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Election Day 2020

I'm still waiting for Nancy Pelosi to feed me. I'm starving.

Nancy ? But wheres your ****** president ? is this an empty chair ? His schedule has been mostly open the last 4 weeks. Hes consumed with turning the results....whats he gotten done since the 4th of November besides whine about gettin his *** kicked by Sleepy Joe.....? He checked out.....while theres millions in food lines, 100s of thousands in hospitals from a pandemic, and a struggling economy. If he aint whining, hes somewhere swingin a golf club. Criticize HIM. Dereliction of Duty.
Can you remind me what office he currently holds?

Did he befall the fate Michael Ertel did, losing his Secretary of State job in 2013 for wearing black face (a Republican, of course)?

Meanwhile, Northam (Democrat) retains employment, as does Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring (Democrat), both of whom admitted to wearing blackface. Dov Hikind, former NY state assemblyman wore blackface and retained his position. Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, Joy Reid, Ted Danson, Sarah Sliverman as well as a slew of other celebrities wore blackface, and retained their employment.

The axe falls in one direction.

I posted statements from folks that called him out..DEMOCRATS!!!...statements you claimed didnt exist. Its not problem you live in an airtight controlled alternative reality that filters out facts. But now you KNOW
Quit talking about Trog and 21 like that.
Most of the Liberals I know personally are not the ''Gimme free ****" type but they wish the rabble would sit down, shut up, and do what the "smart" people who went to the "right" schools tell them to do.

I do think the liberals are confused with just what type of people control their party. They ARE leftists, not liberals. Big differences.

There's absolutely no scenario with everyone coming out on top. It all ends up with those who rule dictating to the equally poor.The middle class goes bye bye. They do not need the government and we can't have that.

If an idea is good,you don't need force to implement it. That's the bottom line.

Only a fool would think marxism,communism and socialism is a right idea. Any country that is running it fails to deliver anything but oppression. Liberty and the freedom of the individual are gone. Private ownership? Gone. Speak out against the rulers. You're gone. The elections are bullshit. The media is state run and censorship is running rampant. Dissent is not allowed.History rewritten. Foundation of the country and constitution attacked.. You only need to disarm the population and generate an army that will do your bidding. Well the schools keep pumping out obedient servants to the state, that's not far off. Camps

When I look at the democrat party, there isn't much left that separates them from the communists. Every single thing they focus on now is destroying all of society as it is. That's our "fundamental change" promised.

Thank goodness they will let men use the women's bathroom now. I was worried this wouldn't be addressed quickly.
I see your spinless *** dodged the question like the ******* ***** you claim others to be.
good job.

To answer your rancid bitchery Dolly, no i didnt donate to BLM. No i dont place special stickers and patches on objects.

You going to the next grievance rally ?
Bitchburgh and Tibs should just go ahead and screw.

You emit emotions of a 12 yr old...but at least youre more mature that POTUS....and im certain you can pronounce (properly) "Thailand" and "Yosemite". He couldnt.
Politics are dirty. But you need to extract the emotions out of the bullshit.

Oh that's coming. It needs a name.
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Once and that was it. Not a word said after. He is still there. Hmmm.

My point was, Tim was wrong...hes often wrong......bottom line is folks within Northams party stood up against that bullshit and called it out..You dont see **** from the Republicans with Trump. Silent ....crickets....why ?
My point was, Tim was wrong...hes often wrong......bottom line is folks within Northams party stood up against that bullshit and called it out..You dont see **** from the Republicans with Trump. Silent ....crickets....why ?

you don't want to know why. you just want to whine and complain. it's what you do. it's what you embrace. we've gone over all of Trump's warts for the past four years. If you've somehow missed them, they're in various threads (top 8-10) of this very forum. Do your own goddamned homework for once.

and while you state you didnt contribute to BLM, you sidestepped (again) the Minnesota Freedom Fund question. Thus, we can now conclude that you support people burning down buildings, destroying lives and not being prosecuted for those actions. Why?
Nancy ? But wheres your ****** president ? is this an empty chair ? His schedule has been mostly open the last 4 weeks. Hes consumed with turning the results....whats he gotten done since the 4th of November besides whine about gettin his *** kicked by Sleepy Joe.....? He checked out.....while theres millions in food lines, 100s of thousands in hospitals from a pandemic, and a struggling economy. If he aint whining, hes somewhere swingin a golf club. Criticize HIM. Dereliction of Duty.

I gather you have no idea what I'm referring to in my comment.
Thus, we can now conclude that you support people burning down buildings, destroying lives and not being prosecuted for those actions. Why?

Because Liberalism is a mental disorder. These people are ****'n coo coo for cocoa puffs, man.
I posted statements from folks that called him out..DEMOCRATS!!!...statements you claimed didnt exist. Its not problem you live in an airtight controlled alternative reality that filters out facts. But now you KNOW

As they say, it's 5 O'clock somwhere

Nancy ? But wheres your ****** president ? is this an empty chair ? His schedule has been mostly open the last 4 weeks. Hes consumed with turning the results....whats he gotten done since the 4th of November besides whine about gettin his *** kicked by Sleepy Joe.....? He checked out.....while theres millions in food lines, 100s of thousands in hospitals from a pandemic, and a struggling economy. If he aint whining, hes somewhere swingin a golf club. Criticize HIM. Dereliction of Duty.

You clearly failed civics. Do you understand Government spending?

You emit emotions of a 12 yr old...but at least youre more mature that POTUS....and im certain you can pronounce (properly) "Thailand" and "Yosemite". He couldnt.
Politics are dirty. But you need to extract the emotions out of the bullshit.

People emit emotions? That's new.

And no offense, there is no more emotional political group than Dems and Libs. Not even a debate.
Because Liberalism is a mental disorder. These people are ****'n coo coo for cocoa puffs, man.

That's an understatement. They live in some sort of fictional altered reality with unicorns and chicks with dicks being the norm.
whats he (Trump) gotten done since the 4th of November besides whine about gettin his *** kicked by Pedo Joe.....?

STILL more than what Pedo Joe has gotten done in the last 47 years...
That's an understatement. They live in some sort of fictional altered reality with unicorns and chicks with dicks being the norm.

Examples of some gorgeous government liberals:



Wonder how many paychecks those things have missed?

Oh, right, NONE. Just slip Flog's photo in that line-up of the grotesque and call it modern art.
Dominion. Odd name for a voting machine.

Dominion is defined as control or power over, or the authority to rule.

1 : ruling or controlling power
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I really appreciate what Texas is doing in an election lawsuit against 4 states. A group of states including my own Florida have also joined in. Which of course goes right to the Supreme Court.

This is how you handle unconstitutional criminal activity. No riots, no burning **** down,no looting.
My devotion and commitment is for the government to mostly leave people the **** alone. Trump is the best President we've had in that regard since Reagan.

I'm actually saddened and honestly confused why wayyy more people didn't like this post. Trump was a meanie on the twitterverse and therefore I hate him? Seriously people, wake the **** up. This guy just tried to stop a total takeover of our country by foreign powers and embedded, corrupt & vile monsters within, and he gets this?

******* heartbreaking.
I really appreciate what Texas is doing in an election lawsuit against 4 states. A group of states including my own Florida have also joined in. Which of course goes right to the Supreme Court.

This is how you handle unconstitutional criminal activity. No riots, no burning **** down,no looting.
It’s good but how many people will actually wake the **** up to this?
Texas is fighting for freedom.

But the narrative is Trump is bad, Trump is delusional, Trump is mean.
The supreme court is taking up Texas’ lawsuit...but...I just don’t think they’ll overturn in Trumps favor.

Sarge said it best and that’s to accept what is and prepare for the possibility.