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Derek Chauvin Trial

I wish blacks were never brought here, they'd be better off in Africa ....the oppression and racism blacks face on a daily basis in America is never going away. It's horrible!

Does saying that make me a racist?

I used to be one of those who said if you don’t like it here then go somewhere else until I actually did try to go to my ancestral homeland of Italy and couldn’t get a work visa. Apparently other countries have rules and laws about who is and is not a citizen and who is allowed to move in and earn a living.
I wish blacks were never brought here, they'd be better off in Africa ....the oppression and racism blacks face on a daily basis in America is never going away. It's horrible!

Does saying that make me a racist?

This comment could have incited/triggered me (and probably any other black person). But, I'm going to take the high road.

Knowing how we, as black people, were extracted from Africa - how do you proposed we get back??? Slaves were tricked and forced to leave Africa. I would bet that NO ONE - NOT ONE - volunteered to get on the slave ships. NONE OF US waved our hands (me, me, take me) to get crammed into the belly of those slave boats, shackled and bound, barely fed and clothed.

Oppression and racism came to us. Greed was the root cause of the problem.

No, your comment doesn't make you a racist, it does however show an opportunity to educate you (and anyone else who wasn't brave enough to type it for the world to see)...
I wish blacks were never brought here, they'd be better off in Africa ....the oppression and racism blacks face on a daily basis in America is never going away. It's horrible!

Does saying that make me a racist?

Why yes Stewey, it makes you a degenerate, ***********, *************, white-hood wearing piece of **** racist. No wonder your post saw zero backlash on this board. That tells you everything you need to know about the mindset around here.

African Americans represent the core, salt of the earth, existential being of what this country is. You can't remove blacks from America, and still have America.

Your dumbass, whimsical musings fit right in with what the most hardcore, evil white supremacists ponder about, an America without 'all the *******' Africans, Asians, Latinos around mucking up the lily white fantasy world you think America is, or was.

There are no depths any deeper than what a ******* shitshow this board has become. MAGA has sucked every last bit of rational, normal, decent thinking from your tiny minds, just snatched it away.

Never thought I'd say this, but SN has become downright embarrasing. This side of the board may be even more reprehensible than anything you'd find on Parler, or the comments at Daily Stormer or 8chan.

Posts like this will keep me from ever contributing a single cent to this board. I've happily paid & sponsored SN for over a decade. It's the last thing on my mind, to finance the type of hate, vitriol and dumbassery that you folks have come to embrace.

What a ******* shitshow. I guess you can all thank daddy Trump for that. Taking your ignorant, dumbass world views and just making it that much worse.

Utterly shameful & embarrassing.
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This comment could have incited/triggered me (and probably any other black person). But, I'm going to take the high road.

Knowing how we, as black people, were extracted from Africa - how do you proposed we get back??? Slaves were tricked and forced to leave Africa. I would bet that NO ONE - NOT ONE - volunteered to get on the slave ships. NONE OF US waved our hands (me, me, take me) to get crammed into the belly of those slave boats, shackled and bound, barely fed and clothed.

Oppression and racism came to us. Greed was the root cause of the problem.

No, your comment doesn't make you a racist, it does however show an opportunity to educate you (and anyone else who wasn't brave enough to type it for the world to see)...
It’s not racism it’s pushback and it is clearly sarcasm. I can’t speak for everybody but I can speak for myself when I say I am at the point where I am no longer going to tolerate the black community spinning the false narrative of white racist oppression and blaming “white people” for problems of their own making. From here on out it’s just going to fall on deaf ears. Police your own, handle your own ****. Teach young black men to STOP COMITTING 50% of all crimes and 80% of VIOLENT CRIMES! Teach young black women to stop having babies out of wedlock to the tune of 70% BASTARDY RATE.
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Why yes Stewey, it makes you a degenerate, ***********, *************, white-hood wearing piece of **** racist. No wonder your post saw zero backlash on this board. That tells you everything you need to know about the mindset around here.

African Americans represent the core, salt of the earth, existential being of what this country is. You can't remove blacks from America, and still have America.

Your dumbass, whimsical musings fit right in with what the most hardcore, evil white supremacists ponder about, an America without 'all the *******' Africans, Asians, Latinos around mucking up the lily white fantasy world you think America is, or was.

There are no depths any deeper than what a ******* shitshow this board has become. MAGA has sucked every last bit of rational, normal, decent thinking from your tiny minds, just snatched it away.

Never thought I'd say this, but SN has become downright embarrasing. This side of the board may be even more reprehensible than anything you'd find on Parler, or the comments at Daily Stormer or 8chan.

Posts like this will keep me from ever contributing a single cent to this board. I've happily paid & sponsored SN for over a decade. It's the last thing on my mind, to finance the type of hate, vitriol and dumbassery that you folks have come to embrace.

What a ******* shitshow. I guess you can all thank daddy Trump for that. Taking your ignorant, dumbass world views and just making it that much worse.

Utterly shameful & embarrassing.
**** off you virtue signaling race baiting communist ****.
It’s not racism it’s pushback and it is clearly sarcasm. I can’t speak for everybody but I can speak for myself when I say I am at the point where I am no longer going to tolerate the black community spinning the false narrative of white racist oppression and blaming “white people” for problems of their own making. From here on out it’s just going to fall on deaf ears. Police your own, handle your own ****. Teach young black men to STOP COMITTING 50% of all crimes and 80% of VIOLENT CRIMES! Teach young black women to stop having babies out of wedlock to the tune of 70% BASTARDY RATE.

It isn't the black community as a whole spinning the racist white narrative. It's the media narrative, progressives and activists doing that, but way to paint an entire race with a broad brush all while whining about the narrative of "white people".
Snowflake Tibtard got his granny panties in a bunch. Totally expected. Emotionally unstable ******** is not capable of comparing and contrasting how good blacks have things in America vs. Africa. Like all low IQ libs, he just screams "racist!"
Snowflake Tibtard got his granny panties in a bunch. Totally expected. Emotionally unstable ******** is not capable of comparing and contrasting how good blacks have things in America vs. Africa. Like all low IQ libs, he just screams "racist!"

That's because blacks are as American as apple pie. Why don't you compare and contrast how Dutch Americans, German Americans, Danish Americans, Swedish Americans or British Americans are doing here relative to where their ancestors are from, you racist ****.
African Americans represent the core, salt of the earth, existential being of what this country is. You can't remove blacks from America, and still have America.

Why would you expose blacks to the ubiquitous, all-encompassing racism that is America? You are one sick little man.

Your dumbass, whimsical musings fit right in with what the most hardcore, evil white supremacists ponder about, an America without 'all the *******' Africans, Asians, Latinos around mucking up the lily white fantasy world you think America is, or was.

Wait, wait, wait ... Stewey was proposing ENDING the horrible suffering blacks face in this evil empire of white supremacy. Would you send Jews to Nazi Germany? Same with blacks forced to live in the racist hellhole known as the United States. Unless you're saying that the endless mantra of "America racist," "America white supremacy" is pure bullshit. Is that what you are trying to say?


There are no depths any deeper than what a ******* shitshow this board has become. MAGA has sucked every last bit of rational, normal, decent thinking from your tiny minds, just snatched it away.

Back to your hidey-hole, little man.

Never thought I'd say this, but SN has become downright embarrasing.

"Embarrassing." Two "s."

This side of the board may be even more reprehensible than anything you'd find on Parler, or the comments at Daily Stormer or 8chan.

Oh my God, as bad as Parler!?!? Noooooooo!!!!

Posts like this will keep me from ever contributing a single cent to this board.

Wow, that hurts. Particularly since you are currently a freeloader.

Like your welching, cheap ideological brethren - 21IQ and Flog. Coincidence that the blowhard know-it-all ******** are also the biggest freeloaders? I think not.

I've happily paid & sponsored SN for over a decade.

But not for more than a year. Right?

What a ******* shitshow.

You poor, poor little man. So traumatized by some post on Steeler Nation that you twist your panties into a wad.

I guess you can all thank daddy Trump for that. Taking your ignorant, dumbass world views and just making it that much worse. Utterly shameful & embarrassing.

Contrary points of view?


Decaf, nobody on earth gives a **** about your opinions. You are a nobody. A failure. A guy unable to succeed in America. A moron who has never been to law school and who spews his legal opinions, has no background in economics or civics and bloviates on how the government should spend its money and control its citizens, somebody who has never owned and I wager never shot a firearm and who wags his finger and tells us all about guns.

Don't go away mad, Decaf. Nobody cares if you're mad, you limp-dick nobody. Just get my coffee and shut up.
It’s not racism it’s pushback and it is clearly sarcasm. I can’t speak for everybody but I can speak for myself when I say I am at the point where I am no longer going to tolerate the black community spinning the false narrative of white racist oppression and blaming “white people” for problems of their own making. From here on out it’s just going to fall on deaf ears. Police your own, handle your own ****. Teach young black men to STOP COMITTING 50% of all crimes and 80% of VIOLENT CRIMES! Teach young black women to stop having babies out of wedlock to the tune of 70% BASTARDY RATE.
Funny. Maybe the black communities wouldn't be in the state that they are if they were considered more than 3/5's of a man/woman...

Maybe if we were used as "test dummies" for the Tuskegee Project? Maybe if Henrietta Lacks was not treated less than human only to have her cell line immortalized because she and the men from the Tuskegee Project were told the 'facts' and paid handsomely for their contributions to Americans today???

I'm not going to get mad. I'm going to continue to educate (those willing to listen) that blacks were put into a very troubling and precarious situation from the onset of their arrival in this country. And WE STILL HAVE NOT RECOVERED FROM THAT. Fact.

Instead of finding humor in Tibs post and mine---instead of 'not tolerating the black community spinning' - arm yourself with the real facts and learn to speak to both sides of the story - just as many of the blacks that you condemn have to do...

Tell me how one does not think these statements are racially divisive???

1. Stop committing 50% of all the crimes
2. Committing 80% of violent crimes
3. Teach black women to stop producing babies

No one is making excuses, DBS, no one. But your comment, Stewey's comment, gents they cross the line SO BLATANTLY that it makes me want to puke.
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No one is making excuses, DBS, no one. But your comment, Stewey's comment, gents they cross the line SO BLATANTLY that it makes me want to puke.

Indeed bermuda, the disgusting & ignorant views prevalent on this board literally makes me sick to my stomach. I bet most Americans, by a rather large margin, would feel the same way. That is, if you're an American who truly loves this great country and believes in the promise of a more perfect union, that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

But that will get you exactly nowhere with the unhinged, deeply confused and lost-in-the-woods MAGA crew. Ignorant dumbasses like Indy & Steeltime will jump out from the shadows to defend and sugarcoat the vile, racist sentiment espoused by others. They'll do so on a drop of a dime, without hesitation.

Let's not kid ourselves. This is exactly what the whole Trump/MAGA movement has always been about. Just look at what Trump advisor Stephen Miller is all about. Go back to Trump's inauguration speech in January of 2017, listen to & re-read it, it's the exact same sentiment. These are latent white supremacist views. The fact that this was not only not rejected, but fully embraced by the yahoos on this board tells you everything you need to know.

And the hundreds of posts over the years by the MAGA losers just substantiate it.

It would be best for everyone, if you ******** far-righters just came and and fussed up to the true nature of your politcal and world views. You're not fooling anyone but yourselves.
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Indeed bermuda, the disgusting & ignorant views prevalent on this board literally makes one sick to their stomach. That is, if you're an American who truly loves this great country and believes in the promise of a more perfect union, that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

But that will get you exactly nowhere with the unhinged, deeply confused and lost-in-the-woods MAGA crew. Ignorant dumbasses like Indy & Steeltime will jump out from the shadows to defend and sugarcoat the vile, racist sentiment espoused by others. They'll do so on a drop of a dime, without hesitation.

Let's not kid ourselves. This is exactly what the whole Trump/MAGA movement has always been about. Just look at what Trump advisor Stephen Miller is all about. Go back to Trump's inauguration speech in January of 2017, listen to & re-read it, it's the exact same sentiment. These are latent white supremacist views. The fact that this was not only not rejected, but fully embraced by the yahoos on this board tells you everything you need to know.

And the hundreds of posts over the years by the MAGA losers just substantiate it.

It would be best for everyone, if you ******** far-righters just came and and fussed up to the true nature of your politcal and world views. You're not fooling anyone but yourselves.
I refuse to let anyone bring me down...Humor is my medicine...

Funny. Maybe the black communities wouldn't be in the state that they are if they were considered more than 3/5's of a man/woman...

Maybe if we were used as "test dummies" for the Tuskegee Project? Maybe if Henrietta Lacks was not treated less than human only to have her cell line immortalized because she and the men from the Tuskegee Project were told the 'facts' and paid handsomely for their contributions to Americans today???

I'm not going to get mad. I'm going to continue to educate (those willing to listen) that blacks were put into a very troubling and precarious situation from the onset of their arrival in this country. And WE STILL HAVE NOT RECOVERED FROM THAT. Fact.

Instead of finding humor in Tibs post and mine---instead of 'not tolerating the black community spinning' - arm yourself with the real facts and learn to speak to both sides of the story - just as many of the blacks that you condemn have to do...

Tell me how one does not think these statements are racially divisive???

1. Stop committing 50% of all the crimes
2. Committing 80% of violent crimes
3. Teach black women to stop producing babies

No one is making excuses, DBS, no one. But your comment, Stewey's comment, gents they cross the line SO BLATANTLY that it makes me want to puke.
The truth is not an insult and reality is not an attack. The numbers I quoted are from the census and the FBI/DOJ. The bastardy rate and the death of the black family to the welfare state drive the crime stats. Yes teach your young women to stop procreating outside of marriage and the other things will quickly be rectified. Strong intact families produce better results all around.

Stop the bullshit false equivalency arguments. You know good and well the Constitution was amended giving blacks the same status as whites. You have had the same rights and privileges as me your whole life. The Tuskegee Experiment ended 80 years ago. You cannot be a victim of something that ended 40 years prior to your birth so GTFO with that nonsense.

Focus on fixing real issues instead pushing the race hustle.
Indeed bermuda, the disgusting & ignorant views prevalent on this board literally makes me sick to my stomach. I bet most Americans, by a rather large margin, would feel the same way. That is, if you're an American who truly loves this great country and believes in the promise of a more perfect union, that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

But that will get you exactly nowhere with the unhinged, deeply confused and lost-in-the-woods MAGA crew. Ignorant dumbasses like Indy & Steeltime will jump out from the shadows to defend and sugarcoat the vile, racist sentiment espoused by others. They'll do so on a drop of a dime, without hesitation.

Let's not kid ourselves. This is exactly what the whole Trump/MAGA movement has always been about. Just look at what Trump advisor Stephen Miller is all about. Go back to Trump's inauguration speech in January of 2017, listen to & re-read it, it's the exact same sentiment. These are latent white supremacist views. The fact that this was not only not rejected, but fully embraced by the yahoos on this board tells you everything you need to know.

And the hundreds of posts over the years by the MAGA losers just substantiate it.

It would be best for everyone, if you ******** far-righters just came and and fussed up to the true nature of your politcal and world views. You're not fooling anyone but yourselves.
Look at you Tibor!

Playing White Savior again. That’s twice in one day you must be bursting with smugness.
That's because blacks are as American as apple pie. Why don't you compare and contrast how Dutch Americans, German Americans, Danish Americans, Swedish Americans or British Americans are doing here relative to where their ancestors are from, you racist ****.
Non of them think America is racist, you racist ********.
Tell me how one does not think these statements are racially devise???

1. Stop committing 50% of all the crimes
2. Committing 80% of violent crimes
3. Teach black women to stop producing babies

No one is making excuses, DBS, no one. But your comment, Stewey's comment, gents they cross the line SO BLATANTLY that it makes me want to puke.

Why are those statements taboo? Seriously, if America is to have a genuine conversation about serious issues related to race, then why are key points about the underlying causes of so many problems in the black community - single-parent families, teen mothers - off limits? Do we think there is no relation between the single teen mothers and the fact their sons engaged in a vast number of violent crimes?

Sixty years ago, African-Americans were much, much, much more likely to own a business than have been convicted of a felony. Today? The opposite is true. Why is that? What the hell happened, and how can we fix it?

We need to have serious discussions on these issues. Right now, one prevalent view is that the difficulties in black communities with education, crime, housing, job opportunities can be traced to racism and racist police. Racism and racist police exist. Okay. But the painful truth is that those issue are vastly less a real, everyday problem in the black community as the problem of tens of thousands of males with zero male role models other than athletes and musicians who provide no real guidance and the utter failure of the education system.

Calling somebody asks those questions a racist is destructive. We can pretend that getting rid of "policing as we know it" will change the reality. We can pretend that cow dung is gold. But nobody is better off living a lie, pretending that boogeymen are the reason for difficulties in the community, and failing to address the real problem. Until we do so, we will simply revert to the blame game and look for convenient, phony excuses.

Me? If something is not the way I want it, I find a reflective surface, look into it, and say, "There's the problem - and the solution."
Playing White Savior again. That’s twice in one day you must be bursting with smugness.

Don't forget to pick up your white sheets & hood from the dry cleaners. You probably have a meeting or an 'event' to attend soon, check your calendar. And while you're at it, may want to take note it's 2021 and not the 1930's & 40's where your dark soul so desires to be.
Don't forget to pick up your white sheets & hood from the dry cleaners. You probably have a meeting or an 'event' to attend soon, check your calendar. And while you're at it, may want to take note it's 2021 and not the 1930's & 40's where your dark soul so desires to be.
That’s your people Tibor. The Klukkers are solid Democrats. I’m not a bigot like you and I don’t engage in the bigotry of low expectations.
That's because blacks are as American as apple pie. Why don't you compare and contrast how Dutch Americans, German Americans, Danish Americans, Swedish Americans or British Americans are doing here relative to where their ancestors are from, you racist ****.
nice. i notice you skipped right over the Irish, while jumping around Europe.

certainly you know about indentured servitude and how those who did accept that other level of slavery rarely bought their freedom. of course you did, as it was taught in American History back when we were in high school (you're my age, and textbooks by and large were the same despite the location back then). So you'll gloss right over the absolute **** treatment of the Irish to completely virtue signal about the plight of the slaves taken from Africa. I truly hate it for any race that was enslaved - despite which term it fell under.

yet you ask how those are doing in relative to where their ancestors were from. well, cupcake, some decided to not vote for the hand that was feeding them while also enslaving them with **** policies and underhanded wordings of bills that became laws.

as for Stewey's post - i saw it as sarcasm. just as many others did. I also see how it triggered your TrumpGun and how you want to blame everything under the sun on MAGA ... despite not accepting that MAGA was for everyone despite their race, sex, or religious leanings.

and you continue the crazy cycle of supporting the masters who enslave the population by propping up, supporting and voting for those who make money off the chaos they create and push. because you do not dig into the policies, see who it benefits (those who write the bills and laws) and who it negatively effects (those who are not politicians). this is particularly evident in how you fawn over the Dems, despite their support of Gyna and the Middle East - places that are either committing genocide (Gyna) and/or continuing to practice slavery (Middle East). Even Vice Prostitute Kneepads said Biden would do anything Gyna tells him to do. Yet you don't want that fact brought up. You also don't want it brought up that we were energy independent under that MAGA ************ and were not dependent on OPEC for oil.

but that's due to you wanting to protect the environment. and being so insanely incompetent in critical thinking that you do not accept that the environment in the Middle East is ****** by drilling for oil, then the ships that bring that oil over here contaminate the oceans on that voyage. the hypocrisy you flaunt like a shield of honor is tarnished with ****.

and since you hate the R&P forum so much, why do you continue to post in it? is it because you want to hear opposing views since you're aware that the alt-left which compromises the vast majority from Center is completely ******* bizarre? that has to be it.
The truth is not an insult and reality is not an attack. The numbers I quoted are from the census and the FBI/DOJ. The bastardy rate and the death of the black family to the welfare state drive the crime stats. Yes teach your young women to stop procreating outside of marriage and the other things will quickly be rectified. Strong intact families produce better results all around.

Stop the bullshit false equivalency arguments. You know good and well the Constitution was amended giving blacks the same status as whites. You have had the same rights and privileges as me your whole life. The Tuskegee Experiment ended 80 years ago. You cannot be a victim of something that ended 40 years prior to your birth so GTFO with that nonsense.

Focus on fixing real issues instead pushing the race hustle.
I disagree.

You think you current facts have nothing to do w/ the systemic root cause? That's hilarious.
Why are those statements taboo? Seriously, if America is to have a genuine conversation about serious issues related to race, then why are key points about the underlying causes of so many problems in the black community - single-parent families, teen mothers - off limits? Do we think there is no relation between the single teen mothers and the fact their sons engaged in a vast number of violent crimes?

Sixty years ago, African-Americans were much, much, much more likely to own a business than have been convicted of a felony. Today? The opposite is true. Why is that? What the hell happened, and how can we fix it?

We need to have serious discussions on these issues. Right now, one prevalent view is that the difficulties in black communities with education, crime, housing, job opportunities can be traced to racism and racist police. Racism and racist police exist. Okay. But the painful truth is that those issue are vastly less a real, everyday problem in the black community as the problem of tens of thousands of males with zero male role models other than athletes and musicians who provide no real guidance and the utter failure of the education system.

Calling somebody asks those questions a racist is destructive. We can pretend that getting rid of "policing as we know it" will change the reality. We can pretend that cow dung is gold. But nobody is better off living a lie, pretending that boogeymen are the reason for difficulties in the community, and failing to address the real problem. Until we do so, we will simply revert to the blame game and look for convenient, phony excuses.

Me? If something is not the way I want it, I find a reflective surface, look into it, and say, "There's the problem - and the solution."
I respect this.
nice. i notice you skipped right over the Irish, while jumping around Europe.

certainly you know about indentured servitude and how those who did accept that other level of slavery rarely bought their freedom. of course you did, as it was taught in American History back when we were in high school (you're my age, and textbooks by and large were the same despite the location back then). So you'll gloss right over the absolute **** treatment of the Irish to completely virtue signal about the plight of the slaves taken from Africa. I truly hate it for any race that was enslaved - despite which term it fell under.

yet you ask how those are doing in relative to where their ancestors were from. well, cupcake, some decided to not vote for the hand that was feeding them while also enslaving them with **** policies and underhanded wordings of bills that became laws.

as for Stewey's post - i saw it as sarcasm. just as many others did. I also see how it triggered your TrumpGun and how you want to blame everything under the sun on MAGA ... despite not accepting that MAGA was for everyone despite their race, sex, or religious leanings.

and you continue the crazy cycle of supporting the masters who enslave the population by propping up, supporting and voting for those who make money off the chaos they create and push. because you do not dig into the policies, see who it benefits (those who write the bills and laws) and who it negatively effects (those who are not politicians). this is particularly evident in how you fawn over the Dems, despite their support of Gyna and the Middle East - places that are either committing genocide (Gyna) and/or continuing to practice slavery (Middle East). Even Vice Prostitute Kneepads said Biden would do anything Gyna tells him to do. Yet you don't want that fact brought up. You also don't want it brought up that we were energy independent under that MAGA ************ and were not dependent on OPEC for oil.

but that's due to you wanting to protect the environment. and being so insanely incompetent in critical thinking that you do not accept that the environment in the Middle East is ****** by drilling for oil, then the ships that bring that oil over here contaminate the oceans on that voyage. the hypocrisy you flaunt like a shield of honor is tarnished with ****.

and since you hate the R&P forum so much, why do you continue to post in it? is it because you want to hear opposing views since you're aware that the alt-left which compromises the vast majority from Center is completely ******* bizarre? that has to be it.
Noted. I respect this too.
I disagree.

You think you current facts have nothing to do w/ the systemic root cause? That's hilarious.

Do you think that racial views in America today are legitimately affected by Article I, Section 2, of the U.S. Constitution? Seriously, I think probably 75% of Americans don't even know what the hell you are referring to.

Do you think Americans today are more prone to racism because of experiments done in Tuskegee between 1932 and 1971? Or are they more likely to condemn racism?

You cite examples of past racism, well-known in today's society and almost universally involving the government. How are those examples in any rational way a cause of racism today? I find your reasoning unpersuasive.
Funny. Maybe the black communities wouldn't be in the state that they are if they were considered more than 3/5's of a man/woman...

Maybe if we were used as "test dummies" for the Tuskegee Project? Maybe if Henrietta Lacks was not treated less than human only to have her cell line immortalized because she and the men from the Tuskegee Project were told the 'facts' and paid handsomely for their contributions to Americans today???

I'm not going to get mad. I'm going to continue to educate (those willing to listen) that blacks were put into a very troubling and precarious situation from the onset of their arrival in this country. And WE STILL HAVE NOT RECOVERED FROM THAT. Fact.

Instead of finding humor in Tibs post and mine---instead of 'not tolerating the black community spinning' - arm yourself with the real facts and learn to speak to both sides of the story - just as many of the blacks that you condemn have to do...

Tell me how one does not think these statements are racially divisive???

1. Stop committing 50% of all the crimes
2. Committing 80% of violent crimes
3. Teach black women to stop producing babies

No one is making excuses, DBS, no one. But your comment, Stewey's comment, gents they cross the line SO BLATANTLY that it makes me want to puke.

Why have they not recovered yet? It's been a very long time. Life was hard for most people in this country when they first arrived. The Chinese were abused building railroads. They were every bit as discriminated against as blacks post slavery. They came together as a community, started businesses and they thrive.

Fact is that blacks were starting to thrive and liberals social policies of the 60s destroyed them.

You should watch Dr Thomas Sowell videos. He's an economist and historian. There are lots of videos of him dispelling myths and giving facts.

It's funny that me voting for Trump is supposed to mean i am against black people. It's the opposite. I believe conservative policies are ultimately better for all groups. The surest way to hurt a group of people is to hand them things and lower standards of what's expected. I'm not talking about the true hardship cases. Everybody is in favor of a helping hand to get people back on their feet but not a continuous hand out that destroys self reliability.

When i read the list of demands from BLM or i read that ridiculous list that was put out that determined things like being on time and getting the right answers in math as a form of racism, it seems like som,ething a raciost would write to sabotage them.

Here's just 1 Sowell video.
