You are such a profound ignoramus. First, I do not need to "google" (a proper noun describing an internet search engine and NOT a verb) rhetorical question as I know what it is without researching (see how that's actually a verb?) the term. A rhetorical question is one asked for demonstrative purposes or to express the speaker's opinion and not one seeking an answer.
Second, your question, "What did you spend your Sunday afternoon doing?" was NOT a rhetorical question. The question is certainly odd, and presumably meant to have me explain to you what I did yesterday for some reason, but it most certainly does not act as a demonstration of your opinion or make a point absent a response as would an actual rhetorical question. Here, let me give you some examples of actual rhetorical questions:
- Floggy, how many dogs did you bury this weekend?
- Floggy, what manbun tightener is your favorite?
- Floggy, how much time did you have to wait in line for your 7th booster?
See how I am posing those questions not to solicit information but instead to mock you? THOSE are rhetorical questions.