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Election Day 2020

I'm relieved Republicans held the Senate. Joe isn't going to be able to do squat, starting with not being able to repeal the tax cuts. And I don't like Kamala Harris's chances in 2024, because let's face it Joe will be long gone by then.
Bring the dusty geezer out of the basement and let him ******* cure a virus.

P.S. I have never rooted so hard for ill to befall another human being than for Covid Joe to die of Covid.
Well, two pieces of good news. The daily cases and death updates are done. You aren't going to hear much about coronavirus anymore, except a few comments on how Joe's magical plan of more testing and telling people to wear masks has gotten it completely under control.

And there's also this. Buh bye Nancy. Time to retire maybe.

I'm relieved Republicans held the Senate. Joe isn't going to be able to do squat, starting with not being able to repeal the tax cuts. And I don't like Kamala Harris's chances in 2024, because let's face it Joe will be long gone by then.

I don’t really know the ins and outs of politics. So since republicans still will hold the senate, does that mean anything that Biden tries to pass thru can be blocked from going into place?

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I don’t really know the ins and outs of politics. So since republicans still will hold the senate, does that mean anything that Biden tries to pass thru can be blocked from going into place?

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Yes , and he can't pack the courts or have Schumer nuke the filibuster. It mitigates drastically the damage he can do.
Well, two pieces of good news. The daily cases and death updates are done. You aren't going to hear much about coronavirus anymore, except a few comments on how Joe's magical plan of more testing and telling people to wear masks has gotten it completely under control.

And there's also this. Buh bye Nancy. Time to retire maybe.


Or it’s going to be, everyone needs to stay in their houses for a month. Close everything down. Tons of businesses go under and then after awhile we still have to wear masks and do exactly what we’re doing now.

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I'm going to give Biden and Harris the exact same treatment Trump and Pence received the last four years. I'm sure I will lose friends and possibly family in the process, but I don't care. F them! F them with a white, hot poker. I'm going to ride Biden like Zorro.

Full dick mode engaged. I won't lose any family and I don't have any commie friends,so it's all good.

Dementia man bad!
Steelworth, #MeToo is dead. It died when Kamala Harris called Tara Reade a lying *****.
Bring the dusty geezer out of the basement and let him ******* cure a virus.

P.S. I have never rooted so hard for ill to befall another human being than for Covid Joe to die of Covid.

For what to have Harris take over? That would be much worse.
Yes , and he can't pack the courts or have Schumer nuke the filibuster. It mitigates drastically the damage he can do.

I can hear them now,,,The Republican Senate killed x number of people with their radical obstructionist behavior. We must take away the senate from those radical white supremacists in 2022 for the good of the children and those who have been diminished by the Republicans. Buckle up, this is The Alamo as far as this country is going. We are not going to be able to hold them off much longer....
I'm going to give Biden and Harris the exact same treatment Trump and Pence received the last four years. I'm sure I will lose friends and possibly family in the process, but I don't care. F them! F them with a white, hot poker. I'm going to ride Biden like Zorro.

They dished it out, they better be ready to take it too. It’s part of the game. Biden is going to be very easy to give that treatment to lol.. dude can barely speak.

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For what to have Harris take over? That would be much worse.

It won't be because of the plague that President Harris will be sworn in.

Glad I'm retired and protected my investments, but feel for those responsible individuals that will be trying to make a living.
I think the stock market and billionaires LOVE what happened.

Biden is a sign to them that business will go back to usual. Just look at the people in power now. Not one has been in government for less than 35 years. They are all in their 70's.

Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell.... hell Biden fits RIGHT IN THERE with them. Hell, he is as plug-and-play as they come.

For a country that always seems to want "change", every time change actually comes, people love to retreat back into voting for old people (and yes, I know Trump is old too, but he doesn't ACT old and he certainly wasn't "old Washington").
I don’t really know the ins and outs of politics. So since republicans still will hold the senate, does that mean anything that Biden tries to pass thru can be blocked from going into place?

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Bills can be introduced in the House of Representatives or the Senate and have to be passed by both houses. The president can sign it into law or veto it, a veto can be overridden by a 2/3 majority in both houses.

He could try to do certain things by executive order but taxation is specifically spelled out in the Constitution as being the province of Congress.
Or it’s going to be, everyone needs to stay in their houses for a month. Close everything down. Tons of businesses go under and then after awhile we still have to wear masks and do exactly what we’re doing now.

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I don't think that's gonna fly unless he seriously wants a civil war.
What's the odds of Trump being on the stage as Biden is being sworn in?
I think Michigan will be called for Biden within hours, then he'll only need Nevada or Arizona. Those will come in his favor sometime tomorrow.

NC and Georgia will go to Trump later tonight.

Pennsylvania we won't know til Friday, but it won't matter.

EDIT- Trump campaign is claiming victory in Pennsylvania, but no media has called it yet.
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And I'm also grateful Trump has protected the Constitution for the forseeable future with Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett. That must really chap some Dem *****.
For what to have Harris take over? That would be much worse.

All of them. Kill them all.

For four ******* years, not one ************* day - NOT ONE MISERABLE ******* MINUTE OF ONE ******* GODDAMN DAY - was I spared the whining, shrieking, squealing, pouting and protesting by the imbeciles on the left (excuse my redundancy).

Your turn for this ****, *************. YOUR TURN.
One way or another, I think the country is done for. #1. The election was stolen by a corrupt government. OR #2 The election is legit and is truly a reflection of what the people want. Either way. Not good.
I don't think that's gonna fly unless he seriously wants a civil war.

Really? The ******* that pollute America get what they deserve.

**** them. **** them all. I hope Biden shuts down America forever as his last dying Covid wish and the basement lovers starve to death.

Me? Been preparing for about 2 years to go off the grid. I told you ************* to buy ammo. I told you.
All of them. Kill them all.

For four ******* years, not one ************* day - NOT ONE MISERABLE ******* MINUTE OF ONE ******* GODDAMN DAY - was I spared the whining, shrieking, squealing, pouting and protesting by the imbeciles on the left (excuse my redundancy).

Your turn for this ****, *************. YOUR TURN.

Amen brother, the radical left are scum.
I think Michigan will be called for Biden within hours, then he'll only need Nevada or Arizona. Those will come in his favor sometime tomorrow.

NC and Georgia will go to Trump later tonight.

Pennsylvania we won't know til Friday, but it won't matter.

NC is still accepting mail in ballots if they are postmarked correctly. I think the rule here is 9 days after election, as long as postmarked by the election. I understand it to be 200K outstanding mail in ballots that were requested but not yet returned. While mail in favors Biden, those mail ins will have to break something like 70% Biden to overtake the 77K lead Trump has. Rough math in my head says Biden has to take about 138k out of the 200k. I assume some of those 200K are not being returned. I don't see NC Blue.