Your lack of awareness is sometimes - often - astonishing. For at least THREE PLUS YEARS, those of us posting in this thread have argued that masks don't work, the lockdowns make no sense, the vax mandates are inane, shutting down schools made no sense, shutting gyms was crazy, forcing mask wearing outdoors was crazy to an even greater degree, the vax does not work as promised, the 6 feet thing was a fiction, the Chinese flu probably came from a lab, and we were lied to about everything - E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G - related to the Chinese flu.
Now that the evidence proves conclusively that all you squealing Covid ninnies were wrong about everything, you claim, "Oh, what is it with you Karens and Covid? Pfft, we are so past that." Nope, we are not going to forget.