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Covid Vaccine

You would be in the obese category. Yeah, I have never been eligible for the denomination. I would recommend a high-protein diet but I presume you already follow that path.

You know, by eating a lot of meat.
Another zinger!
I guess we should be more forgiving of Dr. Flogstain's typographical errors. It must be difficult for him to hit the right keys with his gargantuan sausage fingers.
the BBQ sauce dripping off them has likely made the keys stick together, too.

yes, BBQ sauce and not man-naise, since his Obese *** likely cannot look down to see zer crank.
Another zinger!

Jeez, Floggy, you really need to lay off that stuff.
Tim will tell you food deserts are a myth.
changing the argument again?
werent you the one who said that rural communities rely on Dollar General and other cheap grocery stores for food? I believe @Tim Steelersfan has said that your blinders-on drive through Appalachia (hope you're not still spreading the WooFloo) did not allow you to see other food stores.

change the argument again, but don't ever:
  • take personal responsibility
  • change your diet

remain the slovenly miserable sadass you've come to show yourself as
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changing the argument again?
werent you the one who said that rural communities rely on Dollar General and other cheap grocery stores for food? I believe @Tim Steelersfan has said that your blinders-on drive through Appalachia (hope you're not still spreading the WooFloo) did not allow you to see other food stores.

change the argument again, but don't ever:
  • take personal responsibility
  • change your diet

remain the slovely miserable sadass you've come to show yourself as
😂 says the divorcee living in a Tampa trailer park!
😂 says the divorcee living in a Tampa trailer park!
dipshit, as hung up as you are on my personal life, allow me to clue you in

after my divorce, i took a personal inventory. i went back to college. completed my degree and got a second one. i live in a 4 bed, 3 bath house with a pool - building the equity in it. i gained weight as i aged, but have lost 35 pounds. added muscle, and keeping the weight off. i workout 6 days per week and live a comfortable life.

well, as comfortable as one can get being close to a goddamned Ogurr and Ark.

i'm in zero need or desire for your approval, but could get that by sending you a box of oatmeal creme pies. Or are oreos your preference today? Probably oreos since they remind you of the train ran on your wife every weekend. either way, you're getting a creme pie, right?
well, as comfortable as one can get being close to a goddamned Ogurr and Ark.

That right there deserves a medal.

i'm in zero need or desire for your approval, but could get that by sending you a box of oatmeal creme pies. Or are oreos your preference today? Probably oreos since they remind you of the train ran on your wife every weekend. either way, you're getting a creme pie, right?

I believe Dr. Flogstain has stated he prefers sausages.
FFS, READ the study, it’s a thing. Are you really so naive to think that a business that sells perishable food wouldn’t struggle in an area with few and far in between mostly poor residents and eventually be replaced by a business selling “food” with a long shelf life? Don’t answer that, you already have.


I did dipshit, and your article doesn't answer the questions I asked you. Maybe you should read the study you posted. You're claiming it documents what it does not.

Some statements you missed from the article you posted you didn't read:

Supercenters and dollar stores have picked up most of the lost shares of grocery stores, especially in rural areas.

This means Walmart. Full-on grocery stores in them. What a dumb article. "Lost shares of grocery stores" are replaced by Supercenters grocery stores.

This statement is just profound....

In recent years, dollar stores have rapidly expanded their retail footprint in ways that are highly visible in communities across the country, yet there is limited empirical evidence investigating the impact of this expansion on household food purchases on a national scale.

...but we're gonna write a report and state that the impact is measurable and substantial and impactful :ROFLMAO: 🤡

And the conclusion of the article is:

Our results showed that there is substantial growth of dollar stores in the food retail landscape.

We conclude there is substantial growth of dollar stores. WTF!? Eureka! (you could have googled for that bit of data, but god damn you found a study that concluded the data is factual. Dollar Stores are on the rise!). 🤡:ROFLMAO:

The most PROFOUND finding in the article:

In 2008, households spent an average of 62.3% of their food budget in grocery stores. This number declined to 58.3% in 2020. This loss was picked up by club stores (2.4 percentage points), supercenters (1.5 percentage points), dollar stores (1.0 percentage point), and convenience stores (0.2 percentage point).

This is serious WTF-level stuff. This article is complete garbage from the beginning because of definitions. The genius authors don't label club stores (Costco, Sam's Club, BJs) as grocery stores, when in fact they truly are. I hit Sams every other week at a minimum (in fact headed there today) and get meats, vegetables and staples. The genius authors further don't define Supercenters as grocery stores. Go into a Walmart Supercenter and tell me that isn't a full, 100% grocery store. LMAO

Then...then....then :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: after keeping grocery stores out of their category "grocery stores", they state: This loss was picked up by club stores (2.4 percentage points), supercenters (1.5 percentage points), dollar stores (1.0 percentage point), and convenience stores (0.2 percentage point).

Club Stores/Supercenters grocery stores made up 3.5% of the "lost budget" while dollar stores/convenience stores made up 1.2 points.

You just can't make **** up.

Straight up misinformation.

Now please, while you smash your next powdered donut, go back and show/plot the distances between grocery stores and dollar stores and how many homes have no food choice but a Dollar Store.
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I pointed out your nonsense and you ignored it.

West Virginia is #1 in obesity and 92% white. Canton OH and Myrtle Beach are more obese than Detroit. More black? Not by a long shot.

Who’s the bigot?

No way are you a lawyer, no way.
Obviously there are more fat whites. They are like 70% of the population.
What the **** is your problem?
You're trolling. Not a wise thing to do.

In 2022, Black adults had the highest obesity rates of any race or ethnicity in the United States, followed by American Indians/Alaska Natives and Hispanics. As of that time, around 44 percent of all Black adults were obese. Asians/Pacific Islanders had by far the lowest obesity rates.


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Again, of course they are marketing a type 2 diabetes weight loss drug to obese people.

Again, it's how. You don't show a happy, singing, dancing obese person saying "I'm all fine and dandy" since I started taking Jardiance - when OBVIOUSLY she is still at great risk. They prop her up as the "result" of taking Jardiance. I'd have no problem with the commercial if it showed say a before and after - "I lost 60lbs, started taking Jardiance and lowered my A1C."

Instead they sing a happy musical about how great life is staying obese by taking a little pill per day.

As far as it being an “elixir” or an alternative to diet and exercise, there’s nothing in the ad to indicate that.

Yeah, it's directly and indirectly indicated.

One, it is portrayed visually, as mentioned above. Life is Happy Town and you can remain obese by taking Jariance. That is directly the visual portrayal.
Two, they never state anywhere "in combination with improved diet and exercise" or Jardiance is not intended to replace a healthy diet and exercise routine.

Not once.

She sings about the fact that it lowers A1C. She’s not singing “Jardiance means I can eat, whatever I want and still be skinneeeeee”.

See above.

And who said I’m ok with overprescribing?

That was the point of my original message, the over prescription/abuse of these types of drugs (Jardiance/Ozempic)

As I said before, you've taken a very "Liberal" tact on this issue. Using sympathy and the uber minority to justify rules for the masses. "1.5% of rapes are necessary, so we must make abortion universally available to all and claim it is a true Right."

Since, you've gone on about the exception - the overweight person who just can't help it, medically needs assistance with their weight - when we all know the overwhelming vast majority of obesity is due to the individual and poor lifestyle choices.

You're defending the small % who truly need these drugs while being fine with, oh say, up to 1/3 of Americans being on Ozempic instead of making lifestyle changes.

I oppose this.
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The current discussion could branch off into all kinds of other topics, but really boils down to personal responsibility and whether one accepts the challenge or not.

Life throws all kinds of obstacles in our path and it's how we manage them that determines the quality of our lives. Addictions come in all forms, drugs, alcohol, eating, gambling, work, working out, sex, shopping on line and on and on and on. Unlike who wins the Super Bowl or the next Presidential election, these are things we can actually do something about, if we only choose to.
😂 so you’re an official hillbilly and unless it’s a dirt road, it’s not Appalachia.

I officially lived in Appalachia for a portion of my life yes. And I'm correcting your ignorance (once again). I95 runs through Appalachia as does I75 and I81. Having lived a part of my life there, having family still there I visit frequently, I'm quite able to destroy your stupid claim that these areas rely on Dollar Stores for the majority of their food.

It was a stupid claim, the article was stupid (I tore it to shreds) and you continue to speak about a topic you're ill-equipped to debate.

95% kinda like Steeltime’s “directly related”. “Every stoplight, No groceries” never said that. Again, you lose an argument, so you change the argument.

What you said: "I’ve been on a few road trips this past year through Appalachia and you can drive for an hour and the only business you see is a dollar store."

You can drive for an hour and the ONLY business you see is a dollar store.

Please point to what highway and where this exists. I'd like to go pull it up on Google maps.

I'll wait.
what's wild is that people living out in rural communities, surrounded by wilderness, are unable to find a way to feed themselves - except via packets of hostess ding dongs and weiners from Dollar General,

per flog.

almost like there's no wildlife out there in the sticks.
It’s still up to the physician to diagnose and prescribe it. Unlike some I don’t mind that pharmaceutical companies make money. Money making spurs innovation. It costs over a billion dollars to bring a new drug to market. If there was no shot at profiting from it no one would be researching and developing new drugs. I don’t take the cynical view of some that developing new drugs is something diabolical and evil. It’s actually something that saves millions of lives.
It sure would be better if everyone had perfectly healthy habits. Wouldn’t prevent all disease but would prevent a lot. Reality is they don’t.

Before you lump me into this category (which it smells like you may be), I have no problem with advancing science in medicine and pharmas making money. We need drugs and we need drug innovations. Drugs saved my life, literally, when I was young. Wouldn't be here.

My problem is the combination of factors in the US leading to a societal situation we shouldn't be in. We suffer massive/excessive advertising of drugs - and only those drugs that make them profit, not all drugs that would most benefit mankind. As Fedderone says, people now call their doctors and say "can I get Ozempic and lose weight?" That **** never happened when we were growing up. And some Drs. are prescribing these drugs freely (like my friend and her daughter with Ozempic).

There's a reason every nation on earth but the USA and New Zealand don't allow these pharma adverts. It results in what we've become. We have too many people on too many unnecessary drugs driven by a profit train and a sometimes questionable medical community all to willing to easily hand out scripts.

Meds are great. Meds should be controlled. Meds should be used when necessary. Avoided when not.
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what's wild is that people living out in rural communities, surrounded by wilderness, are unable to find a way to feed themselves - except via packets of hostess ding dongs and weiners from Dollar General,

per flog.

almost like there's no wildlife out there in the sticks.

Yeah and you can drive an HOUR and see nothing but Dollar Stores. Literally. We are just waiting for a Google map link....

It's almost like them rednecks' trucks must be powered by air, since there ain't be no gas stations for an hour. Can y'imagine no theaters or restaurants either? "Honey, whatcha wannadoo tonight, head to the Dollar Store or stay in and watch Hee Haw?" I mean, it's literally the ONLY place in town. The ONLY thing on a highway in either direction for an hour. Them peoples must be get all their furniture, clothes, auto parts, windows, water heaters, lumber and just AIRYthing from Dollah Generuh.
what's wild is that people living out in rural communities, surrounded by wilderness, are unable to find a way to feed themselves - except via packets of hostess ding dongs and weiners from Dollar General,

per flog.

almost like there's no wildlife out there in the sticks.
Or weed(s)
I officially lived in Appalachia for a portion of my life yes. And I'm correcting your ignorance (once again). I95 runs through Appalachia as does I75 and I81. Having lived a part of my life there, having family still there I visit frequently, I'm quite able to destroy your stupid claim that these areas rely on Dollar Stores for the majority of their food.

It was a stupid claim, the article was stupid (I tore it to shreds) and you continue to speak about a topic you're ill-equipped to debate.

What you said: "I’ve been on a few road trips this past year through Appalachia and you can drive for an hour and the only business you see is a dollar store."

You can drive for an hour and the ONLY business you see is a dollar store.

Please point to what highway and where this exists. I'd like to go pull it up on Google maps.

I'll wait.
I wouldn't hold your breath on this one.

But I'm sure Trog will provide you of a map of Fantasy Island to show this imaginary location to you.
Before you lump me into this category (which it smells like you may be), I have no problem with advancing science in medicine and pharmas making money. We need drugs and we need drug innovations. Drugs saved my life, literally, when I was young. Wouldn't be here.

My problem is the combination of factors in the US leading to a societal situation we shouldn't be in. We suffer massive/excessive advertising of drugs - and only those drugs that make them profit, not all drugs that would most benefit mankind. As Fedderone says, people now call their doctors and say "can I get Ozempic and lose weight?" That **** never happened when we were growing up. And some Drs. are prescribing these drugs freely (like my friend and her daughter with Ozempic).

There's a reason every nation on earth but the USA and New Zealand don't allow these pharma adverts. It results in what we've become. We have too many people on too many unnecessary drugs driven by a profit train and a sometimes questionable medical community all to willing to easily hand out scripts.

Meds are great. Meds should be controlled. Meds should be used when necessary. Avoided when not.
Medicine/drugs would make a healthy person sick......or so I heard many years ago.
Yeah and you can drive an HOUR and see nothing but Dollar Stores. Literally. We are just waiting for a Google map link....

It's almost like them rednecks' trucks must be powered by air, since there ain't be no gas stations for an hour. Can y'imagine no theaters or restaurants either? "Honey, whatcha wannadoo tonight, head to the Dollar Store or stay in and watch Hee Haw?" I mean, it's literally the ONLY place in town. The ONLY thing on a highway in either direction for an hour. Them peoples must be get all their furniture, clothes, auto parts, windows, water heaters, lumber and just AIRYthing from Dollah Generuh.
the DG do sell them foldup chairs and card tables every so often. gotta stick around and wait for the delivery.

unlike Floggy, who just goes in, grabs a Mtn Dew 2-liter, sucks down some weiners and grabs a ding dong before leaving with his powdered donuts for the road. hey, its a long drive to the next DG and a zey gotta keep a full belly.
Again, it's how. You don't show a happy, singing, dancing obese person saying "I'm all fine and dandy" since I started taking Jardiance - when OBVIOUSLY she is still at great risk. They prop her up as the "result" of taking Jardiance. I'd have no problem with the commercial if it showed say a before and after - "I lost 60lbs, started taking Jardiance and lowered my A1C."

Instead they sing a happy musical about how great life is staying obese by taking a little pill per day.

Yeah, it's directly and indirectly indicated.

One, it is portrayed visually, as mentioned above. Life is Happy Town and you can remain obese by taking Jariance. That is directly the visual portrayal.
Two, they never state anywhere "in combination with improved diet and exercise" or Jardiance is not intended to replace a healthy diet and exercise routine.

Not once.

See above.

That was the point of my original message, the over prescription/abuse of these types of drugs (Jardiance/Ozempic)

As I said before, you've taken a very "Liberal" tact on this issue. Using sympathy and the uber minority to justify rules for the masses. "1.5% of rapes are necessary, so we must make abortion universally available to all and claim it is a true Right."

Since, you've gone on about the exception - the overweight person who just can't help it, medically needs assistance with their weight - when we all know the overwhelming vast majority of obesity is due to the individual and poor lifestyle choices.

You're defending the small % who truly need these drugs while being fine with, oh say, up to 1/3 of Americans being on Ozempic instead of making lifestyle changes.

I oppose this.
I’ve not said anyone “just can’t help it”. I’ve just said it’s harder for some people. Obviously it’s not a super easy thing to do because many more people would be doing it. And they weren’t doing it, even before the advent of these drugs. Your position is they don’t deserve help. My position is anything that can help intractably obese people to lose weight is a good thing. What is “over prescription”? The celebrity who wants to drop those last 10 pounds? Sure. I mean rich people can find doctors who will do whatever they want. Michael Jackson, Prince, Tom Petty et al would suggest that’s a real problem.

A morbidly obese person who has likely tried and failed many times to lose weight? Not overprescription, a proper use of medical harm reduction.
So we are up to 788 pages.
My contribution today.

And I feel very sorry for those that continue to get thiese boosters, Hope you live to see your grandchildren's children. I think you've cut that probability by 75% or more.
Enjoy your life. Try not to get paranoid.

1st 17 or so minutes for those that can't stand Tucker. 17 minutes out of your life.

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