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Election Day 2020

That is the best way to describe what I feel. It is heartbreaking. Trump is an immature man, but with very mature policies. I am partly pissed at him for never really articulating those policies and the benefits of them. He spent too much time getting into little fights. However, it is partly the responsibility of the voters to know and understand the policies and how they can impact you. We are an extremely immature electorate, because too many people didn't do that, and we are going to suffer the consequences. It is just heartbreaking at the opportunities lost, like challenging China or extricating ourselves from foreign entanglements.

We all got caught in wanting to fight the swamp creatures. I know I did.
My ego wanted to see corrupt country club boys fall.

If I could go back 3 years. Vote on the policies that were introduced.
Imagine the amount of American jobs. Resources.
We all got caught in wanting to fight the swamp creatures. I know I did.
My ego wanted to see corrupt country club boys fall.

If I could go back 3 years. Vote on the policies that were introduced.
Imagine the amount of American jobs. Resources.

MTC, its The Swamp that prevented that from happening...Right now its The Swamp that is picking the winners (AMZN) and losers (XOM) from the latest crisis AT OUR EXPENSE. The Dow got ahead of the game because they knew the fix was in...XOM being kicked out for a software company that has been in existence for 20 years or so...So no doubt they are hip deep in The Swamp...As if anyone had a doubt...Eyes wide open son...

To them I sing..

We're coming for you.....
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What country are you living in? Do they have a good health plan and will they pay for (insert right here)_____________

The country of North Florida. Sunshine,saltwater and fresh air. Great healthcare. No state taxes,flat pristine roads.

A lot of swamps, back roads,giant trucks,veterans,patriots and yes, we have crazy ******* too. We are the anti-left coast. We support our police department and they support the constitution.
The country of North Florida. Sunshine,saltwater and fresh air. Great healthcare. No state taxes,flat pristine roads.

A lot of swamps, back roads,giant trucks,veterans,patriots and yes, we have crazy ******* too. We are the anti-left coast. We support our police department and they support the constitution.

Would Bunnell be close to this Nirvana? My father-in-law has some property in that neck of the woods that he want's to give/sell us. :)
Would Bunnell be close to this Nirvana? My father-in-law has some property in that neck of the woods that he want's to give/sell us. :)

You would just be South of me by 35 miles or so. I'm about 15 miles above St.Augustine near Fruit Cove. That's actually a pretty nice area that land is in.
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The reality is if the things that transpired are true,then making absolutely sure it is known to everyone is essential.

It needs stripped naked and paraded in front of the world. That's all that needs to occur. The rest will take care of itself.

Leave no stone unturned.



I still don't understand what part of this lunacy isn't criminal.

Would Bunnell be close to this Nirvana? My father-in-law has some property in that neck of the woods that he want's to give/sell us. :)

Bunnell....2 n's, 2 l's...... Bunnell. That's the gateway between the Bass Capital and thriving metropolis of Palatka and the Palm Coast with it's miles of beaches.


You got S4E to the north, Guru to the south in Daytona and Smash and me to the west. I don't know what more a person could ask for. That is unless you really wanna step in it by going a couple hours south and west to that nest of yinzers in Tampa.
. As a country we are all entirely too soft to actually resist.

And there it is. I was going to address the whole post, but what is the point? The above quote is all that matters. So you run down a list of grievances, firmly believe that there was mass voter fraud, the election was stolen, that the country is lost, the courts will be packed, there will be Orwellian ID restrictions and whatever else, and your answer is to throw up your hands because you are to soft to resist.

Help me here, because I am trying to understand. If all of those things are true, and you love your country that much, why aren't you willing to fight to make it right? And if that isn't enough to get you to fight, then nothing will. And I'm not talking about writing articles or bitching on a message board or voting. I'm talking out in the streets raising hell. When the left believes they have been wronged, they take it to the streets. They protest. They break stuff. And eventually, they get what they want.

I figure that loving the country the way you claim to, being wronged the ways you believe you were wronged, you'd be first in line for that fight.

Truth is, conservatives don't fight. Too passive. They're waiting on the SC to save Donald Trump so Donald Trump can save them. Waiting for somebody else to do the hard stuff for them. Personally, I think you're going to be waiting a while.

If the country is truly lost, it isn't because the left stole the election.
And there it is. I was going to address the whole post, but what is the point? The above quote is all that matters. So you run down a list of grievances, firmly believe that there was mass voter fraud, the election was stolen, that the country is lost, the courts will be packed, there will be Orwellian ID restrictions and whatever else, and your answer is to throw up your hands because you are to soft to resist.

Help me here, because I am trying to understand. If all of those things are true, and you love your country that much, why aren't you willing to fight to make it right? And if that isn't enough to get you to fight, then nothing will. And I'm not talking about writing articles or bitching on a message board or voting. I'm talking out in the streets raising hell. When the left believes they have been wronged, they take it to the streets. They protest. They break stuff. And eventually, they get what they want.

I figure that loving the country the way you claim to, being wronged the ways you believe you were wronged, you'd be first in line for that fight.

Truth is, conservatives don't fight. Too passive. They're waiting on the SC to save Donald Trump so Donald Trump can save them. Waiting for somebody else to do the hard stuff for them. Personally, I think you're going to be waiting a while.

If the country is truly lost, it isn't because the left stole the election.

IMO, it is because we are wanting the courts to do the right thing. No one wants to pick up guns and shoot a fellow American. Even if that fellow American is a dipshit Democrat. Most of the Dems I personally know are more center than far left. Though I do know some who are far, far left. AOC left.

The statement that we are now soft is true. I mean, look around. We have plenty of figureheads and mouthpieces. We do not have a George Washington now. For ****'s sake, the Ogre we have is a dickthinking ******. Most conservatives have too much to lose in a fight/war. Too much property, assets, etc. Be that in the form of land, money or what have you. The Left knows this. They know that the Right will not fight as long as things are slowly taken and rights very slowly eroded.

The Left has taken over. There's not much we can do except shed blood. No one I know of wants to be Joseph Bucklin. Despite all the tatted up guys in shirts too small for their oversized muscles driving lifted 4x4s with Trump flags the back, Glock and Sig window clings on the window and Waylon coming from the tricked out sound system connected to the external LEDs.

The Right may be passionate about politics, but they're also passionate about life.

However, if the Right were trying to take something from the Left, you can guarangoddamntee that dildos and butt plugs would be thrown about with ill regard.
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And there it is. I was going to address the whole post, but what is the point? The above quote is all that matters. So you run down a list of grievances, firmly believe that there was mass voter fraud, the election was stolen, that the country is lost, the courts will be packed, there will be Orwellian ID restrictions and whatever else, and your answer is to throw up your hands because you are to soft to resist.

Help me here, because I am trying to understand. If all of those things are true, and you love your country that much, why aren't you willing to fight to make it right? And if that isn't enough to get you to fight, then nothing will. And I'm not talking about writing articles or bitching on a message board or voting. I'm talking out in the streets raising hell. When the left believes they have been wronged, they take it to the streets. They protest. They break stuff. And eventually, they get what they want.

I figure that loving the country the way you claim to, being wronged the ways you believe you were wronged, you'd be first in line for that fight.

Truth is, conservatives don't fight. Too passive. They're waiting on the SC to save Donald Trump so Donald Trump can save them. Waiting for somebody else to do the hard stuff for them. Personally, I think you're going to be waiting a while.

If the country is truly lost, it isn't because the left stole the election.

There is a lot of truth in this. A lot of those people on the left tearing stuff up, they have nothing they care about. No real responsibilities. Trump people work for a living. They have families, and are just trying to get by. I think of the line in the movie "The Patriot." "I'm a parent, I don't have the luxury of principles." I am not saying this mindset is right, it just is.

You do wonder what it is going to take. Another thing I have been reminded of is the beginning of the book "Night" by Elie Weisel. Americans have become like the Jews of Sighet. Weisel writes about when Hitler was first saber rattling, the Jews in Sighet comforted themselves by saying "The Germans will never come to Hungary" (Sighet was in Hungary at the time, now Romania). When they came to Hungary, why they won't come to Sighet. When they came to Sighet and behaved themselves initially, the thought was it will be fine. Ony when they were rounded up and put on the transport trains did it dawn on many of them that they were in trouble.

We have become like that.
And there it is. I was going to address the whole post, but what is the point? The above quote is all that matters. So you run down a list of grievances, firmly believe that there was mass voter fraud, the election was stolen, that the country is lost, the courts will be packed, there will be Orwellian ID restrictions and whatever else, and your answer is to throw up your hands because you are to soft to resist.

Help me here, because I am trying to understand. If all of those things are true, and you love your country that much, why aren't you willing to fight to make it right? And if that isn't enough to get you to fight, then nothing will. And I'm not talking about writing articles or bitching on a message board or voting. I'm talking out in the streets raising hell. When the left believes they have been wronged, they take it to the streets. They protest. They break stuff. And eventually, they get what they want.

I figure that loving the country the way you claim to, being wronged the ways you believe you were wronged, you'd be first in line for that fight.

Truth is, conservatives don't fight. Too passive. They're waiting on the SC to save Donald Trump so Donald Trump can save them. Waiting for somebody else to do the hard stuff for them. Personally, I think you're going to be waiting a while.

If the country is truly lost, it isn't because the left stole the election.

I'll add something else to what Diver and SoOp said.

We also know that if we go to the streets and break ****, we are going to prison and not getting out. We KNOW...we SEE....we LIVE a double standard in this country. The Left was ALLOWED to protest and burn, loot and destroy. Those arrested? Some released 7 times. The Left set up "get out of jail" organizations for them.

Now with Biden entering office? Let's just say it will be like when Bammy was in office and we had the Knockout game going everywhere. Thousands of assaults by African Americans on unsuspecting whites and nothing was done. Some died. Many irreparably harmed. The ONE time a white guy said "I'll play this game and show 'em" and struck a black person....Eric Holder and Bammy nabbed him and made it a federal hate crime.

I think this factors into current thinking as well.
I'll add something else to what Diver and SoOp said.

We also know that if we go to the streets and break ****, we are going to prison and not getting out. We KNOW...we SEE....we LIVE a double standard in this country. The Left was ALLOWED to protest and burn, loot and destroy. Those arrested? Some released 7 times. The Left set up "get out of jail" organizations for them.

Now with Biden entering office? Let's just say it will be like when Bammy was in office and we had the Knockout game going everywhere. Thousands of assaults by African Americans on unsuspecting whites and nothing was done. Some died. Many irreparably harmed. The ONE time a white guy said "I'll play this game and show 'em" and struck a black person....Eric Holder and Bammy nabbed him and made it a federal hate crime.

I think this factors into current thinking as well.

Yeah no kidding. I remember all that. It was more normal during his second term.
The media fails to mention all the riots and looting that blm and antifa were a huge part of during obamas second term.

Ferguson? Baltimore?
The racial tensions started under bammy’s watch. Of course the media labels counter protesters racist. They’ll report that.
There is a lot of truth in this. A lot of those people on the left tearing stuff up, they have nothing they care about. No real responsibilities. Trump people work for a living. They have families, and are just trying to get by. I think of the line in the movie "The Patriot." "I'm a parent, I don't have the luxury of principles." I am not saying this mindset is right, it just is.

You do wonder what it is going to take. Another thing I have been reminded of is the beginning of the book "Night" by Elie Weisel. Americans have become like the Jews of Sighet. Weisel writes about when Hitler was first saber rattling, the Jews in Sighet comforted themselves by saying "The Germans will never come to Hungary" (Sighet was in Hungary at the time, now Romania). When they came to Hungary, why they won't come to Sighet. When they came to Sighet and behaved themselves initially, the thought was it will be fine. Ony when they were rounded up and put on the transport trains did it dawn on many of them that they were in trouble.

We have become like that.

Well I being a minority,

But I also came from a community that put it’s taxes into actual resources like roads, education etc.
We don’t riot, on our tracks cause yeah we have jobs. Overall we value the community that our parents, grandparents strived to build.

Not all communities think that way cause the hardcore socialism ideology has trickled into their policies.
They created a class of people so dependent on welfare, they expect stuff given to them. If not then all of a sudden we’re considered racist, sexist etc.

I personally do not want to fight my fellow americans no matter there political idealogy.
I’ve always been if you put into taxes, you have the right to reach in the pot if needed.

That’s how it should be. We all pour in and help each other.
There are many though who abuse that system, undocumented immigration etc. So many factors and a seduction by radical socialist congress people in disguise as democrats.

Too much tangibles.
I still have a bit of faith we can get this country back. Even if we lose Trump.
I don’t think violence is the answer, but having an alternative party that can really impact with follow throughs would help.

Always easier said than done
Most conservatives have too much to lose in a fight/war. Too much property, assets, etc. Be that in the form of land, money or what have you. The Left knows this. They know that the Right will not fight as long as things are slowly taken and rights very slowly eroded.

Slowly taken? According to many, an election was stolen in a matter of a couple hours. Apparently that wasn't fast enough.

So, it isn't the country we love so much as our personal lives and the luxuries we have obtained. We're not patriots as much as we are self preservationists. The country ain't THAT damn important. Am I reading that right?

Personally, I think you have much more to lose if you don't fight.
Look, I'm not advocating for civil war or to go around cracking skulls. A protest would be a great start. Nobody knows you're even pissed if you don't tell them.
Slowly taken? According to many, an election was stolen in a matter of a couple hours. Apparently that wasn't fast enough.

So, it isn't the country we love so much as our personal lives and the luxuries we have obtained. We're not patriots as much as we are self preservationists. The country ain't THAT damn important. Am I reading that right?

Personally, I think you have much more to lose if you don't fight.

rights are being slowly taken.
the election - there's so much to take in, but the explanations are also easy to understand. (there were more votes via mail-in than in-person since Trump said for people to vote in-person rather than mail-in) and easy to digest. thus, the election is a new twist being thrown. everyone knows what has happened, even if they don't want to admit it. "The numbers don't lie".

I do believe that there may be something coming down the pipeline sooner rather than later, though I doubt it leads to bloodshed or as much of the violence we saw during the last four years of the Obamastration.
There is a lot of truth in this. A lot of those people on the left tearing stuff up, they have nothing they care about. No real responsibilities. Trump people work for a living. They have families, and are just trying to get by. I think of the line in the movie "The Patriot." "I'm a parent, I don't have the luxury of principles." I am not saying this mindset is right, it just is.

You do wonder what it is going to take. Another thing I have been reminded of is the beginning of the book "Night" by Elie Weisel. Americans have become like the Jews of Sighet. Weisel writes about when Hitler was first saber rattling, the Jews in Sighet comforted themselves by saying "The Germans will never come to Hungary" (Sighet was in Hungary at the time, now Romania). When they came to Hungary, why they won't come to Sighet. When they came to Sighet and behaved themselves initially, the thought was it will be fine. Ony when they were rounded up and put on the transport trains did it dawn on many of them that they were in trouble.

We have become like that.

Night was a great book and heartbreaking.
Conservative Americans believe fundamentally in law and order. They will generally behave in an orderly manner unless they are personally harmed or threatened by an outside force. That is a sad truth the liberal radicals are only too happy to take advantage of.

In every conflict throughout world history, it is the left leaning liberal that foments aggression and ultimately change. Conservatives adapt to and accept the status quo. It's in their philosophical dna. However it is this very ability to adapt to one's environment and even thrive that allows conservatives to succeed in practically any political or economic setting. They simple make the best of a situation and find a way to suceed.

Liberals, on the other hand, constantly feel oppressed, tethered, generally kept from achieving their potential. These barriers to success are always viewed as external. As such a leftist liberal must work to bring about change in order to improve his or her life. They cannot accept, adapt and thrive in any environment, rather they feed upon constant progressive urges.