Everyone but the utterly blind and deaf can plainly see how Chauvin murdered this man in broad daylight. Nothing some greasy, slimeball lawyer - like Chauvin's - can say or do will ever change that. If you believe the adage that a few bad cops ruin it for a lot of good cops, here's your chance to stand with justice and on the right side of history. It's a layup. It doesn't involve too much deep thinking or analysis.
Why do I still think some of you will fail even this most basic, rudimentary test of humanity? Well, because I've been on this board for too many years to know any better, that's why.
Here's my take on this Tibs. You are making this situation a binary one. Good or bad. Nothing in between. Chauvin is evil and GF is innocent, that's how you see it. To you, there is no gray area.
The reality is, there truly are different issues at play here. You will only consider the political one. The one that benefits your woke, communist, political agenda.
Fact: Chauvin was wrong. Acted out of line. Contributed to this man's death. Deserves to be incarcerated, period. No different than the SC police officer who shot Walter Scott in the back and is now in prison.
Fact: GF is a life long criminal. GF was to the point of near overdose on drugs. GF had severe cardio issues going on. GF did contribute to his own demise as well by putting himself in this situation.
This isn't simply cut and dry like you want to make it.
GF played with fire. He got burned. Should he have gotten burned by the cop? Nope. But he put himself in the situation, no one else did.
If I insist on risking my life and running across highways, at some point in time, I'm gonna get hit by a car. The safe thing to do would be to avoid the highway. These career criminals live on the highway. They encounter police at a drastically higher rate than you or I, and often because of their actions, in tense if not gun drawn or physical altercation scenarios. When you put yourself in these situations, and when you're committing crime, AND when you resist arrest, you severely increase your likelihood of dying.
Despite everyone unanimously saying Chauvin was wrong, we are STILL allowed to have a discussion about the victim, his actions, and how he contributed to his own demise. NONE of that means we are excusing Chauvin.