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elfies whiny libtard insult the President thread

Yes leftist elites created the term "libtard"

You can't make it up.......

you're such a dipshit and the only one who uses "CONservatives" on this forum.
Gotta love the "I'm really going to have to deal with this idiot for 4 years" look Abe puts on when he rolls his eyes.

Trump turns and asks" What are they saying?" Abe Answers" Please look at me" Meaning of course that the reporters said that.

Trump turns and looks at Abe instead with that phony Cheeto face, then proceeds to stroke his hand awkwardly like the good little cuck he is. Trump is such an idiot he doesn't even realize Abe was answering his question. Abe even points toward the reporters, does no good.

Thank you cuckservatives for making us the laughingstock of the world by electing this jackass.

I do not think that word means what you think it means
love TRUMPs hate, dipshit.
In other news

Playboy returns to nudity in new issue

Forget Hillary's E-mails:Nuclear Football,Classified info seen by guests/ wait staff

Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up!


Trump handled North Korea crisis in full view of diners and waiters at his private club

According to a remarkable CNN report, President Trump was eating dinner with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at his private Mar-a-Lago club on Saturday evening when he received a call on his mobile phone informing him that North Korea had tested an intermediate-range ballistic missile.

The ensuing scene illustrated some of the problems involved in Trump treating a $200,000-per-membership private club as his “winter White House.”

Trump and Abe were seated in the middle of the club’s dining room, allowing members of the club to gawk as the two heads of state grappled with matters of war and peace.

“As Mar-a-Lago’s wealthy members looked on from their tables, and with a keyboard player crooning in the background, Trump and Abe’s evening meal quickly morphed into a strategy session, the decision-making on full view to fellow diners, who described it in detail to CNN,” Kevin Liptak of CNN wrote.

But White House strategist Steve Bannon and National Security Adviser Michael Flynn were sitting elsewhere in the dimly-lit dining area, so they had to huddle closer to Trump while he tried to deal with an international crisis.

“The patio was lit only with candles and moonlight, so aides used the camera lights on their phones to help the stone-faced Trump and Abe read through the documents,” CNN reports. “Even as a flurry of advisers and translators descended upon the table carrying papers and phones for their bosses to consult, dinner itself proceeded apace. Waiters cleared the wedge salads and brought along the main course as Trump and Abe continued consulting with aides.”

In other words, Trump — who made Hillary Clinton’s email security the centerpiece of his presidential campaign — discussed sensitive national security matters in front of waiters and diners who were later able to describe the scene “in detail” to reporters.

Some onlookers posted photos and accounts of what they saw on social media:


At Abe’s urging, the two heads of state decided to offer a joint statement before the assembled press. The New York Times praised the “uncharacteristic restraint” Trump demonstrated while reading his brief statement, but when he left the briefing room, the president couldn’t restrain himself from dropping in a wedding reception.

According to CNN, Trump grabbed a microphone at the reception and paid tribute to the newlywed couple, saying, “I saw them out on the lawn today… I said to the Prime Minister of Japan, I said, ‘C’mon Shinzo, let’s go over and say hello.’ "

“They’ve been members of this club for a long time,” Trump added. “They’ve paid me a fortune.”

The moment was caught on video:

In addition to the circus of two heads of state trying to deal with an international crisis in the middle of a dining room full of onlookers, the CNN report alludes to how the president is using his continued ownership of Mar-a-Lago to line his pockets.

“Swanning through the club’s living room and main dining area alongside Abe, Trump was — as is now typical — swarmed with paying members, who now view dinner at the club as an opportunity for a few seconds of face time with the new President,” the report said.

To capitalize on the the premium people are willing to pay for access to the president, the Trump Organization recently doubled the Mar-a-Lago initiation fee to $200,000. Trump has spent two of his three full weekends as president there.

Trump paid for Abe’s visit himself, because the government of Japan footing the bill might have violated the Constitution’s prohibition on presidents receiving gifts from foreign states — a prohibition Trump has likely already violated by his continued ownership of the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C.

In an interview with the New York Times that was published yesterday, Eric Trump — who, along with Donald, Jr., is handling the daily management of his father’s business while he’s president — dismissed concerns about the president conducting diplomacy at Mar-a-Lago, and compared visits like Abe’s to foreign heads of state visiting President George W. Bush at his ranch in Texas. But that comparison overlooks the fact that Bush’s ranch wasn’t a private club where international crises were handled in front of diners.

Who cares right Trump Chumps©? My...my....my
The Football.......My,my,my..Trump Chumps©

Trump reportedly heading to Mar-a-Lago for third straight weekend, obliterating campaign promise
Trump to spend yet another weekend hobnobbing with rich folks who pay for access.


On February 17, President Trump will head to his $200,000-per-membership Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach for the third consecutive weekend, according to the Palm Beach Post.

Each trip reportedly costs taxpayers upward of $3 million.

Trump’s reluctance to spend a weekend in Washington stands in contrast to what he promised during the campaign, when he said he’d “rarely leave the White House.”

“I would rarely leave the White House because there’s so much work to be done,” Trump told a reporter in 2015. “I would not be a president who took vacations. I would not be a president that takes time off… You don’t have time to take time off.”

Trump would argue that he’s working during his weekend getaways to Mar-a-Lago, but he might be doing more harm than good.

On Saturday, the president had to deal with an international crisis during a dinner with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, creating a situation where members of the club and wait staff were able to watch and listen in as the two heads of state grappled with matters of war and peace. Aides reportedly used their cell phones to illuminate sensitive documents on a dimly-lit terrace.

Earlier Saturday, Trump played golf with Abe — marking the second time he hit the links since his January 20 inauguration. Trump repeatedly criticized President Obama for golfing during his presidency:

Last month, the Trump Organization announced that initiation fees for Mar-a-Lago membership were doubling to $200,000. For that price, members get access to the president, including the opportunity to take selfies with senior White House staff.

And the chance to publicly identify one of the people who carries the nuclear football for the president.


Meanwhile, Trump has canceled a planned trip to Vienna, Ohio. He was scheduled to depart Thursday. The president reportedly was going there to deliver a speech and sign a bill reversing an Obama administration rule meant to keep coal mines from dumping waste in streams.

While Trump’s reckless handling of Saturday’s North Korea missile test crisis from a dining table at Mar-a-Lago raised concerns, one club member — Richard DeAgazio, the guy who snapped the above photos with Bannon and Trump’s nuclear football handler — applauded his conduct.

“He chooses to be out on the terrace, with the members. It just shows that he’s a man of the people,” DeAgazio told the Washington Post.

My.... my Trump Chumps©. Let the excuse making begin....
Trump reportedly heading to Mar-a-Lago for third straight weekend, obliterating campaign promise
Trump to spend yet another weekend hobnobbing with rich folks who pay for access.


On February 17, President Trump will head to his $200,000-per-membership Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach for the third consecutive weekend, according to the Palm Beach Post.

Each trip reportedly costs taxpayers upward of $3 million.

Trump’s reluctance to spend a weekend in Washington stands in contrast to what he promised during the campaign, when he said he’d “rarely leave the White House.”

“I would rarely leave the White House because there’s so much work to be done,” Trump told a reporter in 2015. “I would not be a president who took vacations. I would not be a president that takes time off… You don’t have time to take time off.”

Trump would argue that he’s working during his weekend getaways to Mar-a-Lago, but he might be doing more harm than good.

On Saturday, the president had to deal with an international crisis during a dinner with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, creating a situation where members of the club and wait staff were able to watch and listen in as the two heads of state grappled with matters of war and peace. Aides reportedly used their cell phones to illuminate sensitive documents on a dimly-lit terrace.

Earlier Saturday, Trump played golf with Abe — marking the second time he hit the links since his January 20 inauguration. Trump repeatedly criticized President Obama for golfing during his presidency:

Last month, the Trump Organization announced that initiation fees for Mar-a-Lago membership were doubling to $200,000. For that price, members get access to the president, including the opportunity to take selfies with senior White House staff.

And the chance to publicly identify one of the people who carries the nuclear football for the president.


Meanwhile, Trump has canceled a planned trip to Vienna, Ohio. He was scheduled to depart Thursday. The president reportedly was going there to deliver a speech and sign a bill reversing an Obama administration rule meant to keep coal mines from dumping waste in streams.

While Trump’s reckless handling of Saturday’s North Korea missile test crisis from a dining table at Mar-a-Lago raised concerns, one club member — Richard DeAgazio, the guy who snapped the above photos with Bannon and Trump’s nuclear football handler — applauded his conduct.

“He chooses to be out on the terrace, with the members. It just shows that he’s a man of the people,” DeAgazio told the Washington Post.

My.... my Trump Chumps©. Let the excuse making begin....

Elfie thinks there's a chance people will read this if he increases the font size and puts everything in bold.
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I love how that's all you can point out from that post.

Buyers remorse much?

Bwahahahshs hahha ha!

Trump is buyers remorse-proof because the alternative was that screechy voiced kunt you so admire.

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Trump is buyers remorse-proof because the alternative was that screechy voiced kunt you so admire.


Or we just don't care about the little **** that Liberals complain about and care more about the economy and keeping illegal immigrants out.

Breaking news ...

Elfie is a stupid lying **** who was elfie, then Polo, then elfie again, and lied about that!!

It's bold, really easy to read and - get this - actually true.
Pleaeeeeeeeeeeeessssssse. Don't trigger Elfie! Or she may. ......release...........the HORRIBLE. ......CLOWN CAR VIDEO! !!
Breaking news ...

Elfie is a stupid lying **** who was elfie, then Polo, then elfie again, and lied about that!!

It's bold, really easy to read and - get this - actually true.

The reason I put it in bold/color/large is I thought some of you must be vision impaired or color blind since it's just not possible to be that stupid in the Darwinian sense......then I read some of the Trumptards posts.........never mind.
The reason I put it in bold/color/large is I thought some of you must be vision impaired or color blind since it's just not possible to be that stupid in the Darwinian sense......then I read some of the Trumptards posts.........never mind.

Let me assist your pontification, elftard:

Devin Nunes Carrying the Water for Putin's Pissboy

Off to a good start as far as the corruption goes. Repugnicans are truly the scum of the earth.



House intelligence chair rolls over for Trump, says no investigation of Russia connections

The chair of the House Select Intelligence Committee Devin Nunes (R-CA) just yesterday assured reporters that there was "a lot of nothing" in the reports of National Security Advisor Mike Flynn's calls with the Russian ambassador weeks before the Trump administration was a thing. There was so much nothing there, Nunes said, Flynn was sure to keep his job.

What's he saying now that Flynn has resigned? He's following popular vote loser Trump's lead. It's not about Flynn and how Russia has compromised the administration. It's about the leaks that Flynn and his Russia connections have compromised the White House.

That's not how it works. "Executive privilege" is what the White House claims in order to stiff-arm congressional investigations. Congress doesn't get to pre-empt itself by declaring that privilege for a would-be adversary.

Okay, this is maybe even worse than all that. “The big problem I see here,” says Nunes, “is that you have an American citizen who had his phone calls recorded.” Flynn’s phone calls were recorded because he was ******* talking to the Russian ambassador! Can the chair of the House Intelligence Committee really not know that the Russian ambassador’s phone calls are being recorded?

Here's a point worth remembering, though: Nunes was on the Trump transition team. He was simultaneously chair of the intelligence committee and on Trump's team when Flynn was having phone conversations with the Russian ambassador.

That's a massive conflict of interest for Nunes. A big enough one that he should recuse himself from this issue, drop the "leaks" investigation, and let the committee do its work without him.
That was then:
Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes said, “Edward Snowden is no hero — he’s a traitor who willfully betrayed his colleagues and his country…. I look forward to his eventual return to the United States, where he will face justice for his damaging crimes.”

Nunes told us he was going to be looking to persuade his colleagues to reauthorize the provisions of the Patriot Act and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act that allow the federal government to collect and store troves of telephone records. He also said he didn't intend to support reforms to the secret court that approves FBI and NSA wiretapping of suspected spies and terrorists.

Devin Nunes, a Republican from California and chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and Lynn Westmoreland, a Republican from Georgia who is chairman of the Subcommittee of the NSA and Cybersecurity, had written in a letter to other representatives that the proposed reforms would handicap investigations by the Federal Bureau of Investigation into events like the tragedy in Orlando

This is now:

“The big problem I see here,” says Nunes, “is that you have an American citizen who had his phone calls recorded.”

Man I'm glad we're draining the swamp of these corrupt traitorous politicians...................
Joseph Goebbels Would be Proud

This guy is just a boot licker obviously, but the narcissism/psychopathy of the Pisser in chief comes through loud and clear. Wow.......


. Please move to Elftard low light thread.