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Election Day 2020


Wonder how many paychecks those things have missed?

I'm thinking she spends her paycheck on Vegan crap at Whole Foods.
I really appreciate what Texas is doing in an election lawsuit against 4 states. A group of states including my own Florida have also joined in. Which of course goes right to the Supreme Court.

This is how you handle unconstitutional criminal activity. No riots, no burning **** down,no looting.

Yep and it still baffles the **** outta me that the FBI is so corrupt that they refuse to investigate this obvious election corruption.



Yep and it still baffles the **** outta me that the FBI is so corrupt that they refuse to investigate this obvious election corruption.




I am no longer baffled by anything they do. I am just glad we live in a place that is not run by leftist turds. So thankful.

We certainly have a great common thread that binds 75-100+ million people around the country. Liberty, freedom and the American way of life.

Don't Tread On Me!
I'm actually saddened and honestly confused why wayyy more people didn't like this post. Trump was a meanie on the twitterverse and therefore I hate him? Seriously people, wake the **** up. This guy just tried to stop a total takeover of our country by foreign powers and embedded, corrupt & vile monsters within, and he gets this?

******* heartbreaking.

That is the best way to describe what I feel. It is heartbreaking. Trump is an immature man, but with very mature policies. I am partly pissed at him for never really articulating those policies and the benefits of them. He spent too much time getting into little fights. However, it is partly the responsibility of the voters to know and understand the policies and how they can impact you. We are an extremely immature electorate, because too many people didn't do that, and we are going to suffer the consequences. It is just heartbreaking at the opportunities lost, like challenging China or extricating ourselves from foreign entanglements.
I cannot get out of my head...I remember in the early '90s a pastor at my church was doing prophesy sermons, with the gulf war going on. I've never been the biggest fan of that...too much for human interpretation to screw up. But he stated a few times that he felt the USA would irrelevant in the end times and China dominant. It sure seems like it is moving that way...and after seeing some of that stuff on Tucker the last 2 nights. And it is all on tape, it isn't Carlson or somebody putting there spin on things. It is horrifying.
I cannot get out of my head...I remember in the early '90s a pastor at my church was doing prophesy sermons, with the gulf war going on. I've never been the biggest fan of that...too much for human interpretation to screw up. But he stated a few times that he felt the USA would irrelevant in the end times and China dominant. It sure seems like it is moving that way...and after seeing some of that stuff on Tucker the last 2 nights. And it is all on tape, it isn't Carlson or somebody putting there spin on things. It is horrifying.

I literally haven't watched Fox since election night.

If you have links to Tucker's pieces the past couple nights, let me know.
I literally haven't watched Fox since election night.

If you have links to Tucker's pieces the past couple nights, let me know.

I'll only watch Tucker.

I just go to Youtube and type in Tucker Carlson and the date. Watch the shows for 12/7 and 12/8. The stuff about China is so disturbing. It becomes clear the only guy putting any kind of check on them was Trump. Damn.
It’s good but how many people will actually wake the **** up to this?
Texas is fighting for freedom.

But the narrative is Trump is bad, Trump is delusional, Trump is mean.
The supreme court is taking up Texas’ lawsuit...but...I just don’t think they’ll overturn in Trumps favor.

Sarge said it best and that’s to accept what is and prepare for the possibility.

I don't want to accept what is, but at this point, I don't know what you do other than prepare for the coming **** storm. The election isn't getting overturned. That's pie in the sky wishful thinking at this point. No point bickering about it on the internet, because nobody is going to move from what they believe. Better hope Republicans retain the senate. It's the only hope left.

I've often said that Trump had the right message, he is just the wrong messenger in that he did not convey the benefits of what his policies provided for Americans. As someone stated above, he was too busy talking on petty fights all the time, and that distracts from the job he was doing. I know for many, it was nice to see a Republican fight back, but sometimes it's better to choose your battles wisely and a fight over inaugural crowd size is not the hill to die on. But whatever, it's just one person's opinion, and it matters not to big brother.
It’s good but how many people will actually wake the **** up to this?
Texas is fighting for freedom.

But the narrative is Trump is bad, Trump is delusional, Trump is mean.
The supreme court is taking up Texas’ lawsuit...but...I just don’t think they’ll overturn in Trumps favor.

Sarge said it best and that’s to accept what is and prepare for the possibility.

The reality is if the things that transpired are true,then making absolutely sure it is known to everyone is essential.

It needs stripped naked and paraded in front of the world. That's all that needs to occur. The rest will take care of itself.

Leave no stone unturned.
The reality is if the things that transpired are true,then making absolutely sure it is known to everyone is essential.

It needs stripped naked and paraded in front of the world. That's all that needs to occur. The rest will take care of itself.

Leave no stone unturned.

You see it
I see it
This board sees it.

But there are a lot of people out there who have their head in the sand.
I'm pretty much all in for that now. Time to change a rigged carnival game. The momentum should be at peak capacity over the next 3 months.

I’ve been for this for quite some time
The reality is if the things that transpired are true,then making absolutely sure it is known to everyone is essential.

It needs stripped naked and paraded in front of the world. That's all that needs to occur. The rest will take care of itself.

Leave no stone unturned.

Jesus could return and walk the earth, turn water into wine, raise the dead, part the sea and make miracles for the world to see and half this country wouldn't believe it.
I'm pretty much all in for that now. Time to change a rigged carnival game. The momentum should be at peak capacity over the next 3 months.

This country has desperately needed a viable 3rd party for a LONG time. I mean, there are other parties out there already, but nobody really votes for them because they are never given an opportunity to hear from them.

The only issue with a new 3rd party is that it will likely send republicans into oblivion and then you're left with two parties again. Or worse, it splits conservatives and the Democrats just keep ringing up wins. Still, it needs to be done. Too many politicians are too comfortable selling out their constituents.
Better hope Republicans retain the senate. It's the only hope left.
How can there be any hope of that when they are using dominion counting machines and handling any recounts themselves.

Elections are absolutely pointless from this point forward. There will be no "exposure". There can't be. To expose fraudulent elections would be to suggest that the new regime won through fraudulent means and as you can see EVERY effort is being made to quash that idea. There is literally so much evidence of election fraud that it is utterly undeniable, and yet it's being utterly denied.

Why is it you somehow believe that "next election" they'll be more reasonable, more fair? The folks in charge have now figured out how to completely control the populace. Isolation and restriction through "covid policies" and free reign to come up with any election results they want without question. I mean seriously? How do you see this changing? Most likely Trump won the presidency by 10s of millions of votes. It was probably as big a landslide victory as the country has seen since FDR and Reagan, perhaps bigger. And yet - he lost.

He lost despite a FOREST of evidence of bald-faced, completely unconcealed fraud and NOBODY in a position to report it, or pursue it is making even the most minimal effort.

This country, as you knew it, is over. You now live in the country they want you to live in and you'll follow the rules they set for you.

Don't think you want that untested Covid vaccination? Good luck getting permission to travel out of your town. How much you want to bet the very liberals who said IDs are unconstitutional will demand identification within 10 years (and probably fewer) to do ANYTHING.

Packing the court? Why not? Why not add 10 more justices to make it 21. Or 14 more to make it 25. That ought to be sufficient to "fairly and constitutionally" judicate any issues or concerns that may arise.

No. The country was lost in the early hours between November 3rd and 4th. And there's really nothing anyone can do about it. As a country we are all entirely too soft to actually resist.
The only issue with a new 3rd party is that it will likely send republicans into oblivion and then you're left with two parties again.
Your issue should be that any votes for a "new party" will never be enough to overcome the massive number of late incoming mail-in ballots that show up in the middle of the night.

What good is another ******* party? All it would do is reduce the number of fake votes they need to feed into the machines at 3:00 a.m. Assuming anyone even bothers to vote anymore.
Jesus could return and walk the earth, turn water into wine, raise the dead, part the sea and make miracles for the world to see and half this country wouldn't believe it.

It doesn't matter about doubting Thomas.It still needs to be done for 74+ million people and their families. This should be so transparent, it should be like looking through glass.

If they don't follow this to its end, a lot of people will probably not bother voting again. What's the point. That should pretty much do it for the country ever reaching some workable situation. I know I'll never look at some states the same way again.

This isn't going to just go away. I hope it is followed to its conclusion. The country is worth it .
I don't want to accept what is, but at this point, I don't know what you do other than prepare for the coming **** storm. The election isn't getting overturned. That's pie in the sky wishful thinking at this point. No point bickering about it on the internet, because nobody is going to move from what they believe. Better hope Republicans retain the senate. It's the only hope left.

I've often said that Trump had the right message, he is just the wrong messenger in that he did not convey the benefits of what his policies provided for Americans. As someone stated above, he was too busy talking on petty fights all the time, and that distracts from the job he was doing. I know for many, it was nice to see a Republican fight back, but sometimes it's better to choose your battles wisely and a fight over inaugural crowd size is not the hill to die on. But whatever, it's just one person's opinion, and it matters not to big brother.

That’s all we can do is stay prepared. Live life.
I didn’t like obama but I survived.

The best we can do is try to stay true to our values.
Trump is too blunt to be the messenger. We need a Trump that can relate to the younger crowd.

We’re still the USA for perspective.
Us citizens have power which is what should make politicians scared.

If we can have a leader that lets these guys know and if society were to hold these politicians accountable.
Just easier said than done.
It doesn't matter about doubting Thomas.It still needs to be done for 74+ million people and their families. This should be so transparent, it should be like looking through glass.

If they don't follow this to its end, a lot of people will probably not bother voting again. What's the point. That should pretty much do it for the country ever reaching some workable situation. I know I'll never look at some states the same again

I know what you mean. For example, Pennsylvania.
I know what you mean. For example, Pennsylvania.

My home state. One of the 13 original colonies. ******* appalling now. And to think Philadelphia used to be our capital. I'm sure Benjamin Franklin rolled in his grave downtown. I'm shocked they haven't tried to burn down Constitution Hall yet.
Jesus could return and walk the earth, turn water into wine, raise the dead, part the sea and make miracles for the world to see and half this country wouldn't believe it.

That's because there's only one Jesus.
