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Election Day 2020

It may be. It's not enough votes to change the outcome.

Oh, okay, so if the election fraud and illegal election actions designed specifically to hurt one party do not show enough votes to change the outcome, we should just ignore it.
It may be. It's not enough votes to change the outcome.

This logic bothers me. So if the widespread cheating isn't enough to change the outcome then we just move forward with slow Joe and the ho? That seems wrong in itself. It may be the "legal" outcome but it sure seems like rewarding the people obstructing our constitutional rights. How much fraud will not be discovered? I believe that we will know that there was motive and means to commit massive voter fraud.
i thought fraud was fraud, whether it's 100 or 1 million votes. Just like stealing. If you steal $1, you are still a thief.
I suspect a lot of people voted split ballot. I also wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people voted only for president, while disregarding every other race, just so they could cast a vote against Donald Trump.

Bullshit ! Historical average of this less than 1% of voters ever do this.
i thought fraud was fraud, whether it's 100 or 1 million votes. Just like stealing. If you steal $1, you are still a thief.

If it saves just one life they say.

But we have to have "widespread and rampant" voter fraud before we dare speak of it. Got it.
I just don't see the corruption you guys are promoting. Yes, on a small level, there are individuals (maybe even groups at polling places) that are "cheating" but that will account to only 100's of votes.

The widespread, coordinated effort to gain 10's of thousands of votes is just too easily blown up by one big story.

I agree when the votes are like 10,000 or less or even .2% of less of the total votes, let's recount.

But to expect a recount to make Nevada, Arizona, Georgia AND Wisconsin flip (which is what I think needs to happen to get Trump to 270) is just TOTALLY unrealistic.

I don't know. If there is a problem to the magnitude of 10,000 votes, I think it gets found out. And not the bullshit "this guy on Twitter said this" or "this Youtube video shows this". You guys are going down the internet rabbit hole too easily. That's just my opinion.

I am much more concerned based on the tone of this board, conservatives that I respect and admire, that you are going to hold onto this and remain some lost Trump supporter until you die and not help anymore towards the causes of Conservatism or Nationalism in this country. Fighting for Donald Trump at this point is wasting energy.

And your energy against the Corona virus is a waste too. I heard time and time again here that the MINUTE November 3rd happened, we would no longer hear about Covid. You are wrong. Covid stories and cases are skyrocketing. Delaware is up back up to 130 hospitalizations (same level as late May/June). And that's really the only stat I care about.

I would have hoped the virus would have killed off the low-hanging fruit by now, but evidence and climbing rates of hospitalizations is a SERIOUS problem that shows there are still plenty of people out there that this virus seriously effects and sickens.

Look, we can argue about how science has been politicized over the last 15-20 years but people here are starting to creep to a place I (and many other conservatives) are not going to follow. When you start ignoring MOST science and start questioning everything, then you're going to start drifting on the bad side of history and into Dark Ages **** (when the Vatican and Christianity basically killed science because they feared it).

You can not win if you doubt and are skeptical of ALL science, blanket across the board, just because it comes out of the mouth of a liberal academic.

I can walk with you partway on Climate Science. I can walk with you on some environmentalism. I can not walk with you when you deny or downplay a real pandemic that is literally not going to improve now for AT LEAST 3 more months and really is hospitalizing thousands of people across the country.

In my opinion the fact that underplaying or doubting this pandemic has become a "Republican" thing is not good for the party long term. I think Trump's Covid response cost him the election and yet many of you keep spouting off we should be doing LESS about the Virus or just ignore it all together.

It makes no sense.
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Oh, okay, so if the election fraud and illegal election actions designed specifically to hurt one party do not show enough votes to change the outcome, we should just ignore it.

Nope, didn't say that. Have consistently said all irregularities should be investigated and corrected, And that I believe it will probably not amount to enough to change the outcome of the election.

Never once said ignore it.
This logic bothers me. So if the widespread cheating isn't enough to change the outcome then we just move forward with slow Joe and the ho? That seems wrong in itself. It may be the "legal" outcome but it sure seems like rewarding the people obstructing our constitutional rights. How much fraud will not be discovered? I believe that we will know that there was motive and means to commit massive voter fraud.

I believe there will be instances and pockets of fraud and error. As there probably has been in every election. And it probably will be more widespread just because interest in this election and turnout in general was higher. And it may even be weighted more to the Dems than to Reps.

What does that mean though? That legitimate votes should be ignored? That we should have an election do over? Do you realize what an incredibly damaging precedent that would set? That every election can be called into question and fought out in the courts endlessly over numerically insignificant instances of error or fraud? Be careful what you wish for.

I haven't seen instances of "widespread cheating". The PA situation may have been a flawed decision by the court but it was still people who voted in good faith based on the rules they believed were in place at the time. A judge may even decide not to disenfranchise these voters who didn't commit "fraud".
I think that the 4 am dumps were indications of massive fraud. The software could also be huge numbers of votes. I'm not going to fall apart if he doesn't win in the end but I will certainly be more disenfranchised than ever with the dems.
No. What is delusional is ignoring all common sense and thinking it is possible Joe got more votes then Barry..

Assuming a record number of votes were cast, why would that be so difficult to believe? It almost seems logical that someone could end up with the most votes ever. I believe Trump received the most votes ever for a losing candidate. Perhaps that’s more evidence that he actually won.

This forum has become quite the echo chamber.
I think that the 4 am dumps were indications of massive fraud.

They weren't "4 a.m. dumps". They were mail in votes that they started counting after they finished counting in person votes. I'm not sure why so many people can't seem to grasp this. Everyone knew beforehand it was going to happen this way.
They weren't "4 a.m. dumps". They were mail in votes that they started counting after they finished counting in person votes. I'm not sure why so many people can't seem to grasp this. Everyone knew beforehand it was going to happen this way.

That went near 100% to Biden? Nope nothing to see here.
That went near 100% to Biden? Nope nothing to see here.

That's been debunked but I realize that nothing anyone says is going to convince some of you so I'm not going to waste my time posting the numerous places its been fact checked. You'll just say the media is lying.

Where you lose me is the number of different entities that would all have to be involved in this nationwide conspiracy for it to be a reality. Bipartisan boards of elections, poll workers, etc. What you are saying is the entire election was rife with fraud and it was all on the Dem side and none of the people involved in monitoring this cared enough about the integrity of our elections to stop it, even though many of them are Republicans.

That makes very little logical sense. Maybe I just have a little too much faith in the majority of humanity.
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That's been debunked but I realize that nothing anyone says is going to convince some of you so I'm not going to waste my time posting the numerous places its been fact checked. You'll just say the media is lying.

Where you lose me is the number of different entities that would all have to be involved in this nationwide conspiracy for it to be a reality. Bipartisan boards of elections, poll workers, etc. What you are saying is the entire election was rife with fraud and it was all on the Dem side and none of the people involved in monitoring this cared enough about the integrity of our elections to stop it, even though many of them are Republicans.

That makes very little logical sense. Maybe I just have a little too much faith in the majority of humanity.

debunked where? sorry - havent seen where this is debunked.
even if they were mail-ins that were counted afterwards, what is the likelihood that all 130k+ would be for one candidate?
debunked where? sorry - havent seen where this is debunked.
even if they were mail-ins that were counted afterwards, what is the likelihood that all 130k+ would be for one candidate?

But that's been debunked. By CBS and ABC and Independent Fact Checkers at Facebook....duh.

One only needs to look at the counts PRIOR for each candidate then look at the counts that showed up in the morning. It's math. The overnight votes nearly all went to Biden in those critical states.
But that's been debunked. By CBS and ABC and Independent Fact Checkers at Facebook....duh.

One only needs to look at the counts PRIOR for each candidate then look at the counts that showed up in the morning. It's math. The overnight votes nearly all went to Biden in those critical states.

So basically any claim can be made and if it turns out not to be true, they are all lying. So like I said, there is nothing that is going to change people's minds who so fervently want to believe something.

FWIW I hope I'm wrong and you all are right. I just don't think so.
But that's been debunked. By CBS and ABC and Independent Fact Checkers at Facebook....duh.

One only needs to look at the counts PRIOR for each candidate then look at the counts that showed up in the morning. It's math. The overnight votes nearly all went to Biden in those critical states.

Are you shocked that Milwaukee, Detroit and Philadelphia mail in votes went 75 or 80% for Biden? You shouldn't be. I think Philadelphia voted for Hillary 85%-15%.
Are you shocked that Milwaukee, Detroit and Philadelphia mail in votes went 75 or 80% for Biden? You shouldn't be. I think Philadelphia voted for Hillary 85%-15%.

that's not the contention - not the overall totals.
the sudden surge in 130k votes is the point of concern. it's, as has been said, a mathematical impossibility that 130+ ballots would all be for one candidate - either way.

if this had happened to benefit Trump, we'd be hearing screeches about Russia Russia Russia again.
So basically any claim can be made and if it turns out not to be true, they are all lying. So like I said, there is nothing that is going to change people's minds who so fervently want to believe something.

FWIW I hope I'm wrong and you all are right. I just don't think so.

Not saying they are all lying. I didn't contend that Clinton didn't win, that Obama didn't win. There's just WAY too much smoke here for there not to be fire.

I know you keep saying "it would take a nationwide conspiracy" to make this happen. I disagree. If Hammer and Scorecard was used, it would be easy to pull off. And Hammer and Scorecard is real. Was it used? I don't know. But there is evidence it was used in in Florida in prior elections.

When poll watchers were denied (what were you hiding) rights to observe the tallies in hotly contested areas, it raises eyebrows severely. And no one can say "they were eventually allowed in." When they were allowed in, they were kept 40 yards away or at such distances that observers couldn't see a thing on ballots.

There's evidence of hundreds of thousands of votes with ONLY a vote for President and no down ballot voting.

Countless sources have shown the thousands of dead that voted in critical states.

Numerous sources point to registered voters exceeding eligible voting populations.

States like GA allowed door knockers to "correct ballots" after the election.

Puerto Rico just discovered over 100 briefcases full of uncounted ballots.

Software glitches like those claimed in Michigan just don't happen. They don't. Software doesn't just mysteriously transfer votes without some change in script or code. https://www.americanthinker.com/blo...CIIw6e9JVPRf_bi5wfzCa_NySD9ckdFPREtymO3crIwOI

The % of mail in ballot votes that went to Biden seems rather odd in this image, no? Ohio is usually a bellweather for states like Wisconsin and Michigan, all midwestern states. Further consider that in Michigan, Republicans led 41% to 39% in Mail-in Ballots requested. Republicans also led 42% to 39% with Mail-in and in-person ballots returned. In Wisconsin on election day before the polls opened, Republicans led Mail-in Ballots requested 43% to 35%, and Mail-in and early in-person ballots returned 43% to 35%. Yet we see graphs like this. Makes sense to some I guess.


Biden's vote tallies violated Benford's law, used by the State Department to detect election fraud. When this analysis was applied to the election results, all of the states followed Benford's law except the tight races.

Down ballot voting heavily favored Republicans, top ballot did not. That rarely ever occurs.

William Barr and the DOJ has authorized Federal prosecutors to pursue "substantial allegations" of voter fraud across the nation.

Now I don't know if there is any there "there" but it all seems rather odd, when added together - and this is just a sampling of some of the allegations. We are being asked to believe it was all on the up and up and these anomalies are acceptable and roll over?

Nah. This election was unlike any we have ever had and it is fraught with irregularities that raise innumerable questions that need to be answered.

Sorry, I don't trust the results, not when I was told beforehand they were going to win no matter what.
You know by believing in this "election was robbed" idea, you are just encouraging Trump to run again in 2024.

If you think that will help anything "conservative" in this country, I guess you are free to feel that way, but I 100% disagree with you.

We need to cut ties with Trump in a "nice way" or else he will burn the whole thing down on his way out the door. I just don't understand how any of you that truly values Conservatism or wants us to win the Senate and continue to fight against liberalism would be in favor of that.

I wanted Trump to win. I voted for him. He lost.

Now I move on with making logical decisions from here on out. And the LOGICAL decision is to quit fighting over this election. The odds are just too stacked against you. And encouraging Trump that he is right is going to lead to nothing good.

I am pretty much fine with the investigations and re-counts. I am 99.9% sure they won't change anything. Just be prepared to let it go. There are more important battles to fight than over trying to save Trump. He did his part in history, some of which I think is very good. But pretty soon, we have to find a way to somehow get past him and onto something else.

The more I read this thread, the more worried I am all the GAINS the Republicans have made, all the positives of actually having 71 million votes for Trump are going to all get washed down the drain because we are acting like bad losers and encouraging Trump to act the fool and try to run again, or take everything down with him.

Trump himself can't be the focus of why so many voted. We have to move on to Trump's IDEOLOGY as what lasts. Not the flawed, ****** up person.

Everyone here KNOWS it is Trump's flaws that partly lost this election. It is why there were a HUGE amount of people that voted Republican, but NOT FOR TRUMP. Look at all the Senate races Republicans did well it. Maine was something like 15-20% DIFFERENT between voting Republican for Senate and voting Republican for President.

North Carolina was off by 75,000 votes. Georgia off by 100,000 votes. It's a big deal you guys can't just sweep away. We all know he's a flawed candidate. He lost because of it.
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that's not the contention - not the overall totals.
the sudden surge in 130k votes is the point of concern. it's, as has been said, a mathematical impossibility that 130+ ballots would all be for one candidate - either way.

if this had happened to benefit Trump, we'd be hearing screeches about Russia Russia Russia again.

Again, debunked. It was a typo...it was corrected. There are multiple places you can read this, but I doubt any of them will pass muster with some here,

Yes, it sounds very suspicious. I get it. But it is likely not the first nor will it be the last temporary error of its kind in an election. And it was corrected and not a part of the final count.

I know you keep saying "it would take a nationwide conspiracy" to make this happen.

The reason I keep referring to a nationwide conspiracy or nationwide effort is because of what I've been saying all along. Every election has irregularities. In order to believe that this election was stolen you have to believe that

1) The irregularities were all or mostly intentional acts of fraud
2) They were exclusive to or at least heavily weighted to people on one side of the political spectrum. In other words significant fraud was possible but only the Dems were evil enough/smart enough to partake
3) They were significant enough to flip the race in all of the individual states needed to give Biden the election

That would seem to point to some level of coordination on a national level, and some national level of cooperation among numerous local election officials and workers.

I'm not sure why that is so much easier for some of you to believe than the idea that in some states that Trump won very narrowly in 2016, enough people were turned off by him to allow Biden to flip them very narrowly in 2020. My personal experiences with people, especially women, living in what used to be a reliably red area, makes the latter seem more likely.