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Derek Chauvin Trial

Right-wing extremists collectively losing their ******* minds, all over the country.

Is Tucker Carlson having a psychotic episode here? Straight up Joker vibes. Yikes.

This is a person having a psychotic episode. Thanking a guy that was killed by police for "sacrificing his life?" The only thing missing is the Kente cloth. The thread is hysterical.

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It doesn't matter that George Floyd was a known criminal
It doesn't matter that he had a lethal/unlethal dose of fentanyl in his system
It doesn't matter what occurred or led up to the point that Officer Chauvin threw his knee onto his neck
It doesn't matter that the officer was white, nor does it matter that the victim was black
It doesn't matter that racism has been politicized and weaponized in the streets of our country

Those are all attempts to minimize or for some sick reason, attempt to justify Chauvin's actions fully or in part, and trivialize the death of a man in the streets of our country while other officers remained complicit and fellow citizens did nothing but record the event and yell in protest.

If we deduce this to the root of the issue; A police officer used his knee to suffocate a helpless man who plead for his very life.

The fact that one human being didn't have a shred of compassion for another, regardless of the situation or circumstances, sickens me.

Chauvin was nothing but evil with a badge, and I'm relieved that he's off of the streets and out of our societal populous.
It doesn't matter that George Floyd was a known criminal
It doesn't matter that he had a lethal/unlethal dose of fentanyl in his system
It doesn't matter what occurred or led up to the point that Officer Chauvin threw his knee onto his neck
It doesn't matter that the officer was white, nor does it matter that the victim was black
It doesn't matter that racism has been politicized and weaponized in the streets of our country

Those are all attempts to minimize or for some sick reason, attempt to justify Chauvin's actions fully or in part, and trivialize the death of a man in the streets of our country while other officers remained complicit and fellow citizens did nothing but record the event and yell in protest.

If we deduce this to the root of the issue; A police officer used his knee to suffocate a helpless man who plead for his very life.

The fact that one human being didn't have a shred of compassion for another, regardless of the situation or circumstances, sickens me.

Chauvin was nothing but evil with a badge, and I'm relieved that he's off of the streets and out of our societal populous.
All of this.

I don't understand why everyone has to go to their corners on this one. Yes, Floyd was no angel, but that doesn't excuse Chauvin's actions. Regardless of drugs in his system and whether or not he would have died later (none of us know that for sure), Chauvin callously kept his knee at his neck even after he was no longer conscious. No one is going to convince me that they needed to do that to an already handcuffed individual with 4 cops there. Perhaps if Chauvin had shown some semblance of empathy for human life none of this would be an issue. He deserves to rot in prison.
That's my issue, they should have taken into consideration the fact that Floyd was going to be dead from a drug overdose within a half hour anyway.
The prosecution presented a lot of evidence that he did not die of an overdose, and though I didn't see every minute of the trial I haven't seen much that effectively refuted a lot of their experts' testimony.

I also feel like introducing the "he might have died from car exhaust" theory just muddied the waters even further. Since they couldn't prove he died of an overdose it came across to me as "Let's just throw every possibility at the wall and see if something sticks." I didn't really buy any of it.

I think the drugs and his health conditions definitely contributed to his death. But I'm not at all convinced that Chauvin's actions didn't. Are you?
It doesn't matter that George Floyd was a known criminal
It doesn't matter that he had a lethal/unlethal dose of fentanyl in his system
It doesn't matter what occurred or led up to the point that Officer Chauvin threw his knee onto his neck
It doesn't matter that the officer was white, nor does it matter that the victim was black
It doesn't matter that racism has been politicized and weaponized in the streets of our country

Those are all attempts to minimize or for some sick reason, attempt to justify Chauvin's actions fully or in part, and trivialize the death of a man in the streets of our country while other officers remained complicit and fellow citizens did nothing but record the event and yell in protest.

If we deduce this to the root of the issue; A police officer used his knee to suffocate a helpless man who plead for his very life.

The fact that one human being didn't have a shred of compassion for another, regardless of the situation or circumstances, sickens me.

Chauvin was nothing but evil with a badge, and I'm relieved that he's off of the streets and out of our societal populous.

Kudos to you, Badcat, very well stated. (y)
This is a person having a psychotic episode. Thanking a guy that was killed by police for "sacrificing his life?" The only thing missing is the Kente cloth. The thread is hysterical.

another swamp rat. Never misses an opportunity to put her foot in her mouth while trying to be relevant.
This is a person having a psychotic episode. Thanking a guy that was killed by police for "sacrificing his life?" The only thing missing is the Kente cloth. The thread is hysterical.

She's a nut job. Hey George thanks for dying so we can pontificate and continue to do absolutely nothing, but act like we are and that we care.

My other favorite nugget from the whack job is her contention that if the "insurrectionists" had made their way to her that she could have handled herself, that she is a street fighter and they wouldn't know what hit them. I laughed pretty hard at that one.............street fighter?!? Yeah, an 80 something over privileged hack that has probably never actually been on the "streets" One hit would have undone all that plastic surgery.
I think the drugs and his health conditions definitely contributed to his death. But I'm not at all convinced that Chauvin's actions didn't.

The testimony of world-renowned pulmonologist Dr. Martin Tobin bears repeating. He testified, in no uncertain terms, that the manner in which Chauvin kneeled on Floyd's neck for that amount of time, on a prone body with chest down, arms pulled back in handcuffs, would have literally killed anybody. Nobody would have survived that.

Let's hope the judge throws the kitchen sink at Chauvin when deciding on sentencing.

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Depends on who you listen to. There were medical experts that weighed in that say that isn't necessarily true. I have seen nowhere where your assertion is universally accepted as fact. Regardless, it doesn't give police the right to treat people that way.
I would think that police officers are trained to recognize a drug overdose and at least where I live all police, deputies, and paramedics carry Narcan because it happens a lot. Again, if they haul GF off to jail after he’s in the police car maybe he gets a shot of Narcan and doesn’t die.
I think the drugs and his health conditions definitely contributed to his death. But I'm not at all convinced that Chauvin's actions didn't. Are you?
I think Chauvin’s actions hurried the process along, which is why he’s going to jail.
I think the jury got it wrong but I respect their decision, The jurors are going to have to live with that decision. I think we will see an exodus of officers from the MPD.
This may not be a bad thing, given there seems to be a high level of incompetence in the MPD. From the shooting of a woman (in her pajamas) who had called police due to a possible intruder a few years back, to the George Floyd death, and the officer who can't tell the difference between a taser and a gun in a critical moment, something needs to change. That's too many people dead due to police mistakes/excess use of force.
I think we will see an exodus of officers from the MPD.
It is going to impact a lot more than just MPD. This insane rhetoric is nationwide and departments across the country are losing officers at alarming rates. Many departments have increased shift hours or taken away off days to cover shifts. When violent crime and crime in general spikes 30-40% higher, then the nut jobs will ***** about why cops aren't doing more to stop it. It's a no-win situation.
This may not be a bad thing, given there seems to be a high level of incompetence in the MPD. From the shooting of a woman (in her pajamas) who had called police due to a possible intruder a few years back, to the George Floyd death, and the officer who can't tell the difference between a taser and a gun in a critical moment, something needs to change. That's too many people dead due to police mistakes/excess use of force.
I'm guessing, and really that's all this is, that things like this have always occurred, but cell phones have changed the way we look at things, for better or worse.

I can't imagine who would want to be a police officer these days, their job for 8-10 hours a day is dealing a lot of individuals that have no respect for the law. I think, again my opinion, that those that are most vocal about police reform, should do a ride along for a week, bet their perception would change.

Not defending Chauvin, he got what he deserved, but a one way narrative won't resolve the issue.
This may not be a bad thing, given there seems to be a high level of incompetence in the MPD. From the shooting of a woman (in her pajamas) who had called police due to a possible intruder a few years back, to the George Floyd death, and the officer who can't tell the difference between a taser and a gun in a critical moment, something needs to change. That's too many people dead due to police mistakes/excess use of force.

There are millions of police interactions every year. They deal with violent people, people whacked out on drugs and alcohol, people with death wishes, wife beaters, murders, child abusers, rapists...they get assaulted, shot at, threatened with knives etc.

The idea that they are never, ever going to make a mistake working day after day in those kinds of conditions is ludicrous. The incidence of intentional harm that is not justified is extremely low.

Meanwhile dozens of people including numerous innocent young children are intentionally gunned down in our cities every day by criminals and it is barely a blip in the media. "Black Lives Matter" activists don't seem to care about these lives one whit.

There will be desperate shortages of police, as well as police unwilling to engage with violent criminals, and many people will die as a result. Its already happening all over the country.
There will be desperate shortages of police, as well as police unwilling to engage with violent criminals, and many people will die as a result.
That is what the left is hoping for...they need victims. Every talking point on their platform relies on people feeling like victims. If everyone is empowered and everyone takes responsibility to better themselves, then there is no need for social welfare programs. A lack of victims means there is no Democrat Party.
It is going to impact a lot more than just MPD. This insane rhetoric is nationwide and departments across the country are losing officers at alarming rates.

The insane rhetoric that police officers shouldn't be murdering unarmed citizens in broad daylight? That insane rhetoric?
This is a person having a psychotic episode.
Pathetic how he cuts off this veteran NYPD officer because he agreed with the verdict. Funny how Tucker CANCELS any talk he doesn’t want to hear, but at the same time complains about cancel culture. Pure hypocrisy. What a *****.
The insane rhetoric that police officers shouldn't be murdering unarmed citizens in broad daylight? That insane rhetoric?
No, the insane rhetoric that most police officers are evil racists just waiting for their chance to kill a black person for no reason whatsoever.
This may not be a bad thing, given there seems to be a high level of incompetence in the MPD. From the shooting of a woman (in her pajamas) who had called police due to a possible intruder a few years back, to the George Floyd death, and the officer who can't tell the difference between a taser and a gun in a critical moment, something needs to change. That's too many people dead due to police mistakes/excess use of force.

Unfortunately our society is heading into the ******* at break neck speed. You couldn't pay me enough to work in some high crime big city filled with epic life **** ups.

The police should be training all the time. Which requires funding, not defunding. They should also cycle officers out who have been on the street for too many years.

One thing is for sure, people can't police themselves. Unless you want the wild west and lynch mobs again.

All of this no police,no jails rubbish sounds good until you realize what that means.

It means citizens will do it themselves without any laws or restrictions.

The only thing that keeps us from complete chaos and anarchy in society is some structure that we have to live by.

Without enforcement that structure is just words on paper. Much like our wonderful constitution that is routinely ignored or perverted for political gain.

You see what mob rule looks like right now in several northwest coast cities. Take that × 100 when armed citizens have to take on complete lawlessness.

They'd be stacking bodies in the morgue.
Pathetic how he cuts off this veteran NYPD officer because he agreed with the verdict. Funny how Tucker CANCELS any talk he doesn’t want to hear, but at the same time complains about cancel culture. Pure hypocrisy. What a *****.
Oh. come on Tibs, you know CNN does it too and did during the election coverage, Covid watch, protests and riots. Don Lemming, Cuomo, etc, they are all *******, too, so recognize all of the media pushing their agenda.
Pathetic how he cuts off this veteran NYPD officer because he agreed with the verdict. Funny how Tucker CANCELS any talk he doesn’t want to hear, but at the same time complains about cancel culture. Pure hypocrisy. What a *****.
If you're trying to get me to defend Tucker Carlson, better bring a lunch, you are going to be waiting a while. Nice try though. Not sure why you are getting your *** up on your shoulders over Nancy Pelosi. She's a nut, and what she said was nothing short of pandering in the most grotesque manner possible. If you are gonna call one out, get to the other to or else someone may call you a.................
If you're trying to get me to defend Tucker Carlson, better bring a lunch, you are going to be waiting a while. Nice try though. Not sure why you are getting your *** up on your shoulders over Nancy Pelosi. She's a nut, and what she said was nothing short of pandering in the most grotesque manner possible. If you are gonna call one out, get to the other to or else someone may call you a.................

Yeah, she certainly misspoke, getting on in age. She should have retired a while ago, along with many others still clutching onto power on the Hill.