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Election Day 2020

Republicans and Democrats, including nearly every Democratic presidential contender in the 2020 race, joined together to call for his resignation.

Can you remind me what office he currently holds?

Did he befall the fate Michael Ertel did, losing his Secretary of State job in 2013 for wearing black face (a Republican, of course)?

Meanwhile, Northam (Democrat) retains employment, as does Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring (Democrat), both of whom admitted to wearing blackface. Dov Hikind, former NY state assemblyman wore blackface and retained his position. Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, Joy Reid, Ted Danson, Sarah Sliverman as well as a slew of other celebrities wore blackface, and retained their employment.

The axe falls in one direction.
Im not publicly pimping Black Lives Matter in discussion forums, am i ?
And you havent seen any POTUS or high ranking delegate promoting shifting of funding from other departments like DOD to support their cause.

I see your spinless *** dodged the question like the ******* ***** you claim others to be.
good job.
I knew you were listening....

from the article:

"There is no place for racism in America," former Vice President Joe Biden wrote on Twitter. "Governor Northam has lost all moral authority and should resign immediately, Justin Fairfax is the leader Virginia needs now."

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the top Democrat in Washington, said on Saturday that Northam should leave office so those in his state could heal and move forward.

"The photo is racist and contrary to fundamental American values," Pelosi said in a tweet. "I join my colleagues in Virginia calling on Governor Northam to do the right thing so that the people of the Commonwealth of Virginia can heal and move forward."

Republicans and Democrats, including nearly every Democratic presidential contender in the 2020 race, joined together to call for his resignation.

Once and that was it. Not a word said after. He is still there. Hmmm.
Once and that was it. Not a word said after. He is still there. Hmmm.

"The photo is racist and contrary to fundamental American values," Pelosi said in a tweet. "I join my colleagues in Virginia calling on Governor Northam to do the right thing so that the people of the Commonwealth of Virginia can heal and move forward."

That was apparently winning re-election and then imposing idiotic gun laws.
Oh shove that bullshit up your Hungarian ***. You're a moron. **** off. Shove your mask up your ***.

Have a great day dickbag.

Is all of this bickering really necessary? Anyone think they are wrong? Anyone think they changed anyone’s mind? I just don’t see the point in it. Everyone is going to believe what they want, claim facts and the other side will never buy a bit of it. Joe Biden is going to be president. It’s done. I suggest you figure how you are going to protect yourself when the ever expanding debt inflates the dollar beyond saving and the economy collapses. Then the real fun begins.

Anyway, carry on.
Hey Blitz, why don't you post "The elections weren't fraudulent" 230,000 more times between 3:00 and 5:00 a.m. and have the media regurgitate your diarrhea. THEN you'll convince America!

By the way, there aren't dozens of videos of Clinton OR Trump sniffing little girls hair or cupping their breasts. Good effort to protect stutterin' pedo joe. And the difference between Melania and the vice prostitute is Melania's history with nudity doesn't involve her swallowing for votes.
Hey Blitz, why don't you post "The elections weren't fraudulent" 230,000 more times between 3:00 and 5:00 a.m. and have the media regurgitate your diarrhea. THEN you'll convince America!

By the way, there aren't dozens of videos of Clinton OR Trump sniffing little girls hair or cupping their breasts. Good effort to protect stutterin' pedo joe. And the difference between Melania and the vice prostitute is Melania's history with nudity doesn't involve her swallowing for votes.

Trump Jr. met with a Russian at a New York Hotel in 2016?


Video of polling station in Atlanta, 10:30 p.m., poll workers sent home after being told vote counting done for the evening, four bags filled with ballots pulled out and counted after the poll watchers were told the vote counting done?

Is all of this bickering really necessary? Anyone think they are wrong? Anyone think they changed anyone’s mind?

Whaaaat? Tibs convinced me that a guy who graduated 76th out of a class of 85 (that's top 89%!) and who had to plagiarize to pass and who later was caught (again) plagiarizing is a genius!
blitzburghv5, it's a racist death cult, that's what it is. With a racist, deranged sociopath as its leader. The fact 70+ millions of Americans have evidently lost their minds is a sad testament to how damaging the Trump effect has been. Who knows when these folks will ever find their way back to normalcy? Maybe never.

Tibs, you might as well go back to your safe space,pet your therapy pet,because these next four years are going to be worse than the last four. **** your unity. This is the new normal.
blitzburghv5, it's a racist death cult, that's what it is. With a racist, deranged sociopath as its leader. The fact 70+ millions of Americans have evidently lost their minds is a sad testament to how damaging the Trump effect has been. Who knows when these folks will ever find their way back to normalcy? Maybe never.

There's no point in having discussions on this board. I found out the hard way, it took me too long to come to that realization. It's like interrupting a Jonestown gathering in Guyana back in the 70's and shouting, 'hey everyone, snap out of it, you've been hypnotized, you're chasing fool's gold.' Of course, those people would grow angry, chase you away, probably even try to murder you in an act of vengeance. Sadly, that's where we are with the Trump cult.... otherwise decent and normal people who've become completely unmoored from reality.

Best to keep a safe distance, like a really safe distance. Who knows what these people are capable of? Reading through recent threads, it seems the sickness and madness has gotten even worse since the election. And who knew that was even possible, given how completely unhinged the base has been over the past four years.

Have a great day, everyone. Wear a mask & stay safe!

Never go full retard.
Oh, i know most of them are a lost cause. Ive never seen the devotion and commitment to sustain his demagoguery like within the last year. And im going beyond the cultish base. Specifically the spineless GOP in the house and senate. When history is written, society wont look favorably at these weasels and their lack of nutsacks that capitulated to this moronic fool. But when hes gone and an after-thought i will spit at their feet if they so as much as try and revise their stance and try and reposition themselves and guardians of democracy when they did absofuckinlutely nothing to call out this Orange SOB for his incompetence and transgressions. And did so under the guise of fear.

My devotion and commitment is for the government to mostly leave people the **** alone. Trump is the best President we've had in that regard since Reagan.
My devotion and commitment is for the government to mostly leave people the **** alone. Trump is the best President we've had in that regard since Reagan.

Obviously some people prefer to be ruled and have people dictate every part of life from birth until death. They'll gladly submit if given some crumbs from the table of their lords.

After this year they can all pretty much go to hell.
Obviously some people prefer to be ruled and have people dictate every part of life from birth until death. They'll gladly submit if given some crumbs from the table of their lords.

After this year they can all pretty much go to hell.

My devotion and commitment is for the government to mostly leave people the **** alone. Trump is the best President we've had in that regard since Reagan.

History and common sense are going to look back on Trump and say "wait, so the guy was a troll with a personality that triggered a lot of people's emotions, but was actually an incredibly effective President? Given the circumstances." and go:

Obviously some people prefer to be ruled and have people dictate every part of life from birth until death. They'll gladly submit if given some crumbs from the table of their lords.

After this year they can all pretty much go to hell.

And some people like to rule over other people too. All of the Democrats and at least half of the Republicans.
Obviously some people prefer to be ruled and have people dictate every part of life from birth until death. They'll gladly submit if given some crumbs from the table of their lords.

After this year they can all pretty much go to hell.

Quit talking about Trog and 21 like that.
Most of the Liberals I know personally are not the ''Gimme free ****" type but they wish the rabble would sit down, shut up, and do what the "smart" people who went to the "right" schools tell them to do.
Go Texas!!

Breaking — Texas files election lawsuit against Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin at Supreme Court…
Posted by Kane on December 8, 2020 3:10 am

The State of Texas filed a lawsuit directly with the U.S. Supreme Court shortly before midnight on Monday challenging the election procedures in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin on the grounds that they violate the Constitution.

Texas argues that these states violated the Electors Clause of the Constitution because they made changes to voting rules and procedures through the courts or through executive actions, but not through the state legislatures. Additionally, Texas argues that there were differences in voting rules and procedures in different counties within the states, violating the Constitution’s Equal Protection Clause. Finally, Texas argues that there were “voting irregularities” in these states as a result of the above.

Texas is asking the Supreme Court to order the states to allow their legislatures to appoint their electors.

“Certain officials in the Defendant States presented the pandemic as the justification for ignoring state laws regarding absentee and mail-in voting. The Defendant States flooded their citizenry with tens of millions of ballot applications and ballots in derogation of statutory controls as to how they are lawfully received, evaluated, and counted. Whether well intentioned or not, these unconstitutional acts had the same uniform effect—they made the 2020 election less secure in the Defendant States. Those changes are inconsistent with relevant state laws and were made by non-legislative entities, without any consent by the state legislatures. The acts of these officials thus directly violated the Constitution.”

“This case presents a question of law: Did the Defendant States violate the Electors Clause by taking non-legislative actions to change the election rules that would govern the appointment of presidential electors? These non-legislative changes to the Defendant States’ election laws facilitated the casting and counting of ballots in violation of state law, which, in turn, violated the Electors Clause of Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution. By these unlawful acts, the Defendant States have not only tainted the integrity of their own citizens’ vote, but their actions have also debased the votes of citizens in Plaintiff State and other States that remained loyal to the Constitution.”