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Election Day 2020

You wanna know what I don't understand? How many people still believe it couldn't happen here.

I don't know if there was large scale fraud or not. I want to believe there wasn't, but man, a lot of people out there making claims. Shouldn't we at least look into it?

And I know Trump is not well liked. I'm one of the not well likers.

As I said, I've moved on. Biden is the President-Elect. I would like to see Trump be gracious, even in the face of the injustice he believes, but he won't.

Things are not going to improve in America. No, I think it is about to get worse. I guess we'll see.

People ARE looking into claims. They just aren't getting the answers so many people want to believe here.

Notice how the links of "wide spread fraud" keep coming from more and more obscure websites? I've noticed. The so-called one sided "affidavits" don't really say anything of proof, just suspicion. One computer hack saying the dominion software doesn't read the results as well as the designers claim (and thus those ballots have to be human verified) is not "wide spread corruption".

Again, you are reading some half-baked people's ideas of what MIGHT have happened, but none of them are cross examined. None of theses statements are "in a bubble".

If one person says "I saw this", but 10 other people AT THAT SAME voting location says "I don't agree with that interpretation"? Is the first guy lying under oath, or is he just mistaken?

You pick and choose ONLY the guy saying "I saw this" and claim it as fact. That's not how investigations work. That's now how the court of law works.

Then you say.... "Well, I guess no one is looking into it". Of COURSE people are looking into it. You think John James (R) running for Senator in Michigan and lost by 90,000 votes doesn't care about potential fraud? You don't think his campaign would jump at the chance to erase votes if there was LEGIT fraud? Or the Republican party?

What you are proposing makes no sense. These votes aren't just about Trump. Hundreds of campaigns would have been effected. Normal, every day political candidates that don't have anything to do with Trump. You don't think the RNC would follow up on REAL claims of maleficence?

It is ILLOGICAL to think an entire party is turning a blind eye to wide-spread fraud just because the establishment doesn't like Trump. There would be too many legit politicians the RNC spent millions (perhaps billions) of dollars on worth fighting for NOT NAMED TRUMP.

I've said this before, some fraud occurred. But it was MINOR. Maybe 1000's of votes total across the whole country.

But you say "investigate". Republican run election officials have investigated and found "not much". William Barr and the intelligence community investigated and found "not much". Who is this magical person you want to investigate other than them?

You guys just refuse to believe the answer and you will claim "nobody investigated" just because you didn't get the answer you WANTED. Plenty of people investigated.
No one denies he was as polarizing as Hillary was. He drew as many opposition votes against him as he did for himself.

What doesn't sit are the mathematical impossibilities. Biden winning a hundred fewer counties than Obama, but capturing MILLIONS more votes? Every "over night" vote going 97% for Biden? The down ballot voting not at all corresponding to the up vote. Too many irregularities that are literally beyond logical explanation to be believed simply because "hatred."

No one argues your premise.

We simply don't buy the mathematical impossibilities that have been outlined over and over again.

Yeah, but no.

Look, I can't argue the specifics of each individual irregularity that you mention because I don't know the actual facts (and neither do you). But mathematical oddities aren't proof of fraud that would have changed the outcome of this election. There are millions of dollars being put into finding some proof and so far, I haven't seen any. So either there are many, many Republican elected officials and judges in on the conspiracy or there isn't a conspiracy. Perhaps the people Trump has working on this are simply incompetent, who knows.

I understand the suspicions because of the high turnout, turnout of people who probably don't normally vote (due to the mail-in situation), and the heavy imbalance of in-person voting on the GOP side and Dem voting on the mail in side. What I haven't seen is proof of any kind of intentional rigging of the election on a national scale which is what would have been required here to prove that the election was "stolen". "This looks really fishy" isn't proof.
People ARE looking into claims. They just aren't getting the answers so many people want to believe here.

Notice how the links of "wide spread fraud" keep coming from more and more obscure websites? I've noticed. The so-called one sided "affidavits" don't really say anything of proof, just suspicion. One computer hack saying the dominion software doesn't read the results as well as the designers claim (and thus those ballots have to be human verified) is not "wide spread corruption".

Again, you are reading some half-baked people's ideas of what MIGHT have happened, but none of them are cross examined. None of theses statements are "in a bubble".

If one person says "I saw this", but 10 other people AT THAT SAME voting location says "I don't agree with that interpretation"? Is the first guy lying under oath, or is he just mistaken?

You pick and choose ONLY the guy saying "I saw this" and claim it as fact. That's not how investigations work. That's now how the court of law works.

Then you say.... "Well, I guess no one is looking into it". Of COURSE people are looking into it. You think John James (R) running for Senator in Michigan and lost by 90,000 votes doesn't care about potential fraud? You don't think his campaign would jump at the chance to erase votes if there was LEGIT fraud? Or the Republican party?

What you are proposing makes no sense. These votes aren't just about Trump. Hundreds of campaigns would have been effected. Normal, every day political candidates that don't have anything to do with Trump. You don't think the RNC would follow up on REAL claims of maleficence?

It is ILLOGICAL to think an entire party is turning a blind eye to wide-spread fraud just because the establishment doesn't like Trump. There would be too many legit politicians the RNC spent millions (perhaps billions) of dollars on worth fighting for NOT NAMED TRUMP.

I've said this before, some fraud occurred. But it was MINOR. Maybe 1000's of votes total across the whole country.

But you say "investigate". Republican run election officials have investigated and found "not much". William Barr and the intelligence community investigated and found "not much". Who is this magical person you want to investigate other than them?

You guys just refuse to believe the answer and you will claim "nobody investigated" just because you didn't get the answer you WANTED. Plenty of people investigated.

People are easily misled. Simple to do in this day and age.

The damage is done regardless now. His crackhead commie loving son will be his undoing. I suppose when they take the house back they can start impeachment proceedings. I'm halfway joking.

But people really are easily misled. I've had 4 years of watching that from the lefto goon squad. This year has been one for the ages. I feel most for people getting ****** over by their states.
Here's the problem. The cases are not getting thrown out on merit. It's all procedural and technical stuff. To my knowledge very few, if any, of the cases have even been heard. So, to my original point, how would anyone ever know for sure? There are tons of people out there writing sworn affidavits claiming there was at least some fraud. Don't we have a responsibility as a nation to verify these claims? I think we do.

Procedure and technical stuff matters, no? A state suing other states over how they ran their elections? That's a precedent we want to set?

If there is any real fraud here, competent legal investigators and attorneys should be able to approach the cases with the correct procedures and technical stuff. Lawsuits need to be brought in the proper jurisdictions by those who have standing to sue. At some point when they aren't able to do that it starts to look like nothing more than bogus delay tactics.
Don't see what?
That millions voted for "personality" and "acting presidential" rather than substance and achievements? Yeah we see it, and your obviously OK with it.

You are rationalizing the irrational,

Trump was elected to do a job, not act presidential. He performed far above expectations and earned a second term. Shoulda been a slam dunk.

The more troubling concern is that you don't see this.

I'm not rationalizing anything. I'm telling you that this guy you worship is equally despised by a lot of people. You might think they're wrong to feel that way. Doesn't change the fact that they do. I like a lot of what Trump did. What I didn't like was his uncanny ability to inspire rage and contempt in people. You all cheered it, thought it was great. He's telling it like it is! (Even if a lot of what he said was complete bullshit).

You're angry that a lot of people don't see that as some great thing like you do. I get it.
And frankly, I don't even think he did a terrible job managing the pandemic. He was simply incapable of intelligently explaining that to people. So he lost that narrative.
Brutal, but reassuring.

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">BYE *****!! <a href="https://t.co/ky4wLqvz59">pic.twitter.com/ky4wLqvz59</a></p>— Leslie Jones �� (@Lesdoggg) <a href="https://twitter.com/Lesdoggg/status/1338761008089767937?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 15, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>

there's that peace, love and tolerance the Left spouts for "unity"!
I'm not rationalizing anything. I'm telling you that this guy you worship is equally despised by a lot of people. You might think they're wrong to feel that way. Doesn't change the fact that they do. I like a lot of what Trump did. What I didn't like was his uncanny ability to inspire rage and contempt in people. You all cheered it, thought it was great. He's telling it like it is! (Even if a lot of what he said was complete bullshit).

You're angry that a lot of people don't see that as some great thing like you do. I get it.

I said this in another post, but people on here cant believe 70+ mil voted for Biden, but if you look at the other side people cant believe 70+ million voted to re-elect Trump. Claims have been looked into and unfounded to this point. Some of the key "witnesses" have been less than stellar candidates. The chances of going to jail for perjury are slim to none. They could simply say they didnt understand what they saw or misunderstood the procedures. Trying to prove they intentionally lied would be tough. Then people point to "impossible" stats which are not really impossible. If Trump got 1 vote out of 1 million its still not impossible. I mean some counties are 80-90% for Biden in person and with in mail in voting favoring Biden for various reasons it is easy to get really heavily skewed numbers towards Biden.
And frankly, I don't even think he did a terrible job managing the pandemic. He was simply incapable of intelligently explaining that to people. So he lost that narrative.

I think he had difficulty intelligently explaining a lot of things. Twitter only gives you 20-30 characters to work with. Insulting someone is difficult enough. Trying to explain why higher MPG requirements might actually be contributing to increased carbon emissions would be virtually impossible.
Look, I can't argue the specifics of each individual irregularity that you mention because I don't know the actual facts (and neither do you). But mathematical oddities aren't proof of fraud that would have changed the outcome of this election. There are millions of dollars being put into finding some proof and so far, I haven't seen any. So either there are many, many Republican elected officials and judges in on the conspiracy or there isn't a conspiracy. Perhaps the people Trump has working on this are simply incompetent, who knows.

I understand the suspicions because of the high turnout, turnout of people who probably don't normally vote (due to the mail-in situation), and the heavy imbalance of in-person voting on the GOP side and Dem voting on the mail in side. What I haven't seen is proof of any kind of intentional rigging of the election on a national scale which is what would have been required here to prove that the election was "stolen". "This looks really fishy" isn't proof.

Mathematical oddities like those I mention?

Perhaps my mind can't wrap itself around this and you have a logical explanation to what I said before?

* In 2012, Obama got 65,915,795 votes.
* In 2016, Hillary got 62,984,828 votes.
* In 2020, Biden supposedly got 81,283,495 votes.

Obama campaigned and was super popular. Hillary campaigned harder than Biden, who made what 4 campaign stops?

Biden won 212 FEWER counties than Obama did...that's not insignificant...yet we are to believe while winning 212 fewer counties, without campaigning, he turned out 15.4 million more votes, all from 5 major cities alone?

While that's not proof of anything, it is certainly far, far, far beyond just being fishy.

Then the voter turnouts...in some areas more voters than registered voters? Is there an explanation for that? States having voter turnouts like Wisconsin at near 90% levels?

Yeah, these little facts aren't just fishy facts OFTB. They are substantially worrisome data points.

All signs point in one direction. To Sarge's point, sadly we will never get the answers.

The proof to me lies in the Dominion machines, and the study released yesterday by the Harvard MBA and defense analyst showing the 68% error rate and how susceptible those machines are to fraud and errors. Couple that with the fact these very machines are the ones used in Venezuela. Manipulating Dominion doesn't and wouldn't require "nationwide conspiracy." Just a handful of bad actors, some tampered code, and USB sticks.

That's enough for me not to trust anything about this election outcome.

Still waiting on Tibsy or 21 or Flog to make one observation about the fact that Eric Swalwell, a moron nobody, was put into office by a Chinese spy, had a Chinese spy as an intern in his office (recommended by the spy he was *******), and served on the House Intelligence Committee despite ******* a Chinese spy, while absolutely lying about Russia, Russia, Russia!

Meanwhile, Tibsy's claim that the information on Hunter the Addict's laptap was "Russian disinformation" proved to be a ******* lie, the evidence shows Hunter under criminal investigation, Hunter selling access to our foreign policy, Beijing Joe getting money from communist China and the CCP, Beijing Joe CLEARLY subject to blackmail based on the CCP's dealings with and surveillance of Hunter and Beijing Joe.

No problem with that I guess. None at all.

Tibsy "just knew" the Russians had something on Trump, he "just knew it." He could never tell us what exactly, provided no data, but his unfounded suspicion was enough to label Trump a Russian asset and a traitor.

Evidence that Biden is actually a lackey to the Chinese and Swalwell ******* a Chinese spy? Not one goddamn word.
Damn Tim, you and others are so full of ****. Get over it. Your man is out, soundly rejected by voters all across the country following a dismal one-term in the WH.

In the days and weeks following the election, Trump & GOP lawyers had ample opportunity to submit each and every case of supposed election fraud or irregularity to the courts. To courts all around the country, with both liberal and conservative judges.

Guess what? The claims of voter fraud were widely and unanimously rejected, over and over and over again. Wonder why? Think long and hard, maybe you'll come up with an answer.

You think if there was an ounce of proof, of any type of actual evidence of any of these claims, that at least some court cases would have proceeded around the country? Maybe in States with Trump-appointed judges? Maybe? Just a couple? Or even a single one?

You've been played.

Your level of confusion and falling head over heels for Trump's lies and deceptions is sadly on par with what has kept your horse-blinders on these past few years. Time to take them off, and step back into reality. Or don't, I don't give a **** what you do.
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh there's that peace, love and tolerance the Left spouts for "unity"!

Biden may be calling for unity, that's his prerogative as the incoming President. I'm not, I hope they throw the book at Trump, his criming family and his treasonous enablers.

The onus is not on the rest of society to placate the MAGA base who've gone off the plantation the past four years. You guys made your bed with Trump, now lie in it. MAGA's have been pompous ******** 24/7 for four long years, bringing the country to a precipice.

Remember your joyous refrain, elections have consequences!

It's time to get rid of the stench of all this bullshit nationalism, xenophobia, small-sightedness, pettiness, vileness that Trump brought to the highest office. With all of you MAGA lapdogs cheering him on, every step of the way.

If you want unity, then fix all that's broken in your hearts & minds. Then maybe there can be unity.
I hope they throw the book at Trump, his criming family and his treasonous enablers.

First, criming? Good lord, what the **** do you drink in Hungaristan??

Second, that is absolutely ******* indeed over the top rich for you to call Trump and his family criminal. LMAO! A man that gave up his career and businesses, and never took a paycheck to serve. And coming from the troll who's supported both the Clintons and now the Bidens?? Two of the most nefarious, criminal families to ever sully Washington??

Holy Christ the irrationality and selective outrage is indeed over the top. Have you sought care Tibor? Or do you just willfully turn a blind eye to the criminality of those you support? You just supported a life-long racist criminal, who finger-raped a woman, to be POTUS and you are "outraged" over Trump??

Still not a peep - not one ******* syllable - from Tibs about the overwhelming EVIDENCE (not speculation or make-believe dossiers) that Hunter Biden sold influence, that Beijing Joe happily went along, that Hunter Biden made millions of selling his father's influence, that Beijing Joe made sure his influence was truly sold, and that Beijing Joe made a lot of money off selling United States foreign policy.

Tony Bobulinski, a former Hunter Biden business partner turned whistleblower, spent hours with FBI agents in October. He publicly authenticated messages found in Hunter Biden’s discarded laptop computer at a Wilmington, Delaware, repair shop in 2019 and retrieved by the FBI.

One memo showed Mr. Biden demanding $10 million a year from a Chinese billionaire to “make introductions alone.” Another message talked of cutting in Joseph R. Biden for a 10% share in a multimillion-dollar China deal.

• $3.5 million in 2014 from Elena Baturina, a Russian oligarch close to President Vladimir Putin. The Senate report said she illegally gained money through her late husband’s corrupt reign as Moscow mayor.

• Hunter Biden’s 2014 appointment to the board of Burisma Holdings, owned by a corrupt Ukrainian oligarch, after Vice President Biden was named as the Obama administration’s point man on Ukraine.

Over the years, Burisma sent more than $4 million to a Hunter Biden partnership and to him directly. His business partner, Devon Archer, who also sat on the board, has been convicted of fraud and is awaiting sentencing.

Burisma sent $1.4 million to Hunter Biden directly, half of that coming after Archer was arrested.

• Hunter Biden’s close business ties with Chinese billionaire Ye Jianming, beginning in 2011 when his father was vice president. Mr. Biden flew with the vice president on Air Force 2 to China in 2013.

Mr. Ye controlled CEFC China Energy Co., which wired $5 million to Hudson West LLC, jointly owned by Mr. Biden and Chinese investors. The next year, another $1 million arrived at Hudson West. Mr. Biden sent 20 wire transfers to his uncle James Biden totaling $1.3 million for consulting services.

James Biden’s wife refused to cooperate with the bank when it made inquiries, and the account was closed.


“I learned yesterday for the first time that the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Delaware advised my legal counsel, also yesterday, that they are investigating my tax affairs,” Hunter wrote in the statement.

This news, as Federalist Editor Mollie Hemingway pointed out, is not actually new and was reported before the election, but was purposefully suppressed by gatekeepers like Facebook, Twitter, and corporate media outlets who ignored the reporting on Hunter Biden’s affairs. In October, the New York Post and others reported Biden’s knowledge and potential involvement in his son’s overseas business dealings during his time as vice president. A few weeks later, investigative reporter James Rosen broke news that the FBI was investigating Hunter for money laundering.

As early as 2019, Biden began to deny that Hunter or anyone else in the Biden family ever did anything wrong, ignoring the concerns of some about Hunter’s affiliation with the Ukrainian energy company “Burisma.”

“Every single, solitary, serious investigation, including your network and others, have looked at this, have said there’s absolutely zero basis to the accusation that I had acted anyway inappropriately or that my son did,” Biden said at a presidential town hall in Iowa.

In an interview with Axios on HBO, Biden seemed appalled that a reporter even dared to ask him about his son’s foreign business and work.

“I mean, come on, this is — (laughs) — you guys are amazing,” Biden responded when the reporter asked him about Hunter’s business dealings.

“So you think everything that happened was kosher?” the reporter shot back.

“You know there’s not one single bit of evidence, not one little tiny bit that says anything done was wrong. You know that,” Biden continued.

In the same interview, Biden denied knowing anything about his son’s dealings except for the fact that Hunter was on the board of Burisma, a fact he said wasn’t disclosed until after it occurred.

Shortly before one of the Democratic presidential debates, Biden echoed these denials, instead choosing to shift the blame on President Donald Trump.

“Every major national, international, and local news operations looked into it and said it’s a lie. This is a president who’s flat-lying,” he said.

In February this year, when NBC’s Savannah Guthrie pressed Biden on whether it was appropriate for his son to take the Burisma board position, Biden lashed out, saying, “Well that’s not true. You’re saying things you do not know what you’re talking about.”

Joe Biden on why his son Hunter — who had no experience in Ukraine or in the energy sector — got an $80,000-per-month board seat with Burisma as father Biden was running US policy in Ukraine:

"Cause he's a very bright guy." pic.twitter.com/2jOFbZQsre

— Aaron Maté (@aaronjmate) February 3, 2020

“No one has found anything wrong with his dealings with Ukraine,” Biden told Guthrie.

The claims continued for the rest of his campaign all the way through the election, where he repeated multiple times that “there’s not been one scintilla of evidence that my son ever interfered, that he ever asked me anything, that I ever got involved in anything.”

Instead of addressing the evidence and emails presented from a laptop belonging to Hunter, Biden’s only acknowledged the New York Post, which alleged the former VP was introduced to a senior adviser to Burisma through Hunter while Joe was the “public face” of the Obama administration’s policy towards Ukraine, was when he called it a “smear campaign,” and blamed the press for asking questions about it.

“I know you’d ask it. I have no response, it’s another smear campaign, right up your alley, those are the questions you always ask,” he said.

I asked Joe Biden: What is your response to the NYPost story about your son, sir?

He called it a “smear campaign” and then went after me. “I know you’d ask it. I have no response, it’s another smear campaign, right up your alley, those are the questions you always ask.” pic.twitter.com/Eo6VD4TqxD

— Bo Erickson CBS (@BoKnowsNews) October 17, 2020

Biden and his team also latched onto a rumor started by Rep. Adam Schiff that Russia was somehow behind the release of the evidence.

“Giuliani, he is being used as a Russian pawn– he is being fed information that is not true,” Biden said from the presidential debate stage in October.

“We have shared no intelligence with Chairman Schiff or any other member of Congress that Hunter Biden’s laptop is part of some Russian disinformation campaign,” Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe said. “It’s simply not true.”


I can cite at least twenty other sources backing up all this information, but it of course won't matter. Bullshit rumors that Trump paid Russian hookers to pee on a bed? FBI investigation, independent counsel, 19 (D)im lawyers, 3 years, $40 million to find ... nothing. Not one goddamn thing.

100% verified e-mails, documents, statement, testimony proving that Biden was selling his office to get his idiot son rich and get a nice cut of the pie as well and the fact that a criminal investigation has been going on since 2019, and the media intentionally lied about and suppressed that information?

Still not a peep - not one ******* syllable

Hit me up next time you're in for a job interview and they pester you with questions about your son or daughter, base their decisions on what your offspring is up to.

Why not start a thread on Hunter Biden and post your exculpatory discoveries there? If you're on to something for real, turn it over to Giuilani or OANN, or better yet the FBI.
Hit me up next time you're in for a job interview and they pester you with questions about your son or daughter, base their decisions on what your offspring is up to.

This might be your dumbest post ever Tibs.

If I was Vice President of the United States and my offspring (who by the way has been highly compromised due to his altered mental state and many illegal activities) was selling access to me to a company owned by a foreign oligarch, that's a tad relevant, no?

I think the plan all along was to get Biden elected and THEN release stuff about Hunter and Joe's mental difficulties (soon to be coming) to get him out and replace him with someone more Left.
Obama campaigned and was super popular. Hillary campaigned harder than Biden, who made what 4 campaign stops?

Biden won 212 FEWER counties than Obama did...that's not insignificant...yet we are to believe while winning 212 fewer counties, without campaigning, he turned out 15.4 million more votes, all from 5 major cities alone?

While that's not proof of anything, it is certainly far, far, far beyond just being fishy.

Is it really so hard for you to believe that there was significantly more interest in this election than usual due to the pandemic? Or that the mail in balloting (which I think is bullshit by the way, but not necessarily fraudulent) produced higher turnout than usual? Do you know how many people don't vote because they have to work, have family commitments, don't have a car, are too ******* lazy, whatever...but if they had a ballot mailed to their home and could just plop it in a mailbox they would?

The number of counties is fairly insignificant. What is the population of those counties? What is the population of the counties where Biden won by a lot? I don't have all of those numbers in front of me but do you honestly think there aren't people who do? How did the Democrats do it? In my opinion they got people to vote who normally don't, in big urban population centers where there are a lot of Dem votes to be had.

Once again, it 's a weird election year for sure but is it proof that there was a multistate concerted effort to steal the election? Sorry, don't see it.

Manipulating Dominion doesn't and wouldn't require "nationwide conspiracy." Just a handful of bad actors, some tampered code, and USB sticks.

And once again, saying they are easy to manipulate is one thing. Proving that they WERE manipulated and in Joe Biden's favor in multiple states is another. I think a coverup of that magnitude would be pretty difficult to achieve and maintain. Somebody knows something. there's some kind of trail of evidence if that actually happened. There are people who know how to look for these things. They haven't found them. Maybe they will, but it's not looking very likely at this point.