COVID-19 … you must have been fully aware that people—nurses, doctors, people—to keep their jobs, were forced to have the vaccination,” she said. “Now, do you retract your statement that they were not forced?”

“Senator, no, I believe firmly that no one was forced to have a vaccine,” Hewitt responded. “Mandates and vaccine requirements are determined by governments and health authorities. I believe everyone was offered an opportunity to get a vaccine or not get a vaccine and I don’t believe that anybody was forced to take the vaccine.”

“A lot of Australians will disagree with you on that one,” Hanson shot back.

Senator Alex Antic had cited statistics showing that cases of Myocarditis spiked precipitously in South Australia following introduction of the COVID injections.

“Now, we know that myocarditis and pericarditis are two heart inflammation conditions well associated with the COVID mRNA injections—even the Theraputic Goods Administration admits to that, Antic began. “Yet despite this well-established fact, the injections were mandated to thousands of Australians and speaking out about these incursions on freedom got one labeled an anti-vaxxer or a peddler of dangerous disinformation,” the senator continued.

Antic cited data he obtained through a Freedom of Information request from the South Australia Health Department that tracked cardiac related presentations in 15-year-olds to 44-year-olds going back to 2018.

The senator showed a chart indicating that the numbers remained steady at 1,100 a month from January 2018 until July of 2021 when it “drastically spiked.” By November of 2021, he said, the number of cases peaked at 2,172 per month, almost double the norm. The rise in cases, he noted, took place “just as these injections were rolled out.”

Antic noted that there was another spike in cardiac related presentations in February of 2023, “just when the boosters were being mandated.”

“These injections are harming, and in many cases, killing our young people,” Antic declared. “So what does SA Health have to say about this? Nothing. They continue to roll out the injections. They continue to push the injection narrative. This injection campaign is going to go down as the greatest scandal in medical history and none of you said a single thing.”

During the hearing, one of the Pfizer representatives admitted that during the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines, Pfizer employees received a different shot than the general public.

“Your vaccine mandate was using your own batch of vaccine especially imported for Pfizer and not tested by the TGA?” conservative Senator Malcolm Roberts asked Dr. Hewitt.

“Pfizer undertook to import Pfizer vaccines specifically for the employee vaccination program and that was so that no vaccine would be taken from government stocks that were being delivered to clinics as needed,” Dr. Hewitt replied, in answer to a senator’s question.

“What we’ve seen during the COVID mismanagement and malfeasance was the largest transfer of wealth in our nation’s history from We the People to Big Pharma via Big Government that lied repeatedly during the COVID mismanagement,” Roberts said.

Queensland Senator Gerard Rennick, a member of the Liberal National Party, on Wednesday as asked the doctors whether they could explain how Pfizer’s mRNA COVID injections were causing heart disease.

As Antic had noted, even Australia’s Theraputic Goods Administration had confirmed the link between COVID vaccines and heart diseases such as myocarditis and pericarditis.

“Can you explain the process, why the vaccine causes myocarditis and pericarditis?” Sen. Rennick asked.

Dr. Thiru began by expressing his “confidence in the safety profile” of the vaccine, but was cut off by Sen. Rennick when it became apparent that the doctor was filibustering.

Calling for a point of order, he again asked the Pfizer doctors, “Do you understand why [Pfizer’s vaccine] causes myocarditis? I want you to explain to me why it causes myocarditis.”

Dr. Thiru said that Pfizer is “aware of very rare reports of myocarditis and pericarditis that have been temporarily associated with the vaccine,” before being interrupted again by Rennick to answer the question.

In response, Thiru again referred t to the “small” number of reports around the world linking myocarditis to the Pfizer jab, before being interrupted for a third time by Rennick.

“I’m not referring to the number of reports,” the Queensland senator pressed. “I want you to explain to me the mechanism of how the vaccine causes myocarditis. Do you or do you not understand the mechanism of why the vaccine causes myocarditis?”

“It looks to me like you don’t. And if you don’t understand it, why are you saying the vaccine is safe without qualifying the risks?” he asked.

The committee chair directed Dr. Thiru to “get to” Sen. Rennick’s question, but the Pfizer doctor insisted on talking about the mRNA product’s benefit-risk ratio, which he indicated was excellent.

Rennick tried one last time to get a straight answer from the Pfizer doc.

“The question that I asked was can you explain why the vaccine causes myocarditis. Yes or no?” he asked.

After Thiru tried to deflect one more time by citing the jabs’ allegedly justifiable benefit-risk ratio, Rennick gave up.

“You clearly don’t understand the pathway, do you? Because you can’t explain it,” the senator said

Thiru said he would have to “come back” to the committee with “whatever information we can provide” on the mechanism of how the vaccine causes myocarditis.

Sen. Antic was similarly frustrated when he asked the doctors from Moderna to provide data on the rates of serious adverse events, which a recent medical journal report showed was occurring in one of 800 vax recipients.

He asked the Moderna representatives how their own internal adverse reaction numbers compared with that study.

Dr. Chris Clarke, Moderna’s Director, Scientific Leadership, told Antic that he had not seen the report.

“Do you think you should be aware of that?” Antic pressed. “This has been widely reported. You are a manufacturer of vaccines. I find it difficult to think that you wouldn’t be aware of this report.”

“You can’t tell me the rates of serious adverse events. You realize you’ve come to a Senate hearing today for the purposes of exactly that question. And you can’t tell me the rates of serious adverse reactions to your product, which I find extraordinary,” he said.

When Antic asked Clarke what Moderna’s overall rate of serious vaccine injury was for its COVID product, the doctor admitted that he doesn’t know “the actual rates of adverse events.”

“You don’t have the rates of adverse events in front of you?” Antic asked incredulously.

Was any government more evil to its people during Covid than Australia's?

How often do USC basketball players get cardiac arrests?​

Executive summary

Based on overall statistics, it appears that USC should normally expect to see about 1 cardiac arrest of a basketball player every 100 years or so.

So two events within a 12 month period is statistically highly unlikely. This means there is an external cause.

The last time it happened, a year ago with Vincent Iwuchukwu, doctors never found the cause. To this day, it remains an unsolved medical mystery.

The statistics suggests that fewer than 1 USC player will have a cardiac arrest every 100 years​

If there are 20 people on the entire team each year, all black males, then we’d expect to see one cardiac arrest every 100 years at most, on average.

So the fact that we are seeing 2 cardiac arrests in a year suggests something novel is causing this. It would have to be a powerful drug to cause such damage. And it would have to be created within the last year or two, otherwise we would have seen this before.

Congenital defect?​

It’s possible that Bronny James has a congenital heart defect that caused the cardiac arrest. If so, that will be easy to diagnose.

But if not, it’s important to figure out what might be causing this.

It could be the COVID vaccine for example. Or maybe something else.

Whatever the cause, I believe this is an opportunity for Bronny James to educate the public.

Other statistics from peer-reviewed studies support this​

Various people on Twitter called attention to the following three papers, all of which support what I wrote. Let’s look at the key findings.

SCD papers​

Outcomes of Cardiac Screening in Adolescent Soccer Players
Outcome: 6.8 deaths per year per 100,000 players in the UK. The paper pointed out that previous studies of SCD in athletes had estimates that varied between 0.5 and 13 deaths per 100,000 athletes. The Real Truther challenged asked me to explain this paper to him . It’s easy. The paper did a careful study of UK soccer player and determined that the deaths fit into the previously known range. The reason for the variation in death rates is that it is strongly dependent on the sport being studied. Basketball and football have the highest death rates, soccer is #3 (look at the Aetiology paper for the breakdown). This study just looked looked at soccer.

Sudden Cardiac Death in Athletes in Italy during 2019: Internet-Based Epidemiological Research
Outcome: 1.0 deaths per year per 100,000 competitive players across all sport in Italy (0.32 in non-competitive players). Male:female death ratio: 9.9:1. My conclusion is that Italy may do a better job of athlete screening than the UK (per the paper above).

Incidence, Cause, and Comparative Frequency of Sudden Cardiac Death in National Collegiate Athletic Association Athletes
3.4 medical deaths per year per 100,000 players in the US. Black:white death rate was 3.2:1. Male:female death rate: 3.2:1. For Division I male basketball players, the rate is 19.2 deaths per 100,000 players in a year (i.e., 1 in 5,200 male basketball players per year).

SCA papers​

Survival After Exercise-Related Sudden Cardiac Arrest in Young Athletes: Can We Do Better?
This paper was focused on survival rates after SCA. Overall survival was 48%. But NCAA Division I had a 75% survival. The point of the paper was to show that interventions can increase survival risks.

Aetiology and incidence of sudden cardiac arrest and death in young competitive athletes in the USA: a 4-year prospective study
Basically, this paper showed that over half the people with SCA end up dead. So to estimate the SCD rate, you can take the SCA numbers and divide by 2. Football and basketball made up over half of all SCD cases, with soccer being the next most likely.

SCA rates for male Black basketball players were EXACTLY as BARD told me: African American male NCAA Division I basketball players had the highest annual incidence rate of SCA: 1:2087 AY. So 1 in 2,000 Black Division I basketball players should be expected to have a cardiac arrest each year (i.e., 47.9 SCA per 100,000 players each year).

Oddly, I was accused by subboy777 (a Twitter account with zero followers) of using USC data. Nope, I used the data from the very paper he cited (Bard pulled it from the paper he cited).

The big problem here that nobody is pointing out​

It’s not just that the rates of SCA/SCD are higher after the COVID vaccines were rolled out.

But it’s also the CAUSE of SCA/SCD have gone from “we can almost always determine the cause” to “we haven’t got a clue as to what caused this”. That’s a huge problem. And it’s only happening (where we don’t know the cause) in athletes who have been vaccinated with the COVID vaccine, for some reason. Hmmm….

[IMG alt="An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is bjsports-2020-102666f02.jpg"]https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F9118abc0-532c-41c0-a847-c13fd6d3e48f_669x341.jpeg[/IMG]

Figure 2 from Aetiology and incidence of sudden cardiac arrest and death in young competitive athletes in the USA: a 4-year prospective study shows that we used know the causes of SCA/D. But today, the causes are “unknown.” It’s baffling. There is a new, novel killer that mainstream medicine can’t identify and it’s only happening to vaccinated athletes.
If I’m wrong about that and the rate of “unknown” SCA/D events is the same in the vaccinated and unvaccinated, please provide evidence in the comments. Thanks.

CALEB WHITEH.S. BASKETBALL STAR DEAD AT 17... After Collapsing During Workout​

Caleb White -- one of the best high school basketball players in the country -- has tragically died ... after his family said he collapsed during an on-court workout at school on Thursday.

White's grandfather, George Varnadoe Jr., announced the sad news in a series of Facebook posts ... saying following the medical emergency, despite the best efforts of first responders at White's Pinson Valley High School and doctors at a nearby hospital, the point guard was pronounced dead.

He was just 17 years old.


image000000 2.JPG
Anyone liking this new normal?


A sudden cardiac arrest took the life of a high school girl, remembered for her exuberance and hard work.

Callie Mitchell, the 16-year-old high schooler entering her junior year, suffered a fatal cardiac arrest at her cheerleading camp, which she attended as of July 24.

The popular Morton Ranch High School (Katy, TX.) cheerleader was at Texas A&M when the medical emergency occurred. Mitchell had to be airlifted to Texas Children’s Hospital.

Tragic Medical Emergency Kills Texas Cheerleader​

Despite the coach’s CPR, Mitchell died from the sudden attack.

Mitchell’s bereaved parents, Michelle and Scott Donahue, suggested that the cardiac arrest stemmed from Callie’s Long QT. The coach contacted Callie’s parents days before the fatal cardiac arrest.

“If it wasn’t for [the coach], we would have never had the chance to say goodbye,” Michelle Donahue said.

Mitchell’s parents also encourage fellow Morton Ranch High School parents to buy EKGs, which monitor signs of a potentially fatal heart disorder.

“For any other parents out there, you know they do physicals every year. … EKGs are not part of a physical. … Get an EKG,” Scott Donohue said.
I just hope, for the sake of all, that the women on the View got their shots and boosters!

I keep hoping it takes out some people who truly deserve it, but all i get is the horror of the innocent passing away.
Anyone liking this new normal?


A sudden cardiac arrest took the life of a high school girl, remembered for her exuberance and hard work.

Callie Mitchell, the 16-year-old high schooler entering her junior year, suffered a fatal cardiac arrest at her cheerleading camp, which she attended as of July 24.

The popular Morton Ranch High School (Katy, TX.) cheerleader was at Texas A&M when the medical emergency occurred. Mitchell had to be airlifted to Texas Children’s Hospital.

Tragic Medical Emergency Kills Texas Cheerleader​

Despite the coach’s CPR, Mitchell died from the sudden attack.

Mitchell’s bereaved parents, Michelle and Scott Donahue, suggested that the cardiac arrest stemmed from Callie’s Long QT. The coach contacted Callie’s parents days before the fatal cardiac arrest.

“If it wasn’t for [the coach], we would have never had the chance to say goodbye,” Michelle Donahue said.

Mitchell’s parents also encourage fellow Morton Ranch High School parents to buy EKGs, which monitor signs of a potentially fatal heart disorder.

“For any other parents out there, you know they do physicals every year. … EKGs are not part of a physical. … Get an EKG,” Scott Donohue said.
OMG, JFC, Doktors! - Trog