You know how Helen Keller burnt the side of her face? She answered the iron.
You know how she burnt the other side? They called back.
Do you know why Helen Keller's dog was pissed ? You'd be pissed off too if your name was Myxlphlartmmfffthh.
You know how Helen Keller burnt the side of her face? She answered the iron.
You know how she burnt the other side? They called back.
Did you ever see her husband..Do you know why Helen Keller's dog was pissed ? You'd be pissed off too if your name was Myxlphlartmmfffthh.
I am sick to death of hearing a Moderate can't win. It all depends on your definition of a moderate. I do not want an ultra right social conservative. I want an Ultra Fiscal Conservative, Pro military, Speak softly but carry a big stick foreign policy, but stay the **** out of my religion and bedroom candidate. That person would win hands down if he or she was passionate, articulate and able to debate. Frankly I am not sure anyone with those qualities exists.
You just described Ron Paul. The MSM and the GOP establishment torpedoed his campaign.
No Paul does not have the Foreign Policy View I want. He is also not the charismatic leader we need to run against the Dems.
He is close but I just do not like either of them for some reason.
I am sick to death of hearing a Moderate can't win. It all depends on your definition of a moderate. I do not want an ultra right social conservative. I want an Ultra Fiscal Conservative, Pro military, Speak softly but carry a big stick foreign policy, but stay the **** out of my religion and bedroom candidate. That person would win hands down if he or she was passionate, articulate and able to debate. Frankly I am not sure anyone with those qualities exists.
The shovel has a chance to get elected. You go ahead and throw your vote away on that feather pillow.
Who cares whether the shovel is electable if the end result either way is being beaten to death? Why not try to choose NOT being beaten to death? Or at least do something different in the hopes that maybe the end result isn't being beaten to death?
No Paul does not have the Foreign Policy View I want. He is also not the charismatic leader we need to run against the Dems.
He is close but I just do not like either of them for some reason.
No Paul does not have the Foreign Policy View I want. He is also not the charismatic leader we need to run against the Dems.
He is close but I just do not like either of them for some reason.
I am sick to death of hearing a Moderate can't win. It all depends on your definition of a moderate. I do not want an ultra right social conservative. I want an Ultra Fiscal Conservative, Pro military, Speak softly but carry a big stick foreign policy, but stay the **** out of my religion and bedroom candidate. That person would win hands down if he or she was passionate, articulate and able to debate. Frankly I am not sure anyone with those qualities exists.
Cutting off Foreign aide would be a step in the right direction, put that money towards the National debt. We also need to step back from the World Police effort. We do not need to abandon it, just quit paying for and leading the effort. Let the rest of the countries take a turn, we can re-vist this when we get OUR HOUSE in order.
Cut Military spending by 50%, bring our troops back from countries that are not willing to pay for our help. Redeploy troops to maintain complete border security. Require mandatory military service for 2 years at the age of 18, Male & Female.
Eliminate the IRS, implement the Fair Tax
Eliminate the Dept of Education, States can control the education of their own kids
Set term limits, Change Senate term to 4 years, 8 years max total between House & Senate. Can serve an additional 8 years if elected POTUS.
Just a few ideas off the top of my head. Wig can supply a few more common sense ideas.
I disagree on the military spending. I unfortunately disagree on some extent to the foreign aid. We must support those countries that truly need our help and are not just funneling the back to terrorists working against us. We have to contain the threat from Muslim extremists and not helping the world just opens the door for their expansion. We certainly do not dole out foreign aid correctly.
We do need to become better at spending our military budget by getting rid of the red tape and bureaucracy that wastes so many of the dollars spent. We could Streamline the military's operations and build it up more with the money we are spending but I would not want to cut it. I am a big believer in peace through strength. The military is one of the things the government is supposed to be doing. I don't totally agree on cutting the Dept of Education but I do think they need to be relegated to just an oversight department not a major national infrastructure same with Energy.
Unfortunatley MT Forged, the cuts would be at the expense of the "lowly" soldier, airman, sailor, etc. The ******** that award government contracts for 300.00 dollar hammers would still award those contracts. Your theory would be a sound one under a new government though.
Also, why do so many seem to think that a true or staunch "conservative" must be someone who is going to attempt to thrust their religious beliefs on everyone else? I consider myself to be pretty close to truly conservative and don't believe that that is a part of being conservative at all.
My first question to you would be "Have you served in any branch of the Military?" I was in the US Navy for almost 9 years, the amount of waste was astounding, doubt it has gotten any better. We wasted so much, I believe a 50% reduction would not be too much to handle.
Who gives two-***** if you served in the military?
One of the rooms in our training building was designed to look like a bunkroom on a Navy ship. The use of this room was for damage control training. They could pump water in to simulate a hull breach, they could pump smoke in to simulate a fire. We had full day training sessions on what to do in various situations, how to communicate from on-site at the damaged area with whoever was in charge, how to enter a room where unknown damage was going on, etc. Important training for reservists to get since they are not getting it shipboard, After many years of using this room, the Navy decided the risk of injury to personnel was too great and shut down it's use. After that, instead of actual useful training, our damage control training consisted of watching videos. Yay!
Sounds like a hell of a cost-savings to I get what you're saying but let's get on the reality train. Those dollars in the Dod budget are POM'd and appropriated years in advance in the FYDP....any cut in the military will be reallocated in another area of Gov't.
Why don't you nominate a true fiscal conservative like Sam Brownback who is using Reaganomics to destroy Kansas?
He will be available because he will likely lose the governors race.