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Covid Vaccine

šŸ˜‚ why?

I walked 2.5 miles yesterday, did 1/2 hour on the elliptical and 1/2 hour of weights. Today Iā€™m playing pickleball for a hour. Who cares?

Yay! We have shamed Floggy into addressing his obesity.
While this has already been addressed and destroyed, I too shall weigh in.

First conclusion - you're a certifiable idiot. You've again proven it, multiple times in this post alone.

Yes. As most doctors do today. My PCP reminds me of mine each 6 month visit. Last week I had a regular check up with my gastrointestinal doc. Handed me my outpatient forms and right there on the form was my BMI.

You trust all doctors...until you don't. :ROFLMAO: šŸ¤”

If you rely on the BMI chart you must have an average body and average muscle mass. You look a lot more like Richard Simmons than you do John Cena.
You're a blithering idiot. Literally, certifiably stupid. I was 5'10" 128lbs coming out of HS. Skinny as a rail - hs runner and wrestler.
After 2 months in college, eating massive amounts of healthy food and lifting every day - I was 155 by October that year.
End of my freshman year, I was 185. Benching 225, squatting nearly 400lbs (390). Became a college athlete as well.

The 18 year old me and the 19 and 20 and 21 year old me were monumentally different.
And you grew 6ā€? Didnā€™t think so.
There are billions of other examples out there.

Wrong again. 2 years ago I was carrying 45 extra lbs I couldn't afford to.

Who said we need to change our physique? Regardless, you're wrong. You can change your overall physique, and in many cases improve it over what you were when you were 18. There are many people who were overweight/obese at 18 and in their 50s are not. Or who were skinny, and now carry good weight/muscle mass.
Their narrow shoulders are still narrow their hunched backs are still hunched their knock knees are still knocked. You can gain and lose weight. Physiques donā€™t change.
Mr. I Believe All Major Medical Associations also turns to Howard ******* Stern for medical advice. God...make it stop!!
It wasnā€™t advice. He was lamenting a fact. If you have a bad body at 18, thereā€™s only so much you can do to improve it.
You can rationalize away your obesity if you want to. Per BMI, you are 42lbs away from a healthy BMI. You're not a little off. You're way off.

You want to haggle over a few BMI points? Fine, I'll give you a few for the sake of argument. Let's say it's off by 5%. Even 10% Barney. You're still at the upper echelons of very overweight v obese.
šŸ˜‚ How many lbs. away is Jaylen Warren from not being obese?
is John Cena even remotely the same as he was when he was 16?

jesus didnt die for you to be this goddamned stupid, flog
allah didnt finger **** little kids for you to be this shamelessly dense
john wayne didnt kill all the injuns just so you can conciously lower your iq points
No, go back, itā€™s exactly what I said. Just like I mentioned the age 18, now Stupe tries to change it to 10 and 12. Lose an argument, change the argument.
those pictures were of those celebrities before they turned 18. thus i'm defending your message above.
or were those people over the age of 18, with quite significant changes in their physiques?
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If you rely on the BMI chart you must have an average body and average muscle mass. You look a lot more like Richard Simmons than you do John Cena.

I don't rely on it. My physicians (plural) use it as a guide. You trust all doctors, right?

And you grew 6ā€? Didnā€™t think so.

Flogtard: "we are mostly stuck with the physique we had when we were 18"

You stand corrected, again.

Their narrow shoulders are still narrow their hunched backs are still hunched their knock knees are still knocked. You can gain and lose weight. Physiques donā€™t change.

Physiques do change. This has been explained to you slowly. You've been given visual evidence. Like a good little liberal, you deny reality. Men can have periods, women can have penises, the border is secure, and defunding the police reduces crime.

Why is reality so difficult for ya'll to grasp?

It wasnā€™t advice. He was lamenting a fact. If you have a bad body at 18, thereā€™s only so much you can do to improve it.

Again, simply not true. You can take a bad body at 18 and improve it. I drastically changed mine. Millions of others have.

But by all means, please, continue to looking to Howard Stern as your medical sage.

"All Major Medical Associations" shall be trusted...until they disagree with me. :ROFLMAO: šŸ¤”

šŸ˜‚ How many lbs. away is Jaylen Warren from not being obese?

The BMI guidelines (you can google this) are skewed by athletes.

You are not an athlete. You're on overweight, couch-surfing, Dollar Generuh store shopping, powdered donut-eating middle aged man.

You'd be wise to listen to the BMI calculator in your particular case. We want you around here for a long long long time. Otherwise, what will we do for entertainment?
Zac Efron, age 12


Hmmmm...looks like a different person?

This. But if you combine the two, you'll shed.

Yeah, I'm proud of myself, but I'm going to repeat it. April 15 2022, had blood drawn. Was way overweight, super high BP. April 18, 2022 doc calls with results. Says exercise and diet. 30 mins of cardio a day (or at least fat burn) and cut the crap you eat.

Started that day.

59 days later, by simply walking on a treadmill daily or riding a spinner daily (7 days a week then) and changing my diet...I lost 30lbs. In 2 months, I lost 30lbs. Took no pills or shots.

And I didn't starve. Never once truly felt hungry. My dinners were enormous. Two chicken breasts, two sides of vegetables and sometimes more. I just filled up on healthy food, not crap. Instead of Tostitos while watching Netflix, I'd have a yogurt. Sometimes two.

The weight melted off.
Oh no doubt. I should have emphasized that more.
I do both.
Since the 80's I've been using the gym at my city's rec center. I know of 3 regulars that were fat 15 years ago and are still fat today. I admire their commitment.
Perhaps they only go because the know exercise is good for them regardless. They most likely by now understand that exercise alone won't cut it if you're trying to lose weight.
Oh no doubt. I should have emphasized that more.
I do both.
Since the 80's I've been using the gym at my city's rec center. I know of 3 regulars that were fat 15 years ago and are still fat today. I admire their commitment.
Perhaps they only go because the know exercise is good for them regardless. They most likely by now understand that exercise alone won't cut it if you're trying to lose weight.
guy i worked with was my height, but was 360. at times he was 380. he got committed to working out and exercising. somehow, against all odds and jehovah's witnesses, he was able to ... change his physique. he lost his triple chin. he got somewhat more rectangular than circular. dropped to 260.

but then put it back on in such a dramatic way that he now gets to visit the doc to have his leg drained.

to me - if a doc said "we gotta drain your leg" i'd consider getting back in shape. and not the shape of a cake or the powdered donuts flog inhales while aimlessly driving through the mountains.

he was also quad-boosted, so .... there's that, too
I don't rely on it. My physicians (plural) use it as a guide. You trust all doctors, right?

Flogtard: "we are mostly stuck with the physique we had when we were 18"

You stand corrected, again.

Physiques do change. This has been explained to you slowly. You've been given visual evidence. Like a good little liberal, you deny reality. Men can have periods, women can have penises, the border is secure, and defunding the police reduces crime.

Why is reality so difficult for ya'll to grasp?

Again, simply not true. You can take a bad body at 18 and improve it. I drastically changed mine. Millions of others have.

But by all means, please, continue to looking to Howard Stern as your medical sage.

"All Major Medical Associations" shall be trusted...until they disagree with me. :ROFLMAO: šŸ¤”

The BMI guidelines (you can google this) are skewed by athletes.

You are not an athlete. You're on overweight, couch-surfing, Dollar Generuh store shopping, powdered donut-eating middle aged man.

You'd be wise to listen to the BMI calculator in your particular case. We want you around here for a long long long time. Otherwise, what will we do for entertainment?
Nonsense. You just obviously struggle with your history of obesity and want think everybody is the same. They arenā€™t. Some are taller, more muscular, have broader shoulders, etc. and thereā€™s nothing that short people with bad bodies can do about it. Richard Simmons excercised like crazy, it didnā€™t give him a good physique.

you're 6'1" and 230, Flog?
go take your shirt off and look in the mirror. bet your gut is hanging out and downward. fattubofuckingshit
Nonsense. You just obviously struggle with your history of obesity and want think everybody is the same. They arenā€™t. Some are taller, more muscular, have broader shoulders, etc. and thereā€™s nothing that short people with bad bodies can do about it. Richard Simmons excercised like crazy, it didnā€™t give him a good physique.

LMAO. The vast majority of my life was either as an ultra-skinny, Ethiopian looking dude or a very fit, muscular guy. I only added extra pounds heading into my forties. During the Covid lockdowns, I smacked on the extra, unnecessary weight. My history of obesity was 2 years, before I shed it.

Meanwhile, you're a self-confessed fat *** trying to tell us fat is normal and healthy.

Ok, Lizzo.

As I said, stop eating at Dollah Generuh and get your health addressed so we have our entertainment.

This is the AVERAGE weight for 6'1" males. That means those in shape, out of shape, blah blah blah. You're 15lbs beyond the average.


This is the recommended HEALTHY weight range for 6'1" - between 142 to 189. Rut row.

Now in your defense, my ideal BMI weight made me say "OMG really???" It would have represented a 50lb weight loss.

But, as Supe has done being 6'1", he got into the 190s. That's healthy.

You're not. Regardless your mental gymnastics, matrix-like debating. And it ain't just 10-15lbs.

You're on the Left


Please, do go on.
LMAO. The vast majority of my life was either as an ultra-skinny, Ethiopian looking dude or a very fit, muscular guy. I only added extra pounds heading into my forties. During the Covid lockdowns, I smacked on the extra, unnecessary weight. My history of obesity was 2 years, before I shed it.

Meanwhile, you're a self-confessed fat *** trying to tell us fat is normal and healthy.

Ok, Lizzo.

As I said, stop eating at Dollah Generuh and get your health addressed so we have our entertainment.

This is the AVERAGE weight for 6'1" males. That means those in shape, out of shape, blah blah blah. You're 15lbs beyond the average.

View attachment 12188

This is the recommended HEALTHY weight range for 6'1" - between 142 to 189. Rut row.
View attachment 12189

Now in your defense, my ideal BMI weight made me say "OMG really???" It would have represented a 50lb weight loss.

But, as Supe has done being 6'1", he got into the 190s. That's healthy.

You're not. Regardless your mental gymnastics, matrix-like debating. And it ain't just 10-15lbs.

You're on the Left

View attachment 12190View attachment 12191View attachment 12192

Please, do go on.
šŸ˜‚ I donā€™t resemble any of those doughboys on the left. Closest would be last one at 205 but Iā€™m much more muscular. I have a physical every year, weight loss has never been mentioned.
šŸ˜‚ I donā€™t resemble any of those doughboys on the left. Closest would be last one at 205 but Iā€™m much more muscular. I have a physical every year, weight loss has never been mentioned.
fuckinglyingsackofshit - at 6'1", and 230, you'd the absolutely the only fattuboflyingshit who doesnt maintain a workout regimen and resembles a guy in the gym. well, i mean, a guy in zer late 40s/early 50s who still looks like zey/zem is 16. fuckinglyingsackofblubberyshit
no wonder Flogizzo is so concerned about the WooFloo. it drastically effects those in zer cis-weight range.
No, go back, itā€™s exactly what I said. Just like I mentioned the age 18, now Stupe tries to change it to 10 and 12. Lose an argument, change the argument.

Uhhh ...

Fortunately for some, and unfortunately for others, we are mostly stuck with the physique we had when we were 18. For you, and I suspect Stuporman, you canā€™t afford any extra pounds. Sure, you can ā€œget in shapeā€ and work out all you want but youā€™ll never change the overall physique of you had as an 18 year old. Your shoulders will never broaden and you will never gain the muscle you could have as a youngster no matter how much you work out.

You can add muscle, but not like you could in your youth. The gains will be much slower and less noticeable. Youā€™ll never broaden your shoulders.

So you will never gain muscle you could have had as a youngster no matter how much you work out to yeah, you can add muscle but it will be a slower addition.

Nope, no change there, no siree.

As my final piece of evidence as to what a blowhard imbecile lying idiot Floggy is, I note he voted for Joe Biden and still insists that was a good idea.
LMAO. The vast majority of my life was either as an ultra-skinny, Ethiopian looking dude or a very fit, muscular guy. I only added extra pounds heading into my forties. During the Covid lockdowns, I smacked on the extra, unnecessary weight. My history of obesity was 2 years, before I shed it.

Meanwhile, you're a self-confessed fat *** trying to tell us fat is normal and healthy.

Ok, Lizzo.

As I said, stop eating at Dollah Generuh and get your health addressed so we have our entertainment.

This is the AVERAGE weight for 6'1" males. That means those in shape, out of shape, blah blah blah. You're 15lbs beyond the average.

View attachment 12188

This is the recommended HEALTHY weight range for 6'1" - between 142 to 189. Rut row.
View attachment 12189

Now in your defense, my ideal BMI weight made me say "OMG really???" It would have represented a 50lb weight loss.

But, as Supe has done being 6'1", he got into the 190s. That's healthy.

You're not. Regardless your mental gymnastics, matrix-like debating. And it ain't just 10-15lbs.

You're on the Left

View attachment 12190View attachment 12191View attachment 12192

Please, do go on.

Wow, Floggy must be proud of his t!ts.
fuckinglyingsackofshit - at 6'1", and 230, you'd the absolutely the only fattuboflyingshit who doesnt maintain a workout regimen and resembles a guy in the gym. well, i mean, a guy in zer late 40s/early 50s who still looks like zey/zem is 16. fuckinglyingsackofblubberyshit
Donā€™t you wish. You shoulda been in shape before you got old. Chase the dream, Dad Bod.
She could probably whoop your ***, Wee Man.
i aint even going to play make believe with you. we all know - just as he does - that's a dude. you know it, i know it, everyone on the ******* planet knows it. maybe your mind is clouded with mtn dew and powdered donuts? fuckingfattuboflyingshit
She could probably whoop your ***, Wee Man.

How many times have you flogged the dolphin ogling that thing?

Oh, and interesting tidbit: adding a bunch of useless fat like Dr. Flogstain and having a bloated gut hanging over your belt does not make you tough; it makes you as soft as microwaved butter.

Back to you, fat-***.