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Democrats and gun control - "You first"

I think everyone needs to take a break. Wow, this thread. Damn.
still want to know why you hate women and believe they should not be able to defend themselves from the unhinged masculinity thrust upon them by white men.

Nice strawman question.

I acknowledge and support 2nd amendment rights to bear arms. At the most, I agree with a few, limited gun control measures, but it's not something I care too much about. Hence why you don't see too many posts from me advocating for gun control.

Our rights as citizens to bear arms is unambiguous in the Constitution, I would never question that. I wish I did, knowing how badly you guys need a boogeyman around here to hurl rocks at.

I do think limiting access to certain type of rapid-fire weapons of war, strengthening background checks, keeping weapons out of the hands of insane, potential mass murderers seems to make sense. Beyond that, I wouldn't support anything that infringes on the rights of law abiding citizens. I think it's insane that there can't even be a discussion without those on the right completely wigging out and losing their minds.
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Nice strawman question.

I acknowledge and support 2nd amendment rights to bear arms. At the most, I agree with a few, limited gun control measures, but it's not something I care too much about. Hence why you don't see too many posts from me advocating for gun control.

Our rights as citizens to bear arms is unambiguous in the Constitution, I would never question that. I wish I did, knowing how badly you guys need a boogeyman around here to hurl rocks at.

I do think limiting certain type of rapid-fire weapons of war, strengthening background checks, keeping weapons out of the hands of insane, mass murderers seems to make sense. Beyond that, I wouldn't support anything that infringes on the rights of law abiding citizens. I think it's insane that there can't even be a discussion without those on the right completely wigging out and losing their minds.

want to know why?

because of the inflammatory ******* bullshit labels you bandy about and want to tie everyone to who does not fully, 100% agree with your political leaning.
you say "Trump's base" then say "the Right" and inject all the -isms and -phobe labels widespread on anyone who supported or voted for Trump -regardless of their reasoning. Your own actions are why people flip out. You're like a child who hits someone, then acts mortified when are hit back. you've been told this before, yet you continue with your instigation.
want to know why? because of the inflammatory ******* bullshit labels you bandy about and want to tie everyone to who does not fully, 100% agree with your political leaning. you say "Trump's base" then say "the Right" and inject all the -isms and -phobe labels widespread on anyone who supported or voted for Trump -regardless of their reasoning. Your own actions are why people flip out. You're like a child who hits someone, then acts mortified when are hit back. you've been told this before, yet you continue with your instigation.

LOL, yeah like the majority right-leaning posters on this board are the shining light on the hill when it comes to manners, decorum and even-handedness. Every other post I'm vilified and insulted going back years on end, yet 'my actions' hurt your feelings. Got it.
LOL, yeah like the majority right-leaning posters on this board are the shining light on the hill when it comes to manners, decorum and even-handedness. Every other post I'm vilified and insulted going back years on end, yet 'my actions' hurt your feelings. Got it.

uh, Tibsy, Y-O-U come into every thread and start with the dick-measuring contests.
you know the board mostly favors Trump. and you still come in here and call Trump supporters names. Not just a few. ALL Trump supporters.

then act shocked that someone would take offense to it.
uh, Tibsy, Y-O-U come into every thread and start with the dick-measuring contests.
you know the board mostly favors Trump. and you still come in here and call Trump supporters names. Not just a few. ALL Trump supporters.

then act shocked that someone would take offense to it.


Tibs telling us how shocked, SHOCKED he is to be treated so harshly for merely calling everybody who does not call for Trump's immediate death a bigoted racist, misogynist, homophobe, homophone, telephone, cell phone, and car phone.
uh, Tibsy, Y-O-U come into every thread and start with the dick-measuring contests. you know the board mostly favors Trump. and you still come in here and call Trump supporters names. Not just a few. ALL Trump supporters. then act shocked that someone would take offense to it.

Ok, I'll stop calling people names and will sit by silently as I'm insulted and called every name under the sun, 24-7. But I will refrain from doing so, because while you turn a blind eye to others, it's critically important to you that I show some restraint around here. So that's how it will go.
Those poor chaps were preparing for the cold, never know when a 'storm front' will pass. ;)

We can go back and forth on this. You know very well far-right protestors wear helmets, masks, shields, body gear and the like, just like the crazies on the left. I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy on this board, a la Tim, Steeltime and others, who cry bloody murder when lefty protestors cover their faces. I know full well the large majority of people today where there to peacefully protest their 2nd amendment rights. That's their right and prerogative. I also know there exists an extremist right-wing faction, armed militias and the like, who are on the fringes of these right-wing protests, like the folks who were arrested leading up to this rally.

The hypocrisy on this board is that there is a total denial of these violent, far-right groups, while those on the left like Antifa and others are amplified. So be it. I call them out on both sides, which ruffles feathers around here, for those who deny the existence and danger posed by far-right groups. They're content with vilfying the left, and consider all those on the right saints and beacons of virtue.

Carry on.

Go find ONE post where I have ever mentioned AntiFA and hiding behind masks and complained about their masks.

I’ll wait - a long time.

My complaints have consistently been their attempts at violence and fascism.

The worst part about dealing with you is you’re not only strung out on TDS but you are factually wrong. Dangerous combo.
Ok, I'll stop calling people names and will sit by silently as I'm insulted and called every name under the sun, 24-7. But I will refrain from doing so, because while you turn a blind eye to others, it's critically important to you that I show some restraint around here. So that's how it will go.

Tibsy on the actual topic of discussion, i.e., tens of thousands of heavily armed AMERICANS peacefully protesting the clear unconstitutional gun grab in Virginia, under moronic (D)im rule, with zero violence and where the attendees - supposedly rabidly violent white supremacists - pick up after themselves:


Tibsy, harping on the phantom menace of "white supremacists," a label he tosses around like Lamar Jackson does interceptions against good defenses, and raising blatantly false claims of non-existent violent white supremacists supposedly hiding their identities when 1 out of 100 covers his face in 23 degree temperature:


Tibs, when slammed for stupid comments and idiotic claims that are completely refuted:

protesting the clear unconstitutional gun grab in Virginia

More hysterics from the right. The proposed laws are hardly equatable to a 'gun grab.' Must be like when Obama was going to 'take away everybody's guns.' The sheer outrage and panic that ensued. So easy to get people riled up. Works every time.

The bills now headed for the full Senate would require background checks on all firearms purchases, allow law enforcement to temporarily remove guns from individuals deemed a risk to themselves or others, let localities ban weapons from certain events and government buildings, and cap handgun purchases at one per month.
More dreaded white supremacists.
More hysterics from the right. The proposed laws are hardly equatable to a 'gun grab.'

You are once again being duped by the Soros-funded left wing sites and not doing research. Virginia's proposed anti-gun laws would do all of the following:

  • Outlaw further sales of semi-automatic rifles with magazine capacities of 10 rounds or more, i.e., outlaw the most common semi-automatic rifles in America.
  • Outlaw pistol magazines that hold more than 10 rounds, i.e., the standard ******* magazine with every 9mm Glock, Walther, Sig Sauer, etc.
  • Ban private gun ranges, done mainly as a nasty, spiteful swipe at the NRA range in Fairfax, VA.
  • Require registration of all currently-owned semi-auto rifles within a short grace period, after which the rifle is subject to confiscation without compensation.
  • Limiting handgun purchases to one handgun per month, for no apparent reason.
  • Shotguns with a capacity of more than 7 rounds would be illegal.
  • Make it illegal for any person under the age of 18 to use a firearm, even in self-defense.
  • Make involvement in "paramilitary" groups illegal, if the group is known to promote "civil disorder." Seriously, a bill banning groups that promote "civil disorder," most notably, 2nd Amendment defenders.
  • More of the idiotic, unconstitutional and frequently-abused "red flag laws," put to use mainly by ex-wives and ex-husbands against former spouses as a measure of revenge.



This is the same group of people that want to give felons the right to vote. You are painfully uneducated on the grotesque effort by a racist and a rapist (the Governor and Lt. Governor of Virginia) to steal constitutional rights.
I think it's insane that there can't even be a discussion without those on the right completely wigging out and losing their minds.

PM I got yesterday from someone on The Hill's FB page I don't even know who took exception to the laugh emoji I tagged his Liberal bullshit with:

I block morons who post laughing emojis on my serious posts. So buh-bye and **** off.

Self-important much?
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Make no mistake, this was not a right-wing protest. This was a protest by freedom loving Americans of every stripe, that are standing up to a tyrannical government trying to strip them of their rights. What’s sad is that you don’t seem to know the difference anymore.

He's trolling at this point. It's all he has. And it's probably getting really ******* old to some of the people who live in this country seeing their rights being slowly stripped away.

This is a really hot-button issue, we all know this. Leave it to Tibs to stir up the hornet's nest though. But eventually he'll claim he's just standing up for what he believes or some virtuous-sounding nonsense, like he always does. He's nothing but a baiting liberal hack.
Self-important much?

Conservatives are sooooo prone to overreaction. Why, just the other day 8 liberals in a scream session told me as much, and another several hundred burning cars to protest a Ben Shapiro speech insisted that was the case, and more told me just that from their "safe spaces" and crying zones.

Yeah, Tibs, conservatives are overreacting. I mean, just look at the riots that happened when the House illegally impeached the President for non-crimes, right?? And look at all the violence in Tea Party rallies, and the violence today.

The sad thing is that Tibs actually believes that liberals are in control of their emotions and conservatives are raving lunatics. Any being with an intelligence greater than that of a kumquat can see the opposite is true.
God, look at all those white supremacists with their faces covered by ... images of faces it seems, and some of whom dressed up in black face, like the governor.

PM I got yesterday from someone on The Hill's FB page I don't even know who took exception to the laugh emoji I tagged his Liberal bullshit with:

Self-important much?


More images from the rally, showing white nationalist protestors covering their faces, and not because of the cold!!


Wait ...
The sad thing is that Tibs actually believes that liberals are in control of their emotions and conservatives are raving lunatics. Any being with an intelligence greater than that of a kumquat can see the opposite is true.

I don't know what Tibs really believes anymore and the more I see of his trolling & embarrassing posts, I don't really much care.
I acknowledge and support 2nd amendment rights to bear arms. At the most, I agree with a few, limited gun control measures, but it's not something I care too much about. Hence why you don't see too many posts from me advocating for gun control.

Our rights as citizens to bear arms is unambiguous in the Constitution, I would never question that. I wish I did, knowing how badly you guys need a boogeyman around here to hurl rocks at.

I do think limiting access to certain type of rapid-fire weapons of war, strengthening background checks, keeping weapons out of the hands of insane, potential mass murderers seems to make sense. Beyond that, I wouldn't support anything that infringes on the rights of law abiding citizens. I think it's insane that there can't even be a discussion without those on the right completely wigging out and losing their minds.

What you support, and what they are doing is called incrementalism. Just little things here and there that further restrict the rights of freedom loving Americans. And on it goes, little by little, until all that is left is a full on ban. In Virginia, they started with a ban. They have since rolled it back to the incrementalism you describe. People in Virginia certainly weren't all spun up about background checks. It started as a gun grab.

The reason people "wig out and lose their minds" is because all of these laws are targeted at people who haven't broken the law, and likely never will. On top of that, 2A has been infringed upon enough. It's old. Why don't these gun control politicians talk about going into the inner city and cleaning up that trash? I thought black lives mattered. People getting shot and killed daily, but you are convinced that I am the person Americans should be worried about.

You know, I have been asked by liberal friends if I am willing to die to defend that right. I tell them that I am, and I ask one simple question. Are you willing to die in an effort to take away my rights?