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EU Elections, The Trump Effect still going strong!


Regular Member
Apr 20, 2014
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Hungary’s far-right nationalist Prime Minister Viktor Orban has scored a huge win

France: Marine Le Pen’s right wing party Rassemblement National (National Rally) (RN) becomes biggest party in France with 24% of votes amid historic high voter turnout

Italy's far-right League come out on top in EU election

Belgium: far-right surge in national parliament elections

Brexit party takes lead in UK results



EU media translation:

Love your country = far right
Socialist/communist/moslem/Green = liberal or center left


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I don't know what is so hard for people to understand why Conservative Nationalism is winning. It's a simple and direct platform:

1. No open boarders. Immigration is not altruism and is done for the benefit of the country first. The goal of immigration is assimilation and blending of societies in a safe and slow way. Forced immigration at too high of numbers causes racial tensions, segregation and violence.

2. Capitalism is greater than Socialism

3. Less government is better government. Taxes should be limited when at all practical. Social safety nets must be reasonable and not outweigh any incentive to become a productive (i.e. taxpaying) member of society.

4. Capitalism and free enterprise and production are still the key parts of a good economy. You can't milk the "non-government" economy dry while trying to create a socialism, government-run economy in its place.

I mean, that's what is winning in voting now. All around the world. It's a simple message and it's democratcially being called for.
Times they are a changin'

Farage Declares ‘This Is Just the Beginning’ After Brexit Party Victory in EU Elections

“Never before in British politics has a party just 6 weeks old won a national election,” Mr Farage posted to Twitter “If Britain does not leave the EU on October 31st, these results will be repeated at a general election.

I don't know what is so hard for people to understand why...

Because two or three generations's minds have been destroyed by gubmint propaganda, 'media' and 'education, all three of which drummed cultural marxism into people's heads. Children aren't taught to think and reason, they're taught to assimilate to 'norms' of the classroom, the 'community', and whatever dims are selling. I've watched this for over 60 years, so I'm qualified to say 'whatever dims are selling'. That's what drives 'media' and 'education'. I could blather on into Eternity on this subject, but because I have over the years here, I won't. Suffice to say that polls have 48% of Millennials saying that socialism is a good idea. That with the backdrop of hundreds of millions perishing to socialism in the last century, and Venezuela and Cuba going on in out backyard today. Yet, idiots wear Che t-shirts like they're signaling virtue. That is the direct result of the inculcation they've suffered in the classroom.

We're on the verge of civil war as a result. Impasse. No possibility of reconciliation. No Rodney, we can't 'just all get along'. That train left 20 years ago. On one hand one might say that such a war would cleanse the gene pool. But there wouldn't be much to recover to and those that survived wouldn't be able to defend themselves from the rest of the world who'd be there licking their chops.

There is an awakening going on though and you see in the elections yesterday. As long as the dims are kept down the Republic will go on. And to the brain numbed tools that 'muh democracy', we're a Republic. So says Article 4, Section 4 of the Constitution... "The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence." So, in other words, all this @#$% the dims are causing, facilitating, and otherwise kicking up is counter to the Constitution and needs to be dealt with most decisively. But hey, there's nothing new under the sun. Those bags of @#$% have been trying to destroy the Republic for the last 200+ years.
EU Elections, The Trump Effect still going strong!
I don't know what is so hard for people to understand why Conservative Nationalism is winning. I mean, that's what is winning in voting now. All around the world
There is an awakening going on though and you see in the elections yesterday.

Sigh. So much cheerleading, such a loose grip on facts. No wonder it's so easy to keep the Trump base placated with delusions of grandeur.

The far right didn’t sweep the EU elections. Europe’s centre is holding

It turns out that the widespread predictions of a far-right takeover of the European parliament were, as Mark Twain famously said about reports of his death, “greatly exaggerated”. Citizens across Europe flocked to the ballot box in numbers unseen since the 1990s. The young in particular turned out. And they did not deliver a rightwing populist surge.

When EU leaders meet on Tuesday to take stock of these results, they will reflect on how a bloc of 510 million people in the end pulled itself back from the brink. The EU as an entity has been routinely depicted as on the verge of self-destruction. At the height of the refugee crisis, and following Brexit, Cassandras were everywhere. These elections have also delivered a rebuff to the likes of Donald Trump, who has described the EU as a “foe” and has actively encouraged its breakup. The same goes for Vladimir Putin, who has predicted that the bloc will eventually implode as a result of western “decadence” (a favourite Putin slogan).

Hungary’s Viktor Orbán – who, don’t forget, controls most of the media in his country – can yet again claim a victory, but hasty narratives about central Europe becoming a monolithic centre of rightwing populism will have been dented by these results. The pro-European opposition in Poland now believes it has a fighting chance in the general election due later this year. Meanwhile Slovaks and Romanians (especially expats living across the EU) have delivered a blow to the corrupt power networks that run much of their national governments.

It is too early to say how successfully Europe’s far right will manage to coalesce into a single bloc in the EU parliament. But there is also more for progressives to be optimistic about from these results than anyone had expected: many citizens have mobilised against the dark forces of rightwing populism. For European citizens, some fundamental values and achievements turned out to be worth cherishing, not throwing away in a fit of anger. Perhaps there is more common sense and moderation than we feared in Europe’s political landscape. The centre is holding.

Populists fall short of expectations in the European elections

Far-right parties have gained, but so have liberals and greens

But it is also clear that the mighty, breakneck populist surge of a couple of years ago—with Britain voting to leave the EU, populists topping polls all over the continent and a cataclysmic nationalist takeover threatening—is over. Nationalists are now consolidating their gains and settling into a much broader pattern: that of fragmentation.

Takeaways From The European Parliament Election Results

- The center-left, center-right coalition lost its majority. The results suggest that European centrists will have to reach out to and unite more broadly with liberal coalitions in order to effect change — and maintain authority — in the EU.

- The far-right gained ground — but not as much as expected. "There was an increase by the far-right, but fairly marginal and far less than what people had predicted."

- Europeans are concerned about the environment. The Greens, a party coalition focusing on environmental issues, went from 52 seats in the European Parliament in 2014 to 69 in 2019, making them the fourth largest voting bloc in the EU.

Divided pro-EU leaders open talks after tense election

Parties committed to closer European Union integration began bargaining over jobs and policy on Monday after an election to the EU parliament which fragmented the center but gave only limited gains to nationalists.

But despite other wins for eurosceptics in big countries, including France, Poland and would-be ex-member Britain, the result was taken as a vote of confidence by mainstream leaders after turnout surged and nationalists advanced only modestly.

“The European elections were tangible proof that European democracy is alive and well,” Margaritis Schinas, chief spokesman of the executive European Commission, told reporters.

“The populists didn’t win this election.”

Facing a more hostile Russia, China’s growing economic might and an unpredictable U.S. President Donald Trump, many Europeans appeared to heed a message that the EU needed to stick together to protect workers’ rights, free speech and democracy. Turnout rose to 51% from just 43% in the last election in 2014.
European Elections Deepen Divisions in National Capitals
Vote for European Parliament became a referendum on countries’ leaders

The outcome of the weekend’s European Union elections threatened a fresh stage of political instability in the bloc, with results in many countries signaling disillusion with the establishment and polarization among voters.

“The electorate is crying out for change and is therefore volatile—preferring to back new insurgents rather than the status quo parties that have been around for decades,” said Mark Leonard, founding director of the European Council on Foreign Relations.

No country captured the growing polarization better than Britain, which chose almost three years ago to exit from the EU. Voters were torn between parties wanting to leave the bloc and ones wanting to stay, signaling no obvious way out of the Brexit deadlock.

The ruling Conservative Party was relegated to fifth place with less than 10% of the vote, its worst showing in a nationwide poll in its history. The main opposition Labour Party fell into third place, with less than 15%.

The big beneficiaries were the upstart Brexit Party, led by longtime anti-EU campaigner Nigel Farage, which gathered more than 31%, and the anti-Brexit Liberal Democrats, which polled more than 20%. There was also a strong showing for the pro-EU Greens, with 12%.

In Germany, the election was also a blistering indictment of the two ruling parties. Chancellor Angela Merkel’s center-right Christian Democratic Union and her left-leaning coalition partner, the Social Democratic Party, both suffered large drops in votes compared with the last European elections in 2014 and Germany’s federal election of 2017.

The main winner from this erosion was Germany’s centrist Greens and not the stridently nationalist Alternative for Germany, whose share of the vote fell almost 2 percentage points below its showing in 2017’s national vote.

The SPD’s dire showing poses the biggest risk to the stability of Ms. Merkel’s government. The party’s relentless shrinkage puts chairwoman Andrea Nahles under growing pressure from grass-roots activists who want her to leave Ms. Merkel’s coalition and reposition the party in opposition.

In France, the vote also further decimated traditional center-left and center-right parties. That suggested that pro-EU centrist President Emmanuel Macron continues to face a formidable political challenge from his top 2017 presidential opponent, Marine Le Pen, whose anti-migrant, euroskeptic National Rally eked out first place on Sunday.

Looming political wrangling could be further complicated by nationalist leaders in Hungary, Poland and Italy who emerged strengthened in last week’s elections. They want to win back powers from Brussels and limit the EU’s say over their policies.

In Italy, the elections handed a resounding victory to the nationalist League that reversed a balance of power from last year’s national elections with its coalition partner, the antiestablishment 5 Star Movement.

With more political turbulence likely ahead, analysts say the EU will struggle to tackle its biggest challenges, including Brexit, economic sluggishness, trade tensions with the U.S. and growing concerns about China’s economic interests in the bloc.

“You see [political] fragmentation in many countries which means governing becomes more difficult and cabinets often don’t last their full term,” said Hylke Dijkstra, director of European Studies at Maastricht University. “The reality is the rest of the world is moving…and Europe is faced with an increasingly complex political system that might not be able to deliver.”
Merkel seems worried.

She opened her borders to them!

Angela Merkel warns against dark forces on the rise in Europe

Merkel slams populists as the “enemy of Europe’ destroying globalist “values”

(CNN)German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said "there is work to be done" in Germany to face up to the dark forces that are finding mainstream support there and in other parts of the world.

"In Germany, obviously, they always have to be seen in a certain context, in the context of our past, which means we have to be that much more vigilant than others," she said.



Maybe Merkel should put all the populists and nationalists into concentration camps, then let the Moslems run the show
She opened her borders to them!

Angela Merkel warns against dark forces on the rise in Europe

Merkel slams populists as the “enemy of Europe’ destroying globalist “values”

(CNN)German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said "there is work to be done" in Germany to face up to the dark forces that are finding mainstream support there and in other parts of the world.

"In Germany, obviously, they always have to be seen in a certain context, in the context of our past, which means we have to be that much more vigilant than others," she said.



Maybe Merkel should put all the populists and nationalists into concentration camps, then let the Moslems run the show

The civilians in the EU are finally realizing that if you don't have borders you don't have a country. Merkel slit her own fugly throat.
The civilians in the EU are finally realizing that if you don't have borders you don't have a country.

maybe, but The Globalists in power are fine with the EU just the way it is. White people are being treated like Jews in Hitler's Europe while the globalist leaders ride along on top of it all and the immigrants are the used as the new slave labor

Sigh. So much cheerleading, such a loose grip on facts. No wonder it's so easy to keep the Trump base placated with delusions of grandeur.

The far right didn’t sweep the EU elections. Europe’s centre is holding

Populists fall short of expectations in the European elections

Far-right parties have gained, but so have liberals and greens

Takeaways From The European Parliament Election Results

Divided pro-EU leaders open talks after tense election

So if all this is true it should disappoint you, no?
The civilians in the EU are finally realizing that if you don't have borders you don't have a country. Merkel slit her own fugly throat.

Muslims stabbing people and running them over with trucks doesn't help her popularity.
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If that's what Trump Hair gets you then I'm getting a toupee.