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Election Day 2020

You mean some career politicians have publicly 'accepted' the sham?

Boy, that really gives it the air of legitimacy I was looking for.
I don't understand this logic of doubting the totals.

Trump went from 63,000,000 votes in 2016 to 74,300,000 votes in 2020, which is about a 18% increase in total votes.

Democrats went from 65,900,000 votes in 2016 (Hillary) to 81,300,000 votes in 2020, which is a 23% increase in total votes.

All-in-all, the country had an increase in voter turnout of over 20%. Or 26.7 million NEW VOTERS.

Why is it so hard to believe, after 4 years of Trump, that democrats got 57.6% of new voters? Based on what he went through, the negative media, the constant attacks, big Washington and big City voracity against him, that new voters would basically vote 57.6% vs. 42.4% against him?

That's just if everyone that votes for Clinton stayed with Biden and everyone that voted for Trump, voted for him again. But that didn't happen.

Turnout is what beat Trump. We talk about this all the time, when democrats get the cities to turn out and vote, Republicans lose. There was enough hatred for Trump to "get out the vote".

For four years we talked about is disliking Trump was enough to get people to vote. In 2016 it wasn't. In 2020 it was. The political machines of driving voters to do something, the whole idea of political influence from campaigns, to news, to social media, to advertising. It worked for Biden.

I'm kind of shocked so many here think Trump is actually well-liked in this country enough to win. That you don't realized the amount of distaste he really has, across a LOT of demographics.

What he accomplished was pretty amazing. But the voting numbers seem COMPLETELY in-line with reality, which I just don't understand how some of you don't believe. What bubbles do you guys live in to not realize the amount of anti-Trump voters that are out there?

Trump proved, once and for all, that ANTI-votes are enough to win. For many election cycles, that wasn't the case. Experts said a candidate had to be electable and motivate people to the polls to win. But Trump was an exception. Like Trump has been an exception from the moment he came down the elevator in 2014.

My only argument here is that the popular vote means jack **** to the presidential race. The president is elected through the electoral college not the popular vote.

When you consider that there's a 7 million votes difference between Biden and Trump, and California itself accounts for 5 1/2 million then that just means that 5 1/2 million more people in California guaranteed California's electors. In New York the difference was roughly 2 million. Any state with a difference of over 1 million votes is just more votes towards those state's electors.

All you really need to know is the percentages from each state as that's the more proper indicator of who's going to get the electors and win the presidency.

So both Trump and Biden saying the millions of votes in their favor or some kind of mandate from the entire country are being disingenuous.
You mean some career politicians have publicly 'accepted' the sham?

Boy, that really gives it the air of legitimacy I was looking for.

They did a bang up job with the voting machines and mail in votes. The confiscated machines are producing what we all thought. Unfortunately in other states we don't have them and they probably reset them or wiped them.
The Day the Kraken Died


McConnell, top Republicans accept Biden's victory after Electoral College vote

WASHINGTON — After weeks of delay, the top Republican in the Senate, Mitch McConnell acknowledged on Tuesday that Joe Biden will be the next president following an Electoral College vote officially certified his win on Monday.

"Today, I want to congratulate President-elect Biden," the Senate majority leader said on Tuesday.

Sen. Roy Blunt, who chairs the committee responsible for planning the inauguration, said that "now we have the constitutional threshold, and we'll deal with Vice President Biden as the president elect."


looks like the politicians are being sucked in for the "unity" you ***** on the Left NOW want.
does that "unity" mean 4 years of impeachment proceedings?
does that "unity" mean we get to see Biden's tax returns?
does that "unity" mean we get to see Biden's medical reports?
does that "unity" mean we get to burn buildings?

yeah... no
looks like the politicians are being sucked in for the "unity" you ***** on the Left NOW want.
does that "unity" mean 4 years of impeachment proceedings?
does that "unity" mean we get to see Biden's tax returns?
does that "unity" mean we get to see Biden's medical reports?
does that "unity" mean we get to burn buildings?

yeah... no

Exactly! **** them. They can take that unity bullshit and shove it up their *** wrapped in barbed wire.
Time for the country to move on...

but there should be a bi-partisian committee formed to improve voter security in the country...

This country will not survive another election like this one..

We are headed for one party rule. The Dems plan to stack the court and to make Puerto Rico and DC states. They will hone their efforts and learn from mistakes in this election. For the next 4 years, election integrity will not be investigated and election reform will not come. We aren't going back...they will push it forward. More mail in voting, more electronic voting systems they can manipulate. There will never be another fair election.

Improve voter security...that made me chuckle. The party that wants unfettered, no ID, dead people and illegal aliens and felons voting, is in power. You think they are going to step back now and say we should tighten up voter laws?

Kennedy won because he looked good on TV. I wonder if the Nixon supporters freaked out. Perhaps they blamed the aliens that invented the talking picture box. People vote for someone for a wide variety of reasons. I doubt everyone voting against Trump did so simply because they thought he was an *******. Maybe they didn't like his hair, or his tan, or his tweets, or his insults, or his behavior, or the way he walked, or his policies etc. etc. etc.
two questions for Spike and Tibs and Flog and 21

1. Will Biden release Obama's caged kids?
2. Why has the media SUDDENLY dropped that topic?
I don't understand this logic of doubting the totals.


You wanna know what I don't understand? How many people still believe it couldn't happen here.

I don't know if there was large scale fraud or not. I want to believe there wasn't, but man, a lot of people out there making claims. Shouldn't we at least look into it?

And I know Trump is not well liked. I'm one of the not well likers.

As I said, I've moved on. Biden is the President-Elect. I would like to see Trump be gracious, even in the face of the injustice he believes, but he won't.

Things are not going to improve in America. No, I think it is about to get worse. I guess we'll see.
You wanna know what I don't understand? How many people still believe it couldn't happen here.

I don't know if there was large scale fraud or not. I want to believe there wasn't, but man, a lot of people out there making claims. Shouldn't we at least look into it?

And I know Trump is not well liked. I'm one of the not well likers.

As I said, I've moved on. Biden is the President-Elect. I would like to see Trump be gracious, even in the face of the injustice he believes, but he won't.

Things are not going to improve in America. No, I think it is about to get worse. I guess we'll see.

The Great Reset is coming soon...Biden already spewing the mantra "Build back better"... Buckle up butter cup! yee haw
You wanna know what I don't understand? How many people still believe it couldn't happen here.

I don't know if there was large scale fraud or not. I want to believe there wasn't, but man, a lot of people out there making claims. Shouldn't we at least look into it?

And I know Trump is not well liked. I'm one of the not well likers.

As I said, I've moved on. Biden is the President-Elect. I would like to see Trump be gracious, even in the face of the injustice he believes, but he won't.

Things are not going to improve in America. No, I think it is about to get worse. I guess we'll see.

i agree on all points - yet something wants me to see Trump go scorched ******* earth. declassify ****, pardon ******* who shouldnt be in prison, etc
and i believe he will not go quietly and meekly as he sees the potential to begin a 3rd party.
i agree on all points - yet something wants me to see Trump go scorched ******* earth. declassify ****, pardon ******* who shouldnt be in prison, etc
and i believe he will not go quietly and meekly as he sees the potential to begin a 3rd party.

I don't know man. Trump is a lot of hot gas. He has yakked about declassifying this and releasing that and blah blah, and never does it. I think he'll pardon a few folks that will stir some controversy and that will be about it. He isn't going to declassify anything. And even if he did and there was a smoking gun showing election fraud on the grandest of scales, half the nation wouldn't believe it anyway. No point in it.
"Unity," "Trump should be gracious," "Stop fighting the results," and on and on.

**** that. **** that to hell and back. In January of 2017, ******** blocked freeways, burned flags, said "Not my President," made up a bullshit story about Russian interference, lied about that made-up claim for three years, investigated the President for 3 1/2 years, engaged in non-stop hatred and vitriol against him, accused every one of his supporters of being racist and Trump of "literally" being Hitler, micro-examined every goddamn thing he did while ignoring a litany of undeniable accomplishments, literally physically attacked Trump supporters.

So **** your unity. Stick it up your ***.
We are headed for one party rule. The Dems plan to stack the court and to make Puerto Rico and DC states. They will hone their efforts and learn from mistakes in this election. For the next 4 years, election integrity will not be investigated and election reform will not come. We aren't going back...they will push it forward. More mail in voting, more electronic voting systems they can manipulate. There will never be another fair election.

Improve voter security...that made me chuckle. The party that wants unfettered, no ID, dead people and illegal aliens and felons voting, is in power. You think they are going to step back now and say we should tighten up voter laws?


"I pledge allegiance to the Democrat party."

The idea of elections is beneath them. These elitists know what's best for us all so why should they have to be bothered with needless elections.

Ya make elections no longer be a concern by abolishing the Electoral College, grant statehood to DC and PR, let 16yr olds and illegals vote, no ID's required.

I pledge allegiance to the Democrat party,
And not to the Republic for which it once stood,
One nation no longer under God,
Divided as ****,
With liberalism and social justice for all.
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"Unity," "Trump should be gracious," "Stop fighting the results," and on and on.

**** that. **** that to hell and back. In January of 2017, ******** blocked freeways, burned flags, said "Not my President," made up a bullshit story about Russian interference, lied about that made-up claim for three years, investigated the President for 3 1/2 years, engaged in non-stop hatred and vitriol against him, accused every one of his supporters of being racist and Trump of "literally" being Hitler, micro-examined every goddamn thing he did while ignoring a litany of undeniable accomplishments, literally physically attacked Trump supporters.

So **** your unity. Stick it up your ***.

How dare we even have suspicions that the elections was unfair.
Last edited:
looks like the politicians are being sucked in for the "unity" you ***** on the Left NOW want.
does that "unity" mean 4 years of impeachment proceedings?
does that "unity" mean we get to see Biden's tax returns?
does that "unity" mean we get to see Biden's medical reports?
does that "unity" mean we get to burn buildings?

yeah... no

Unity means sweep all that under the rug. That's not tongue in cheek either. That's exactly what it means.
You wanna know what I don't understand? How many people still believe it couldn't happen here.

I don't know if there was large scale fraud or not. I want to believe there wasn't, but man, a lot of people out there making claims. Shouldn't we at least look into it?

And I know Trump is not well liked. I'm one of the not well likers.

As I said, I've moved on. Biden is the President-Elect.* I would like to see Trump be gracious, even in the face of the injustice he believes, but he won't.

Things are not going to improve in America. No, I think it is about to get worse. I guess we'll see.

Needs an asterisk.
Having exhausted all other options, Donald Trump takes his case to the food court.

Stop it Tibs, they going to get us confused again

Time to move on. 2022 and 2024 is just around the corner.
and with the dominion voting machines the results may as well be counted today. I'm sure they have the numbers.

It is the moral and political responsibility for every conservative person in America to peacefully dissent every time, on every issue. Pedo Joe and the prostitute are absolutely not my president. I don't recognize their authority. I don't give a good **** what they want to do or how they want to do it. They simply don't matter.

If you really want to **** with Congress, take every deduction you can on your taxes so you put in as little as possible over the year, and then simply refuse to file at the end of the year. If 75 million Americans did that, they'd be ****-all screwed. But it has to be a massive number of people. If only a couple thousand do it, it's an empty gesture and those guys go to jail.
We are headed for one party rule. The Dems plan to stack the court and to make Puerto Rico and DC states. They will hone their efforts and learn from mistakes in this election. For the next 4 years, election integrity will not be investigated and election reform will not come. We aren't going back...they will push it forward. More mail in voting, more electronic voting systems they can manipulate. There will never be another fair election.

It's a win-win for the dark side. Knowing there will never be a fair election will discourage conservatives from showing up to vote. I you say you aren't discouraged from voting after all that has transpired then I don't think you're being honest.
Brutal, but reassuring.

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">BYE *****!! <a href="https://t.co/ky4wLqvz59">pic.twitter.com/ky4wLqvz59</a></p>— Leslie Jones &#55358;&#56715; (@Lesdoggg) <a href="https://twitter.com/Lesdoggg/status/1338761008089767937?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 15, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>
It's a win-win for the dark side. Knowing there will never be a fair election will discourage conservatives from showing up to vote. I you say you aren't discouraged from voting after all that has transpired then I don't think you're being honest.

I think it will have the opposite affect...even with Independents..