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Election Day 2020

Hit me up next time you're in for a job interview and they pester you with questions about your son or daughter, base their decisions on what your offspring is up to.

If I was using my public office to make my idiot son a millionaire, and making some good coin for myself in the process, I think the subject would come up.

Nice to see you have abandoned the asinine "Russian disinformation" stupidity you earlier spouted. Progress, I guess. At this rate, maybe in about two years I can convince you to get your tongue off the bus window long enough to listen to what Tony Bobulinski had to say.

Why not start a thread on Hunter Biden and post your exculpatory discoveries there? If you're on to something for real, turn it over to Giuilani or OANN, or better yet the FBI.

First, nobody has offered a whit of evidence disproving the allegations. Jesus Christ, Tibs, the Biden crime family does not even deny the evidence.

Second, the FBI is already investigating.

Ask your neighbor for a dollar and buy a clue.


Please Spike, tell me what he should have done that would have made a significant difference.

I'll wait.
Is it really so hard for you to believe that there was significantly more interest in this election than usual due to the pandemic?

Nowhere will you find I've said or typed that anywhere. I fully recognize this was the most popular election to vote in ever.

Or that the mail in balloting (which I think is bullshit by the way, but not necessarily fraudulent) produced higher turnout than usual?Do you know how many people don't vote because they have to work, have family commitments, don't have a car, are too ******* lazy, whatever...but if they had a ballot mailed to their home and could just plop it in a mailbox they would?

Totally aware and know that it did. And fully aware mail in voting increased the number of votes.

The number of counties is fairly insignificant. What is the population of those counties? What is the population of the counties where Biden won by a lot?

I believe it is very significant. It's like down-ballot voting. How does one explain a national decrease in down ballot voting for Dems as well as a decrease in counties won, while seeing such an "overwhelming" upsurge in voting in those areas? Yes, they are urban, yes they are Democratic. But do you really believe that in 5 major metro areas, they got out the vote so incredibly as to overcome losing 212 more counties AND increase the total vote count by 15.4Million more?

Yeah, but no.

In my opinion they got people to vote who normally don't, in big urban population centers where there are a lot of Dem votes to be had.

And my opinion is the math and logic doesn't add up. They didn't get out the vote so overwhelmingly in order to overcome losing so many more counties to the tune they did, astronomical, unheard of numbers with 105% voter turnout, etc.

And once again, saying they are easy to manipulate is one thing. Proving that they WERE...

The study released yesterday by the defense contractor showing the 68% error rate in the Dominion systems, the fact that the Michigan state Dems asked all machines be wiped, the fact that Venezuela uses these machines and is proven to have used these machines to manipulate those elections, the fact that 97% of votes counted overnight in those areas with these machines all went to Biden, the fact that there were "acknowledged" instances where 6500 votes were mysteriously flipped by these machines due to "Software Error" in Michigan, and countless other data points lead any logical person to say this should be investigated much further. Is it evidence? No.

I'll use the analogy I used previously in this thread. If I run a bank and leave work and shut down at 5PM and there is documented $2million in the safe and return in the morning and only $500,000 remains, I know there is a discrepancy. No video camera footage shows the money being stolen. No fingerprints. No evidence. Does that mean a crime was committed? Or should I as the owner of the bank have to simply say "oh well", lose the $1.5Million and everyone just goes home because....no evidence?

The data is so suspicious investigations are warranted. It's all being dismissed. That is a crime.

"There are people who know how to look for these things. They haven't found them.

What kind of people look for these things, I'm curious, because you speak as if you know the space? They are forensic investigators, and in the tech space, it is possible to hack without leaving a digital footprint.

To say they haven't found this is quite misleading. The guy who ran this report is a Harvard MBA cybersecurity analyst. Knows his space.

"A forensic audit of Dominion Voting Systems machines and software in Michigan showed that they were designed to create fraud and influence election results, a data firm said Monday. “We conclude that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results,


"Antrim County’s server showed 15,676 individual events, with 68 percent reporting errors.

The allowable election error rate established by the Federal Election Commission guidelines is of 1 in 250,000 ballots (.0008%). We observed an error rate of 68.05%. This demonstrated a significant and fatal error in security and election integrity,” the report stated.

According to Ramsland, the voting system “is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results.”

The report said the error rates that resulted in tabulation errors or ballots being sent to adjudication proved the Dominion Voting System in Michigan was “flawed and does not meet state or federal election laws.”

That's just one county. Dominion was used in how many counties across the country?
Biden may be calling for unity, that's his prerogative as the incoming President. I'm not, I hope they throw the book at Trump, his criming family and his treasonous enablers.

The onus is not on the rest of society to placate the MAGA base who've gone off the plantation the past four years. You guys made your bed with Trump, now lie in it. MAGA's have been pompous ******** 24/7 for four long years, bringing the country to a precipice.

Remember your joyous refrain, elections have consequences!

It's time to get rid of the stench of all this bullshit nationalism, xenophobia, small-sightedness, pettiness, vileness that Trump brought to the highest office. With all of you MAGA lapdogs cheering him on, every step of the way.

If you want unity, then fix all that's broken in your hearts & minds. Then maybe there can be unity.

first off, let me say that "treasonous enablers" is akin to 75 million people. are you calling for 75 million people to "have the book thrown" at them? and then what? ******* insane statement.

the "MAGA base who've gone off the plantation the past four years" - you've got one goddamn thing right. Yes, "stay on the plantation" - which is 100% precisely what you racist goddamn Democrats want. "Keep your head down. Don't ask the bossman any questions. We'll do your thinking for you." Slaves. you want ... hell, even Biden himself said "they'll put y'all back in chains" - and that sure seems exactly like what you want based on your first two statements in this reply.

yeah, **** us for wanting to do away with identity politics, for wanting to end victim grouping that your precious goddamned Democrats love to do so ******* well. Identify groups who are not doing well. Tell them you know how to make their lives better - then suggest that their lives are not great because of "those people over there" who have a better life and are making your life worse. "Oh we'll fight for you and make it better. Just vote for us." Yeah, that's exactly what your ******* Democrats have been doing since the Civil ******* War. And we've been "pompous ******** 24/7"? Seriously? Ah, I guess that explains why YOU compared goddamned antifa to D-Day soldiers. If that's your definition of pompous *******, then thats what I am.

"elections have consequences" was first uttered by Obama. Your favorite president of all time. Proof - https://www.msnbc.com/the-last-word/watch/elections-have-consequences-44119619889
did you click the link? No, you didn't. Its from MSNBC of all goddamned places. The fluff, suck and beg for more "journalists" on the Left who'd slurp up any and everything Bomma said for 8 years. Obama said "elections have consequences" yet you get your panties twisted and your butt plug out of place when those who didnt vote for Him and Hillary use it in a joking manner.

While the vast majority of us want unity, it's the goddamned Left who doesnt. No, not even after "President elect" Biden begged for it. And continues to. No - you ************* called us:
  • racists
  • bigots
  • sexists
  • misogynists
  • homophobes

that doesn't allow for any unity going forward.

the Left started the bullshit the night of the election in 2016. they - and you - have not relented. Impeachment proceedings. Kathy Griffin posing with a severed Trump head. Plays about killing the sitting POTUS. elected politicians lowering the bar and screaming in public "impeach the ************."

yeah, you ************* are all goddamn class.

y'all do not want unity at all. y'all refuse to see any middle ground. anyone with any differing opinion than you deserves to be cut off from society. fact-checked on social media. ostracized.

**** you and **** the democrats.
first off, let me say that "treasonous enablers" is akin to 75 million people. are you calling for 75 million people to "have the book thrown" at them? and then what? ******* insane statement.

the "MAGA base who've gone off the plantation the past four years" - you've got one goddamn thing right. Yes, "stay on the plantation" - which is 100% precisely what you racist goddamn Democrats want. "Keep your head down. Don't ask the bossman any questions. We'll do your thinking for you." Slaves. you want ... hell, even Biden himself said "they'll put y'all back in chains" - and that sure seems exactly like what you want based on your first two statements in this reply.

yeah, **** us for wanting to do away with identity politics, for wanting to end victim grouping that your precious goddamned Democrats love to do so ******* well. Identify groups who are not doing well. Tell them you know how to make their lives better - then suggest that their lives are not great because of "those people over there" who have a better life and are making your life worse. "Oh we'll fight for you and make it better. Just vote for us." Yeah, that's exactly what your ******* Democrats have been doing since the Civil ******* War. And we've been "pompous ******** 24/7"? Seriously? Ah, I guess that explains why YOU compared goddamned antifa to D-Day soldiers. If that's your definition of pompous *******, then thats what I am.

"elections have consequences" was first uttered by Obama. Your favorite president of all time. Proof - https://www.msnbc.com/the-last-word/watch/elections-have-consequences-44119619889
did you click the link? No, you didn't. Its from MSNBC of all goddamned places. The fluff, suck and beg for more "journalists" on the Left who'd slurp up any and everything Bomma said for 8 years. Obama said "elections have consequences" yet you get your panties twisted and your butt plug out of place when those who didnt vote for Him and Hillary use it in a joking manner.

While the vast majority of us want unity, it's the goddamned Left who doesnt. No, not even after "President elect" Biden begged for it. And continues to. No - you ************* called us:
  • racists
  • bigots
  • sexists
  • misogynists
  • homophobes

that doesn't allow for any unity going forward.

the Left started the bullshit the night of the election in 2016. they - and you - have not relented. Impeachment proceedings. Kathy Griffin posing with a severed Trump head. Plays about killing the sitting POTUS. elected politicians lowering the bar and screaming in public "impeach the ************."

yeah, you ************* are all goddamn class.

y'all do not want unity at all. y'all refuse to see any middle ground. anyone with any differing opinion than you deserves to be cut off from society. fact-checked on social media. ostracized.

**** you and **** the democrats.

Probably the most intelligent thing you have said since I’ve known you, Supe. BRAVO.
Probably the most intelligent thing you have said since I’ve known you, Supe. BRAVO.

**** me. Now I need to reconsider my entire stance.

I know what he said, he said a lot of stupid things, I've acknowledged that. Tell me what he could have done? Do you really believe if he had only been more enthusiastic on mask wearing it would have significantly changed the outcome?

I don't think you're that stupid but maybe I'm wrong.
People ARE looking into claims. They just aren't getting the answers so many people want to believe here.

Notice how the links of "wide spread fraud" keep coming from more and more obscure websites? I've noticed. The so-called one sided "affidavits" don't really say anything of proof, just suspicion. One computer hack saying the dominion software doesn't read the results as well as the designers claim (and thus those ballots have to be human verified) is not "wide spread corruption".

Again, you are reading some half-baked people's ideas of what MIGHT have happened, but none of them are cross examined. None of theses statements are "in a bubble".

If one person says "I saw this", but 10 other people AT THAT SAME voting location says "I don't agree with that interpretation"? Is the first guy lying under oath, or is he just mistaken?

You pick and choose ONLY the guy saying "I saw this" and claim it as fact. That's not how investigations work. That's now how the court of law works.

Then you say.... "Well, I guess no one is looking into it". Of COURSE people are looking into it. You think John James (R) running for Senator in Michigan and lost by 90,000 votes doesn't care about potential fraud? You don't think his campaign would jump at the chance to erase votes if there was LEGIT fraud? Or the Republican party?

What you are proposing makes no sense. These votes aren't just about Trump. Hundreds of campaigns would have been effected. Normal, every day political candidates that don't have anything to do with Trump. You don't think the RNC would follow up on REAL claims of maleficence?

It is ILLOGICAL to think an entire party is turning a blind eye to wide-spread fraud just because the establishment doesn't like Trump. There would be too many legit politicians the RNC spent millions (perhaps billions) of dollars on worth fighting for NOT NAMED TRUMP.

I've said this before, some fraud occurred. But it was MINOR. Maybe 1000's of votes total across the whole country.

But you say "investigate". Republican run election officials have investigated and found "not much". William Barr and the intelligence community investigated and found "not much". Who is this magical person you want to investigate other than them?

You guys just refuse to believe the answer and you will claim "nobody investigated" just because you didn't get the answer you WANTED. Plenty of people investigated.

Several things have been proven already. It has been proven that several thousand votes were changed from Turmp to Biden in Michigan. That's fact. That was just in one polling location. What if it's just a few hundred votes in polls all over a state? So you bring up the fact that votes were changed but then f you propose investigating other locations you are told to shut up because you are committing treason.

Are witness no longer proof? The Dems spent 3 years using unnamed sources to investigate Trump for everything they could think of. Now there are literally hundreds of people signing their names to testimony and they are dismissed as kooks. And they are all telling similar stories.

The stories appear on fringe websites? Of course they do because big tech is censoring stories on this. That is fact. Do you deny that?

Here's another factor. Establishment Republicans hate Trump as much as the Dems. I guarantee you that many Republicans would prefer to have Biden in there so long as they keep the Senate and can guarantee 4 more years of gridlock and not having to do jack ****.

John James? How is he going to investigate anything? Where's he going to get money to hire lawyers?
“Trump should have done more”
“He downplayed the virus”
“Trump was afraid the public would over-react”

Toilet Paper Shortage 2020

Dominion serves 40% of the US market. It is in 30 states.
- The state of Texas rejected the machines.
- Admiral Peter Neffenger is on Biden's transition team.
- Peter Neffenger was the President and on the board of Smartmatic
- Smartmatic entered into an agreement with Dominion in 2009
- Smartmatic counted American votes in Venezuela
- Smartmatic is connected to Philippine voter fraud
- Smartmatic is run by Lord Mark Malloch Brown who works for George Soros.
- Brown chairs the Boards of a number of non-profit boards including the Open Society Foundation,
- Brown chairs the Centre for Global Development.
- Open society of course is owned by George Soros
- Smartmatic partnered with DLA Piper Global
- Douglas C. Emhoff works at DLA Piper Global
- Douglass C. Emhoff is Kamala Harris's husband
- Guess who owns Dominion? Blum Capital Partners, L.P. ***
- Guess who is on the board for the company? Richard C. Blum. ***
- Richard C. Blum is husband to Dianne Feinstein. ***
- Nancy Pelosi's husband is also an investor
- An aide to Nancy Pelosi, Nadeam Elshami, was hired by the Dominion Voting Systems
- Dominion Voting Systems is literally listed on the Clinton Foundation website.
- Dominion Voting is listed as a $25,000 to $50,000 donor to the Clinton Foundation in 2014 by The Washington Post
- "The DELIAN Project: Democracy through Technology" is the title of the page.
- Georgia Governor Kemp purchased machines after Texas and Florida rejected
- Dominion Voting has a lobbyist name Jared Thomas
- Jared Thomas was Governor Brian Kemp’s chief of staff and press secretary from 2012 to 2015
- You must remember the Feinstein-Kavanaugh-Soros connections to understand the depth
- Debra Katz (Christine Ford's lawyer) worked for George-Soros at the Open Society Foundation.
- Debra Katz (Christine Ford's lawyer) also worked at Project on Government Oversight (POGO).
- POGO is funded by Soros’s Open Society Foundation.
- POGO is the co-signer of the letter Diane Feinstein had on Kavanaugh.
- Kamala Harris did not prosecute OneWest Bank for their fraud
- Soros owned OneWest Bank.
- Now you know why a woman who placed 7th in her state is a VP candidate

*** These statements are in dispute. Feinstein has yet to deny them. In a financial disclosure, Feinstein has about 10 to 15 sub-companies. Who knows who owns what.
The faces of fascism, USA 2020. Too bad Lincoln didnt fully crush the confederacy. What we see today is the residuals of allowing the south to hold on to that “confederate culture”.




The faces of fascism, USA 2020. Too bad Lincoln didnt fully crush the confederacy. What we see today is the residuals of allowing the south to hold on to that “confederate culture”.





I started a thread about Amanda Chase. Stupid idea. Worse when you say it out loud.

Also, I don't think sedition means what you think it means.
Also, I had no idea Utah, Alaska, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Oklahoma and Montana were members of the confederacy. In fact, I didn't even know they were states at the time of the civil war. Learn something new every day.
Damn Tim, you and others are so full of ****. Get over it. Your man is out, soundly rejected by voters all across the country following a dismal one-term in the WH.

In the days and weeks following the election, Trump & GOP lawyers had ample opportunity to submit each and every case of supposed election fraud or irregularity to the courts. To courts all around the country, with both liberal and conservative judges.

Guess what? The claims of voter fraud were widely and unanimously rejected, over and over and over again. Wonder why? Think long and hard, maybe you'll come up with an answer.

You think if there was an ounce of proof, of any type of actual evidence of any of these claims, that at least some court cases would have proceeded around the country? Maybe in States with Trump-appointed judges? Maybe? Just a couple? Or even a single one?

You've been played.

Your level of confusion and falling head over heels for Trump's lies and deceptions is sadly on par with what has kept your horse-blinders on these past few years. Time to take them off, and step back into reality. Or don't, I don't give a **** what you do.

First, he was not "soundly rejected". It was an incredibly close election. Trump out-performed every poll and projection out there. Down ballot Republicans WAY out-performed what the so-called "experts" predicted. I would not gloat about your victory just yet. Nor would I feel confident in the democratic platform all that much.

I would not even put it past Trump possibly winning in 2024 if the country continues to be as volatile after Covid and the economy doesn't boom back like many project. If democrats see the booming economy as a way to tax it back into 1% growth, then he has a chance.

I don't want Trump to run again. I think he won't win. But you never say never in politics.
Also, I had no idea Utah, Alaska, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Oklahoma and Montana were members of the confederacy. In fact, I didn't even know they were states at the time of the civil war. Learn something new every day.

It was a general statement, not meant to address every aspect of the things included in the post.
like i said, **** you, too

Run along Supe. Don't you have an 'Invoke the Insurrection Act!' or 'Save the Vote!' or "Secession 2020" rally to attend with the rest of the MAGA yahoos?

Hopefully, the more time that passes that seperates you from Trump, your mind will return to some level of normalcy. Until then, chin up!