Ya, right, I'm a coward. Care to compare life experiences? I don't concern myself with alienating myself from people that I've never met, although I have associated personally with about a half a dozen members here. And while I haven't met Sarge, Tim, Supe or Indy, I do respect them for having an honest dialogue, answering questions when posed, as opposed to you Trog, constantly dodging and evading any question put forth, only to deflect by responding with nothing but a question of your own. So tell me, just who is the coward here? Rhetorical question, we all know that it will go unanswered. Mark Twain was right.Admit? You’re afraid of alienating yourself from the likes of Sarge, Tim, Supe and IndySteel. So instead of ADMIT that the Sandy Hook and FBI conspiracies are shameful and ridiculous, you just call me stupid. You’re a coward.
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