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Crazed school shooter, OMG, assault rifles! Media ready to GO CRAZY, MAN, GO CRAZY!!


They killed Kenny!
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
The nearest Steelers bar.
A heavily armed woman who gunned down three children and three staff members at a Nashville school on Monday appears to be a former student of the private Christian campus, police said.

“At one point she was a student at that school,” Metropolitan Nashville Police Chief John Drake told reporters hours after the shooting at The Covenant School. “But unsure what year ... but that’s what I’ve been told so far.”

The shooter was identified as Audrey Hale, 28, of Nashville, according to the chief, who said she identifies as transgender.

Aaaaand down the memory hole goes that shooting ...
Audrey Hale, 28, of Nashville, identified as transgender


One day. One day we will not look at color, sex, faith (well maybe faith), as the reason and just these folks are ****** in the head.

I know it’s shocking to say that someone my just be ******* “crazy”. How absurd
I will open up.

My mind and spirit is broken. I just don’t know anymore.
Audrey Hale, 28, of Nashville, identified as transgender


One day. One day we will not look at color, sex, faith (well maybe faith), as the reason and just these folks are ****** in the head.

I know it’s shocking to say that someone my just be ******* “crazy”. How absurd
As a trans he claims to be a woman in a mans body....but women don't shoot up schools.
How can that be?
No, it's a man in a woman's body so it's all good.
No, it's a man in a woman's body so it's all good.
No, it's a man in a woman's body so it's all good.
since we cannot define what a woman is, this is a man in a man's body, or a man in another man's body, which makes this a gay on gay crime perpetuated by the patriarchal religious right who oppress the LGBTQABCDEFG+ movement while supporting a racist bigot like Donald J Drumpf.

Wow, our society - under the compulsion of the leftists set on destroying our nation - has vilified parenting, and hard work, and religion, and independence, and masculinity, and go figure, is plummeting towards destruction.

Never saw that coming, did we? Ogre warns us that our society is now too fractured to be repaired and will undergo a revolution. I am finding it more and more difficult to disagree.
And naturally Brandon wants the republicans to fix it.
Not sure blaming this shooting on being transgender is the route to take. Anyone who shoots up a school has to be mentally ill regardless of whatever else is going on. There are many more examples of non-transgender people shooting up schools and what not. You have to be pretty sick in the head in general to be shooting up kids.
Not sure blaming this shooting on being transgender is the route to take. Anyone who shoots up a school has to be mentally ill regardless of whatever else is going on. There are many more examples of non-transgender people shooting up schools and what not. You have to be pretty sick in the head in general to be shooting up kids.
now remove "transgender" and replace with "white guy" and try again.
Not sure blaming this shooting on being transgender is the route to take. Anyone who shoots up a school has to be mentally ill regardless of whatever else is going on. There are many more examples of non-transgender people shooting up schools and what not. You have to be pretty sick in the head in general to be shooting up kids.
Only because the number of transgender people is very small and the number of non-trans people is very large. Just like there are more hetero pedophiles than gay pedophiles because there are a lot more hetero people, like 96%.
And naturally Brandon wants the republicans to fix it.
Because Republicans are holding up the Democrats precious gun control nonsense. Better hope Republicans don't "fix" it.
This **** is a tragedy. How sad is it that you open this thread and the topic is transgenderism rather than the folks who died.

The irony in all of this is that the people that are going to want to ban guns (again) are the same people that think that transgenderism is normal, is not a mental illness and had nothing to do with this shooting. They will focus on the gun, rather than the fact that this person was obviously mentally ill. The government and medical apparatus of this country need to be helping these people, not encouraging them.
This **** is a tragedy. How sad is it that you open this thread and the topic is transgenderism rather than the folks who died.

The irony in all of this is that the people that are going to want to ban guns (again) are the same people that think that transgenderism is normal, is not a mental illness and had nothing to do with this shooting. They will focus on the gun, rather than the fact that this person was obviously mentally ill. The government and medical apparatus of this country need to be helping these people, not encouraging them.

One of the first posts reacting to the CNN report about the shooting was a woman bitching that they got her pronouns wrong in their report…. Like nothing else even matters except that… its just wrong… people die and everyone immediately starts the political posturing about their private agendas