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Democrats and gun control - "You first"

Sure thing, that was a single meme posted years ago. I owned up to that, was not my intention to offend anyone. At the end of the day, I do agree with standing up to fascists, white supremacists and anti-Semites. You do too, correct?

Red Herring Fallacy (ignoratio elenchi)

A “red herring fallacy” is a distraction from the argument typically with some sentiment that seems to be relevant but isn’t really on-topic. This tactic is common when someone doesn’t like the current topic and wants to detour into something else instead, something easier or safer to address. A red herring fallacy is typically related to the issue in question but isn’t quite relevant enough to be helpful. Instead of clarifying and focusing, it confuses and distracts.

If you have to declare a state emergency to protect your regime against law abiding citizens, you just might be a tyrant.

Where's Jeff Foxworthy when you need him?
Portland Antifa rally:




what was this about?
Right-wing group Patriot Prayer held a rally for leader Joey Gibson at noon on Saturday in Portland, Oregon

read that again, Tibs. they were protesting this guy for using his First Amendment right. even if you do not agree with it, he has a right to say it. isnt that what you've said about the athletes kneeling? its their right to do so, and if you dont like it you can do something else?

oh, but the point was - this rally was held August 2018.
Average temperature for Portland, OR in August? 80 for the high, 58 for the low.

compare that to the PROTEST of infringing on a population's 2nd Amendment right, where no one was injured. No one was hurt. Faces were covered since it was 23 degrees. Hypothermia weather. A very stark difference to the temperature in Portland in August.

oh, and the protest is to prevent more infringing upon the 2A. the 2A helps women not be raped, mugged or assaulted by being able to defend themselves and their families if need be. due to the LARGE number of single mother/parent homes, wouldn't/shouldn't you be in favor of women being able to protect themselves? or, Tibs, why are you anti-woman?
and unlike Portland, the call for violence was squashed.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Agitator tried to stir up the crowd at the <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/VirginiaRally?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#VirginiaRally</a> by suggesting violence but the crowd wasn’t having it. <a href="https://t.co/SUh1C3fO6l">pic.twitter.com/SUh1C3fO6l</a></p>— Brandon Morse (@TheBrandonMorse) <a href="https://twitter.com/TheBrandonMorse/status/1219291733768507392?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 20, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Portland Antifa rally:




Virginia rally:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Groups picking up trash off the road after the rally is over. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/VirginiaRally?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#VirginiaRally</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Virginia2A?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Virginia2A</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/ABC13News?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@ABC13News</a> <a href="https://t.co/RgMlQroE2N">pic.twitter.com/RgMlQroE2N</a></p>— Caroline Eaker (@caroline_wset) <a href="https://twitter.com/caroline_wset/status/1219311446615633921?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 20, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
I wonder if the 'protesters' at the Antifa rally or the women at the women's rights rally cleaned up their environment afterwards? After all, they're the ones screaming our planet's going to die soon from human pollution.
Portland Antifa rally. oh, but the point was - this rally was held August 2018. Average temperature for Portland, OR in August? 80 for the high, 58 for the low.
Those poor chaps were preparing for the cold, never know when a 'storm front' will pass. ;)

We can go back and forth on this. You know very well far-right protestors wear helmets, masks, shields, body gear and the like, just like the crazies on the left. I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy on this board, a la Tim, Steeltime and others, who cry bloody murder when lefty protestors cover their faces. I know full well the large majority of people today where there to peacefully protest their 2nd amendment rights. That's their right and prerogative. I also know there exists an extremist right-wing faction, armed militias and the like, who are on the fringes of these right-wing protests, like the folks who were arrested leading up to this rally.

The hypocrisy on this board is that there is a total denial of these violent, far-right groups, while those on the left like Antifa and others are amplified. So be it. I call them out on both sides, which ruffles feathers around here, for those who deny the existence and danger posed by far-right groups. They're content with vilfying the left, and consider all those on the right saints and beacons of virtue.

Carry on.
Those poor chaps were preparing for the cold, never know when a 'storm front' will pass. ;)

We can go back and forth on this. You know very well far-right protestors wear helmets, masks, shields, body gear and the like, just like the crazies on the left. I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy on this board, a la Tim, Steeltime and others, who cry bloody murder when lefty protestors cover their faces. I know full well the large majority of people today where there to peacefully protest their 2nd amendment rights. That's their right and prerogative. I also know there exists an extremist right-wing faction, armed militias and the like, who are on the fringes of these right-wing protests, like the folks who were arrested leading up to this rally.

The hypocrisy on this board is that there is a total denial of these violent, far-right groups, while those on the left like Antifa and others are amplified. So be it. I call them out on both sides, which ruffles feathers around here, for those who deny the existence and danger posed by far-right groups. They're content with vilfying the left, and consider all those on the right saints and beacons of virtue.

Carry on.

absolutely not. we know there is. we refuse to give them space, since that is what you do. and what you do is color with a broad brush to make it so that ALL and EVERYONE who is a Trump supporter is a violent racist ********.

the part in red - wrong. they were there to object to the government over-reaching and further infringing upon the 2A. Big difference in what they were doing and what you said. like, night and day.

but, back to the point... why do you hate women?
To quote Tibs, I actually think a large majority of people in Charlottesville were there to peacefully protest their opposition to remove Confederate Statues.

Unfortunately, that march and supervision allowed WAY TOO MANY interactions between counter protesters (ANTIFA) and protesters which escalated into one crazy person killing someone (which they were tried and punished for).

For the most part if protesters are given space. If counter-protesters are kept away and separated. Then most times these events end up peaceful. And that goes for even the most left and right-wing position (they have a right to gather as well, even if I despise some or all of their message).

The only group I know that consistently has violence, rioting, looting during their "protests" is Black Lives Matter. For some reason, they turn into mayhem and chaos even when no counter protesters are even present.

I think we are learning that letting protesters and counter protesters mix is a bad idea and the real way to keep these rallies safe is to use police to make sure they stay away from each other under all circumstances.
We can go back and forth on this. You know very well far-right protestors wear helmets, masks, shields, body gear and the like, just like the crazies on the left.

No back and forth. True to your form as a mindless dog, you gobbled up the vomit from some lefty site about the attendees COVERING THEIR FACES LIKE ANTIFA, I proved you wrong in about 2 minutes, you changed the subject, and the huge event, with tens of thousands of attendees, resulted in no violence and people picking up trash - unlike your scum, leftist Antifa heroes at every place they soil with their idiocy.

Finally, I expect an answer to the question:

Superman said:
but, back to the point... why do you hate women?

Especially women of color?!?

'Unconstitutional': Virginia sheriff says he won't enforce Democrats' proposed gun laws

The sheriff of Grayson County, Virginia, said Monday that if gun control legislation proposed by Democrats passes, his department will not enforce those state laws.

"If the bills go through as proposed, they will not be enforced; they're unconstitutional," Sheriff Richard Vaughan said. "We swore to uphold the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of Virginia, and that’s what we’ll do."

I wonder if the 'protesters' at the Antifa rally or the women at the women's rights rally cleaned up their environment afterwards? After all, they're the ones screaming our planet's going to die soon from human pollution.

No, because all pollution comes from the white male patriarchy. Women of color and people of color and people of women cannot create pollution.

You would know this if you weren't such a white male patriarchy apologist and suppressor of women of color.
the attendees COVERING THEIR FACES LIKE ANTIFA, I proved you wrong in about 2 minutes,

You're really becoming quite the asshat. Numerous photos and videos I posted showed people wearing scarves and masks to cover their faces. Armed to the teeth, in full camo and military gear, the typical play-soldiers we see at far right rallies like in Charlottesville. Sure, there were plenty of 'normal' people there today, but you can't deny the weekend warriors, running around city streets like it's Call of Duty. The lengths you go to to sugarcoat the right is beyond laughable. Same goes for your blind love of all things Trump. Keep on being you, always good for a chuckle.
You're really becoming quite the asshat. Numerous photos and videos I posted showed people wearing scarves and masks to cover their faces.

Idiot, unlike your admitted heroes, Antifa, a violent mob that hides its identity, the vast majority - the VAST MAJORITY - in Richmond did not cover their faces and the few who did were doing so because it was 23 degrees. You really are an idiot. An idiot who apparently has no ******* idea what it's like to live in cold, by the way.

Armed to the teeth ...

Uhhh, "armed to the teeth"? Maybe you were not aware of the REASON FOR THE GATHERING?!?


Charlottesville ...

Ahhhh, Charloteseville!?? AHHHHHHHHH ...

Except with no violent lefties present, no injuries and people picking up trash.

Maybe the real problem, Tibsy, is not guns or conservatives or the boogeyman, "white nationalists," maybe the problem is and continues to be lying, hateful, scum leftists. And Tibsy, if the dunce cap fits ...

Now, back to where you came from.

I do think it would be legal to make all protesters have to expose their faces. No masks. No hoods.

It would be interesting to see how a court would rule on that.
It's already a law in VA!!!!

Virginia: § 18.2-422: It shall be unlawful for any person over 16...w/ the intent to conceal his identity, wear any mask/hood/other device whereby a substantial portion of the face is hidden/covered so as to conceal the identity of the wearer, to be or appear in any public place.





Don't swallow Tibs lies, he's full of ****

Tibsy, scouring Media Matters and other lefty sites, weeping about getting pounded for his idiocy in this thread, sobbing and begging for photos showing almost 10 people with lower face covered in 23 degree temperature. "Oh, look what I found! Nine, NINE PEOPLE!!"

Tibs, go back to doing what you do best.


It seems the Trump base has taken this to heart:

“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

—George Orwell

Be it Trump paying off hookers to stay silent before the elections, welcoming election interference in 2016 from the Russians, shaking down Ukraine for personal benefit in a bribery scheme, or simply denying some right-wing protestors were wearing masks today in Virginia. Seems it's all one and the same for Steeltime & crew.

Can't be easy pretending things that are happening as not happening. An upside down world, for sure. To each his own.
It seems the Trump base has taken this to heart:

“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

—George Orwell

Be it Trump paying off hookers to stay silent before the elections, welcoming election interference in 2016 from the Russians, shaking down Ukraine for personal benefit in a bribery scheme, or simply denying some right-wing protestors were wearing masks today in Virginia. Seems it's all one and the same for Steeltime & crew.

Can't be easy pretending things that are happening as not happening. An upside down world, for sure. To each his own.

still want to know why you hate women and believe they should not be able to defend themselves from the unhinged masculinity thrust upon them by white men.
Oh, and Tibsy, in the same photos, 19 attendees DO NOT have anything on their faces, despite the chilly temperatures.

Just like your heroes, right?


Huhh, not that one, I guess. More pics of Tibs' heroes:


Uhhh, maybe not that one either. How about this one?!?!?


GODDAMMIT. Okay, how about these????????




LOOK!! Goddammit, look at that last photo, see that one guy?!?!?

Look exactly the same to me. 99% of Antifa cover faces in 70 degree temperatures, in short sleeves, because of the cold, while Tibsy scoured the internet for NINE GUYS COVERING THEIR MOUTHS IN BLISTERING 23 DEGREE TEMPERATURES!!!
It seems the Trump base has taken this to heart:

“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

—George Orwell

Be it Trump paying off hookers to stay silent before the elections, welcoming election interference in 2016 from the Russians, shaking down Ukraine for personal benefit in a bribery scheme, or simply denying some right-wing protestors were wearing masks today in Virginia. Seems it's all one and the same for Steeltime & crew.

Can't be easy pretending things that are happening as not happening. An upside down world, for sure. To each his own.

Make no mistake, this was not a right-wing protest. This was a protest by freedom loving Americans of every stripe, that are standing up to a tyrannical government trying to strip them of their rights. What’s sad is that you don’t seem to know the difference anymore.
Nice to see.such a large crowd in bitter cold. I was a tad concerned for my cousin who is RPD.
It seems the Trump base has taken this to heart:

“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

—George Orwell

Says the clown who cannot support himself in the United States, worships the form of government that has killed hundreds of millions, and is too dumb and blind to see how much better the country has done under Reagan and Trump than Bammy and the (D)ims.

Seems it's all one and the same for Steeltime & crew.

Two points.

1. I don't have a crew. I should, I deserve one, but I don't.

2. If I HAD a crew, Superman, TimSteelerFan, DBS, Hines57, Ark, and Coryea would NEVER make the cut. My crew would never welcome such losers.