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Election Day 2020

For electoral college purposes, Donald should probably go ahead and claim some more states before they certify their results.
And then fired and made a villain of the man he hired to secure the election. Leading up to the election, the absence of foreign interference was acknowledged. Trump is a petulant madman who should never have come close to the White House.

2016 Democrats: Russians everywhere.
2020 Democrats: No foreign interference is possible. Elections are as pure as the driven snow.
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Trump was feeding you guys the "fraud is the only way I lose" narrative since the summer.

And by golly he turned out to be right didn't he?

Actually he had warned about voter fraud much earlier than last summer. Soon after he was elected he proceeded to form some sort of election fraud task force which never got traction, most likely having to do with states objecting and states rights from what I recall.
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There's a **** ton of evidence. Biden is going to be the first lame duck illegitimate president from the get go. The shoe is going to be on the other foot for the next 4 years. It's a genuine leather shoe too. None of that imitation stuff.

Joe is such a window licking bafoon, he will be easy to abuse. He will have a 2 year window if they can steal Georgia, then the house will turn and the game is over.

Dude, if Biden is inaugurated he's gone by Memorial Day and we have President Harris and somewhere Monica Lewinsky is saying, "Da fuq? Coulda been me."
Then why, when Trump’s lawyers are in front of a judge, do they come up empty? Because you can lie to the public, lie to a judge and you go to jail.

Goddamn I hate it when stupid ************* act like wannabe lawyers. The true facts:

To stop the certification process, a candidate cannot do so by proving ballot fraud. Instead, he must do so by showing failure to comply with requirements for how the election was to proceed, such as the Pennsylvania judge allowing votes to be counted when received 3 days after the election, or where the election commission will not certify the outcome, such as in Michigan for a while.

Issues as to ballot fraud and fraud charges are not going to stop certification. They just aren't. The burden is too high and must be proved in court. Right now, a total of 687 sworn affadavits have been filed in courts in contested states about serious voting irregularities, up to and including blatant fraud.

Also, you idiot, lawyers don't provide evidence and cannot be charged with perjury since they don't ******* testify and thus don't speak under penalty of perjury. Jesus ******* Christ, stop offering your legal analysis. Stomping your *** on the subject is tiresome. I'm going to have Dongster stomp your *** on the subject for a while to give me a break. Dumbass.

So to you claim about a lack of evidence, you are a liar. 687 declarations ... I guess you claim 687 people involved in the process committed perjury? Idiot.

Your claim about Trump losing on the fraud allegation, you are a liar. That allegation has not been litigated for the most part. Fraud requires a trial against specific individuals.

Your claim that lawyers are not claiming fraud in court because "they would go to jail," you are a liar. Or a moron. Probably both.

In this forum, various posters have cited dozens of links, articles, declarations, testimony, data analysis, documents, proof, evidence of serious problems in this election. You simply lick the mainstream media's ******* and pretend it's ice cream.

No, you're licking **** and asking for seconds because you are willfully ignorant, and clearly don't care about the very considerable evidence of serious problems with the vote counts, the magic 4:30 a.m. explosion of Biden votes, from out of state vehicles, or all exactly the same, with no down-ballot markings, where several mathematical experts have explained how this supposed vote total is impossible.

In summary, Flog is a lying douchebag cheap-*** ***** who won't follow the science.

But traffic is sooo much better. Right, Floggy?
OK, WHO THE **** IS LYING NOW??? This **** just makes you want to pull your hair out. At this point I wanna quit caring.

So now we have AG Barr stating that the DOJ has been investigating the fraud allegations but that there isn't enough to change the election results.

Which was met with Giuliani firing back:

“With all due respect to the Attorney General, there hasn’t been any semblance of a Department of Justice investigation," Giuliani and Ellis said in a statement. "We have gathered ample evidence of illegal voting in at least six states, which they have not examined. We have many witnesses swearing under oath they saw crimes being committed in connection with voter fraud."

They added: "As far as we know, not a single one has been interviewed by the DOJ. The Justice Department also hasn’t audited any voting machines or used their subpoena powers to determine the truth."

They said that the campaign will "continue our pursuit of the truth through the judicial system and state legislatures, and continue toward the Constitution’s mandate and ensuring that every legal vote is counted and every illegal vote is not."

"Again, with the greatest respect to the Attorney General, his opinion appears to be without any knowledge or investigation of the substantial irregularities and evidence of systemic fraud," they said.

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Goddamn I hate it when stupid ************* act like wannabe lawyers.

You're not alone. I have a degree in economics, an MBA, taught college economics part-time for almost 20 years at three different colleges, and the Libtards don't want to listen to me either.
Bill BaRR Just said no evidence of Trumps bullshit claims.

Yer a god damned genius so often its painful to watch.

DOJ Fires Back At News Orgs Claiming Voter Fraud Probes Are Over: That’s Not What AG Barr Said

The Department of Justice responded to media organizations who reported on Tuesday that the DOJ had concluded its investigation into allegations of voter fraud and had found no evidence, saying that claim was incorrect.

“Some media outlets have incorrectly reported that the Department has concluded its investigation of election fraud and announced an affirmative finding of no fraud in the election,” a DOJ spokesperson said in a statement. “That is not what the Associated Press reported nor what the Attorney General stated. The Department will continue to receive and vigorously pursue all specific and credible allegations of fraud as expeditiously as possible.”
Ron doesn't know **** about Democratic Socialism and how its infinitely better than Capitalism. Which is why we should all listen to AOC.


Amazon has hired more than 400,000 people globally since January, amounting to more than 1,000 new hires per day, the company confirmed to FOX Business.

The 400,000 hires do not include an additional 100,000 seasonal workers the company added before the start of the holidays, which would boost the average to 1,400 new Amazon hires per day.

In the third quarter of 2020, Amazon had 1.25 million global employees -- not including the additional 100,000 seasonal hires -- compared with the company's 647,000 global employees in the fourth quarter of 2019, meaning the company has nearly doubled since last year.
Nice montage of liberals worried about electronic voter fraud for the 2016 election. But now it’s somehow dangerous to even question a single vote.

What is dangerous is people willing to ignore the rules so long as it’s their side that gains in the short term.

2020 Election was more pristine than a nun's chastity
You're not alone. I have a degree in economics, an MBA, taught college economics part-time for almost 20 years at three different colleges, and the Libtards don't want to listen to me either.
Its climate change!!!

You are such a misogynistic racist!!

Sent from my SM-N950W using Tapatalk
I said 20 pages ago, I was interested in what Bill Barr had to say and I was interested in letting Trump have his day in court.

And so far nothing major has materialized.

You guys keep going down the rabbit hole. Keep finding further and further obscure websites. Following Giuliani (who looks crazier by the interview). Quoting statistical analysis as some sort of fact (and we all know the rule about statistics). And the more the answers don't come up with what you want, the further you widen the net of "conspirators". Now it's judges, now it's Republican voting coordinators, now it's the most ardent republican AG in my lifetime. All conspiring to "cover up" or "ignore" wide spread fraud, maleficence, or Chinese election software.

In order to prove you point, your net keeps getting bigger and bigger and the holes in the net/theories are HUGE now. You have made your net of conspirators SO BIG that in it literally impossible to conclude so many people could be involved without somebody being able to topple the whole house of cards.

Most of the so-called "affidavits" are just people saying "Well, I saw a truck unload ballots". Of course trucks bring in ballots. "Well, they counted the ballots in another room and I didn't see what happened.". Well, that's not a crime nor proof of anything. I mean, these types of accusations DON'T mean anything. You are inferring bad intent because you HOPE it is there but it is NOT PROOF.

The proof would be THOUSANDS of votes, with names on them and then PROVE those people couldn't have voted or didn't vote by interview. Every vote has a name. Every vote has a social security number. If these people don't exist, prove it.

But none of the accusations show any of that. If some computer program is just "creating votes", did it create names out of a hat? duplicate names? Use voter registration rolls and pick names that hadn't voted as of yet? You don't have any evidence of this. None.

Sure, as in EVERY election there is some degree of fraud. People WILL attempt to vote twice. A few poll workers might be biased in their analysis of signatures and/or rules to certify a ballot. But coordinated and enforced to thousands of poll workers all to work together towards a Biden victory without 10-20 people blowing the whistle? And this happening in multiple states, with multiple bosses, with multiple worker groups?

It doesn't make sense. Not towards tens of thousands of votes. 130,000 votes are wrong in Michigan? And you can't prove it just by looking at fraudulent names?

People have been scouring these names since November 4th, and we heard what, ONE dead person voting? And it wasn't correct because they messed up and got John Doe Sr. (deceased) mixed up with John Doe Jr. (alive and voted) at the polling location.

It just doesn't make any sense. None of it. I'm sure voting isn't perfect, but the conspiracy bullshit is sounding as much sour grapes and sky-is-falling crap as anything the whiny democrats did in 2016. Put your ***** hats on a go march and whine more why don't you. ******* 100 pages of this crap.

I'm not going there and I think you are all making a mistake doing so.
Its climate change!!!

You are such a misogynistic racist!!

Sent from my SM-N950W using Tapatalk

oh, but you didnt call him a bigot. why not? are you a bigot, too, BIGOT?
The systemic-level of fraud being proposed by Trump and his supporters would be overtly conspicuous and next to impossible to conceal.
Which is why they didn't even bother trying to conceal it.

Hundreds of thousands more votes than registered voters? In more than one state?

Real time views of votes switching PRECISELY from one candidate to another AS WE WATCH. It's on the ******* TV.

Statistical records of 600 thousand votes coming in the middle of the night in PA, and only 2,300 of them were for Trump?

I know you aren't denying proof of election fraud because you actually believe there was no fraud. You're only taking the position because that position is the only salve for your TDS. But don't try to shovel that **** on actual rational people.

If you get your way and the American election process remains destroyed, don't ******* try to shove it down our throats that your peeps didn't just steal the election on the largest scale the world has most likely ever seen. We actually KNOW what happened, just as well as you do. So shut the **** up, enjoy your cake, but don't try to shovel that **** our direction.
oh, but you didnt call him a bigot. why not? are you a bigot, too, BIGOT?
what now?
I shop organically, mask up regularly and live in a multicultural nation. I f I only worked for the government, my opinions would be unquestioned!

Sent from my SM-N950W using Tapatalk
what now?
I shop organically, mask up regularly and live in a multicultural nation. I f I only worked for the government, my opinions would be unquestioned!

Sent from my SM-N950W using Tapatalk
Just kidding.

ps. can anyone cxl Supe off the FB for me? TIA

Sent from my SM-N950W using Tapatalk
It was the liberal group that created the #NotMyPresident bullshit.

They're about to see what that looks like when done properly. probably 60% to 2/3 of the country don't view Dementia Joe, Pedophile Elect as a valid president. And don't even get me started on the vice-prostitute.
It just doesn't make any sense. None of it. I'm sure voting isn't perfect, but the conspiracy bullshit is sounding as much sour grapes and sky-is-falling crap as anything the whiny democrats did in 2016. Put your ***** hats on a go march and whine more why don't you. ******* 100 pages of this crap.

I'm not going there and I think you are all making a mistake doing so.

Looks to me like you have lost all perspective and a whole bunch of common sense Del....





Goddamn I hate it when stupid ************* act like wannabe lawyers. The true facts:

To stop the certification process, a candidate cannot do so by proving ballot fraud. Instead, he must do so by showing failure to comply with requirements for how the election was to proceed, such as the Pennsylvania judge allowing votes to be counted when received 3 days after the election, or where the election commission will not certify the outcome, such as in Michigan for a while.

Issues as to ballot fraud and fraud charges are not going to stop certification. They just aren't. The burden is too high and must be proved in court. Right now, a total of 687 sworn affadavits have been filed in courts in contested states about serious voting irregularities, up to and including blatant fraud.

Also, you idiot, lawyers don't provide evidence and cannot be charged with perjury since they don't ******* testify and thus don't speak under penalty of perjury. Jesus ******* Christ, stop offering your legal analysis. Stomping your *** on the subject is tiresome. I'm going to have Dongster stomp your *** on the subject for a while to give me a break. Dumbass.

So to you claim about a lack of evidence, you are a liar. 687 declarations ... I guess you claim 687 people involved in the process committed perjury? Idiot.

Your claim about Trump losing on the fraud allegation, you are a liar. That allegation has not been litigated for the most part. Fraud requires a trial against specific individuals.

Your claim that lawyers are not claiming fraud in court because "they would go to jail," you are a liar. Or a moron. Probably both.

In this forum, various posters have cited dozens of links, articles, declarations, testimony, data analysis, documents, proof, evidence of serious problems in this election. You simply lick the mainstream media's ******* and pretend it's ice cream.

No, you're licking **** and asking for seconds because you are willfully ignorant, and clearly don't care about the very considerable evidence of serious problems with the vote counts, the magic 4:30 a.m. explosion of Biden votes, from out of state vehicles, or all exactly the same, with no down-ballot markings, where several mathematical experts have explained how this supposed vote total is impossible.

In summary, Flog is a lying douchebag cheap-*** ***** who won't follow the science.

But traffic is sooo much better. Right, Floggy?

Once again, REALITY is on my side. You lose. Oh, and please seek professional help. You’re wicked pissed off!