I'd guess that your 25% estimate is very low.....especially among D voters. My guess would be closer to 60-70% with the remainder just not very smart.
I worked with a woman who voted for Bill Clinton because she liked his hair........seriously!
I'd guess that your 25% estimate is very low.....especially among D voters. My guess would be closer to 60-70% with the remainder just not very smart.
I see Ted Cruz walking away with the primary,
Cruz will demolish all in the debates and voters will finally be offered the clearest contrast in candidates since the 1980 election.
This is where I'm at. After Obama was re-elected it seems either the elections are rigged or we're ****** up as a country and beyond repair.
It's because the dumb sheep that make up the majority of the electorate can't give up their bright-line self-identification as Democrat or Republican, even though it should be obvious to anyone that neither party is working for them. The media has helped to create a polarization that prevents sensible, moderate options or anything that can't be shoved into an "us or them" categorization from becoming viable.
View attachment 305.............
I was in San Antonio and saw Ted Cruz at the airport coming out of the bathroom he gave me the quick head nod......
I would of shook his hand but....well....you know......Anyways......He got on a light to BWI......on Southwest Airlines.
That's right, no first class for Ted......you know why......because he is Ted. *******. Cruz!
Originally Posted by JupiterBnG View Post
It's because the dumb sheep that make up the majority of the electorate can't give up their bright-line self-identification as Democrat or Republican, even though it should be obvious to anyone that neither party is working for them. The media has helped to create a polarization that prevents sensible, moderate options or anything that can't be shoved into an "us or them" categorization from becoming viable.
Absolutely right. It erases all thought and people simply vote on knee jerk impulse because of a letter that comes after someone's name. It's an antiquated response in this day and age.
I did not vote for Romney because of the R next to his name. I voted for him because he was the only person who had even a snowball's chance of keeping Obama out of office. For all of those who voted on "principle" or stayed home because you didn't like either one of them, I hope you're happy with what you got.
I did not vote for Romney because of the R next to his name. I voted for him because he was the only person who had even a snowball's chance of keeping Obama out of office. For all of those who voted on "principle" or stayed home because you didn't like either one of them, I hope you're happy with what you got.
Oh dear God. The man is half a step behind B-Rock on the Neo-Socialist trail. The reason why conservative people stayed home is because he was no alternative to the DNC candidate. I did not stay home I voted for an actual good candidate instead of the lesser of two evils because doing so is still voting for evil. If Rand Paul is the candidate the GOP puts forth then they will get my vote. But I will not vote for another Big Government, Tax and Spend, make a smaller increase and call it a cut, Statist Hack ever again. Because one way or the other voting for Oligarchs on either side is going to cause our nation to collapse.
I voted for Gary Johnson. Lost no sleep with my decision. If the Reps wouldn't run Paul he had my vote.
I voted for Romney because I believe he was the best man for the Job.
People who stay home out of principal are fools IMO
I voted for Gary Johnson. Lost no sleep with my decision. If the Reps *would've* run Paul he had my vote.
I didn't vote for Johnson, because that would have been throwing my vote away. Since Ron Paul was a Republican I was covered.
In theory I agree but in practice we just screw ourselves worse by not voting for the best candidate offered that truly has a chance to win. I cant feed my family on principal alone.As long as people refuse to vote third party because they would rather vote for the lesser of two imbecilic evils the system will stay broken and swing from extremist to extremist because lets face it, moderates don't really get a say in primaries
In theory I agree but in practice we just screw ourselves worse by not voting for the best candidate offered that truly has a chance to win. I cant feed my family on principal alone.
In theory I agree but in practice we just screw ourselves worse by not voting for the best candidate offered that truly has a chance to win. I cant feed my family on principal alone.
As long as people refuse to vote third party because they would rather vote for the lesser of two imbecilic evils the system will stay broken and swing from extremist to extremist because lets face it, moderates don't really get a say in primaries
I voted for Ron Paul as a write in, and I did it because he was the best man for the job PERIOD. Since I do not really fear the whole country collapsing on itself, I can look myself in the mirror and know I AM NOT THE PROBLEM. Anyone willing to vote for an evil, no matter how much you want to believe it is less, is the problem.
Did Nixon or Ron win their first try?Tell me how much of a "Chance" Romney had?