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elfies whiny libtard insult the President thread


if there's anything Bomma was good at, it was being tea-bagged.
Does anyone remember when b-rock, on a hot mic, said t Medvedev. ...."when I am re-elected, I will have more flexibility. "? I remember that the media buried that one quickly. Now, the Russkies are the bogeyman, and they are playing Trump. The double standards are pathetic.

Yeah those FISA warrants were issued because of boogeymen.........


Drain that Florida swamp!
Another episode of As the World Turns.
so Russia doesn't get a pass on missile violations, but Iran...
so Russia doesn't get a pass on missile violations, but Iran...

They're special. They get to develop a nuclear weapon underground in secret while working on the delivery system. Dear leader did nothing but help them by giving them cover.
my bad. they're brown people, too.
Trumps been in office for only a ****** month.
Shocked by this mans election, leftist scum (redundant I know) and the mainstream media have been chomping at the bit to tear him down, to make his election look illegitimate or to look like America had made a terrible mistake.

By my estimation Obama was given at least 2 years before harsh criticism started rolling in from the right. I didn't vote for the *******, but I was willing to give him a chance...too see if indeed what it took to finally make things better here and around the world was the unprecedented election of black man.

Elfie and a couple other tards are so transparent. So troubled that Trump is the prez, it's easy to see they want Trump to fail with a passion, taking America down with him. Elfie hopes and prays America goes further down the dumper because of Trump. This will make Elfie happy.
Just so you selfish hateful ******** can say "I told ya so". Pathetic.
Bunch of dickbags in that party. ******* hate them.

Do you hate them because Obama played Putin like a violin, or do you hate them because you're a deplorable ignoramus who is clueless as to how geopolitics/defense works?

Of course if it's the first you're just envious, if it's the latter then it's because you didn't know the Aegis system was deployed to Europe anyway with Obama brilliantly buying time and gaining a tactical advantage for NATO.

You're in my territory now cuckservative dumbass..........
oooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Steelr4evr is in Elfie's territory now as being played like a violin, being a deplorable ignramus who is clueless as to how geopolitics/defense works, doesn't know the Aegis system was deployed to Europe anyway with Pbama buying time and gaining a tactical advantage for NATo and being cuckoled.
Trumps been in office for only a ****** month.
Shocked by this mans election, leftist scum (redundant I know) and the mainstream media have been chomping at the bit to tear him down, to make his election look illegitimate or to look like America had made a terrible mistake.

By my estimation Obama was given at least 2 years before harsh criticism started rolling in from the right. I didn't vote for the *******, but I was willing to give him a chance...too see if indeed what it took to finally make things better here and around the world was the unprecedented election of black man.

Elfie and a couple other tards are so transparent. So troubled that Trump is the prez,* it's easy to see they want Trump to fail with a passion, taking America down with him. Elfie hopes and prays America goes further down the dumper because of Trump. This will make Elfie happy.
Just so you selfish hateful ******** can say "I told ya so". Pathetic.

Yes Elfie forced Flynn to lie and then resign. Fastest resignation of a cabinet member in American history, damn I'm good........

"Alternative Reality Kinobi" is my nickname......

"This is not the urine you want on you...."

"This is not the urine we want on us."

" You can leave the hotel room now....."

"We can leave the hotel room now."

" Move along to the impeachment hearings now..."

"We'll move along to the impeachment hearings now."

You're in my territory now cuckservative dumbass..........

ElfiePoloLiar's "territory":

ElfiePoloLiar's "territory":


The wheels on the bus go round and round.....round and...Whoa a blowout! Cheap Flynn radial blowout! Headed for the cliff!!!!

Do you hate them because Obama played Putin like a violin, or do you hate them because you're a deplorable ignoramus who is clueless as to how geopolitics/defense works..

Obama could have picked a better song to play besides. ..."Take Crimea(or Korea for some) Please. "
What i find hilarious is the sheeple leftists who can't see that this Russian obsession is completely manufactured.

About a year ago, nobody gave a **** about Russia. Putin grabbed land and Obama acted like Neville Chamberland and didn't do ****. Hillary even arranged for Russia to take control of American uranium. That was a huge story right?

How many paid speeches to Bill Clinton make in Russia?

This nonsense of Russians hacking the election is just a red herring to sell the false narrative that Trump didn't reallly win the election. The only hacking that was done was on unsecured Democrat servers. The Russians did attempt to hack the RNC as well but the RNC had better security and it didn't work.

Let's be clear about the lie that Russia hacked the election. All they did was release true information about Hillary and the Dems. The Dems just consider that cheating.

I also recall many conservatives wanting laws like Voter ID, and updating voter rolls to remove dead people, to improve the security of elections. The Dems response. That's racist! No election has even had fraud and you can't prove it so shut your mouth.

Trump gets elected and he himself says he thinks there was fraud and wants investigations. The Dems knee jerk reaction is to also demand those investigations because there's no way Trump could have won. Then a few days pass and the Dem leaders squash that because they know that it is their side that commits fraud. So that went away quickly.
This is from 2014?

The Obama administration three years ago accused the Russians of violating the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty by developing and testing the prohibited cruise missile, and officials had anticipated that Moscow eventually would deploy it. Russia denies that it has violated the INF treaty.

more Obama mole leaks

U.S. intelligence agencies have assessed that the missile became operational late last year, said an administration official, who wasn't authorized to publicly discuss the matter and demanded anonymity.
What i find hilarious is the sheeple leftists who can't see that this Russian obsession is completely manufactured.

About a year ago, nobody gave a **** about Russia. Putin grabbed land and Obama acted like Neville Chamberland and didn't do ****. Hillary even arranged for Russia to take control of American uranium. That was a huge story right?

How many paid speeches to Bill Clinton make in Russia?

This nonsense of Russians hacking the election is just a red herring to sell the false narrative that Trump didn't reallly win the election. The only hacking that was done was on unsecured Democrat servers. The Russians did attempt to hack the RNC as well but the RNC had better security and it didn't work.

Let's be clear about the lie that Russia hacked the election. All they did was release true information about Hillary and the Dems. The Dems just consider that cheating.

I also recall many conservatives wanting laws like Voter ID, and updating voter rolls to remove dead people, to improve the security of elections. The Dems response. That's racist! No election has even had fraud and you can't prove it so shut your mouth.

Trump gets elected and he himself says he thinks there was fraud and wants investigations. The Dems knee jerk reaction is to also demand those investigations because there's no way Trump could have won. Then a few days pass and the Dem leaders squash that because they know that it is their side that commits fraud. So that went away quickly.

Sure it is champ, FISA warrants are just manafactured.....requested by a Comey led F.B.I.

That alternative reality bubble must be quite serene.
Here is the core of the Flynn/Putin Issue

While the Trumptards are busy focusing on the legality of leaks(Breitbart/Pravda's red herring) let's look at the core motivation for the Trump/Putin love affair.

The Russians interefered with our election, and I believe the trail leads all the way to the narcissist in Chief.

The Trump **** train is about to go over a cliff.

Start watching around the 1:10 mark. As Cenk says even hard core right wingers will have to admit the truth.

If you need more background:

Did Putin help elect Trump to restore $500 billion Exxon oil deal killed by sanctions

Follow the money: Will Trump repay Putin by ending Russian sanctions and killing the Paris climate deal?

The “Russian hack news … is delegitimizing,” explained former George W. Bush speech writer David Frum in a recent article. The conservative Frum was famous for authoring Bush’s controversial “axis of evil” speech about the danger posed by Iran, Iraq, and North Korea.

But it appears our democracy and our children have a new axis to worry about: Putin, Trump, and ExxonMobil, whose CEO Rex Tillerson — an extreme Russophile and long-time director of a US-Russian oil company — is Trump’s puzzling choice for Secretary of State.

I say “puzzling” because the long-serving Exxon employee (from age 23!) has no qualifications to be secretary of state — other than a history negotiating major oil deals with countries like Putin’s Russia, which in any sane world would actually disqualify him or at least force a recusal from all State Department dealings with Russia.

But that puzzle disappears if we follow the famous dictum from the Watergate era for uncovering a tangled web of covert campaign acts: “Follow the money.” And perhaps another puzzle is also solved: Why did Putin take such a “fearful risk,” as Frum put it, to “mount a clandestine espionage and disinformation campaign on behalf” of Trump and against Clinton, “when Putin had every reason to expect that he probably would end up facing a President Clinton,” and a tremendous backlash.

You can certainly make a plausible case, as U.S. intelligence agencies do in their bombshell new report, that Putin had plenty of motivation to interfere. He wanted to undermine the legitimacy of U.S. elections and a Clinton Presidency, he blamed Secretary Clinton for “inciting mass protests against his regime,” and he was angry with the U.S. for the Panama Papers leaks. Those leaks showed a $2 billion trail of offshore accounts and deals that traced back to Putin and his cabal of kleptocrats, who, among other things, were getting rich “trading shares in Rosneft,” Russia’s state-owned (i.e. Putin run) oil monopoly.

But a half trillion dollars to line their pockets and prop up the Russian economy offers a much more tangible motivation for team Putin to get Trump elected. And it was Tillerson who had made the $500 billion oil deal with Putin that got blocked by sanctions.
Blocking the deal did not just “put Exxon at risk,” as the Wall Street Journal reported in 2014. MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow explained last month the biggest oil deal in history was “expected to change the historical trajectory of Russia.”

The top priority for Putin and the kleptocrats who benefit from his rule is enriching the Kremlin’s coffers and their own, which have been hurt by the sanctions. And Trump’s election already appears to have delivered $11 billion to the Kremlin through sale of a 19.5 percent stake in Rosneft, “confounding expectations that the Kremlin’s standoff with the West would scare off major investors,” as Fortune has reported in a must-read piece.

Kleptocracy — and interfering with our election — pays.

So that’s why it matters so much what Trump and his cabinet do in response to the overwhelming evidence that Putin did clandestinely interfere in the election. Conservative columnist Jennifer Rubin writes that if Trump doesn’t aggressively go after Putin, including working with
“Congress to pass a stiff sanctions package,” and instead “sticks with Putin, he’ll have proved Putin and Trump’s critics right — he really is a patsy for Putin.”

Indeed, if Trump and Tillerson instead end the sanctions that are blocking the Exxon-Rossneft deal, it is going to look suspiciously like a half trillion dollar quid pro quo for Putin’s help getting elected.

And if Trump and Tillerson work together to kill the Paris climate deal, the last best chance to save Americans from catastrophic climate change—and a ridiculously good deal for the U.S.— that will look like they are putting Putin’s interests and Exxon’s profits above America’s national interest and the health and well-being of our children. It bears repeating that ExxonMobil’s future is inextricably tied to their stalled oil deal with Putin — and their future drilling plans would benefit from continued global warming and melting of polar ice.

Frum writes of Putin’s clandestine interference: “It’s hard to imagine a crisis of presidential legitimacy more extreme than that.” He goes further, arguing “The Russian-hacked material did damage because, and only because, Russia found a willing accomplice in the person of Donald J. Trump.”

Trump tweeted on Saturday that only “stupid” people or “fools” are against a partnership with Russia:

The truth is that if Trump ends the sanctions and works with Russia against global climate action, it will destroy whatever legitimacy he might have left.

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wow, elfie. how original. posting a ******* op-*******-ed as a news source.
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How much do you think Trump will sell the United States to Russia for?
He can get out of being President and make himself the richest man in the World.
Do you hate them because Obama played Putin like a violin, or do you hate them because you're a deplorable ignoramus who is clueless as to how geopolitics/defense works?

Of course if it's the first you're just envious, if it's the latter then it's because you didn't know the Aegis system was deployed to Europe anyway with Obama brilliantly buying time and gaining a tactical advantage for NATO.

You're in my territory now cuckservative dumbass..........

Hahahaha... ewwwww. You're the dumbest **** I've ever encountered. Go suck on the end of a glock and set yourself on fire shitbag. You're in my territory now you ******* weak link in the chain.
How much do you think Trump will sell the United States to Russia for?
He can get out of being President and make himself the richest man in the World.

That's why he won't release his taxes. I've read sources that say he gets 1% of the Exxon deal, which of course is 5 billion.

He gets impeached, walks away with everything he ever wanted. He doesn't give a **** about the country he's a sociopath.

It's all about "Making Trump Great". All the time.
Sure it is champ, FISA warrants are just manafactured.....requested by a Comey led F.B.I.

That alternative reality bubble must be quite serene.

It is sad that you think that answers anything i wrote, and quite telling.

Here's another question. If Trump had Flynn doing something to help Russia, why would he ask for his resignation? It makes no sense.

go ahead and find another meme as your answer.
That's why he won't release his taxes. I've read sources that say he gets 1% of the Exxon deal, which of course is 5 billion.

Jesus, you really are an unemployed queef living in your mother's basement and obsessing about all things Trump, aren't you?

You've read "sources"? Oh, you mean falling for more fake news? What an embarrassing fuckknob you are.

He gets impeached, walks away with everything he ever wanted. He doesn't give a **** about the country he's a sociopath.

Sociopath: a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.

Asperger's syndrome: a developmental disorder related to autism and characterized by impaired social skills and restrictive, repetitive patterns of interest and activities

Hmmm ... sounds like you fit the bill here, Asperger ***-wipe.
It is sad that you think that answers anything i wrote, and quite telling.

Here's another question. If Trump had Flynn doing something to help Russia, why would he ask for his resignation? It makes no sense.

The answer lies in elfiePoloLiar's admitted brain disorder, Asperger Syndrome:

Find below some common signs of Asperger Syndrome:

•difficulty making friends of the same age [Check]

•engages in one-sided, long-winded conversations, without noticing if the listener is still listening or trying to change the subject [Check, check, check!!!]

•displays unusual nonverbal communication, such as lack of eye contact, few facial expressions, or awkward body postures and gestures [Unknown, but given elfiePoloLiar's severe Asperger symptoms, I would expect so]

does not empathize with or seems insensitive to others’ feelings and has a hard time “reading” other people or may have difficulty understanding humor [Check, check, check!!!]

•doesn’t understand the give-and-take of conversation or engage in “small talk” [Check]

•seems egocentric or self-absorbed [Check, check, check!!!]

•may speak in a voice that is monotone, rigid, jerky or unusually fast [Again, no data on point but seems likely]

•may be extremely literal or have difficulty understanding the nuances of language, despite having a good vocabulary [Check, check, check!!!]
