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Covid Vaccine

So we are up to 788 pages.
My contribution today.

And I feel very sorry for those that continue to get thiese boosters, Hope you live to see your grandchildren's children. I think you've cut that probability by 75% or more.
Enjoy your life. Try not to get paranoid.

1st 10 or so minutes for those that can't stand Tucker. 10 minutes out of your life.

Thank you.
That doctor was well spoken, simplified concepts and presented a common sense approach.
dipshit, as hung up as you are on my personal life, allow me to clue you in

after my divorce, i took a personal inventory. i went back to college. completed my degree and got a second one. i live in a 4 bed, 3 bath house with a pool - building the equity in it. i gained weight as i aged, but have lost 350 pounds. added muscle, and keeping the weight off. i workout 6 days per week and live a comfortable life.

well, as comfortable as one can get being close to a goddamned Ogurr and Ark.

i'm in zero need or desire for your approval, but could get that by sending you a box of oatmeal creme pies. Or are oreos your preference today? Probably oreos since they remind you of the train ran on your wife every weekend. either way, you're getting a creme pie, right?
350 pounds! So proud of you! The incident with your care giver finding half of a moldy PB&J sandwich in one of your fat folds during the sponge bath must have been rock bottom for you. Take care of your new house and yourself lest they need to knock out a wall again to load you onto a flat bed.

350 pounds! So proud of you! The incident with your care giver finding half of a moldy PB&J sandwich in one of your fat folds during the sponge bath must have been rock bottom for you. Take care of your new house and yourself lest they need to knock out a wall again to load you onto a flat bed.
What color is your cellar?

Keep prancing. I think you are an idiot.
Have a nice evening.
350 pounds! So proud of you! The incident with your care giver finding half of a moldy PB&J sandwich in one of your fat folds during the sponge bath must have been rock bottom for you. Take care of your new house and yourself lest they need to knock out a wall again to load you onto a flat bed.
never again are you allowed to say that someone used "jv jokes" - since this doesnt even rise to that level.
you've proven time and again that you're a simple minded idiot and this is more concrete proof.
350 pounds! So proud of you! The incident with your care giver finding half of a moldy PB&J sandwich in one of your fat folds during the sponge bath must have been rock bottom for you. Take care of your new house and yourself lest they need to knock out a wall again to load you onto a flat bed.

Back to your midday snack, Floggy. Don't get too winded using the keyboard.
Your position is they don’t deserve help.

Negative. When you have projections that 1/3 of America will be on Ozempic by next year for weight loss, it's clear that society has shifted to over-prescribing meds v working on preventative measures.

Those who truly need it need it and should get it. Those too lazy or unmotivated to take care of themselves shouldn't be keeping diabetics from getting it.

What is “over prescription”?

The dynamic we saw unfold in 2023 with Ozempic where diabetics couldn't get the needed drug because too many doctors were prescribing it as a weight loss drug.

That same mother daughter couple I mentioned to you stopped being able to get their Ozempic for months (and were in quite a fit about it) because literally pharmacies here in the DC metro area were simply out.

A morbidly obese person who has likely tried and failed many times to lose weight? Not overprescription, a proper use of medical harm reduction.

You're assuming Ozempic is being prescribed only for the morbidly obese. That's a terribly faulty assumption. It's being prescribed for many people simply overweight.

Thus...the supply, demand issues leading to shortages of Ozempic.

It's in the news.

Ozempic weight loss trend causes shortage for Upstate diabetics​

Those poor diabetics.
Negative. When you have projections that 1/3 of America will be on Ozempic by next year for weight loss, it's clear that society has shifted to over-prescribing meds v working on preventative measures.

Those who truly need it need it and should get it. Those too lazy or unmotivated to take care of themselves shouldn't be keeping diabetics from getting it.

The dynamic we saw unfold in 2023 with Ozempic where diabetics couldn't get the needed drug because too many doctors were prescribing it as a weight loss drug.

That same mother daughter couple I mentioned to you stopped being able to get their Ozempic for months (and were in quite a fit about it) because literally pharmacies here in the DC metro area were simply out.

You're assuming Ozempic is being prescribed only for the morbidly obese. That's a terribly faulty assumption. It's being prescribed for many people simply overweight.

Thus...the supply, demand issues leading to shortages of Ozempic.

It's in the news.

Ozempic weight loss trend causes shortage for Upstate diabetics​

Those poor diabetics.
what about the revenue and profit margins for the pharma companies?
So we are up to 788 pages.
My contribution today.

And I feel very sorry for those that continue to get thiese boosters, Hope you live to see your grandchildren's children. I think you've cut that probability by 75% or more.
Enjoy your life. Try not to get paranoid.

1st 17 or so minutes for those that can't stand Tucker. 17 minutes out of your life.

Believe all doctors. All doctors.

350 pounds! So proud of you! The incident with your care giver finding half of a moldy PB&J sandwich in one of your fat folds during the sponge bath must have been rock bottom for you. Take care of your new house and yourself lest they need to knock out a wall again to load you onto a flat bed.

Really? After self-admitting you're OBESE, that you're Dollar General Store's #1 rewards client, you continue this path? Dude, I'll ship you the extra chromosome. LOL

350 pounds! So proud of you! The incident with your care giver finding half of a moldy PB&J sandwich in one of your fat folds during the sponge bath must have been rock bottom for you. Take care of your new house and yourself lest they need to knock out a wall again to load you onto a flat bed.

You just made fun of fat people.
It's not uncommon for a liberal who professes to be compassionate and accepting of all people to show that they are not so special. They will eventually slip up and use the words like " f a g g o t" or say something bigoted or racist....let alone turn to violence and spewers of hate.
dipshit, as hung up as you are on my personal life, allow me to clue you in

after my divorce, i took a personal inventory. i went back to college. completed my degree and got a second one. i live in a 4 bed, 3 bath house with a pool - building the equity in it. i gained weight as i aged, but have lost 35 pounds. added muscle, and keeping the weight off. i workout 6 days per week and live a comfortable life.

well, as comfortable as one can get being close to a goddamned Ogurr and Ark.

i'm in zero need or desire for your approval, but could get that by sending you a box of oatmeal creme pies. Or are oreos your preference today? Probably oreos since they remind you of the train ran on your wife every weekend. either way, you're getting a creme pie, right?

I see now you corrected the 350 typo. lol

I was gonna say you must have got yourself one of those Total Gym exercise machines touted by Chuck Norris.

Those infomercials that depict formerly obese people professing to lose 100's of pounds using this contraption only 15 minutes a day,... ...with no mention of dieting. What a crock of BS.

I spend an average of 1.5 hours of rigorous exercise at the gym, anywhere from 5 to 7 days a week.
I will not lose an ounce if I don't incorporate a healthy diet.

I burn between 600 to 800 calories a workout....all that is wiped out if I decide to get a Whopper and small fries afterward. A Burger King Whopper alone is 600 calories.

You will lose weight far quicker by dieting alone than by exercise alone. I have plenty of experience with this. I've done the starvation diet thing without much exercise and lost a lot of weight.
Then when I had COVID I was sick as a dog for almost 3 weeks. Had no appetite whatsoever. I'm guessing I lost 10 lbs.
I was on the heavy side. Losing the weight was the only good thing that came out of having COVID

Yeah I'm a yo-yo as far as my weight. I go up and down. I'm on the down side now and this time I intend to keep it that way!
Staying away from Dollar General.lol
I see now you corrected the 350 typo. lol

I was gonna say you must have got yourself one of those Total Gym exercise machines touted by Chuck Norris.

Those infomercials that depict formerly obese people professing to lose 100's of pounds using this contraption only 15 minutes a day,... ...with no mention of dieting. What a crock of BS.

I spend an average of 1.5 hours of rigorous exercise at the gym, anywhere from 5 to 7 days a week.
I will not lose an ounce if I don't incorporate a healthy diet.

I burn between 600 to 800 calories a workout....all that is wiped out if I decide to get a Whopper and small fries afterward. A Burger King Whopper alone is 600 calories.

You will lose weight far quicker by dieting alone than by exercise alone. I have plenty of experience with this. I've done the starvation diet thing without much exercise and lost a lot of weight.
Then when I had COVID I was sick as a dog for almost 3 weeks. Had no appetite whatsoever. I'm guessing I lost 10 lbs.
I was on the heavy side. Losing the weight was the only good thing that came out of having COVID

Yeah I'm a yo-yo as far as my weight. I go up and down. I'm on the down side now and this time I intend to keep it that way!
Staying away from Dollar General.lol
was never a typo. Flog was making a miserable attempt at humor. the day i decided to try and get in shape, i was 233 - at least. Now, I'm 198. I hover between 195-198, with 194 being the lowest I've been - and that was in June. But, had I lost 350 pounds, as the dense ************ claims - i'd be walking around shirtless showing off to everyone. Alas, I'm still the humble Supe I've always been, which is eons better than Flog could ever dream of being.
@Troglodyte, since you are so tremendously concerned with the WooFloo being spread, are you also shaking in your boots about the communicable diseases entering this country via illegal immigrants waltzing across the southern border?
@Troglodyte, since you are so tremendously concerned with the WooFloo being spread, are you also shaking in your boots about the communicable diseases entering this country via illegal immigrants waltzing across the southern border?
Paid for by US tax dollars generously allocated to UN immigration programs funding the movement of people?
Really? After self-admitting you're OBESE, that you're Dollar General Store's #1 rewards client, you continue this path? Dude, I'll ship you the extra chromosome. LOL

BMI 😂 You go by BMI?

Fortunately for some, and unfortunately for others, we are mostly stuck with the physique we had when we were 18. For you, and I suspect Stuporman, you can’t afford any extra pounds. Sure, you can “get in shape” and work out all you want but you’ll never change the overall physique of you had as an 18 year old. Your shoulders will never broaden and you will never gain the muscle you could have as a youngster no matter how much you work out. Howard Stern used to lament about it all the time. BMI assumes an average body type and doesn’t account for how much muscle a person has.
@Troglodyte, since you are so tremendously concerned with the WooFloo being spread, are you also shaking in your boots about the communicable diseases entering this country via illegal immigrants waltzing across the southern border?
Not familiar
BMI 😂 You go by BMI?

Fortunately for some, and unfortunately for others, we are mostly stuck with the physique we had when we were 18. For you, and I suspect Stuporman, you can’t afford any extra pounds. Sure, you can “get in shape” and work out all you want but you’ll never change the overall physique of you had as an 18 year old. Your shoulders will never broaden and you will never gain the muscle you could have as a youngster no matter how much you work out. Howard Stern used to lament about it all the time. BMI assumes an average body type and doesn’t account for how much muscle a person has.
LMFAO. you're full of **** and so is Howard Stern. I mean, wait... you're taking health advice from the king of media? the guy who thought he had cancer for a year? this is rich.

Stern thought he had cancer for a year because his doctors told him the growth on his kidney could be cancerous.
Turns out, they were wrong.

789 pages of Trog's drooling single-IQ obese weiner hogging daily fuckup telling us that doctors are never ever wrong, yet ... Howard Stern.

LMFAO. you're full of **** and so is Howard Stern. I mean, wait... you're taking health advice from the king of media? the guy who thought he had cancer for a year? this is rich.

Stern thought he had cancer for a year because his doctors told him the growth on his kidney could be cancerous.
Turns out, they were wrong.

789 pages of Trog's drooling single-IQ obese weiner hogging daily fuckup telling us that doctors are never ever wrong, yet ... Howard Stern.

Oh, so you ARE one of the “I work out six days a week” braggarts that you would never know works out six days a week because he still has the wimpy physique of his 18 year old self. Thought so.

It is good you work out though.