I wish blacks were never brought here, they'd be better off in Africa ....the oppression and racism blacks face on a daily basis in America is never going away. It's horrible!
Does saying that make me a racist?
Why yes Stewey, it makes you a degenerate, ***********, *************, white-hood wearing piece of **** racist. No wonder your post saw zero backlash on this board. That tells you everything you need to know about the mindset around here.
African Americans represent the core, salt of the earth, existential being of what this country is. You can't remove blacks from America, and still have America.
Your dumbass, whimsical musings fit right in with what the most hardcore, evil white supremacists ponder about, an America without 'all the *******' Africans, Asians, Latinos around mucking up the lily white fantasy world you think America is, or was.
There are no depths any deeper than what a ******* shitshow this board has become. MAGA has sucked every last bit of rational, normal, decent thinking from your tiny minds, just snatched it away.
Never thought I'd say this, but SN has become downright embarrasing. This side of the board may be even more reprehensible than anything you'd find on Parler, or the comments at Daily Stormer or 8chan.
Posts like this will keep me from ever contributing a single cent to this board. I've happily paid & sponsored SN for over a decade. It's the last thing on my mind, to finance the type of hate, vitriol and dumbassery that you folks have come to embrace.
What a ******* shitshow. I guess you can all thank daddy Trump for that. Taking your ignorant, dumbass world views and just making it that much worse.
Utterly shameful & embarrassing.