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Covid Vaccine

😂 I don’t resemble any of those doughboys on the left. Closest would be last one at 205 but I’m much more muscular. I have a physical every year, weight loss has never been mentioned.

Yep. We are all believing that. You're 6'1", 230lbs, your doctor (you swear fealty to all doctors) never mentions your BMI, but you look like Dolf Lundgren from Rocky. Stop it, please....just stop it 🤡 :ROFLMAO: :LOL:

Yep. We are all believing that. You're 6'1", 230lbs, your doctor (you swear fealty to all doctors) never mentions your BMI, but you look like Dolf Lundgren from Rocky. Stop it, please....just stop it 🤡 :ROFLMAO: :LOL:

Flog don’t spit. Obviously, since zer/zem is two hunnit thurrrty
This is pretty damning. I posted previously that a judge, despite the CDC's refusal to do so, insisted the CDC expose/share their VSAFE data.

We have heard in this thread over and over "I'm sure they are studying the VAERS reports" and "The CDC is to be trusted" blah blah blah.

The CDC created VSAFE so people could submit their reactions to taking the vaccines (and so they could obfuscate the damning rise in VAERS reports and control it). But they omitted the "free text fields" intentionally....like scrubbing VAERS data.

I wonder why? Trust in government is misplaced trust. Read on.


When the CDC created V-Safe as a way to track individuals who received the experimental COVID-19 “vaccines,” the agency vowed to be completely transparent. Remember—despite forcing millions of frightened human beings to take the jab—there were subpar clinical trials. One recipient shared, “The only reason I took this b******* vaccination is because my job gave me two choices. Sign a waiver or get the shot. I [got] the shot in fear of losing any benefits.” So it makes sense, and seems mandatory, that the CDC create a system for individuals to share how they feel after receiving the experimental, mRNA-driven “vaccines.” To build trust in that system, the CDC touted V-Safe as “the most intensive safety monitoring effort in U.S. history.” Yet, as severe adverse events, including death, rapidly ascended following the EUA-pushed jabs, the CDC failed to be transparent with the data, releasing, when ordered by the Court in 2022, only superficial details. But persistence paid off. Last month, a federal judge ordered the CDC to release all 7.8 million detailed “free-text” data entries over the next 12 months. The “free-text” section is the only place in V-Safe for participants to potentially report serious adverse events. Yesterday, the CDC released the initial batch of data containing symptoms reported after being injected. The eye-opening entries are telling.

The free-text entries are critical because, shockingly, despite having an index of “adverse events of special interest” listed in its protocol, V-Safe entirely omitted those same adverse events from being tracked. As explained by ICAN, instead of asking V-safe participants about whether, for example, they experienced things such as anaphylaxis, myocarditis, or coagulopathy after taking an entirely experimental “vaccine” based on technology never before used, the CDC carelessly only asked about minor and generalized reactions, such as “chills,” “headache,” “fatigue or tiredness,” and “vomiting.” Thus, for users who may have wanted to report more serious adverse events, they must use the “free-text” field, which allows up to 250 characters. This data is crucial to understanding the safety profile of the COVID-19 “vaccines.” The fact the CDC had not thus far voluntarily released this critical data is indicative of the overall failure of the federal government’s responsibility to protect the health of Americans.

ICAN’s initial win in two previous lawsuits opened the door to obtaining V-Safe data. However, the taxpayer-funded CDC argued that producing the “free-text” entries was too burdensome an endeavor for them to be responsible for. Nevertheless, the Court strongly disagreed, noting that the “Production of the free-text data will permit independent researchers to put the government agencies to their proof by considering all of the available data.” Reporting on this outstanding victory brought by the lawyers that regularly represent ICAN on behalf of the Freedom Coalition of Doctors for Choice, ICAN explained the Court recognized that:

“The development and distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine was one of the greatest endeavors in recent history. Predictably, the American public now seeks access to COVID-related papers to ensure that relevant government policies were — and still are — supported and justified by the available data. That is precisely what FOIA contemplates and facilitates.”

Indeed, District Court Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk’s ruling is a huge win for transparency, and yesterday’s first production of at 390,000 entries outlining what users experienced in the first two days of receiving the “vaccine” is telling. And unfortunately, it’s indicative of what’s to follow. Indeed, the “free-text” data, which is available here, has an overall theme of uneasiness. Users reported “anaphylaxis”—a severe, potentially life-threatening allergic reaction—numerous times, detailing experiences such as, “Emergency room visit for anaphylaxis … went to the ER … I had repeat facial swelling.” One user wrote, “Anaphylaxis within 10 min. of being vaccinated. Throat swollen almost shut.” Another user wrote:

“After receiving the shot (within 15 mins) I had an allergic reaction (tightening of the throat, dizziness, confusion, elevated heart rate) and was taken to the ER. Received steroid shot, Benadryl shot, and ephephrine shot. Was released to go home.” The user later wrote, “Feeling of mild allergic reaction in the throat. Elevated heart rate.”

Interestingly, thousands of users reported an odd “metallic taste” in their mouth, often accompanied by a tingling feeling in their tongue, lasting anywhere from a few minutes to hours or longer. Equally as many people—in the thousands—experienced rapid and concerning heart rates. Likewise, in addition to ongoing feelings of intense anxiety, numbness, dizziness, stiffness, fatigue, and diarrhea, thousands went to the emergency room within 24 to 48 hours of receiving the “vaccine.” One user described their experience at the ER, stating, “3 to 5 days after my shot, I experienced a rash around my eye that was painful and burning. I reported to the emergency room on Thursday, 12/24, diagnosed with shingles/herpes zoster, which I’ve never had before, so I’m just suspicious if that could have been a result of my first dose of the COVID vaccine.” Sadly, over 600 users specifically noted they were pregnant when they received the shot. Did the CDC monitor them more closely? They should have. Twenty-two users reported having a miscarriage that coincided with receiving the “vaccine.” One such user wrote:

“I had a miscarriage. I should’ve been 8 weeks pregnant but the baby stopped growing at 6 weeks which would’ve been very close to when I received my vaccine.”

It will take weeks to sift through the disturbing “free-text” entries detailing the myriad of troubling symptoms users experienced within the first couple of days after getting the “vaccine.” The 390,000 initial entries emphasize the potential for more serious adverse event symptoms like myocarditis that may be revealed as more “free-text” data files are released. Despite the unsettling entries, given the disaster that has been the COVID-19 “vaccine” campaign, reviewing the data is a massive step in the right direction. ICAN remarked, “This ruling sends a clear message to our federal agencies: we are not moving on and forgetting about the pandemic or the actions they took. ICAN will not stop until ALL the data is released to the public and there is true transparency and accountability around COVID-19.”

Indeed, as the pandemic catastrophe is evaluated, accountability for its blatant and oppressive mishandling is paramount. Americans deserve better. In one of many heartbreaking entries, an undoubtedly terrified vaccine-injured user shared concerning entries after receiving their first COVID-19 shot, which they clearly felt obligated to get. Making numerous entries, the user wrote:

“I had some mild tachycardia 10 mins after injection, hard to take a deep breath, sweating, & I turned bright red. My work had me take a Benadryl.

I lost the use of my right arm & couldn’t lift it. I’ve had COVID twice & the night I’ve had made me long for COVID-19. I’m not sure I can go through this again for a 2nd shot. I want to do my part, but this was unreal. Anyone around me actually told me not to get the second shot. It felt like death had entered my bones, as if they were being hammered. I kept waking up crying with a respiration rate in the 60s. I couldn’t take deep breaths because my ribs were hurting. I have a very high tolerance for pain, and this had me in tears.”
Those motherfuuckers

Oh no....the CDC is a bastion of integrity. They are to be trusted. I'm sure they are thoroughly testing the vaccines and are thoroughly investigating all records submitted to VAERS and VSAFE. Totally sure of it. /SheepOfThisThread
Remember, we were told right here in this very thread "I'm sure the CDC is studying all reports of AEs regarding the vaccines." Welp. As we said, they are not.

US Officials Concede No Active Surveillance on Long-Term Effects of COVID-19 Vaccines

A congressional subcommittee questioned CDC and FDA officials over efforts to monitor adverse events that may still manifest from original COVID-19 vaccines.
In a Feb. 15 hearing by the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, U.S. health officials side-stepped a question when asked whether the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is actively conducting extended safety surveillance on those who received early COVID-19 vaccines.

Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-N.Y.) asked Dr. Peter Marks, director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, whether the FDA is conducting active surveillance and if there are any specific health markers they’re studying that may signal trends requiring further inquiry.

“Every time we go through and do the safety surveillance, we start back, and it goes back to 2020. In some cases where we’re looking for certain things, we might use a different window, but indeed, we have to look from the beginning of the period of surveillance. I can turn it over to Dr. Jernigan because he can speak for CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] in that regard,” Dr. Marks said.

“So with regard to myocarditis, we certainly have been monitoring the issue with various different data systems. I think the most recent data really demonstrates that you’re about eight times less likely to get myocarditis if you’re vaccinated compared to those that are unvaccinated,” Dr. Daniel Jernigan, director of the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases at the CDC responded.

Rep. Malliotakis told Jernigan she wanted to know about “everything,” not just myocarditis.

Dr. Jerrigan asked her to repeat the question, and she asked again whether the FDA was conducting extended safety surveillance on early recipients of COVID-19 vaccines.

“Most of the reports that we get of adverse events are in the few weeks following the vaccination,” Jernigan said. In terms of monitoring these over time, Jernigan said the agency has “vaccine effectiveness” systems in place at the CDC.

Neither Jernigan nor Marks referenced any active surveillance initiatives being undertaken by their agencies to monitor people who received the original COVID-19 vaccines for long-term health effects.

“There is no system in place for long-term vaccine safety surveillance in this country,” Ms. Liz Willner, founder of OpenVAERS, told The Epoch Times.

“The FDA and CDC do not actively search for safety signals. They did not find the myocarditis or the thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome that led to the withdrawal of the J&J COVID vaccine—those signals were discovered by the European Medicines Agency. The Vaccine Safety Datalink has never corroborated any vaccine safety signals, including myocarditis, because you cannot find what you are not looking for,” she added.

According to the CDC, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a passive reporting system co-managed by the FDA and CDC that relies on individuals to send reports of their experiences to the agencies. It is not designed to determine whether a vaccine caused a health condition. The Vaccine Safety Datalink uses electronic health data from participating sites to monitor and assess the safety of vaccines and is not available to the public.

At one point during the hearing, Dr. Marks was asked whether COVID-19 vaccines have resulted in an increase in cancers and whether “turbo cancers” are real.

“I’m a hematologist oncologist that’s board certified. I don’t know what a turbo cancer is. It was a term that was used first in a paper in mouse experiments describing an inflammatory response,” Dr. Marks said. “We have not detected any increase in cancers with the COVID-19 vaccines.”

The inquiry was part of a long line of questioning to examine the government’s post-marketing surveillance of COVID-19 vaccine safety and the process for adjudication claims for compensation.

FDA Director Dr. Peter Marks said they tried to be prepared for reports that may come into VAERS but received a “tremendous” avalanche of adverse event reports after COVID-19 vaccines were released.
Remember, we were told right here in this very thread "I'm sure the CDC is studying all reports of AEs regarding the vaccines." Welp. As we said, they are not.

US Officials Concede No Active Surveillance on Long-Term Effects of COVID-19 Vaccines

A congressional subcommittee questioned CDC and FDA officials over efforts to monitor adverse events that may still manifest from original COVID-19 vaccines.
In a Feb. 15 hearing by the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, U.S. health officials side-stepped a question when asked whether the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is actively conducting extended safety surveillance on those who received early COVID-19 vaccines.

Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-N.Y.) asked Dr. Peter Marks, director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, whether the FDA is conducting active surveillance and if there are any specific health markers they’re studying that may signal trends requiring further inquiry.

“Every time we go through and do the safety surveillance, we start back, and it goes back to 2020. In some cases where we’re looking for certain things, we might use a different window, but indeed, we have to look from the beginning of the period of surveillance. I can turn it over to Dr. Jernigan because he can speak for CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] in that regard,” Dr. Marks said.

“So with regard to myocarditis, we certainly have been monitoring the issue with various different data systems. I think the most recent data really demonstrates that you’re about eight times less likely to get myocarditis if you’re vaccinated compared to those that are unvaccinated,” Dr. Daniel Jernigan, director of the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases at the CDC responded.

Rep. Malliotakis told Jernigan she wanted to know about “everything,” not just myocarditis.

Dr. Jerrigan asked her to repeat the question, and she asked again whether the FDA was conducting extended safety surveillance on early recipients of COVID-19 vaccines.

“Most of the reports that we get of adverse events are in the few weeks following the vaccination,” Jernigan said. In terms of monitoring these over time, Jernigan said the agency has “vaccine effectiveness” systems in place at the CDC.

Neither Jernigan nor Marks referenced any active surveillance initiatives being undertaken by their agencies to monitor people who received the original COVID-19 vaccines for long-term health effects.

“There is no system in place for long-term vaccine safety surveillance in this country,” Ms. Liz Willner, founder of OpenVAERS, told The Epoch Times.

“The FDA and CDC do not actively search for safety signals. They did not find the myocarditis or the thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome that led to the withdrawal of the J&J COVID vaccine—those signals were discovered by the European Medicines Agency. The Vaccine Safety Datalink has never corroborated any vaccine safety signals, including myocarditis, because you cannot find what you are not looking for,” she added.

According to the CDC, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a passive reporting system co-managed by the FDA and CDC that relies on individuals to send reports of their experiences to the agencies. It is not designed to determine whether a vaccine caused a health condition. The Vaccine Safety Datalink uses electronic health data from participating sites to monitor and assess the safety of vaccines and is not available to the public.

At one point during the hearing, Dr. Marks was asked whether COVID-19 vaccines have resulted in an increase in cancers and whether “turbo cancers” are real.

“I’m a hematologist oncologist that’s board certified. I don’t know what a turbo cancer is. It was a term that was used first in a paper in mouse experiments describing an inflammatory response,” Dr. Marks said. “We have not detected any increase in cancers with the COVID-19 vaccines.”

The inquiry was part of a long line of questioning to examine the government’s post-marketing surveillance of COVID-19 vaccine safety and the process for adjudication claims for compensation.

FDA Director Dr. Peter Marks said they tried to be prepared for reports that may come into VAERS but received a “tremendous” avalanche of adverse event reports after COVID-19 vaccines were released.
Time for Food to be removed from FDA, and the CDC to be disbanded. What a joke.
Since this thread refuses to die, no pun intended.

Again sorry to the sheep,
Get yourselves checked regularly. or don't because who knows what will be pushed next.
Not sure what else you can do.

So weird I sensed this from the beginning.
You can't **** with my life, my body,\
or my soul.

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😂 you’re a sheep.

Barney Fat-***, it's been requested by the management that you develop wit. Any. An iota of wit.

Come up with your own lines.

You are better than the "So are you but what am I" third grade retorts...wait.
Barney Fat-***, it's been requested by the management that you develop wit. Any. An iota of wit.

Come up with your own lines.

You are better than the "So are you but what am I" third grade retorts...wait.
I was laughing at the irony, not trying to be funny. Your sources have been exposed as frauds, you’ve been had.
I was laughing at the irony,

Do you understand the definition of irony?

When you laugh, it's like watching Santa right? "He had a broad face, and a round little belly, that shook when he laughed, Like a bowl full of jelly."

not trying to be funny.

Something you've failed to achieve, ever, on this site. Probably in life.

Your sources have been exposed as frauds, you’ve been had.

Not my post, not my source. Also, you realize your side, your fact check sites (Snopes, AFPfactcheck, et al) have been exposed endless times for being lying shills themselves?

Only a dope today posts a "fact check" as a statement of fact any longer. A "sheep" (our line, not yours)
So a blogger from 18 months ago writes some critique, with little proof that hus claims have greater merit. His entire piece can be reduced to "but I found some other guy with a different explanation". And a couple bits of literary license--like all movies--where some snippets match the the tgeme without being germaine to the thesis.
So this blogger, with no cited expertise, reviewed a movie and pointed out stuff that didnt jive with his worldview and you decide that his is morally superior why?
What actual point, outside of literary license, did he make?
Holy fuuck you are gullible
So a blogger from 18 months ago writes some critique, with little proof that hus claims have greater merit. His entire piece can be reduced to "but I found some other guy with a different explanation". And a couple bits of literary license--like all movies--where some snippets match the the tgeme without being germaine to the thesis.
So this blogger, with no cited expertise, reviewed a movie and pointed out stuff that didnt jive with his worldview and you decide that his is morally superior why?
What actual point, outside of literary license, did he make?
Holy fuuck you are gullible
With apologies to SanDiegoSteel; didn't realize that you had posted exact same, above ^

Here are folks talking about the clots:

Draw your own conclusions
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Whole buncha embalmed responses from PA.....maybe Burgandy will have thoughts?
Barney Fat-***, it's been requested by the management that you develop wit. Any. An iota of wit.

Come up with your own lines.

You are better than the "So are you but what am I" third grade retorts...wait.
To be fair, it’s “I know you are but what am I?” “I’m rubber you’re glue. Whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you.” And then we’d just start punching until those bitchy-aass 3rd grade teachers pulled us apart and drug us to the principal‘s office by our ears. Those cuunts. Now if you just give someone a stern look they cry. Nation of snowflake puussies…
Do you understand the definition of irony?
Sure. When a loon believes that the Covid vaccine may have killed 17 million people but nonetheless utilizes his local medical center that… endorses and provides the Covid Vaccine… that’s irony!

When a loon takes Tucker Carlson very seriously even after Tucker Carlsons lawyers argued in court that no reasonable person should take Tucker Carlson seriously… that’s irony!
When you laugh, it's like watching Santa right? "He had a broad face, and a round little belly, that shook when he laughed, Like a bowl full of jelly."
Good one! From the obese asthmatic from West Virginny who refused Covid vaccination. Smart!
Something you've failed to achieve, ever, on this site. Probably in life.
Says the socially awkward guy that called the campus police on people smoking weed in the dorm.
Not my post, not my source. Also, you realize your side, your fact check sites (Snopes, AFPfactcheck, et al) have been exposed endless times for being lying shills themselves?
He was a representative of a university.
Only a dope today posts a "fact check" as a statement of fact any longer. A "sheep" (our line, not yours)
Didn’t realize you created and owned the rights to “sheep”. ******* tool.

Only a dope plays a never ending game of make believe as a grown *** man. I know that you know that you’re full of ****. You’re pathetic.
So a blogger from 18 months ago writes some critique, with little proof that hus claims have greater merit. His entire piece can be reduced to "but I found some other guy with a different explanation". And a couple bits of literary license--like all movies--where some snippets match the the tgeme without being germaine to the thesis.
So this blogger, with no cited expertise, reviewed a movie and pointed out stuff that didnt jive with his worldview and you decide that his is morally superior why?
What actual point, outside of literary license, did he make?
Holy fuuck you are gullible
Blogger? McGill University.

He provided a SCIENTIFIC explanation for the white clots and the fact that they’re NOTHING NEW.

He identified the people supposedly “dying suddenly” in the film and exposed its falsehoods.

Who’s gullible?