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Election Day 2020

An interesting theory rolling around out there that if Trump isn't re-elected and the legal team fails, that he creates a 3rd party that destroys the Dems and Republicans....


A MAGA inspired party would not be a third party because there is currently only one party in Washington DC. Thankfully, a larger portion of the American electorate is now awake to a situation that has existed since long before Donald Trump entered the political arena. Heck, THAT REALITY of a singular globalist/Wall Street ideology is the entire reason why Donald Trump ran for office in the first place.

As of this writing the indefatigable leader of the MAGA movement gathered 74 million votes for his re-election, and still climbing. Subtract the fraudulent and manipulated ‘mail-in’ ballots from the Biden operation and you have a reality of 74 million MAGA army members staring toward an opposition front containing battalions of cardboard cutouts.

If President Trump takes that army into a new political party of his choosing, that new party is structurally set to lay waste to any candidate within both wings of the Democrat and Republican assembly. A Trump inspired new political party can wipe out the illusion of the Democrat/Republican two-party system; specifically because much of the Trump movement consists of former democrats and brand new voters.

The MAGA coalition is the most diverse, widest and deepest part of the entire American electorate. President Trump’s Main Street army consists of every creed, color, race, gender, ethnicity and orientation. It is a truly color-blind coalition of middle America patriots and middle-class voters that cuts through the political special interest groups.

Quite simply Trump’s MAGA army is the ultimate political splitter party.

No Republican will ever hold office in the next decade without the blessing of President Trump; and there is absolutely no reason to believe President Trump will not lay waste to the system if the GOP acquiesces to the transparent fraud that exists behind the Biden-Harris sham.

Beyond the politics… this 74 million vote assembly are consumers of products, goods and services generated by the same elites that hold them in contempt. If President Trump transfers and directs that energy corporations can be wiped out.

There is no precedent here. Seventy-four to one-hundred million angry Americans resolved to a common objective is not something to be trifled with.


I'm liking the lion in the image, that's pretty bad ***

Its just a cult....nothing less. But in 4 years this cat will either be dead or holed up in a cell and you guys will have moved on to something or someone more cunning and presentable.
Its just a cult....nothing less. But in 4 years this cat will either be dead or holed up in a cell and you guys will have moved on to something or someone more cunning and presentable.

Odd that the followers of the Obama Cult, the Clinton Cult and now the Biden Cult would call others Cult followers. Very Alinsky like though, I see what you did there.
Odd that the followers of the Obama Cult, the Clinton Cult and now the Biden Cult would call others Cult followers. Very Alinsky like though, I see what you did there.

Obama cult ? Clinton Cult ? ha....have you ever seen me project unwavering loyalty to either one of those figures by posting daily, and whining incessantly about their treatment by the media or blindly following either while completely decked out in candidate apparel and swooning like you MFs do for Trump ? Just like christian fundamentalists and biblical scriptures, always interpreting and re-assessing simple quotes and then somehow contorting to fit his snafu's as genius rhetoric.

Trump knows exactly who to play as suckers and hes got folks jettisoning hordes of cash towards his legal defense over this mythical election fraud BS...whats it at now ? 250M ? In essence hes having yall fill his bank account so he can pay off his personal debt.
Obama cult ? Clinton Cult ? ha....have you ever seen me project unwavering loyalty to either one of those figures by posting daily, and whining incessantly about their treatment by the media or blindly following either while completely decked out in candidate apparel and swooning like you MFs do for Trump ?

First, we rarely see you here. You only ever have the spine to come here after say Biden wins an election. Unlike the rest of us, who've been here since Bush (some Clinton) through Bammy's disaster, through Trump....you come and go. Poor to low credibility.

Two, odd how egocentric you appear to be. I said "followers" of the Obama, Clinton, Biden cults...and you turned it into a "me" thing. And yeah...Liberalism itself is an ideological cult, and there undeniably still is a Bammy cult.

Three, have we seen you project unwavering loyalty? Each and every political post you makes projects your unwavering loyalty. It's veiled in some instances, but readily plain to see. For you to feign you don't is laughable.
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First, we rarely see you here. You only ever have the spine to come here after say Biden wins an election. Unlike the rest of us, who've been here since Bush (some Clinton) through Bammy's disaster, through Trump....you come and go. Poor to low credibility.

Two, odd how egocentric you appear to be. I said "followers" of the Obama, Clinton, Biden cults...and you turned it into a "me" thing. And yeah...Liberalism itself is an ideological cult, and there undeniably still is a Bammy cult.

Three, have we seen you project unwavering loyalty? Each and every political post you makes projects your unwavering loyalty. It's veiled in some instances, but readily plain to see. For you to feign you don't is laughable.

Ha...did you donate to the wall ? Did you donate to the legal fund ? Do you own a red cult cap ? Im trying to assess something here......

It doesnt require Spine to venture here....ive known for a while this is Appalachian Trump country mixed in with Qanon/OAN and Russian Times rhetoric. But what i find most laughable is the display of outright soreness over this goddamn election. For someone that proved daily incompetence, read at a 3rd grade level and lied like no other, how the **** does he still find fools in this day or folks that cant believe he lost ? And your criticisms of Biden is his cognitive abilities due to age....? Thats what you got ? Or his speech impediment ? At LEAST THE MF CAN READ BEYOND 3RD grade level and doesnt lose his **** over news not favorable to him. A fresh change.

You never see liberals universally fall in lockstep when a candidate ***** up ...yet we got GOP congressional members silent over Trump reposting racist tweets of videos about white power or him literally begging state legislators from Michigan or PA to overturn states election results.....totally silent.... fearful of calling out his bullshit due to backlash from cultic base. Tell me when was the last time you saw a losing Democratic POTUS challenge results in multiple states and tie up courts with nonsense simply to save face or present a front to supporters like they were railroaded ? At least Hillary, although she was bitter in defeat, conceded. This ************ wont accept the fact he lost the electoral vote AND the popular vote...by TWICE the margin than he did in 2016 !!! His fallback ..."I got 74 million votes....thats more than any other presidential candidate". Well the other got got 80 million and his reply to THAT ? "I think he needs to prove it...."

**** is laughable.
Ha...did you donate to the wall ? Did you donate to the legal fund ? Do you own a red cult cap ? Im trying to assess something here......

It doesnt require Spine to venture here....ive known for a while this is Appalachian Trump country mixed in with Qanon/OAN and Russian Times rhetoric. But what i find most laughable is the display of outright soreness over this goddamn election. For someone that proved daily incompetence, read at a 3rd grade level and lied like no other, how the **** does he still find fools in this day or folks that cant believe he lost ? And your criticisms of Biden is his cognitive abilities due to age....? Thats what you got ? Or his speech impediment ? At LEAST THE MF CAN READ BEYOND 3RD grade level and doesnt lose his **** over news not favorable to him. A fresh change.

You never see liberals universally fall in lockstep when a candidate ***** up ...yet we got GOP congressional members silent over Trump reposting racist tweets of videos about white power or him literally begging state legislators from Michigan or PA to overturn states election results.....totally silent.... fearful of calling out his bullshit due to backlash from cultic base. Tell me when was the last time you saw a losing Democratic POTUS challenge results in multiple states and tie up courts with nonsense simply to save face or present a front to supporters like they were railroaded ? At least Hillary, although she was bitter in defeat, conceded. This ************ wont accept the fact he lost the electoral vote AND the popular vote...by TWICE the margin than he did in 2016 !!! His fallback ..."I got 74 million votes....thats more than any other presidential candidate". Well the other got got 80 million and his reply to THAT ? "I think he needs to prove it...."

**** is laughable.

Talk about laughable ****. Your entire post is garbage from beginning to end.
Talk about laughable ****. Your entire post is garbage from beginning to end.

Elaborate on "garbage" please.

Ill ask you then.....Did you donate to the legal fund or the wall ? Did you believe in him when he said he was gonna force Mexico to fund the wall ? My sense is that you embrace the alternate reality projected by OAN or Newsmax that shields the **** and injects aroma so you feel great about giving allegience to a con man. But lets focus on Hunters laptop and Hillary's email, shall we ?
An interesting theory rolling around out there that if Trump isn't re-elected and the legal team fails, that he creates a 3rd party that destroys the Dems and Republicans....


A MAGA inspired party would not be a third party because there is currently only one party in Washington DC. Thankfully, a larger portion of the American electorate is now awake to a situation that has existed since long before Donald Trump entered the political arena. Heck, THAT REALITY of a singular globalist/Wall Street ideology is the entire reason why Donald Trump ran for office in the first place.

As of this writing the indefatigable leader of the MAGA movement gathered 74 million votes for his re-election, and still climbing. Subtract the fraudulent and manipulated ‘mail-in’ ballots from the Biden operation and you have a reality of 74 million MAGA army members staring toward an opposition front containing battalions of cardboard cutouts.

If President Trump takes that army into a new political party of his choosing, that new party is structurally set to lay waste to any candidate within both wings of the Democrat and Republican assembly. A Trump inspired new political party can wipe out the illusion of the Democrat/Republican two-party system; specifically because much of the Trump movement consists of former democrats and brand new voters.

The MAGA coalition is the most diverse, widest and deepest part of the entire American electorate. President Trump’s Main Street army consists of every creed, color, race, gender, ethnicity and orientation. It is a truly color-blind coalition of middle America patriots and middle-class voters that cuts through the political special interest groups.

Quite simply Trump’s MAGA army is the ultimate political splitter party.

No Republican will ever hold office in the next decade without the blessing of President Trump; and there is absolutely no reason to believe President Trump will not lay waste to the system if the GOP acquiesces to the transparent fraud that exists behind the Biden-Harris sham.

Beyond the politics… this 74 million vote assembly are consumers of products, goods and services generated by the same elites that hold them in contempt. If President Trump transfers and directs that energy corporations can be wiped out.

There is no precedent here. Seventy-four to one-hundred million angry Americans resolved to a common objective is not something to be trifled with.


I'm liking the lion in the image, that's pretty bad ***

All in for this. Absolutely wonderful idea.If I can't get term limits, I'd like to **** up this two party system. Now is the time for that.
Here is what Mr Stone said ""I just learned of absolute incontrovertible evidence of North Korean boats delivering ballots through a harbour in Maine, the state of Maine."

So what?

As for the truck driver how would he know the ballots were complete? Im sure the containers were packed and sealed. A trailer can not just disappear there would be video of it. Should be easy enough to verify who / when it was picked up.

A contracted United States Postal Service truck driver said Tuesday at a press conference he delivered thousands of ballots from New York to Pennsylvania in October, describing the incident as “weird” after he was forbidden from unloading them.

Driver Jesse Morgan said he “saw 24 gaylords, or large cardboard containers of ballots, loaded into my trailer. These gaylords contained plastic trays — I call them totes, but trays will work — of ballots stacked on top of each other. All the envelopes were the same size. I could see the envelopes had handwritten return addresses. I could even tell that one was marked ‘registered mail.’

“They were complete ballots. I didn’t think much of it at the time,” Morgan continued, saying he delivered what he believes were ballots to Lancaster and Harrisburg, Pa., on Oct. 21.

Morgan noted that he pulled up to a loading dock in Harrisburg, as usual, but on that day he wasn’t permitted to offload.

“Instead, I was made to wait for roughly six hours…from 9:15 a.m. to 3 p.m.,” he added, which he said angered him greatly. He also said he tried unsuccessfully to “get the attention of postal workers” so he could offload his cargo.

After about six hours, Morgan said he went inside the facility to find out about the delay, where he says he was “told to wait” for a supervisor.

“This was also weird. Sixteen months I’ve been doing this and I haven’t talked to the transportation supervisor for the United States Postal Service,” Morgan said, explaining further that person “is a top guy” who doesn’t “speak to people like me.”

Morgan said the USPS supervisor then told him to take his cargo to Lancaster.

“This made no sense to me. I knew the ballots were loaded for Harrisburg,” he said, explaining that he would only have to return to the Pennsylvania capital after items bound for Lancaster were offloaded.

The driver said he requested paperwork from the facility in Harrisburg before he left for Lancaster, “to prove I was there” and so he could be paid for “sitting in the yard for six hours.”

“The transportation supervisor refused to give me a ticket and told me to leave. I then demanded he give me a late slip since I wanted to get paid for the time I was sitting there,” Morgan said, adding that the supervisor “refused to give me that, too.”

He said he then drove to Lancaster, unhitched his trailer at the USPS facility, parked his truck as usual, then returned home.

But “the next day, it just got weirder,” he said, explaining that when he got in his truck and went to hook up to his trail, “it was gone.”

He said since he began driving the “Bethpage (New York) route,” he’s always had the same trailer — “10R1440.”

“What happened on Oct. 21 was a series of unusual events that cannot be a coincidence,” Morgan said. “I know I saw ballots with return addresses filled out, thousands of them…loaded onto my trailer in New York and headed to Pennsylvania.”


He made those statements under penalty of perjury. His employment and work duties have been confirmed. The fact he drove the route from New York to Pennsylvania has been confirmed. His work that night has been confirmed.

So your position is he just made all of this up for some reason, facing perjury for doing so?
blitzburghv5, it's a racist death cult, that's what it is. With a racist, deranged sociopath as its leader. The fact 70+ millions of Americans have evidently lost their minds is a sad testament to how damaging the Trump effect has been. Who knows when these folks will ever find their way back to normalcy? Maybe never.

There's no point in having discussions on this board. I found out the hard way, it took me too long to come to that realization. It's like interrupting a Jonestown gathering in Guyana back in the 70's and shouting, 'hey everyone, snap out of it, you've been hypnotized, you're chasing fool's gold.' Of course, those people would grow angry, chase you away, probably even try to murder you in an act of vengeance. Sadly, that's where we are with the Trump cult.... otherwise decent and normal people who've become completely unmoored from reality.

Best to keep a safe distance, like a really safe distance. Who knows what these people are capable of? Reading through recent threads, it seems the sickness and madness has gotten even worse since the election. And who knew that was even possible, given how completely unhinged the base has been over the past four years.

Have a great day, everyone. Wear a mask & stay safe!
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blitzburghv5, it's a racist death cult, that's what it is. With a racist, deranged sociopath as its leader. The fact 70+ millions of Americans have evidently lost their minds is a sad testament to how damaging the Trump effect has been. Who knows when these folks will ever find their way back to normalcy? Maybe never.

There's no point in having discussions on this board. I found out the hard way, it took me too long to come to that realization. It's like interrupting a Jonestown gathering in Guyana back in the 70's and shouting, 'hey everyone, snap out of it, you've been hypnotized, you're chasing fool's gold.' Of course, those people would grow angry, chase you away, probably even try to murder you in an act of vengeance. Sadly, that's where we are with the Trump cult.... otherwise decent and normal people who've become completely unmoored from reality.

Best to keep a safe distance, like a really safe distance. Who knows what these people of capable of? Reading through recent threads, it seems the sickness and madness has gotten even worse since the election. And who knew that was even possible, given how completely unhinged the base has been over the past four years.

Have a great day, everyone. Wear a mask & stay safe!

"It's a death cult, racists, murderers, ahhh!! Have a great day and stay safe."

Amazing how bigoted ******** always think their racism is different.

Trump: "I pick a candidate based on skin color." Racist.
Biden: "I pick a candidate based on skin color." Not racist.
Trump: "I fill my cabinet positions based on gender and race." Racist and sexist.
Biden: "I fill my cabinet positions based on gender and race." Inclusive and diverse.
You never see liberals universally fall in lockstep when a candidate ***** up ...

Tell me when was the last time you saw a losing Democratic POTUS challenge results in multiple states and tie up courts with nonsense

Did you quite literally just say those things???

THE party that universally falls in lockstep is the Democratic party. UNIVERSALLY. No matter the error. No Dem criticized Pelosi for marching in China Town or getting her hair cut and violating orders. No Democrat criticizes Newsome for violating his own mask mandates. No Dem criticizes Omar or Talib for their anti-semitic statements. No Dem criticizes AOC for the billions of dumb *** things she's said. No Dem criticizes Biden for his 30 years of racist statements, for groping women, for finger banging Tara Reade, for his son Hunter's illegalities, for Biden's own pay-for-play schemes. No Dem criticized Hillary for the server or the emails or for the cash she and Bill have enriched themselves on through the Clinton Foundation. Christ we could fill pages.

Dems ALWAYS fall in lockstep.

And for you to claim that Dems accept election results?? Dude, seriously, what do you smoke?? Please pass some this way, I wanna try that reality you're living in. Dems spent 4 years trying overturn the past election. Dems took the 2000 election until late into December over hanging chads. Literally no election lost in this century have Dems accepted.

Puff Puff Pass
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have you ever seen me project unwavering loyalty to either one of those figures by posting daily, and whining incessantly about their treatment by the media or blindly following either while completely decked out in candidate apparel and swooning like you MFs do for Trump ?


"Exactly. (D)ims are very demanding and don't put up with malarkey."
blitzburghv5, it's a racist death cult, that's what it is. With a racist, deranged sociopath as its leader. The fact 70+ millions of Americans have evidently lost their minds is a sad testament to how damaging the Trump effect has been. Who knows when these folks will ever find their way back to normalcy? Maybe never.

There's no point in having discussions on this board. I found out the hard way, it took me too long to come to that realization. It's like interrupting a Jonestown gathering in Guyana back in the 70's and shouting, 'hey everyone, snap out of it, you've been hypnotized, you're chasing fool's gold.' Of course, those people would grow angry, chase you away, probably even try to murder you in an act of vengeance. Sadly, that's where we are with the Trump cult.... otherwise decent and normal people who've become completely unmoored from reality.

Best to keep a safe distance, like a really safe distance. Who knows what these people are capable of? Reading through recent threads, it seems the sickness and madness has gotten even worse since the election. And who knew that was even possible, given how completely unhinged the base has been over the past four years.

Have a great day, everyone. Wear a mask & stay safe!

Oh shove that bullshit up your Hungarian ***. You're a moron. **** off. Shove your mask up your ***.

Have a great day dickbag.
But what i find most laughable is the display of outright soreness over this goddamn election.

When you say "election" like that you may accidentally lead people to understand that you believe there was an actual "election" and not just a coordinated effort to produce a literally endless number of invalid votes for the pedophile and the vice prostitute.

I mean, I KNOW you don't actually believe they were elected. You can't be that dense. You just can't. If you want to pretend that pedo joe and wipe-my-chin harris actually won, I guess go ahead, but as I've said before, you'll have no luck shoveling that bullshit on the majority of the folks in the country.

"Exactly. (D)ims are very demanding and don't put up with malarkey."

The universal condemnation by Democrats of Northam was deafening......................................................
Ha...did you donate to the wall ? Did you donate to the legal fund ? Do you own a red cult cap ? Im trying to assess something here......

did you donate to BLM?
did you donate to the Minnesota Freedom Fund?
did you put a Peepads/Kneepads sticker on your car/truck/electric dildo?

trying to assess something here.
blitzburghv5, it's a racist death cult, that's what it is. With a racist, deranged sociopath as its leader. The fact 70+ millions of Americans have evidently lost their minds is a sad testament to how damaging the Trump effect has been. Who knows when these folks will ever find their way back to normalcy? Maybe never.

There's no point in having discussions on this board. I found out the hard way, it took me too long to come to that realization. It's like interrupting a Jonestown gathering in Guyana back in the 70's and shouting, 'hey everyone, snap out of it, you've been hypnotized, you're chasing fool's gold.' Of course, those people would grow angry, chase you away, probably even try to murder you in an act of vengeance. Sadly, that's where we are with the Trump cult.... otherwise decent and normal people who've become completely unmoored from reality.

Best to keep a safe distance, like a really safe distance. Who knows what these people are capable of? Reading through recent threads, it seems the sickness and madness has gotten even worse since the election. And who knew that was even possible, given how completely unhinged the base has been over the past four years.

Have a great day, everyone. Wear a mask & stay safe!

Oh, i know most of them are a lost cause. Ive never seen the devotion and commitment to sustain his demagoguery like within the last year. And im going beyond the cultish base. Specifically the spineless GOP in the house and senate. When history is written, society wont look favorably at these weasels and their lack of nutsacks that capitulated to this moronic fool. But when hes gone and an after-thought i will spit at their feet if they so as much as try and revise their stance and try and reposition themselves and guardians of democracy when they did absofuckinlutely nothing to call out this Orange SOB for his incompetence and transgressions. And did so under the guise of fear.
When you say "election" like that you may accidentally lead people to understand that you believe there was an actual "election" and not just a coordinated effort to produce a literally endless number of invalid votes for the pedophile and the vice prostitute.

I mean, I KNOW you don't actually believe they were elected. You can't be that dense. You just can't. If you want to pretend that pedo joe and wipe-my-chin harris actually won, I guess go ahead, but as I've said before, you'll have no luck shoveling that bullshit on the majority of the folks in the country.

invalid votes ? Invalid how exactly ? Cuz last i read over 33 lawsuits from the Trump legal team and campaign have been tossed out on its collective *** and all that fraudulent voting ****, dispelled even by Republican Sec of States. And as of me writing this post, i just heard Sidney Powell got her proverbial Dominion voting snafu case tossed out. Yet another loss for the Chosen one.

All i see coming from yall is soreness..extreme salty soreness and theres nothing but insults.....pit viper mad. Ironic that you'd tag Biden as a pedophile, yet we have statements of Trump and Epstein actually NAMED as co-defendents in a rape suit by a 13 yr old. You deride Kamala as being a prostitute, yet the first lady showed her **** and bits to the public but nary a tag of incendiary statements towards her...nah...shes classy and gorgeous and **** right ?

But lets pretend youre as intelligent as the others here. Or those in high profile data forensic investigation positions...what should the vote totals be in your opinion ? Or does Trump have an investigative insider that KNOWS the actual voting total beyond those cheating ballots pro Biden...and ...how many of those cheating ballots were pro-Trump ? Hit me with data and facts...not some bullshit conjecture or Trumps distinguishable declaration of "I won...and i won by A LOT....." WTF is "A lot"

80 million wanted Mango Stubbs gone....that outnumbers 74 million that wanted to sustain him. That aint most....dont know WTF you honed your math skills.

In less than 50 days the country will inaugurate a new president.
In less than 60 days, the other guy will have subpoena papers addressed from the Southern District of NY waiting for him. Hes about to be undressed and nary a pardon will spare him.
Is it just me, or does anyone else picture this as you read Blitzborg's posts?

<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/Ca0jx80sfIYkWBRTNn" width="480" height="357" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/fallontonight-lol-omg-Ca0jx80sfIYkWBRTNn">via GIPHY</a></p>
did you donate to BLM?
did you donate to the Minnesota Freedom Fund?
did you put a Peepads/Kneepads sticker on your car/truck/electric dildo?

trying to assess something here.

Im not publicly pimping Black Lives Matter in discussion forums, am i ?
And you havent seen any POTUS or high ranking delegate promoting shifting of funding from other departments like DOD to support their cause.
The universal condemnation by Democrats of Northam was deafening......................................................

I knew you were listening....

from the article:

"There is no place for racism in America," former Vice President Joe Biden wrote on Twitter. "Governor Northam has lost all moral authority and should resign immediately, Justin Fairfax is the leader Virginia needs now."

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the top Democrat in Washington, said on Saturday that Northam should leave office so those in his state could heal and move forward.

"The photo is racist and contrary to fundamental American values," Pelosi said in a tweet. "I join my colleagues in Virginia calling on Governor Northam to do the right thing so that the people of the Commonwealth of Virginia can heal and move forward."

Republicans and Democrats, including nearly every Democratic presidential contender in the 2020 race, joined together to call for his resignation.