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Election Day 2020

Again, debunked. It was a typo...it was corrected. There are multiple places you can read this, but I doubt any of them will pass muster with some here,

Yes, it sounds very suspicious. I get it. But it is likely not the first nor will it be the last temporary error of its kind in an election. And it was corrected and not a part of the final count.


gotcha. thought this was something new. we went over this a few pages back. my understanding at that time was that Joe got 150k votes, there was a "clerical error" and that instead of removing those 150k votes, then adding back the 15k votes, there were just 15k votes removed from the "error".

Now I see what your point is.

Though all of this is still shady as ****.
The reason I keep referring to a nationwide conspiracy or nationwide effort is because of what I've been saying all along. Every election has irregularities. In order to believe that this election was stolen you have to believe that

1) The irregularities were all or mostly intentional acts of fraud
2) They were exclusive to or at least heavily weighted to people on one side of the political spectrum. In other words significant fraud was possible but only the Dems were evil enough/smart enough to partake
3) They were significant enough to flip the race in all of the individual states needed to give Biden the election

That would seem to point to some level of coordination on a national level, and some national level of cooperation among numerous local election officials and workers.

I'm not sure why that is so much easier for some of you to believe than the idea that in some states that Trump won very narrowly in 2016, enough people were turned off by him to allow Biden to flip them very narrowly in 2020. My personal experiences with people, especially women, living in what used to be a reliably red area, makes the latter seem more likely.

People also keep referring to how well Reps did down ticket in these states. It is not a stretch that there were many republican voters that voted for third party OR even cast a vote for Biden and still voted Rep down ticket. I know a lot of people around here that are Republican but didn't want to toss a vote Trump's way. There is also the Dem and Independent voters that were not down for the far progressive left's talk of defunding police, anti-fracking, etc. that pushed a vote to Reps down ticket. It's one of things being brought up against AOC and the squad and how they helped several dem seats flip to Rep due to that.
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People also keep referring to how well Reps did down ticket in these states. It is not a stretch that there were many republican voters that voted for third party OR even cast a vote for Biden and still voted Rep down ticket. I know a lot of people around here that are Republican but didn't want to toss a vote Trump's way.

I know several who did the same. In fact Pat Toomey easily won his Senate race in our county despite Hillary winning by 8 points. There's a lot of dislike for Trump out there, even among Republicans.
The reason I keep referring to a nationwide conspiracy or nationwide effort is because of what I've been saying all along. Every election has irregularities. In order to believe that this election was stolen you have to believe that

1) The irregularities were all or mostly intentional acts of fraud
2) They were exclusive to or at least heavily weighted to people on one side of the political spectrum. In other words significant fraud was possible but only the Dems were evil enough/smart enough to partake
3) They were significant enough to flip the race in all of the individual states needed to give Biden the election

That would seem to point to some level of coordination on a national level, and some national level of cooperation among numerous local election officials and workers.

I'm not sure why that is so much easier for some of you to believe than the idea that in some states that Trump won very narrowly in 2016, enough people were turned off by him to allow Biden to flip them very narrowly in 2020. My personal experiences with people, especially women, living in what used to be a reliably red area, makes the latter seem more likely.

Have you seen the gains made in the house and the races yet to be called? We made a damn good run at taking the House, We picked off 2 State House Speakers in the NORTHEAST and flipped a Legislature there as well. Trump gained a very significant number of voters and a better share of minority voters. The numbers show an almost Red tsunami. It is is pretty much impossible for him to have done that poorly in States Like PA, MI and WI while doing so well in OH. It is almost impossible for certain Counties in those States to have had the voting patterns being shown. It only took 5 Counties to Flip this election.
Biden voters vote in the dark.
The reason I keep referring to a nationwide conspiracy or nationwide effort is because of what I've been saying all along. Every election has irregularities. In order to believe that this election was stolen you have to believe that

1) The irregularities were all or mostly intentional acts of fraud
2) They were exclusive to or at least heavily weighted to people on one side of the political spectrum. In other words significant fraud was possible but only the Dems were evil enough/smart enough to partake
3) They were significant enough to flip the race in all of the individual states needed to give Biden the election

That would seem to point to some level of coordination on a national level, and some national level of cooperation among numerous local election officials and workers.

I'm not sure why that is so much easier for some of you to believe than the idea that in some states that Trump won very narrowly in 2016, enough people were turned off by him to allow Biden to flip them very narrowly in 2020. My personal experiences with people, especially women, living in what used to be a reliably red area, makes the latter seem more likely.

This election isn't like any other election with "some" irregularities. I listed them out. There's a Titanic full of them, all of them highly suspicious.

I do believe there is coordination on a national level and I'm shocked you and others seem to believe it's impossible to be so.

For decades, fights have been had over voter rolls in states and cleaning them up. There is a concerted effort across the country NOT to clean them up and to resist said cleaning because those corrupt voter rolls serve a purpose...and history shows, typically in one direction heavily.

There have been decades of fights over requiring voter IDs...nationally...that is still unresolved. Why is it resisted so severely? It's certainly not because of altruistic reasons like disenfranchising voters. Which party kicks the *** of the other party in driving buses around, rounding people up, and taking them to the polls?

Coordinated, large election fraud is 160 years old. I've said it before, but it dates back to Tammany Hall. The Battle of Athens. The corrupt Chicago elections for decades. Philly's never ending corrupt voting machines. New York. It happens, it's coordinated.

You've got Democrats pushing hard for illegal immigration and everyone knows the reason is votes. They are talking about making Puerto Rico and DC states. All in the aim of one party rule.

You had Dems pushing all year long, and succeeding, in using COVID to change much of our voting to mail in ballots when we weren't equipped or ready for it. Why would they push so hard for this? Because they were thinking of the good of the people? Or because they believed it would give them an advantage?

Nationally...in the public discourse...there is a coordinated effort to make elections less secure (no voter IDs, mail in balloting, to extend voting deadlines). With software programs able to change votes AFTER they've been loaded into the system by just a handful of people added on top...I don't see it being far fetched at all.
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You know by believing in this "election was robbed" idea, you are just encouraging Trump to run again in 2024.

If you think that will help anything "conservative" in this country, I guess you are free to feel that way, but I 100% disagree with you.

We need to cut ties with Trump in a "nice way" or else he will burn the whole thing down on his way out the door. I just don't understand how any of you that truly values Conservatism or wants us to win the Senate and continue to fight against liberalism would be in favor of that.

I wanted Trump to win. I voted for him. He lost.

Now I move on with making logical decisions from here on out. And the LOGICAL decision is to quit fighting over this election. The odds are just too stacked against you. And encouraging Trump that he is right is going to lead to nothing good.

I am pretty much fine with the investigations and re-counts. I am 99.9% sure they won't change anything. Just be prepared to let it go. There are more important battles to fight than over trying to save Trump. He did his part in history, some of which I think is very good. But pretty soon, we have to find a way to somehow get past him and onto something else.

The more I read this thread, the more worried I am all the GAINS the Republicans have made, all the positives of actually having 71 million votes for Trump are going to all get washed down the drain because we are acting like bad losers and encouraging Trump to act the fool and try to run again, or take everything down with him.

Trump himself can't be the focus of why so many voted. We have to move on to Trump's IDEOLOGY as what lasts. Not the flawed, ****** up person.

Everyone here KNOWS it is Trump's flaws that partly lost this election. It is why there were a HUGE amount of people that voted Republican, but NOT FOR TRUMP. Look at all the Senate races Republicans did well it. Maine was something like 15-20% DIFFERENT between voting Republican for Senate and voting Republican for President.

North Carolina was off by 75,000 votes. Georgia off by 100,000 votes. It's a big deal you guys can't just sweep away. We all know he's a flawed candidate. He lost because of it.

Del, I agree with you but disagree.

There are two points to discuss here.

1) should we hang onto Trump and encourage him to run again, and
2) should we demand and fight now for the integrity of our elections

IF it is discovered there is/was rampant election fraud, to let it go gives permission to do it again. Forget Trump. Our elections are at stake and we are just rolling over and saying "the way we did things this year are fine" and they will just get worse in the future. It needs to be investigated and controls need to be put in place and these practices must end or we will face one party rule.

We sit here naively thinking in 2022 there is going to be some Red Wave and we are going to take back both chambers of Congress. You're being sold fools gold if you think that will happen with these new election processes in place.
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Georgia just declared a state wide hand recount. Interesting.
I don’t know how many times I can repeat myself and say I don’t think anything is impossible. I just don’t think it’s very likely. Call it Occam’s Razor if you want. Holds true more often than not.

I’ve seen lots of allegations, lots of innuendo, little hard proof of anything that would be election altering.
Del, it's simple. According to numbers, Trump did better in every demographic save 1. He did NOT lose the woman vote. He gained MORE of it.
He also gained more votes than ANY sitting president ever. This is NOT a case of Trump failing to bring in the votes.

This is a case of the democrats WAITING until the bulk of Trumps votes were in and tallied and THEN adding hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes after in order to take the lead in states (WHO SAID THEY HAD STOPPED COUNTING FOR THE NIGHT!)
Somehow, however - despite the fact NOBIDY was counting, hundreds of thousands of Biden votes somehow counted themselves.
Either elections are honest & truthful, or they are not. And the moment you accept the "not" option you n I longer have a democracy. It is that simple.
Are you shocked that Milwaukee, Detroit and Philadelphia mail in votes went 75 or 80% for Biden? You shouldn't be. I think Philadelphia voted for Hillary 85%-15%.

I am going to set forth what we know - what we actually, verifiably KNOW - just this one time and then not bother any more since apparently some are deeply embedded in various state secretaries of state and know what happened and the fact the outcome cannot be affected. Here goes:

  • It is undisputed that a purported "software glitch" caused one Michigan county to give Biden 6,000 votes that actually were cast for Trump. This is literally not disputed.
  • The polling supervisor says, "Yeah, but we caught it and fixed it."
  • Sure. You fixed it AFTER several Republicans in Michigan said something was wrong and the County - Antrim - is heavily Republican and no way in hell it would go 62% Biden.
  • https://newshourfirst.com/2020/11/07/a-michigan-county-vote-count-just-flipped-from-biden-to-trump/
  • The software that had the "glitch," a.k.a., debilitating bug, is used in dozens of counties in Michigan and hundreds of counties in the United States.
  • https://www.realclearpolitics.com/v...6000_votes_to_switch_from_trump_to_biden.html
  • Further, the (D)ims have explained that a "typo" accounts for the appearance of Biden somehow outpacing Trump at one point by a count of 128,000 to 0. In fact, the typo registered Biden's massive increase in Michigan's poll numbers was also because Shiawassee county noted 153,710 for Biden, when their number should have been 15,371.
  • https://thepostmillennial.com/break...g-extra-votes-in-michigan-trump-still-in-play
  • Wisconsin had voter paricipation of 89.5%. Uhh, sure.
  • Comparing the latest number of registered Wisconsin voters (3,684,726) to the number of votes cast in Wisconsin (3,297,137) would mean that 89.5% (3,297,137 / 3,684,726) of Wisconsin voters voted.
  • https://drrichswier.com/2020/11/04/evidence-of-massive-election-tampering/
  • No, no, we're told, Wisconsin measures voter turnout by the total number of ELIGIBLE voters not the total number of REGISTERED voters. The only place in the country that supposedly does this.
  • Yeah, sure. That's why Wisconsin - the government - reported voter turnout in 2016 of 68.33%.
  • https://www.statista.com/statistics/632113/2016-us-presidential-election-voter-turnout-by-state/
  • Wait ...
  • But the numbers in Milwaukee show no issues, right? I mean, that's the county whose very late votes pushed Dementia Joe over the top. So when of the 40 precincts, every one had over 90% registered voter participation, and several 95% or above, no big deal, right?
  • Not so much. Biden supposedly got more votes in the county that Bammy, a genuinely unique candidate, despite the fact that the usual idiot (D)imbo poliices have led to a significant DECLINE in the county's population.
  • https://thefederalist.com/2020/11/0...ounty-raises-questions-about-wisconsin-votes/
  • Huh, less people, more votes than Bammy? Yeah, sure.
  • Further, it is absolutely undisputed that Philadelphia - notorious for overt and massive voter fraud - kicked out Republican poll watchers, kept those they did not kick out 50 to 100' away, and plainly violated the law in the process.
  • So the Trump campaign went to court, won, obtained an order that the (R) poll watchers be allowed to watch.
  • https://thefederalist.com/2020/11/1...watching-fraud-happen-heres-how-it-went-down/
  • After that, the Philly polling supervisors once again violated the order and kept poll watchers 20' or more away.
  • How the hell can anybody read a ballot or compare signatures from 20' or more? You can't. That's the point.
  • At the same time, Detroit polling supervisors had people put cardboard over the windows, to block sight of what was happening.
  • https://neonnettle.com/news/13147-d...p-windows-during-ballot-count-voters-outraged
  • The documented instances of voter fraud are set forth in 16 different declarations attached to various lawsuits by the Trump campaign.
  • Zachary Larsen, a former assistant attorney general who served as a Republican poll challenger, alleged poll workers were looking at how a person voted by peeking inside an absentee ballot's secrecy sleeve before classifying them as "problem ballots." The classification would require additional review of a ballot before it was counted; it does not automatically invalidate a ballot. Larsen also alleges poll workers were allowing ballots to be cast by people not in the qualified voter file, a list of voters maintained by the state. When he said he tried to get a better, closer vantage point to watch a particular election worker, he says workers conducted a "ruse" to prevent him from looking at names that were being entered into a pollbook.
  • Jessy Jacob, identified as a city of Detroit employee, makes a series of allegations about what instructions allegedly were provided to election workers before and after Election Day. Before Election Day, election workers at a Detroit satellite voting center repeatedly coached voters, telling them to vote for Biden and other Democrats, the affidavit alleges. After Election Day, Jacob was told to pre-date absentee ballots so they would reflect being received on time, according to the affidavit. In Michigan, only ballots received by 8 p.m. on Election Day are valid. Chris Thomas, a longtime state elections official under Republican and Democratic secretaries of state who was asked to serve as a senior advisor in Detroit, said a clerical error at some satellite offices led to a problem with the date included in the online system for some ballots. He said these ballots were physically stamped with the date they were received, and none were received after polls closed on Election Day.
  • Andrew Sitto says he was a poll challenger at TCF on Election Day who remained late into the night as ballots were processed. He says at approximately 4 :30 a.m. on Wednesday, "tens of thousands" of ballots were brought in to the center for counting. He said all of the ballots he watched being counted were for Biden. While the lawsuit uses this statement about these specific ballots to say "apparently every ballot was counted and attributed only to Democratic candidates," Sitto only commented on ballots he observed. Election experts in Michigan and across the country expected absentee ballots to favor Biden, especially after Trump repeatedly blasted the process ahead of the election.
  • Robert Cushman says he was a Republican poll challenger at TCF who saw misconduct related to military ballots. He says the names of voters on some of these ballots were not on the state computer system, but election workers added them as they counted the ballots. He also said election workers entered the birthdate for all of these ballots as January 1, 1900. The Free Press and New York Times have investigated other allegations related to misleading or inaccurate birthdates and found them to be incorrect.
  • Daniel Gustafson says he was a trained poll challenger. He alleges ballots were brought into TCF in large, unsecured bins. The bins did not have any markers indicating their "source of origin," Gustafson said.
  • Patrick Colbeck, a former Republican senator who ran for governor in 2018 but lost the nomination to former attorney general Bill Schuette, says he was a poll challenger at TCF. He says many workers left TCF at around 7:30 p.m. on Election Day, before polls closed at 8 p.m. While clerks are allowed to use shifts of workers to process and count absentee ballots, workers are supposed to remain at the absentee ballot counting site until polls close. He also says an election worker did not prove to him that computers at TCF were not connected to the internet.
  • https://www.freep.com/story/news/po...roit-lawsuit-misconduct-elections/6218612002/
  • Oh, and Detroit poll worker backdating ballots to comply with a deadline? No, no, no.
  • "Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson has said there is no evidence of wrongdoing: the ballots had indeed arrived before the deadline, but a clerk had forgotten to save their arrival date in a computer file, she said
  • Oh, the clerk just forgot to enter a date, so did so later and put in a date that preceded the date that the entry was made?
  • Isn't that the definition of "backdating"?
  • Finally, Google - the information lapdog for the (D)imbos - makes it incredibly hard to find the declarations, the lawsuits, etc. and instead gives five pages of repeated whitewash articles, "Claims of fraud unsubstantiated," blah, blah, blah.
  • Tens of thousands of dead people voted in Michigan.
  • Amazing how every ******* "glitch" or error or miscount favored Biden. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.

None of what I posted - literally not a word - is speculation or conjecture. It is supported by eyewitnesses, videos, photos and declarations.

Finally, like most Republicans, I don't like getting robbed. But unlike the scum known as the (D)imbo party, I don't loot and burn because I didn't get my way.

But news alert, (D)imbos. You need my tax dollars a **** more than I need you. So I see some very bad years for my little business in the next couple of years.


So go **** yourself. On somebody's dime for a change.
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I don’t know how many times I can repeat myself and say I don’t think anything is impossible. I just don’t think it’s very likely. Call it Occam’s Razor if you want. Holds true more often than not.

I’ve seen lots of allegations, lots of innuendo, little hard proof of anything that would be election altering.

All I know is there is a LOT of smoke and investigation is warranted. As you said "lots of innuendo." Way more than we have ever seen before.

When so many of these states are only off by 10, 20, 40K votes and there is so much smoke...investigate.

Frankly I don't care if anything is overturned. I just want the fraud rooted out. I want secure elections more than just about anything right the moment for my kids and for the future. It matters. Each vote matters. I posted a stat not long ago that in the past decade Ohio has had 100 races inside the state decided by 4 or less votes. It doesn't take much. 20,000 votes in a state-wide Presidential election isn't hard to manufacture and doesn't take that much effort if you think through it.
None of what I posted - literally not a word - is speculation or conjecture.

Most of what you posted is evidence of human error in the election process. Something I think desperately needs to be rooted out and corrected. But do I think that's anything new? Nope. Do I think no errors could have possibly benefited Trump and not Biden? Nope, but no one is looking for those kinds of errors.

Is it proof of a "stolen election"? Hardly. You have to find intent. A plan. Someone that evidence shows directed people to do these things or intentionally did them themselves. Shouldn't be that hard to find if true.
When so many of these states are only off by 10, 20, 40K votes and there is so much smoke...investigate.

I absolutely agree that especially in an election this close, every credible allegation of fraud should be fully investigated.
Most of what you posted is evidence of human error in the election process. Something I think desperately needs to be rooted out and corrected. But do I think that's anything new? Nope. Do I think no errors could have possibly benefited Trump and not Biden? Nope, but no one is looking for those kinds of errors.

Is it proof of a "stolen election"? Hardly. You have to find intent. A plan. Someone that evidence shows directed people to do these things or intentionally did them themselves. Shouldn't be that hard to find if true.

C’mon where have you been the last 4 years ? Intent ? You got to be kidding. The left has been willing to lie still and cheat and I believe kill to do anything and I mean anything to make Trump look bad and try to remove him. Dear God in my lifetime I would have never thought for one second the FBI would be turned into a corrupt **** hold, but low and behold it is. Our government is worse than the movies about this kind of crap.
C’mon where have you been the last 4 years ? Intent ? You got to be kidding. The left has been willing to lie still and cheat and I believe kill to do anything and I mean anything to make Trump look bad and try to remove him. Dear God in my lifetime I would have never thought for one second the FBI would be turned into a corrupt **** hold, but low and behold it is. Our government is worse than the movies about this kind of crap.

See this is exactly what I mean. Yeah I get the anger and all but "Democrats have been persecuting him for 4 years" isn't gonna fly as actual proof of election fraud. If it's there, find it. Insinuations aren't going to overturn an election.
Most of what you posted is evidence of human error in the election process.

False. Computer program counting ballots does not innocently count 6,000 Trump votes as Biden votes. Those ******* people knew exactly what they were doing.

And reports of boxes and boxes of mail-in ballots being accepted in Detroit without the necessary identifiers as to location, the changing of the signature-verification standards on the electronic signature comparisons, Republican poll watchers being tossed with cheers from the remaining vote counters? Those are intentional, malevolent.

Once again, what I am talking about is based on eye witness statements, documents, admissions. And it proves a very deeply dishonest process designed to **** one candidate.

Bidens lead in AZ shrank to .3%, less than 13,000 votes, but with 99% reporting.

The Libertarian took 50,000 votes.
Bidens lead in AZ shrank to .3%, less than 13,000 votes, but with 99% reporting.

The Libertarian took 50,000 votes.

Yeah, I hear 'ya, but I never argue that so-and-so "cost" another candidate the election. Want to get those votes? Try harder. Be a better candidate.

50,000 people voted for Jorgensen because they thought she was a better candidate. That's all.
AZ is going to flip back to Trump.

PA has a pretty good chance to flip back to Trump if the SCOTUS throws out ballots that are postmarked after 11/3.
See this is exactly what I mean. Yeah I get the anger and all but "Democrats have been persecuting him for 4 years" isn't gonna fly as actual proof of election fraud. If it's there, find it. Insinuations aren't going to overturn an election.

Now that is not what you said. You said “intent” and I made the point if what we have witnessed for 4 straight years isn’t intent enough I don’t know what to tell you.
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Just for you Steeltime

Hold It: Wisconsin’s Vote Just Doesn’t Look Right

The state of Wisconsin should not certify its election results until it can get to the bottom of what happened on Election Day. Something is not right. The results do not appear to be accurate.

I’m a longtime journalist and a native of Madison, Wisconsin, and have spent years studying voter rolls, election laws and election returns. I’ve spent the last several days studying the returns from Wisconsin and am convinced that something happened that should not have happened — something that altered the outcome.

The results posted for the upper middle-class Milwaukee suburb of Wauwatosa, for example, are astounding.

They show Joe Biden with 20,880 votes — 4,564 more than Hillary Clinton’s total of 16,316 in 2016, and 5,660 more than Barack Obama got in 2012 in his re-election run. Trump increased his vote total slightly in the city, from 10,034 votes in 2016 to 10,104 this year.

How did Biden increase his vote total by 28 percent in a city that only recently flipped to become majority Democrat? Who are these additional 4,564 voters who didn’t vote for Clinton four years ago but were motivated to vote for Joe Biden?

Wauwatosa’s population has grown at a rate of less than 0.5 percent a year, on average. In 2010 its population, according to the U.S. Census, was 46,396. It’s now 48,118, according to the 2019 Census estimate.

Similar and even bigger jumps can be seen in almost every suburb in Milwaukee County — unbelievable vote totals for Biden when compared to both Clinton in 2016 and Obama in 2012, in West Allis, Whitefish Bay, River Hills, Glendale, Fox Point, Cudahy and about every other town and village in the county.

They can also be seen in the three counties surrounding Milwaukee — Washington, Ozaukee and Waukesha. It’s as if someone manning the central controls turned the dial up, adding 10 to 40 percent more votes for Biden in community after community.

Terry Dittrich, chairman of the Republican Party of Waukesha County, points to Biden votes in Brookfield, which borders Milwaukee County.

“It’s very, very big, and it’s like, Boy, this just doesn’t seem right,” he said about absentee ballots in particular, which showed close to 80 percent going for Biden. Trump won Brookfield overall, getting 53.5 percent of the vote. But Biden got 12,434 votes in the city, a stunning 36 percent increase over Clinton’s vote total four years ago.

“The answer is I don’t know,” Dittrich says when asked why he thought the numbers were so high.

No one knows who these added voters are and won’t know for a few weeks as county clerks have 45 days to get the voter data for this election entered into the system.

“The bottom line is that it’s just incredible that this guy could get this big of a bump, in New Berlin, Brookfield, Elm Grove, Menomonee Falls, and even some of our strongholds in the county like Hartman and Sussex,” said Dittrich.

In New Berlin, Biden got 28 percent more votes than Clinton in 2016 and Obama in 2012.

In the Village of Elm Grove, Biden got 28 percent more votes than Clinton and 54.6 percent more than Obama.

In the Village of Menomonee Falls, Biden got 34 percent more votes than Clinton and 41 percent more than Obama.

In the Village of Hartland, Biden got almost 39.7 percent more votes than Clinton and 40 percent more than Obama.

In the Village of Sussex, Biden got 39.69 percent more votes than Clinton and 43 percent more than Obama.

Dittrich also points to Biden’s 5,576 votes in the city of Muskego, a 26 percent increase over Clinton’s vote total in 2016.

“Which is really incredible,” he says, “because we canvassed the hell out of the place and it’s very, very red.”

Trump got 66.3 percent of the vote in Muskego. Dittrich said he would have expected it to be over 70 percent.

In Waukesha County as a whole, Biden got 103,867 votes this year, compared to 79,244 votes for Clinton four years ago — an additional 24,623 votes, a 31 percent increase.

Biden won the state of Wisconsin, according to the unofficial numbers, by just 20,540 votes.

Over in Dane County, home to Madison, election returns show Biden with 260,157 votes — 42,460 more than Hillary Clinton’s 217,697 votes from Dane County four years ago and 44,086 more than Obama’s 216,071 vote total from Dane County in 2012.

How could Biden have increased his vote total by 19 percent over Clinton in Dane County and by 20 percent over Obama?

Dane County is growing, but not by that much.

Overall, Wisconsin is showing 1,630,569 votes for Biden, 248,033 more than Clinton got in 2016, in a state in which President Trump campaigned heavily and Biden hardly at all.

The state should not certify results before doing an audit in the counties that show these unbelievable increases. The audit should involve a hand count of paper ballots and also knocking on the doors of a percentage of “new” voters who appeared out of thin air to vote for Biden this year.

Until this is done, millions of Americans will not believe that the numbers out of Wisconsin are an accurate reflection of the votes cast by eligible voters in the state this year.


Read this one too, more fishy analysis of Wisconsin - https://redstate.com/scotthounsell/2020/11/09/excuse-me-while-i-call-bs-in-wisconsin-n276884
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