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Election Day 2020

I hope, given a little time, you guys will be able to take a step back, take a deep breath, and slowly come to realize what an immense mistake it was to back Trump all these years.

In hindsight, it will be a bit embarrassing, but it is still best to face things straight on.

On my end, I'm willing to turn the page. I won't hold it against any of you. Hopefully same goes for your friends and family, your co-workers, et al, who didn't swallow the Trump lies these past four years.

You got caught up in the MAGA frenzy. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Understood, no worries.

Life is full of mistakes. It's a fundamental part of the human condition.

Life will go on, thankfully. Hopefully, that will be true for the Trump base, the hardcore MAGA's on this board, who'll be faced with plenty of soul searching over these next few months.
I hope, given a little time, you guys will be able to take a step back, take a deep breath, and slowly come to realize what an immense mistake it was to back Trump all these years.

In hindsight, it will be a bit embarrassing, but it is still best to face things straight on.

On my end, I'm willing to turn the page. I won't hold it against any of you. Hopefully same goes for your friends and family, your co-workers, et al, who didn't swallow the Trump lies these past four years.

You got caught up in the MAGA frenzy. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Understood, no worries.

Life is full of mistakes. It's a fundamental part of the human condition.

Life will go on, thankfully. Hopefully, that will be true for the Trump base, the hardcore MAGA's on this board, who'll be faced with plenty of soul searching over these next few months.

Next 4 years will be the same as the last 4. #RESIST

**** you Dimwits. The house flips in 22'.
Always a chuckle when the Minster Of False Propaganda stops by.

Always the deflection away from the scumbags he supports. There's nothing good to say about that motley crew of ****.
I hope, given a little time, you guys will be able to take a step back, take a deep breath, and slowly come to realize what an immense mistake it was to back Trump all these years.

In hindsight, it will be a bit embarrassing, but it is still best to face things straight on.

On my end, I'm willing to turn the page. I won't hold it against any of you. Hopefully same goes for your friends and family, your co-workers, et al, who didn't swallow the Trump lies these past four years.

You got caught up in the MAGA frenzy. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Understood, no worries.

Life is full of mistakes. It's a fundamental part of the human condition.

Life will go on, thankfully. Hopefully, that will be true for the Trump base, the hardcore MAGA's on this board, who'll be faced with plenty of soul searching over these next few months.

Don’t celebrate the biden victory yet.
SCOTUS is looking at the Texas lawsuit
But he's a decent man.

Yeah, but no. Not even close. He's just as evil as the Clintons.

He is a certifiable racist. 30 years of documented racism.
He literally is in China's pocket. Evidence shows, not conjecture.
He uses Government positions to enrich his family, illegally.
He engaged in quid pro quo with the Ukraine, had someone fired, to protect his interests, and used American taxpayer dollars in the process.
He inappropriately gropes women and minors, in public.
He strips down in front of aides and staff, as documented by the secret service, as if exposing himself is some form of a joke.
He finger raped Tara Reade.
He was part of an administration that weaponized Federal Agencies against their political opponents.
The evidence from his very own son, hopefully, will be exposed, showing the depth to which he and the Biden family have nefariously engaged with our foreign enemies, broken laws, and endangered us.

Joe Biden is a despicable human being Tibs.
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I hope, given a little time, you guys will be able to take a step back, take a deep breath, and slowly come to realize what an immense mistake it was to back Trump all these years.

In hindsight, it will be a bit embarrassing, but it is still best to face things straight on.

On my end, I'm willing to turn the page. I won't hold it against any of you. Hopefully same goes for your friends and family, your co-workers, et al, who didn't swallow the Trump lies these past four years.

You got caught up in the MAGA frenzy. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Understood, no worries.

Life is full of mistakes. It's a fundamental part of the human condition.

Life will go on, thankfully. Hopefully, that will be true for the Trump base, the hardcore MAGA's on this board, who'll be faced with plenty of soul searching over these next few months.

LMAO, another Alt Leftist "now willing to turn the page", aka, preaching unity.

Wash, rinse, repeat. When Republicans take the White House, you and your lot act reprehensibly, try to destroy the fabric of this great nation, divide, insult, attack, burn, loot, riot.

Then when a Democrat takes office, you preach Unity.

Yeah, **** off with that. We're done with Unity.

#NotMyPresident...and never will be.
#NotMyPresident...and never will be.

You're probably too dense to realize you've turned into the very thing you mocked so vehemently four short years ago.

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I believe 17 States have signed on with Texas. I'm sure more will follow shortly.

Looking at the legal aspect of it. It doesn’t look to hopeful.
It’s a glimmer of hope. But doesn’t look promising. Even with multiple states backing
Tibs: "Russia owns Trump! Ahhhh ...:

No evidence of that claim, ever, at all, whole thing bullshit made up by the most vile, corrupt **** ever to walk the earth.

"Biden laptop shows Hunter paid tens of millions for doing nothing by corrupt foreign business, China, daddy assisted son's business interests, daddy received a share of the bribery pie."

"Swallowsalot put in office by Chinese spy, received bundled donations from that spy, ****** the spy, placed a commie spy in office as intern, lied about Trump and Russia, i.e., genuine Chinese disinformation."


You're probably too dense to realize you've turned into the very thing you mocked so vehemently a short four years ago.

Oh, there's a vast, immense, ocean of difference between how Dimwits acted in 2016 and how we are acting.

We will not wear ***** hats and march on Washington, we won't riot, we won't burn down businesses, we won't loot. Our celebrities won't threaten to blow up the White House or hang severed bloody heads of Biden and call it art. We won't create rap videos showing assassinations of Biden. You won't find memes of Conservatives in the streets shrieking at the skies. I doubt you can find a meme of a single conservative crying, like the tens of thousands of Liberals did when Hillary lost.

As we always do, as respectable Patriotic Americans, we get up and go to work. We pay our taxes. We don't aim to pout, stomp, kick, scream, riot, loot, burn and destroy "because we didn't get our way."

Oh, there's a vast difference in the two sides Tibs.

And again, you can **** off.
Tibs: "Russia owns Trump! Ahhhh ...:

No evidence of that claim, ever, at all, whole thing bullshit made up by the most vile, corrupt **** ever to walk the earth.

"Biden laptop shows Hunter paid tens of millions for doing nothing by corrupt foreign business, China, daddy assisted son's business interests, daddy received a share of the bribery pie."

"Swallowsalot put in office by Chinese spy, received bundled donations from that spy, ****** the spy, placed a commie spy in office as intern, lied about Trump and Russia, i.e., genuine Chinese disinformation."


All conspiracies, unproven, smear campaigns. Put on your tinfoil hat. /Tibs
You're probably too dense to realize you've turned into the very thing you mocked so vehemently a short four years ago.

You are licking the balls of some dementia-ridden traitor who sold his name and access to the Chinese, a corporate lackey who has never done a single thing to help this great country, and a party that is tearing down America.

We don't sob like the ******* you so worship. Instead, we support two important public interest groups:

Unity &


Oh, there's a vast, immense, ocean of difference between how Dimwits acted in 2016 and how we are acting.

Clearly, you haven't seen a single thing coming out of the Trump camp, FoxNews, OANN et al these past few weeks since the election.

Nor have you read any of the posts on this board.

Yeah, Trump & his base have shown to be 'respectable Patriotic Americans' of the highest order.

Can't make this **** up, how utterly hilarious and comedic this has all become. What a spectacular fall from grace for right-wing, Christian conservatives in America. It's been a clown show of the highest order.

But keep convincing yourselves otherwise. Line up Trump's tweets and comments since the election and keep proclaiming you're the adults in the room.

Again, ******* hilarious, pure comedy. Thanks for the laughs, Tim.
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I hope, given a little time, you guys will be able to take a step back, take a deep breath, and slowly come to realize what an immense mistake it was to back Trump all these years.

In hindsight, it will be a bit embarrassing, but it is still best to face things straight on.

On my end, I'm willing to turn the page. I won't hold it against any of you. Hopefully same goes for your friends and family, your co-workers, et al, who didn't swallow the Trump lies these past four years.

You got caught up in the MAGA frenzy. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Understood, no worries.

Life is full of mistakes. It's a fundamental part of the human condition.

Life will go on, thankfully. Hopefully, that will be true for the Trump base, the hardcore MAGA's on this board, who'll be faced with plenty of soul searching over these next few months.

You slither away for literally months at a time and then just show up when you've probably had too much Pálinka to drink with nothing but smarmy generalizations about the human condition or some other retarded ****, and you actually think anybody takes you seriously?

Honestly, GTFOOH for good already. Go back to your cry-closet or wherever the **** it is you go for months at a time. Trolling freeloader.
Clearly, you haven't seen a single thing coming out of the Trump camp, FoxNews, OANN et al these past few weeks since the election.

Nor have you read any of the posts on this board.

Yeah, Trump & his base have shown to be 'respectable Patriotic Americans' of the highest order.

Can't make this **** up, how utterly hilarious and comedic this has all become. What a spectacular fall from grace for right-wing, Christian conservatives in America. It's been a clown show of the highest order.

But keep convicing yourselves otherwise. Line up Trump's tweets and comments since the election and keep proclaiming you're the adults in the room.

Again, ******* hilarious, pure comedy. Thanks for the laughs, Tim.

Oh I've watched. We just see it totally differently. Not at all surprised, given how you view wrong as right and worship people like Michael Avenatti. No, we will never see eye to eye.

What I have seen are news networks attempting to get to the truth. Clearly (no, not a joke) there was rampant fraud and quite a lot needs to be investigated and uncovered. Mathematical impossibilities occurred that cannot be explained. It is essential that both sides agree that we need to have fair, open, accountable elections. And I support their efforts to get to the bottom of what really happened. As should you, if you were truly a Patriot.

You rambled on for 4 years about Russia, demanding there be investigations, answers, but want to sweep thousands of affidavits under the rug, ignore the real, supported issues, just so you can be done with Trump. Shame on you.

I'll ask you....go find crying Conservative memes. Point me to news articles where we are marching in the streets wearing vagina hats. Show me any Conservative riot? Buildings burning? Can you point me to a Conservative celebrity or talk show host....anyone on air anywhere that asked to blow up the white house? Can you point me to any severed heads of Biden? Assassination videos?

I'll wait.

You keep believing "we" are behaving as your side did. You've always been a blind ****.

Meanwhile, your side continues to behave in this manner. A teacher. This week. I'm sure she's the latest in your long line of amazing heros.

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Honestly, GTFOOH for good already. Go back to your cry-closet or wherever the **** it is you go for months at a time. Trolling freeloader.
Thanks for proving time and again what you’re really good at is whining & crying.

So sad this is happening to you. I’m sorry Trump has failed you so spectacularly. Keep your chin up and try to pick yourself up by your bootstraps.
Thanks for proving time and again what you’re really good at is whining & crying.

So sad this is happening to you. I’m sorry Trump has failed you so spectacularly. Keep your chin up and try to pick yourself up by your bootstraps.

Trump has not failed us spectacularly he has in fact done quite the opposite.
Swalwell elected with the help of the Chinese communists, ******* Chinese spy while on intelligence committee - documented - Tibs not one ******* word on the subject.

Biden got millions from Communist Chinese company, son sold access and influence, old man used power to assist son's business interests and his own - documented - Tibs not one ******* word on the subject.
Swalwell elected with the help of the Chinese communists, ******* Chinese spy while on intelligence committee - documented - Tibs not one ******* word on the subject.

Biden got millions from Communist Chinese company, son sold access and influence, old man used power to assist son's business interests and his own - documented - Tibs not one ******* word on the subject.

Because, in his eyes, this is a fresh new chapter in the Country. Biden is a decent human. He's not a racist. He's done nary a thing wrong and all of those allegations are concocted bullshit.

But let's talk about Russia some more....
I hope, given a little time, you guys will be able to take a step back, take a deep breath, and slowly come to realize what an immense mistake it was to back Trump all these years.

In hindsight, it will be a bit embarrassing, but it is still best to face things straight on.

On my end, I'm willing to turn the page. I won't hold it against any of you. Hopefully same goes for your friends and family, your co-workers, et al, who didn't swallow the Trump lies these past four years.

You got caught up in the MAGA frenzy. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Understood, no worries.

Life is full of mistakes. It's a fundamental part of the human condition.

Life will go on, thankfully. Hopefully, that will be true for the Trump base, the hardcore MAGA's on this board, who'll be faced with plenty of soul searching over these next few months.

Embarrassing is the **** you have spewed for 4 years. Just wait it’s coming over and over. Your a total nut case that lost the little respect you had here. So go find a new board.
Looking at the legal aspect of it. It doesn’t look to hopeful.
It’s a glimmer of hope. But doesn’t look promising. Even with multiple states backing

I don't know, it's a third of the states throwing their hat in, with AZ and Ohio showing support without actually filing with them. The fact that the Democrats are all saying it's just a PR stunt, shows their concern.
While I doubt the election gets overturned, I do hope the SC rules that elections have to proceed under established guidelines and not at the whim of selected politicians in any given state.
I don't know, it's a third of the states throwing their hat in, with AZ and Ohio showing support without actually filing with them. The fact that the Democrats are all saying it's just a PR stunt, shows their concern.
While I doubt the election gets overturned, I do hope the SC rules that elections have to proceed under established guidelines and not at the whim of selected politicians in any given state.

I’m hopeful.
But not gonna get my hopes up too much.
Whatever happens...well it happens.

It’s good to see Americans fighting for transparency. Gives me hope