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Election Day 2020

No, it's not. The democrats now have their unbeatable vote generating process. They can turn in as many ballots as they wish, use as many thumb-drives as they like and dominate any election they feel they need. Sure, they'll let a republican win here and there to uphold the idea that people are actually "voting" but don't for a minute be fooled into believing that your vote counts for **** from here on out.

This is how you circumvent that electoral college. All you need is a handful of key states to run a game on.

The states that are truly legit will do all things possible to secure the legitimate voice of the people.

I don't know how long things can remain civil when you're dealing with some nasty cheating mother *******. Just watch what goes down in Georgia.

These people mean to rule,not govern.
Yep. And fascinating that the major urban voting areas, with the most money, often the state capitals, delay their vote counts until the rural areas have reported in. My state, for example.

Yavapai County and Mohave County cover VAST areas, more than 21,000 combined square miles, with voting booths in tiny grammar schools and on Indian reservations. Got our vote counted by the evening of November 3.

Maricopa County, less than half that square mileage, the state capital, plenty of roads, vote takes four days.

Why? "Oh, Maricopa has so many more people." So what? The votes are tabulated by bringing them to a processing center, which takes less than half as much time in Maricopa as it does Yavapai and Mohave. "So many more machines and votes." So ******* what? Jesus, they have five times the support staff and personnel, five to ten times the equipment to do the ******* job. Oh, and Florida - a state of 22 million and covering 65,000 square miles - somehow does the task in one ******* day.

So why so incredibly slow in Milwaukee, and Philadelphia, and Phoenix, and Detroit, and Atlanta? Because all run by (D)im mayors? Part of the answer.

But the answer is because those areas need to wait to figure out how many votes they need to win the thing. Go ahead and think otherwise. Your government - the one you have been protesting since the Vietnam war, the one that kills people by the thousands for bullshit reasons - can be trusted and would never lie about the vote.



kinda sorta.
Florida learned from hanging Chads. Thus, the mail-ins are counted ... stay with me here ... as they arrive, instead of ... almost done, still with me ... when the polling stations open.
These people mean to rule,not govern.

Does ANYBODY doubt that? Seriously, 21 or Flog or Tib's ghost, argue the contrary. Please. Let me start the discussion:

  • When you tell me that children, who have basically zero risk from the Chinese flu, can't go to school because of the Chinese flu, you are ruling, not governing.
  • When you tell me my kids can't go to in-person education because Chinese flu, and send your kids to private school for in-person education, you are ruling, not governing.
  • When you tell me that peaceful gatherings to protest the imbecile lockdowns are a threat and direct vitriol at those participating, while excusing mass rioting and looting because "mostly peaceful," you are ruling, not governing.
  • When you order barbers and hairdressers to close their businesses, and restaurants and bars to shut down, while allowing Costco and Walgreens to have thousands of customers per day, you are ruling, not governing.
  • When you claim that masks will prevent 90% of the disease, but empty jails because apparently masks don't work in jails, you are ruling, not governing.
  • When you order citizens to avoid gatherings and wear masks, and then attend a big dinner in a fancy restaurant with no mask, you are ruling, not governing.
  • When you order citizens to remain at home and not get their hair done, and then get your hair done because "I'm the face of Chicago [that looks a lot like a bat's ***]," you are ruling, not governing.
  • When you shut down hair salons in your state and order the plebes to wear masks, but are then caught getting your hair done without a mask, you are ruling, not governing.
  • When you order restaurants shut down in your city because of the horrendous dangers posed by the Chinese flu, and then go across the river to get a sit-down dinner without a mask, you are ruling, not governing.

Your turn, Flog.
question to those who believe that the government was able to deduce that no fraud occurred so soon after the election...

when you go to the DMV to update your address on your drivers license, it takes 45 minutes to an hour and you have to have 2-3-4-5 proofs of identification. Why and how was the same government able to complete an investigation of literally thousands and thousands of machines, for literally millions of votes in - again, literally - millions of miles of this country and conclusively, without a doubt, determine there was absolutely zero fraud? or "not enough" fraud, whatever the **** that is to mean.
This is great. And very well done.

The Demonrats went down to Georgia lookin for some votes to steal.
Too bad it's not gonna work out for Trump.

Charlie Daniels was Steeler fan ya know!

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question to those who believe that the government was able to deduce that no fraud occurred so soon after the election...

when you go to the DMV to update your address on your drivers license, it takes 45 minutes to an hour and you have to have 2-3-4-5 proofs of identification. Why and how was the same government able to complete an investigation of literally thousands and thousands of machines, for literally millions of votes in - again, literally - millions of miles of this country and conclusively, without a doubt, determine there was absolutely zero fraud? or "not enough" fraud, whatever the **** that is to mean.

Fraud occurs in every election, but it is frequently caught and is of no consequence to outcomes. The systemic-level of fraud being proposed by Trump and his supporters would be overtly conspicuous and next to impossible to conceal.

Trump's own justice department has seen all these statistical so-called "irregularities" that are constantly propagated here and all over the internet and cannot find any substantial evidence of fraud.

It's why it's pointless arguing this ****. Such a grand conspiracy without any proof left behind. Democrats must be a lot smarter than they're given credit.
He DOES have an (R) after his name, ya stoog. He was appointed by... TRUMP. He’s already received death threats for exposing the true fraud in this election, Trump and his lawyers.

right right right
all with the (R) behind their names are full Republicans. All of them. Right? Right.
Fraud occurs in every election, but it is frequently caught and is of no consequence to outcomes. The systemic-level of fraud being proposed by Trump and his supporters would be overtly conspicuous and next to impossible to conceal.

Trump's own justice department has seen all these statistical so-called "irregularities" that are constantly propagated here and all over the internet and cannot find any substantial evidence of fraud.

It's why it's pointless arguing this ****. Such a grand conspiracy without any proof left behind. Democrats must be a lot smarter than they're given credit.

its not the Democrats I give credit to. It's the coders for Dominion.
pay attention.

and somehow Basement Boy tabulated more votes than the Messiah. We can't discount that.
its not the Democrats I give credit to. It's the coders for Dominion.
pay attention.

and somehow Basement Boy tabulated more votes than the Messiah. We can't discount that.

Ahh yes Supe..

But the Messiah was not running against the Big Bad Orange Man.
its not the Democrats I give credit to. It's the coders for Dominion.
pay attention.

and somehow Basement Boy tabulated more votes than the Messiah. We can't discount that.

You honestly do not think the DOJ has technical experts capable of finding digital manipulation and fraud?

Trump has had plenty of resources available to prove his case, but cannot because it's a load of crap.
You honestly do not think the DOJ has technical experts capable of finding digital manipulation and fraud?

Trump has had plenty of resources available to prove his case, but cannot because it's a load of crap.

you honestly think the DOJ has the be-all end-all top end of all that is tech savvy? that their **** can't possibly stink? that they've proven that **** was without a doubt tighter than an Ogre's wallet when it owes its only friends? you honestly believe that an application cannot be written that would not leave behind traces of infection/what it has done?

i have a diamond mine off the coast of Florida I'm willing to sell you for a low, low price. PM me for details.
you honestly think the DOJ has the be-all end-all top end of all that is tech savvy? that their **** can't possibly stink? that they've proven that **** was without a doubt tighter than an Ogre's wallet when it owes its only friends? you honestly believe that an application cannot be written that would not leave behind traces of infection/what it has done?

i have a diamond mine off the coast of Florida I'm willing to sell you for a low, low price. PM me for details.

You're a true believer, Supe. I give you that.

Trump was feeding you guys the "fraud is the only way I lose" narrative since the summer and you ate every ounce of it and are asking for seconds.

Enjoy the next four years.
You're a true believer, Supe. I give you that.

Trump was feeding you guys the "fraud is the only way I lose" narrative since the summer and you ate every ounce of it and are asking for seconds.

Enjoy the next four years.

Bill BaRR Just said no evidence of Trumps bullshit claims.

so both of you Mensas believe, wholeheartedly, that Trump then can say he cleaned up the election process.

for four goddamned years, all we heard was the wailing and vaginal screeching of the leftist ******* of Russia! Russia! Russia! Foreign collusion! Russia! Russia! Russia!

now, its as clean as a nun's ***.
Bill BaRR Just said no evidence of Trumps bullshit claims.

There's a **** ton of evidence. Biden is going to be the first lame duck illegitimate president from the get go. The shoe is going to be on the other foot for the next 4 years. It's a genuine leather shoe too. None of that imitation stuff.

Joe is such a window licking bafoon, he will be easy to abuse. He will have a 2 year window if they can steal Georgia, then the house will turn and the game is over.
You want proof of something seriously wrong with the election results? Something concrete, such as 431,000 more votes being counted than could have been cast in Michigan? Like this, you mean?


"A preliminary analysis using data obtained from the Michigan Secretary of State pinpoints a statistical anomaly so far outside every statistical norm as to be virtually impossible. There are a stunning 3,276 precincts where the Presidential Votes Cast compared to the Estimate Voters based on Reported Statistics ranges from 84% to 350% [voter turnout]. Normalizing the Turnout percentage of this grouping to 80% (still way above national average for turnout percentage), reveals 431,954 excess ballots allegedly processed. There are at least 19 precincts where the Presidential Votes Cast compared to the Estimated Voters based on Reported Statistics exceeded 100%."

Like that, you mean?

Follow the science. Unless it hurts a (D)im, then **** science.
so both of you Mensas believe, wholeheartedly, that Trump then can say he cleaned up the election process.

for four goddamned years, all we heard was the wailing and vaginal screeching of the leftist ******* of Russia! Russia! Russia! Foreign collusion! Russia! Russia! Russia!

now, its as clean as a nun's ***.

And then fired and made a villain of the man he hired to secure the election. Leading up to the election, the absence of foreign interference was acknowledged. Trump is a petulant madman who should never have come close to the White House.