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Election Day 2020

Personally, I think you have much more to lose if you don't fight.

Have you seen the tit-sticks that join these militia groups? I looked into a few around me and there is no way in Hell I'm going into battle and putting my life in the hands of unprofessional wannabes. If anyone knows of any militias who only allow military veterans into their ranks, let me know.
This year has taught me that Americans will tolerate a ton of ****. Conservatives as whole are a most tolerant bunch.

We also don't have shitheads burning **** down,looting and attacking the police in our neighborhoods.

It also taught me our rights actually come from government and can be taken away anytime they wish.

The last thing I'd ever want to see is another civil war. We already have Chicago and other big cities doing that over nothing.

I do think we need to spend A LOT more time at the rifle range. So much that's its like breathing effortlessly. Just for fun. Maybe get hundreds or thousands of friends who like to have fun as well
I do think we need to spend A LOT more time at the rifle range. So much that's its like breathing effortlessly. Just for fun. Maybe get hundreds or thousands of friends who like to have fun as well

Have you seen the price of ammo or the lack of it? My buddy just picked up .380 ammo for 1.79 per round. Bulk rate. Bass Pro was sold out of all Rifle ammo here in Harrisburg. Save it!! I'm sure mass shootings will pick back up here now that Biden is President....we need to get back to getting rid of scary guns
Have you seen the price of ammo or the lack of it? My buddy just picked up .380 ammo for 1.79 per round. Bulk rate. Bass Pro was sold out of all Rifle ammo here in Harrisburg. Save it!! I'm sure mass shootings will pick back up here now that Biden is President....we need to get back to getting rid of scary guns

Anyone else notice the decrease in mass shootings over say, the past 4 years?

Anyone want to take bets they become a regular occurrence again after say, January 20?

Not that it has anything at all to do with a political agenda...
Have you seen the price of ammo or the lack of it? My buddy just picked up .380 ammo for 1.79 per round. Bulk rate. Bass Pro was sold out of all Rifle ammo here in Harrisburg. Save it!! I'm sure mass shootings will pick back up here now that Biden is President....we need to get back to getting rid of scary guns

Yeah, it's crazy. I'm into the old military rifles, M1 Garand, M1 Carbine, '03s, 1911s and the like. Anyway, I go through the CMP (Civilian Marksmanship Program). Their prices are up some, but not gouging. Also, on their forum they have a marketplace where guys will sell ammo. Some guys are gouging, but you can find some decent prices...again, they are up, but in some cases not too bad. I did ok for 9mm, some 30.06 and some .45 recently.

I remember years ago I was channel surfing, and Chris Rock was on, one of his "comedy" specials. I watched for a little and he went into this thing about not worrying about banning guns, just ban ammo. That stuck with me, and I think of that in these times and wonder if this is a form of that.
Night was a great book and heartbreaking.

Yes it was. That quote from the book about the "flames that consumed my faith forever." Wow.

It should be required reading. Maybe some of these idiots running around and tearing **** up would realize they don't have it bad.

Ah, who am I kidding.
Wig are you forgetting Hitler and the Nazi Party were far right.

Actually most aggression in the United States is from the right, I read somewhere that since 1994 329 Americans have died at the hands of right wing organizations and zero from ANTIFA like organizations.
Yes it was. That quote from the book about the "flames that consumed my faith forever." Wow.

It should be required reading. Maybe some of these idiots running around and tearing **** up would realize they don't have it bad.

Ah, who am I kidding.

Or running around calling people Nazi when they don't have a clue what that even is.

I read that book twice. I'll probably read it again if I get my hands on it. The Diary of Anne Frank should be another must read for everyone. I remember first reading that in elementary school and couldn't even grasp something like that could happen.
Have you seen the tit-sticks that join these militia groups? I looked into a few around me and there is no way in Hell I'm going into battle and putting my life in the hands of unprofessional wannabes. If anyone knows of any militias who only allow military veterans into their ranks, let me know.

Yes I've seen them. My step father is talking with one. They're clowns mostly. I told him he was foolish if he joins them.
Wig are you forgetting Hitler and the Nazi Party were far right.

Actually most aggression in the United States is from the right, I read somewhere that since 1994 329 Americans have died at the hands of right wing organizations and zero from ANTIFA like organizations.

Quit regurgitating things you obviously don't actually understand. Hitler and his "far right" politics bear a strikingly familiar look to the politics of the far left. They were anti-gun, anti free speech, anti-religious freedom. Those are all things championed not by the right but by the far left.
Wig are you forgetting Hitler and the Nazi Party were far right.

Actually most aggression in the United States is from the right, I read somewhere that since 1994 329 Americans have died at the hands of right wing organizations and zero from ANTIFA like organizations.

You are out of your mother ******* mind. Seriously. Don't worry your little Commie buddies history makes the Nazi Party look like a day with Mr.Rogers.
Wig are you forgetting Hitler and the Nazi Party were far right.

Actually most aggression in the United States is from the right, I read somewhere that since 1994 329 Americans have died at the hands of right wing organizations and zero from ANTIFA like organizations.

Here's a couple killings in the CHOP zone in Seattle you probably didn't hear about.

Right wing militias, I'm sure.

Quit regurgitating things you obviously don't actually understand. Hitler and his "far right" politics bear a strikingly familiar look to the politics of the far left. They were anti-gun, anti free speech, anti-religious freedom. Those are all things championed not by the right but by the far left.

This is an absolute truth. They're marching down that same path. I see the violence and destruction,I hear their leaders very well. It's duly noted.
Right. Somehow Fascism got a connected to the right...because they were against Communism, which is obviously the far left. Fascism and communism are like brothers who hate each other.
Here's a couple killings in the CHOP zone in Seattle you probably didn't hear about.

Right wing militias, I'm sure.


He's also reading from sites that aggregate data and intentionally omit data to bolster a statistic.

For instance, I'm quite sure that Micah Johnson, BLM, killing 7 Dallas police officers are not counted in those "tables" he reads that talk about domestic terrorism.
Have you seen the price of ammo or the lack of it? My buddy just picked up .380 ammo for 1.79 per round. Bulk rate. Bass Pro was sold out of all Rifle ammo here in Harrisburg. Save it!! I'm sure mass shootings will pick back up here now that Biden is President....we need to get back to getting rid of scary guns

I can still buy 7.62x39 cheap. If members of my family did not fear rifles and side arms so much, they may have planned ahead many years ago.

The best weapons salesmen are politicians.
Wig are you forgetting Hitler and the Nazi Party were far right.

Actually most aggression in the United States is from the right, I read somewhere that since 1994 329 Americans have died at the hands of right wing organizations and zero from ANTIFA like organizations.

You're simply so misinformed with what you digest.


A leftist's survey of left v. right violence

Right & Left Violence: Timeline, by leftist Greg Correll, 10 Jan 2011, claims to compare left and right violence in the US since 1990.

It has many problems:

It lists a load of personal hate crimes. It is unclear that any of these count as political violence. Even if we include them, it is inconsistent:

*It assigns all racist attacks by whites to the "right". But it does not assign all racist attacks by blacks to the "left". It just omits them.
*It assigns all attacks on gays to the "right". But it does not assign all attacks by Muslims on Jews to the "left". It just omits them.
*It does however include white attacks on Jews, which it assigns to the "right", despite the left's strong hatred of Israel and Zionism.
*It omits all Islamic "honour killings" in the US. Why? They are the result of an ideology that - if you had to choose - is on the "left".

It lists inter-racial hate crimes, but it only lists white-on-black crimes, not black-on-white crimes.

*There are evil people of all races and all countries, but this list makes it look as if there is only evil by whites.
*It lists the white-on-black dragging killing of James Byrd, but it does not list the black-on-white dragging killings of Ken Tillery and Jake Robel and Patricia Stansfield and Allen Lew Rose.
*There are horrific killings by all races.

Some other notable killings of whites by blacks in the US since 1990 include:

*The Long Island Rail Road shootings and the Wichita Massacre and the Navy Yard shooting and the serial killer Kendall Francois and Clayton Lockett and the WDBJ TV shooting and the 2016 Dallas police massacre and the 2017 Fresno shootings.
*The killings of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom and Eve Carson and the Harvey family and Tessa Majors and the baby Antonio Santiago.
*The killings of the British tourists and the Australian student and the WW2 veteran and Amanda Blackburn and the Boston doctors and the 91 year old Paul Monchnik and the 99 year old Fannie Gumbinger and 6 year old Logan Tipton.

I excluded many more, or this list would grow too massive.

Shouldn't some of the above be listed in the "left" column?

In fact, killings of whites by blacks are actually more common than killings of blacks by whites. FBI stats show the following for 2008:
*230 blacks were murdered by whites.
*But 504 whites were murdered by blacks.

For 2008, shouldn't there be 230 killings in the "right" column and 504 killings in the "left" column?

The list omits various eco-terror attacks. It does not mention the Unabomber or the Discovery Channel attack.
*It largely omits violence by blacks. Apart from the black-on-white crimes above, it also does not mention the 1991 Brooklyn anti-semitic riots, the 1992 LA riots or the 1995 Freddy's Fashion Mart killings.
*It omits all Islamic attacks in the US since 1990. It does not assign all this Islamic terrorism to the "left". It just omits it.
*It omits other left-wing attacks, such as the Pentagon shooter or the arson attack on Palin's church.
*It omits pretty much all minor acts of left-wing political violence. (Its sources are left-wingers like the Southern Poverty Law Center who are not interested in such incidents.)
*It assigns Andrew Joseph Stack to the "right".
*It assigns the Holocaust Museum shooter to the "right".
*It assigns Jared Lee Loughner to the "right".

Attacks assigned to the "right"

The left often jumps to assign various killers to the "right", and sometimes combines this with a call for a clampdown on right-wing speech.

Yes, sometimes these killers are right-wing. But sometimes they are really lunatics. Sometimes they are even left-wing.

List of attacks assigned to the "right"

*Neo-nazi James von Brunn, the US Holocaust Museum shooter, June 2009, has been labelled a "right-wing" terrorist, and no doubt many vaguely think of him as a "Christian" terrorist.
- In fact, he could just as easily be called a "left-wing" terrorist: He hated Israel, opposed the Iraq War, thought 9/11 was an inside job, hated Fox News, hated neo-cons, hated Bush and McCain, and finally he hated Christianity, and said he was a socialist (the Nazis were collectivists).
- He referred to "the insane teachings of Jesus", and said the gospels are: "stuffed with lies, miracles, guilt trips, betrayal, virgin birth, eternal damnation, salvation - a scenario appealing to the superstitious, vulnerable, ignorant yearning sheep - he named his hoax "Christianity." ... "Christianity" destroyed Roman Civilization." So he is not a Christian terrorist.

*Andrew Joseph Stack, the perpetrator of the Austin tax office suicide attack in Feb 2010, has been labelled a "right-wing" terrorist.
- But he is a strange sort of "right-winger", one who hates George W. Bush, capitalism, the Catholic church, and drug and insurance companies.
- "left-wing bogeymen all" as James Taranto notes.

*John Patrick Bedell, the perpetrator of the Pentagon shooting in Mar 2010, has been labelled a "right-wing" terrorist.
- But he was a strange sort of "right-winger", one who was a registered Democrat, strongly opposed the Gulf War, hated Bush, believed Bush carried out 9/11, and called the Iraq War "Satanic".

*Roger Stockham arrested in Jan 2011 for threatening a Detroit mosque.
- But, far from being a Tea Party member, he's leftist / Islamic / mentally ill.
- He is a convert to Islam, and said in the threats that he was: "a local Muslim terrorist on a roll." A witness says that he: "called himself a mujahedeen".
- In fact, this seems to be a case of a Sunni threatening a Shia mosque. And more. Not quite the Tea Party narrative, then.
- Acts 17 Apologetics point out that some people rushed to call him a "Christian" terrorist, and the local Police Chief even said: "He picked Dearborn as a stop because of the huge Arab and Muslim population." -
When in fact he picked a Shia Muslim mosque because he was a Sunni Muslim.
- In a similar phenomenon to the Tucson blood libel against Sarah Palin, people even accused Acts 17 Apologetics of inciting the attack! They have a lovely response: "It seems that our hate speech (i.e. drawing attention to disturbing facts about Islam, while maintaining our love for Muslims) somehow caused the Sunni-Shia split. Perhaps Jem believes that Nabeel and I constructed an Acts 17 time machine, travelled back to 632 and caused division in the Muslim community right after Muhammad died. Perhaps I went to Abu Bakr and said, "Hey! You should be leader!" Then Nabeel went to Ali and said, "You're better than Abu Bakr!" Fourteen centuries later, the division we caused led a Sunni convert to attack a mosque. Acts 17 must be even craftier than we thought!"

*The Washington Navy Yard shooting of Sept 2013 was not blamed on the right, but it was fascinating that the shooter turned out to be an Obama supporter.
- A friend said about him: "He was more of a liberal type; he wasn't happy with the former [Bush] administration. He was more happy with this [the Obama] administration -- as far as presidential administrations."
- Of course, primarily he was mentally ill.
- But don't you think that if he was a Tea Party supporter, all hell would have broken loose?
- It also emerged that the shooter created a webpage with the name "Mohammed Salem", though there is no evidence he was Muslim.

*The Las Vegas shooters in June 2014 were labelled as "right-wing".
- However, it turned out they were supporters of the left-wing "Occupy" movement.

*Max Fisher gives an account of a horrific anti-Muslim crime in Dec 2014: "In December, a man in Kansas City wrote on his SUV that the Koran was a "disease worse than Ebola," then drove it into a 15-year-old Muslim boy in front of a local mosque, severing his legs and killing him."
- However, he omits the fact that the killer was a black African Somali Christian immigrant.
- Certainly not "right-wing" terrorism in any traditional sense.

*The Chapel Hill shooting in Feb 2015 was called a right-wing anti-Muslim hate crime.
- However, it emerged that the shooter was a left-wing atheist who hated the GOP and was a fan of the Southern Poverty Law Center.
- Max Fisher portrays the murder of Ahmed Al-Jumaili in Texas in Mar 2015 as an anti-Muslim hate crime.
- However, it seems the killer was a gangsta black teenager.

Again, I am not denying that there is right-wing terrorism (as well as left-wing terrorism). I am only disputing certain attacks and certain lists.



While this is dated 21, it shows clearly and simply an intentional disinformation campaign the Left has waged. The Left all to quickly rushes to blame the right for all violence. The Left incorrectly attributes in their lists crimes to the Right. The Left intentionally omits Leftist crimes/murders from these lists. It's intentional.

You lap it right up.
Wig are you forgetting Hitler and the Nazi Party were far right.

The Nazi party was socialist. Public ownership and governance of medicine, schooling, religion, transportation.

The Nazi party CALLED itself a socialist party. The name of the party was the "National Socialist German Workers' Party" (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or NSDAP). Further, the party hated capitalism and imposed group control of every facet of life.

The Nazis didn’t call their ideology “national socialism” because they thought it sounded good. They were fervently opposed to capitalism. The Nazi Party’s chief propagandist, Joseph Goebbels, even once remarked that he’d sooner live under Bolshevism than capitalism. The Nazis instituted major public works projects such as the Autobahn, promised full employment, and dramatically increased government spending.


Stop being a flaccid moron, eating and regurgitating ****. Do some actual research for once in our lazy, worthless life. ONCE. One ******* time.

Actually most aggression in the United States is from the right, I read somewhere that since 1994 329 Americans have died at the hands of right wing organizations and zero from ANTIFA like organizations.

Post a link, you moron. Here, let me post the truth:


Well-known leftist murderers include Ted Kaczynski, BurningLootingMurdering, Antifa, and on and on.

Right wing attacks/deaths? 4 since 1995. FOUR.

Also, the blatantly dishonest categorization of violent crimes is clear upon analysis of the data. For example:

A leftist's survey of left v. right violence
Right & Left Violence: Timeline, by leftist Greg Correll, 10 Jan 2011, claims to compare left and right violence in the US since 1990.

It has many problems:

It lists a load of personal hate crimes. It is unclear that any of these count as political violence. Even if we include them, it is inconsistent:
It assigns all racist attacks by whites to the "right". But it does not assign all racist attacks by blacks to the "left". It just omits them.
It assigns all attacks on gays to the "right". But it does not assign all attacks by Muslims on Jews to the "left". It just omits them.
It does however include white attacks on Jews, which it assigns to the "right", despite the left's strong hatred of Israel and Zionism.
It omits all Islamic "honour killings" in the US. Why? They are the result of an ideology that - if you had to choose - is on the "left".

It lists inter-racial hate crimes, but it only lists white-on-black crimes, not black-on-white crimes.
There are evil people of all races and all countries, but this list makes it look as if there is only evil by whites.
It lists the white-on-black dragging killing of James Byrd, but it does not list the black-on-white dragging killings of Ken Tillery and Jake Robel and Patricia Stansfield and Allen Lew Rose.
There are horrific killings by all races.

Some other notable killings of whites by blacks in the US since 1990 include:

The Long Island Rail Road shootings and the Wichita Massacre and the Navy Yard shooting and the serial killer Kendall Francois and Clayton Lockett and the WDBJ TV shooting and the 2016 Dallas police massacre and the 2017 Fresno shootings.

The killings of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom and Eve Carson and the Harvey family and Tessa Majors and the baby Antonio Santiago.

The killings of the British tourists and the Australian student and the WW2 veteran and Amanda Blackburn and the Boston doctors and the 91 year old Paul Monchnik and the 99 year old Fannie Gumbinger and 6 year old Logan Tipton.

I excluded many more, or this list would grow too massive.

Shouldn't some of the above be listed in the "left" column?
In fact, killings of whites by blacks are actually more common than killings of blacks by whites. FBI stats show the following for 2008:
230 blacks were murdered by whites.
But 504 whites were murdered by blacks.
For 2008, shouldn't there be 230 killings in the "right" column and 504 killings in the "left" column?

The list omits various eco-terror attacks. It does not mention the Unabomber or the Discovery Channel attack.
It largely omits violence by blacks. Apart from the black-on-white crimes above, it also does not mention the 1991 Brooklyn anti-semitic riots, the 1992 LA riots or the 1995 Freddy's Fashion Mart killings.
It omits all Islamic attacks in the US since 1990. It does not assign all this Islamic terrorism to the "left". It just omits it.
It omits other left-wing attacks, such as the Pentagon shooter or the arson attack on Palin's church.
It omits pretty much all minor acts of left-wing political violence. (Its sources are left-wingers like the Southern Poverty Law Center who are not interested in such incidents.)
It assigns Andrew Joseph Stack to the "right".
It assigns the Holocaust Museum shooter to the "right".
It assigns Jared Lee Loughner to the "right".

Attacks assigned to the "right"

The left often jumps to assign various killers to the "right", and sometimes combines this with a call for a clampdown on right-wing speech.

Yes, sometimes these killers are right-wing. But sometimes they are really lunatics. Sometimes they are even left-wing!

List of attacks assigned to the "right"

Neo-nazi James von Brunn, the US Holocaust Museum shooter, June 2009, has been labelled a "right-wing" terrorist, and no doubt many vaguely think of him as a "Christian" terrorist.
In fact, he could just as easily be called a "left-wing" terrorist: He hated Israel, opposed the Iraq War, thought 9/11 was an inside job, hated Fox News, hated neo-cons, hated Bush and McCain, and finally he hated Christianity, and said he was a socialist (the Nazis were collectivists). He referred to "the insane teachings of Jesus", and said the gospels are: "stuffed with lies, miracles, guilt trips, betrayal, virgin birth, eternal damnation, salvation - a scenario appealing to the superstitious, vulnerable, ignorant yearning sheep - he named his hoax "Christianity." ... "Christianity" destroyed Roman Civilization." So he is not a Christian terrorist.

Andrew Joseph Stack, the perpetrator of the Austin tax office suicide attack in Feb 2010, has been labelled a "right-wing" terrorist. But he is a strange sort of "right-winger", one who hates George W. Bush, capitalism, the Catholic church, and drug and insurance companies. "Left-wing bogeymen all" as James Taranto notes.

John Patrick Bedell, the perpetrator of the Pentagon shooting in Mar 2010, has been labelled a "right-wing" terrorist. But he was a strange sort of "right-winger", one who was a registered Democrat, strongly opposed the Gulf War, hated Bush, believed Bush carried out 9/11, and called the Iraq War "Satanic".

Roger Stockham arrested in Jan 2011 for threatening a Detroit mosque. But, far from being a Tea Party member, he's leftist / Islamic / mentally ill. He is a convert to Islam, and said in the threats that he was: "a local Muslim terrorist on a roll." A witness says that he: "called himself a mujahedeen". In fact, this seems to be a case of a Sunni threatening a Shia mosque. And more. Not quite the Tea Party narrative, then.

Acts 17 Apologetics point out that some people rushed to call him a "Christian" terrorist, and the local Police Chief even said: "He picked Dearborn as a stop because of the huge Arab and Muslim population." When in fact he picked a Shia Muslim mosque because he was a Sunni Muslim.

In a similar phenomenon to the Tucson blood libel against Sarah Palin, people even accused Acts 17 Apologetics of inciting the attack! They have a lovely response: "It seems that our hate speech (i.e. drawing attention to disturbing facts about Islam, while maintaining our love for Muslims) somehow caused the Sunni-Shia split. Perhaps Jem believes that Nabeel and I constructed an Acts 17 time machine, travelled back to 632 and caused division in the Muslim community right after Muhammad died. Perhaps I went to Abu Bakr and said, "Hey! You should be leader!" Then Nabeel went to Ali and said, "You're better than Abu Bakr!" Fourteen centuries later, the division we caused led a Sunni convert to attack a mosque. Acts 17 must be even craftier than we thought!"

The Washington Navy Yard shooting of Sept 2013 was not blamed on the right, but it was fascinating that the shooter turned out to be an Obama supporter. A friend said about him: "He was more of a liberal type; he wasn't happy with the former [Bush] administration. He was more happy with this [the Obama] administration -- as far as presidential administrations." Of course, primarily he was mentally ill. But don't you think that if he was a Tea Party supporter, all hell would have broken loose? It also emerged that the shooter created a webpage with the name "Mohammed Salem", though there is no evidence he was Muslim.

The Las Vegas shooters in June 2014 were labelled as "right-wing". However, it turned out they were supporters of the left-wing "Occupy" movement.

Max Fisher gives an account of a horrific anti-Muslim crime in Dec 2014: "In December, a man in Kansas City wrote on his SUV that the Koran was a "disease worse than Ebola," then drove it into a 15-year-old Muslim boy in front of a local mosque, severing his legs and killing him." However, he omits the fact that the killer was a black African Somali Christian immigrant. Certainly not "right-wing" terrorism in any traditional sense.

The Chapel Hill shooting in Feb 2015 was called a right-wing anti-Muslim hate crime. However, it emerged that the shooter was a left-wing atheist who hated the GOP and was a fan of the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Max Fisher portrays the murder of Ahmed Al-Jumaili in Texas in Mar 2015 as an anti-Muslim hate crime. However, it seems the killer was a gangsta black teenager.

Again, I am not denying that there is right-wing terrorism (as well as left-wing terrorism). I am only disputing certain attacks and certain lists.


Once again, for probably the 20th time at least, you post something stupid and I have to do the research and provide data showing how dumb you are.
Precisely Lebanon. Antifa is anything but anti-fascist. Right down to their choice of attire. Of course they should have gone with brown but...

Antifa is the ramshackle thug-military of the left.
Seems Steeltime and I found the same source at the same time....

Great minds....err...
So, we're nearing the day dumbass Trump packs up his **** and bails out of the WH. January 20th is shortly upon us, just barely a month away.

What a ******* relief.

It was a wild swing into left field to allow a clown to run the country for four years.

We're not quite there yet, but hopefully soon enough, we can all proclaim that we survived the Trump presidency.

Biden is boring. He stutters, he's no Dwight Eisenhower or JFK. He's a middling, career politician, who'll do a C+/B- job as President.

But he's a decent man. He's a patriot who'll stand with the Republic and the Constitution.

And that will mean everything, literally eveything, in piecing back together an America that's been splintered, embarrassed and spat upon by this twisted, insidious MAGA movement.

The Republic will hold, the country will remain intact. Soon enough, the Trump madness will succumb to being a circus sideshow. Only the most deranged of the lot will stick with him & the lies, the wild conspiracy theories, the utter madness, that's become the norm these past four years.

We came - this - ******* close to the country falling apart forever, due to Trump and his insanity.

Trump, his inner circle, his supporters and a large chunk of the GOP should be facing charges of sedition. What's gone on these past few weeks since the election, has been an attack from within, an attack against the Republic and everything it stands for. This is what the founding fathers were most worried about, and what the country was most ill-prepared to deal with.

Come January 20th, America will have withstood its strongest test since its founding.

I hope there's enough room in the Sedition section at Leavenworth. The fallout from the unsuccessful Trump coup will have deep ramifications for years to come.

Thankfully, it will all be in the rearview mirror. And we can chew the cud of its ramifications - with plenty of hindsight - until the end of time.
Last edited:
So, we're nearing the day dumbass Trump packs up his **** and bails out of the WH. January 20th is shortly upon us, just barely a month away.

What a ******* relief.

It was a wild swing into left field to allow a clown to run the country for four years.

We're not quite there yet, but hopefully soon enough, we can all proclaim that we survived the Trump presidency.

Biden is boring. He stutters, he's no Dwight Eisenhower or JFK. He's a middling, career politician, who'll do a C+/B- job as President.

But he's a decent man. He's a patriot who'll stand with the Republiic and the Constitution.

And that will mean everything, literally eveything, in piecing back together an America that's been splintered, embarrassed and spat upon by this twisted, insidious MAGA movement.

The Republic will hold, the country will remain intact. Soon enough, the Trump madness will succumb to being a circus sideshow. Only the most deranged of the lot will stick with him & the lies, the wild conspiracy theories, the utter madness, that's become the norm these past four years.

We came - this - ******* close to the country falling apart forever, due to Trump and his insanity.

Trump, his inner circle, his supporters and a large chunk of the GOP should be facing charges of sedition. What's gone on these past few weeks since the election, has been an attack from within, an attack against the Republic and everything it stands for. This is what the founding fathers were most worried about, and what the country was most ill-prepared to deal with.

Come January 20th, America will have withstood its strongest test since its founding.

I hope there's enough room in the Sedition section at Leavenworth. The fallout from the unsuccessful Trump coup will have deep ramifications for years to come.

Thankfully, it will all be in the rearview mirror. And we can chew the cud of its ramifiactions from a safe distance, until the end of time.

How would you know how the country has been the past four years? Serious question.

If I posted some comment about how great or terrible Hungary has been since January of 2017, would you say, "Wow, great point" or ask, "How would you know?"

You literally know nothing about what you write. Nothing. You claimed Russia had something on Trump, he was a Russian agent, blah-dee-******* blah. Three years, 19 lawyers, $40 million and ... NOTHING. Not one ******* thing.

Meanwhile, the party whose balls you lick has a guy on the intelligence committee blathering on about Russia, lying the entire time, and who was put in office by the Chinese communist party. A guy who was torn as to whom he could **** more, a Chinese spy or America.

Not one ******* word from you about this. Literally, not a ******* word.

Meanwhile, you stupidly claimed that the Hunter Biden laptap was "Russian disinformation," but that was a stupid lie. The computer shows that Beijing Joe was bought and paid for by the Chinese communists.

All that make-believe **** you spewed about Trump and Russia? It is actually true and documented with Biden and the (D)im party (Beijing Joe, Feinstein, Swalwell).

And what does Tibsy say? "Oh, thank God Trump is gone, America is saved."

Saved from what? A President who stands up to China, our greatest enemy?!? Saved by a guy bought-and-paid-for by the Chinese, with Chinese spies working for and ******* other (D)ims?

Oh **** off already.
So, we're nearing the day dumbass Trump packs up his **** and bails out of the WH. January 20th is shortly upon us, just barely a month away.

What a ******* relief.

It was a wild swing into left field to allow a clown to run the country for four years.

We're not quite there yet, but hopefully soon enough, we can all proclaim that we survived the Trump presidency.

Biden is boring. He stutters, he's no Dwight Eisenhower or JFK. He's a middling, career politician, who'll do a C+/B- job as President.

But he's a decent man. He's a patriot who'll stand with the Republiic and the Constitution.

And that will mean everything, literally eveything, in piecing back together an America that's been splintered, embarrassed and spat upon by this twisted, insidious MAGA movement.

The Republic will hold, the country will remain intact. Soon enough, the Trump madness will succumb to being a circus sideshow. Only the most deranged of the lot will stick with him & the lies, the wild conspiracy theories, the utter madness, that's become the norm these past four years.

We came - this - ******* close to the country falling apart forever, due to Trump and his insanity.

Trump, his inner circle, his supporters and a large chunk of the GOP should be facing charges of sedition. What's gone on these past few weeks since the election, has been an attack from within, an attack against the Republic and everything it stands for. This is what the founding fathers were most worried about, and what the country was most ill-prepared to deal with.

Come January 20th, America will have withstood its strongest test since its founding.

I hope there's enough room in the Sedition section at Leavenworth. The fallout from the unsuccessful Trump coup will have deep ramifications for years to come.

Thankfully, it will all be in the rearview mirror. And we can chew the cud of its ramifiactions - with plenty of hindsight - until the end of time.

Sorry Tibs Biden is not a decent man, far from it. He is a piece of **** that makes Trump look a choir boy. He got ******* rich screwing over tax payers for 47 years and getting back room deals through people like his son Hunter. He is everything that is wrong with Washington politics today not to mention he is a pervert who sniffs little girls and women openly in front of the camera and then shoves his fingers up them in his office while pinned against a wall. You might hate Trump but your hate is misplaced he is the solution not the problem.