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BMI 😂 You go by BMI?

Fortunately for some, and unfortunately for others, we are mostly stuck with the physique we had when we were 18. For you, and I suspect Stuporman, you can’t afford any extra pounds. Sure, you can “get in shape” and work out all you want but you’ll never change the overall physique of you had as an 18 year old. Your shoulders will never broaden and you will never gain the muscle you could have as a youngster no matter how much you work out.

Adults cannot change their physique?? And cannot gain muscle? That is the stupidest comment you have ever made and sir, that is saying A LOT. I have lifted since age 14, but I have changed my adult physique at least 2-3x. The first was when I was running an average of 20-25 miles per week and training for a marathon. I had no noticeable body fat at all. Zero.

Knee injuries caused me to stop running so I went back to the gym. I added muscle, quickly, and was lifting significant amounts of weight. Heavy lifting builds muscle and I showed the results. Unfortunately, shoulder problems and move to Arizona interrupted gym routine, and my body changed. Added bad weight, had a belly and said, "Yeah, enough of that" and so I built my home gym starting in 2021.

Since then, I have followed a high-protein, low carb diet and lift almost every day. I have a rotation that targets four different areas - legs, triceps/lats, chest, and arms/biceps. I once again dropped bad weight and changed my body completely. No gut at all. Defined upper and lower body, a lot more muscle. Yes, I added muscle as an adult.

Because I lifted ages 14-24, I have always been muscular but for you to claim I cannot add muscle as an adult is ludicrous. It really is. It also sounds like an excuse for you not to exercise. Any adult who follows a high-protein diet and lifts weights will add muscle.
Oh, so you ARE one of the “I work out six days a week” braggarts that you would never know works out six days a week because he still has the wimpy physique of his 18 year old self. Thought so.

It is good you work out though.

While younger people may get stronger and build bigger muscles much faster than their older counterparts, older people still get incredibly valuable health benefits from exercise, including improved strength, physical function and reduced disability. So the next time you are sweating during a workout session, remember that you are building muscle strength that is vital to maintaining mobility and good health throughout a long life.

Roger Fielding is the associate director of the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, Professor of Medicine, Tufts University. This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.
Oh, so you ARE one of the “I work out six days a week” braggarts that you would never know works out six days a week because he still has the wimpy physique of his 18 year old self. Thought so.

It is good you work out though.

"What is a statement by a fat *** who makes excuses for not working out, Alex?"

Hey, dumbshit, we have a workout thread in the Concession Stand forum. Lot of us have been posting there for years about our routines. MTC and I have shared workout advice. Now THAT dude lifts heavy.
Please provide your sources, are they ones I would respect and pay attention to?
you respect no one and obviously dont pay attention to anything outside of your face diaper.
"What is a statement by a fat *** who makes excuses for not working out, Alex?"

Hey, dumbshit, we have a workout thread in the Concession Stand forum. Lot of us have been posting there for years about our routines. MTC and I have shared workout advice. Now THAT dude lifts heavy.
"@MTC is a ******* 18 year old drippy ***** who hasnt gained an ounce of muscle since his first pube came in."
/Flog, nutritionist, Dokturrr, expurt on errythang
what a ******* *****.

Zac Efron, age 12

Torrie Wilson, age 10

Alina Popa, age 11

Adults cannot change their physique?? And cannot gain muscle? That is the stupidest comment you have ever made and sir, that is saying A LOT. I have lifted since age 14, but I have changed my adult physique at least 2-3x. The first was when I was running an average of 20-25 miles per week and training for a marathon. I had no noticeable body fat at all. Zero.

Knee injuries caused me to stop running so I went back to the gym. I added muscle, quickly, and was lifting significant amounts of weight. Heavy lifting builds muscle and I showed the results. Unfortunately, shoulder problems and move to Arizona interrupted gym routine, and my body changed. Added bad weight, had a belly and said, "Yeah, enough of that" and so I built my home gym starting in 2021.

Since then, I have followed a high-protein, low carb diet and lift almost every day. I have a rotation that targets four different areas - legs, triceps/lats, chest, and arms/biceps. I once again dropped bad weight and changed my body completely. No gut at all. Defined upper and lower body, a lot more muscle. Yes, I added muscle as an adult.

Because I lifted ages 14-24, I have always been muscular but for you to claim I cannot add muscle as an adult is ludicrous. It really is. It also sounds like an excuse for you not to exercise. Any adult who follows a high-protein diet and lifts weights will add muscle.
You can add muscle, but not like you could in your youth. The gains will be much slower and less noticeable. You’ll never broaden your shoulders.
I look at this a little differently, as I'm not interested in building muscle so much as tone and flexibility.
Stretching exercises in the morning and I do have a weight machine in the back yard, but it's just to maintain.
I was never a runner, however I do have a road bike and will walk everyday.

I'll let you in on a secret, when you hit 70, things change, your knees and sense of balance begin to decline in function.

So my program is to keep what I have as long as I can, while delaying the inevitable.

Get off the couch and go outside, stay active, 'cuz it won't last forever.
You can add muscle, but not like you could in your youth. The gains will be much slower and less noticeable. You’ll never broaden your shoulders.
Sounds pretty much like what I said. Thanks.

He was in fairly good shape and natural in the early picture. Traps need serious work in the older picture… and he’s like 5’8”.
you're so profoundly dense that you dont even know wtf you're saying from one post to another.
"What is a statement by a fat *** who makes excuses for not working out, Alex?"

Hey, dumbshit, we have a workout thread in the Concession Stand forum. Lot of us have been posting there for years about our routines. MTC and I have shared workout advice. Now THAT dude lifts heavy.
😂 why?

I walked 2.5 miles yesterday, did 1/2 hour on the elliptical and 1/2 hour of weights. Today I’m playing pickleball for a hour. Who cares?
You can add muscle, but not like you could in your youth. The gains will be much slower and less noticeable. You’ll never broaden your shoulders.

You realize that is the opposite of what you posted just a few minutes ago, right?
😂 why?

I walked 2.5 miles yesterday, did 1/2 hour on the elliptical and 1/2 hour of weights. Today I’m playing pickleball for a hour. Who cares?

Uhh, you - since you just posted it.

And by the way, lifting your fat *** off the couch does not qualify as lifting weights.
You will lose weight far quicker by dieting alone than by exercise alone.

This. But if you combine the two, you'll shed.

Yeah, I'm proud of myself, but I'm going to repeat it. April 15 2022, had blood drawn. Was way overweight, super high BP. April 18, 2022 doc calls with results. Says exercise and diet. 30 mins of cardio a day (or at least fat burn) and cut the crap you eat.

Started that day.

59 days later, by simply walking on a treadmill daily or riding a spinner daily (7 days a week then) and changing my diet...I lost 30lbs. In 2 months, I lost 30lbs. Took no pills or shots.

And I didn't starve. Never once truly felt hungry. My dinners were enormous. Two chicken breasts, two sides of vegetables and sometimes more. I just filled up on healthy food, not crap. Instead of Tostitos while watching Netflix, I'd have a yogurt. Sometimes two.

The weight melted off.
While this has already been addressed and destroyed, I too shall weigh in.

First conclusion - you're a certifiable idiot. You've again proven it, multiple times in this post alone.

BMI 😂 You go by BMI?

Yes. As most doctors do today. My PCP reminds me of mine each 6 month visit. Last week I had a regular check up with my gastrointestinal doc. Handed me my outpatient forms and right there on the form was my BMI.

You trust all doctors...until you don't. :ROFLMAO: 🤡

Fortunately for some, and unfortunately for others, we are mostly stuck with the physique we had when we were 18.

You're a blithering idiot. Literally, certifiably stupid. I was 5'10" 128lbs coming out of HS. Skinny as a rail - hs runner and wrestler.
After 2 months in college, eating massive amounts of healthy food and lifting every day - I was 155 by October that year.
End of my freshman year, I was 185. Benching 225, squatting nearly 400lbs (390). Became a college athlete as well.

The 18 year old me and the 19 and 20 and 21 year old me were monumentally different.

There are billions of other examples out there.

For you, and I suspect Stuporman, you can’t afford any extra pounds.

Wrong again. 2 years ago I was carrying 45 extra lbs I couldn't afford to.

Sure, you can “get in shape” and work out all you want but you’ll never change the overall physique of you had as an 18 year old. Your shoulders will never broaden and you will never gain the muscle you could have as a youngster no matter how much you work out.

Who said we need to change our physique? Regardless, you're wrong. You can change your overall physique, and in many cases improve it over what you were when you were 18. There are many people who were overweight/obese at 18 and in their 50s are not. Or who were skinny, and now carry good weight/muscle mass.

Howard Stern used to lament about it all the time. BMI assumes an average body type and doesn’t account for how much muscle a person has.

Mr. I Believe All Major Medical Associations also turns to Howard ******* Stern for medical advice. God...make it stop!!

You can rationalize away your obesity if you want to. Per BMI, you are 42lbs away from a healthy BMI. You're not a little off. You're way off.

You want to haggle over a few BMI points? Fine, I'll give you a few for the sake of argument. Let's say it's off by 5%. Even 10% Barney. You're still at the upper echelons of very overweight v obese.
Oh, so you ARE one of the “I work out six days a week” braggarts that you would never know works out six days a week because he still has the wimpy physique of his 18 year old self. Thought so.

It is good you work out though.

While StOoPid doesn't need me to defend him, I shall for the sake of humiliating you.

Believe it or not, many of us on this site know each other off of this site. Supe and a handful of others and I have been in a group text for like a decade. As an offshoot, several of us created a separate exercise thread that's been going on for a few years now. We all have a FitBit, we share daily exercise results like steps taken, calories burned, zone minutes, photos, etc. We encourage each other to keep up the work, to lose weight, to improve health.

At the risk of sounding like a rainbow warrior, you don't want to **** with Supe.

You addressing your health should be your priority.
You realize that is the opposite of what you posted just a few minutes ago, right?
No, go back, it’s exactly what I said. Just like I mentioned the age 18, now Stupe tries to change it to 10 and 12. Lose an argument, change the argument.