Let's dive into this...
Why not blame the owners of these companies hiring the Hispanic crews??? Seems like an easy fix to me. Why? Because, in the words of our HC, "obviously" hiring staff that will work for less saves me money as an employer - ESPECIALLY if those same workers are doing the job(s) faster and still complying w/ all of the regulations of construction.
Care to speak to the workers in the Trump Towers??? I have. Stayed at the TT in NYC and every maintenance man, bell hop, concierge, room attendant was from another country except for the two managers on the floor. They were Americans.
Say what you will, but the goal/objective in business is to make more money that you spend. Hell, my team of 27 across the globe only has 8 Americans---89% of my team is from India. Because it's cheaper and they are willing to work the hours that most won't without complaints or excuses...
allow me to retort, since you're going to kick me in my *** anyway...
years ago, actually 30 or so, I was working as a painter for warehouses. We'd show up and prep the handrails, doors, virtually anything that wasn't going to be painted we taped or enclosed in tarp. Then we'd go about prepping the paint and sprayer before painting a wall. We could do a huge warehouse in a week.
well, one day our crew show up and begin our usual. Prepping doors, handrails, etc. I hear some dude just absolutely launching a blistering tirade on the other side of the wall. I didnt recognize the voice, so I peeked on the other side of the door. some black dude was sitting on a handrail just letting every curse word fly, and was being extremely colorful about it. Who was the target for his volley? About 25-30 hispanics digging into the ground to plant shrubs and flowers. When I looked back at him, he laughed and said "they don't know english. go ahead, say something." I declined, as I've seen that movie before, and know that at least one or two of them spoke English.
so, getting to the point - while hiring staff that will work for less saves money for an employer - (and let's be clear, these are illegals) - as you said, the employer can also withhold pay, as well as they can work people longer and harder than they could otherwise. because who are they going to tell? If they lodge a complaint, well, they get deported. or can get deported.
speaking of, we had border patrol agents routinely drive through. easy enough to spot who was here legally and who wasn't. Yet the BP agents didnt even so much as unbuckle their seat belts. One of the foremen would walk over, have a nice chit chat complete with laughs and handshakes... then the BP agent would drive off. You're smart. You can figure out what was going on.
so while all this does save employers money - and lots of it since they're not paying "minimum" wages, they're also not paying into any 401k, any medical insurance, any other taxes that they normally would.
all while these same illegals are being targeted to receive food stamps, welfare, etc. And they're sending money back home to their families. Which, by and large, hurts the American economy. Not only are we already sending federal monies to countries, we have individuals sending money to their families, while we turn around and give them food, shelter and money.
which is why I was for NAFTA. Put some manufacturing facilities in Mexico. Let the people there have jobs, and build their own economy. Yet the quality was ****.
So we're doing a rather strange dance to make ourselves feel good about our own personal worth, while simultaneously hurting ourselves due to our corrupt politicians and goobermint officials.
and, like you, I used to work with someone who was here from another country. she leaped over every obstacle her way to becoming a citizen. then she met a guy from another country who was here on a work visa. they wound up getting married, and having two or three kids. then his work visa expired. instead of staying here illegally, like so many others do, they - as a family - left the country. I believe they're in Canada now (he's a software developer, so he can work/live anywhere).