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Ever Blamed Your Wife for Something that Happened at Work?

Sounds like you're more than confused. That crystal was for our embassies all around the world, I suppose you want the U.S. government to serve refreshments at functions where dignitaries from other countries are present with a hodge podge collection of plastic tumblers from Wal Mart ...

Oh, yes, of course, the millions upon millions for updating the crystal - the embassies already had crystal before Hillary spent millions, dumbfuck - that's all good, but $31,000 for a table??? Son. Of. A. *****!!

Hey, throw in a few n-words and you rock in this response.

Seriously some of you people................

"You people"? You mean like the Uncle Tom's? Give it a full-go, you disgusting, vile, contemptible, bloated, thieving, taxpayer-violating, racist bigot ... go on, toss out a few n-words.

You KNOW you want to.
Sounds like you're more than confused. That crystal was for our embassies all around the world, I suppose you want the U.S. government to serve refreshments at functions where dignitaries from other countries are present with a hodge podge collection of plastic tumblers from Wal Mart, and maybe some collectible Hamburglar glasses from Mc Donalds........

This was just a story taking out of context to help the Orange Turd in Chief during the election.

Meanwhile Uncle Tom Carson who is much like his boss basically doing nothing, does not need a furniture set like that. He's just a "token" sellout put there to destroy his own people as much as he can and then he's out. Think Rex Tillerson.

Seriously some of you people................

5.4 million dollars...that's $18,000 for every embassy, consulate and diplomatic mission we have around the world. For stemware.

Not a waste at all....ha ha ha!

You are quite the racist aren't you? Anyone who is black must toe the party line I guess. The party that has destroyed millions of black people's lives in virtually every city across the country. The party that fully supports the slaughter of millions of black babies every year. If you're not with them you're an Uncle Tom though!
elfie, tone down the racist bullshit or prepare for a nice long vacation.
elfie, tone down the racist bullshit or prepare for a nice long vacation.

I think it's kinda funny that I'm on the county GOP committee and one of my best friends is my counterpart on the county Dem committee. He just got hired full-time by the House Democrat Campaign Committee, actually does legwork for the Dems instead of being a keyboard warrior, and he's not nearly the far-Left Commie snowflake that I see here and on FB. Spout that **** off in one of his meetings and he'll tell you to STFU and join the Green Party, we're here to win elections.
Oh, yes, of course, the millions upon millions for updating the crystal - the embassies already had crystal before Hillary spent millions, dumbfuck - that's all good, but $31,000 for a table??? Son. Of. A. *****!!

Hey, throw in a few n-words and you rock in this response.

"You people"? You mean like the Uncle Tom's? Give it a full-go, you disgusting, vile, contemptible, bloated, thieving, taxpayer-violating, racist bigot ... go on, toss out a few n-words.

You KNOW you want to.

Really ambulance chaser? You go from Uncle Tom to me now wanting to use the n word? You run with me saying " you people"? Would "you guys" have not set off your snowflake warp drive?

What a pathetic little worm you are, then Superdouche does his best Ray Lewis and piles on by telling me to quit with the racism........unbelievable.

The descriptive term Uncle Tom is embodied in Ben Carson. That is not racist, that is fact.
Really ambulance chaser? You go from Uncle Tom to me now wanting to use the n word? You run with me saying " you people"? Would "you guys" have not set off your snowflake warp drive?

What a pathetic little worm you are, then Superdouche does his best Ray Lewis and piles on by telling me to quit with the racism........unbelievable.

The descriptive term Uncle Tom is embodied in Ben Carson. That is not racist, that is fact.

Did you get your PM?
Did you miss me telling you to tone down the racist rhetoric? make your point without going to that depth or take your bullshit elsewhere.
Is that understood?
Really ambulance chaser? You go from Uncle Tom to me now wanting to use the n word? .

Point out where I referred to an African-American as an "Uncle Tom." Or point out my use of any racist nicknames, ever, on this forum.

Go ahead, *****. We are waiting.

What a pathetic little worm you are, then Superdouche does his best Ray Lewis and piles on by telling me to quit with the racism........unbelievable.

He told you to knock off the racist bullshit because you were using patently racist and offensive names for an African-American neurosurgeon:

The descriptive term Uncle Tom is embodied in Ben Carson. That is not racist, that is fact.

No, it is demonstrably and absolutely racist, you scum. Crawl back under your rock, and take your disgusting, vile, contemptible racist comments with you.
Point out where I referred to an African-American as an "Uncle Tom." Or point out my use of any racist nicknames, ever, on this forum.

Go ahead, *****. We are waiting.

He told you to knock off the racist bullshit because you were using patently racist and offensive names for an African-American neurosurgeon:

No, it is demonstrably and absolutely racist, you scum. Crawl back under your rock, and take your disgusting, vile, contemptible racist comments with you.

Again that term is not racist as it is not denigrating someone for THEIR RACE. It points out a SELLOUT you dumb fuckface.

Offensive? YES! Insultive? Absolutely!

Don't be a sellout and you won't be offended.
Again that term is not racist as it is not denigrating someone for THEIR RACE. It points out a SELLOUT you dumb fuckface.

Offensive? YES! Insultive? Absolutely!

Don't be a sellout and you won't be offended.

Do you know what an "Uncle Tom" refers to? You're implying that any black person who doesn't fall in lockstep with the Democratic is cowtowing to Whitey like a brown-nosing slave. This man who is a successful esteemed neurosurgeon, you're comparing to Uncle Tom. There isn't much you can say that's more racist than that.

And what's with the whining about selling out "his people"? Ben Carson is an American, born in Detroit, Michigan. Who exactly are "his people"? Anyone with dark skin? Yeah, nothing racist about that.
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Again that term is not racist as it is not denigrating someone for THEIR RACE. It points out a SELLOUT you dumb fuckface.

Offensive? YES! Insultive? Absolutely!

Don't be a sellout and you won't be offended.

Use of the term "Uncle Tom" when referring to an African-American is recognized by basically every court in America as being racist and inappropriate. One California case issued a restraining order against a man who referred to an African-American Dept. of Children's Services employee as an "Uncle Tom."

"On January 27, 2005, father left a voice mail in which he called Dawkins and the Department of Children's Services (DCS) 'Uncle Toms.' He accused them of stealing his children and stated that they may have won the battle yesterday, but he was taking his fight to the NAACP and that he would drive his truck all the way to the front door of the White House if he had to."

The court issued an injunction against the man, and the Court of Appeal affirmed. (In re Emily F. (Cal. Ct. App., July 20, 2006, No. E038913) 2006 WL 2024985, at 1.)

Further, Google notes that the term "Uncle Tom" when directed at an African-American is a racial slur. One author noted, "Today the phrase was traditionally used against black people to suggest they were subservient to whites, and they supported ideas that hurt their ‘own people’."


An NPR story examined the true character in Harriet Beecher Stowe's work, and compared it to the modern version of "Uncle Tom." "Unfortunately, the stage depictions don't include that part of the story. They grossly distort Uncle Tom into an older man than he is in the novel, a man whose English is poor, a man who will do quite the opposite, who will sell out any black man if it will curry the favor of a white employer, a white master, a white mistress. It's that distorted character that is so objectionable to African-Americans."


There is no African-American to whom I would direct the phrase "Uncle Tom," because it is a racist phrase. You are so blinded by hatred that you fail to see your own clear, palpable racism. Once again, an objectionable, racist name - used by vile, contemptible racists. Like you. So stop using the term.

Oh, and I challenged you to find one - ONE - example of me ever using racist nicknames on this forum. Nothing so far, ehh? Keep looking ... *****.
Again that term is not racist as it is not denigrating someone for THEIR RACE. It points out a SELLOUT you dumb fuckface.

Offensive? YES! Insultive? Absolutely!

Don't be a sellout and you won't be offended.

use the term "sellout" instead.
use another racial epithet on this board and you and every incarnation you come up with will be banned.
Again that term is not racist as it is not denigrating someone for THEIR RACE. It points out a SELLOUT you dumb fuckface.

Offensive? YES! Insultive? Absolutely!

Don't be a sellout and you won't be offended.

Oh **** off already. Uncle Tom is used almost exclusively for black people who other blacks feel have become sell outs...so it is a racial term.....

follow the kind instructions Superman has issued to you or take a vacation.
Again that term is not racist as it is not denigrating someone for THEIR RACE. It points out a SELLOUT you dumb fuckface.

Offensive? YES! Insultive? Absolutely!

Don't be a sellout and you won't be offended.

So because you deem someone a sellout, it is ok for you to describe them using your choice of racist terms?

Back to the re-education camp for you.

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Elfie's neo-marxist, identity politics indoctrination does not allow him to free think. It is actually quite sad. He is lost. My hope is to raise my own kids free of this mental disability.

Sent from my [device_name] using Steeler Nation mobile app
Elfie's neo-marxist, identity politics indoctrination does not allow him to free think. It is actually quite sad. He is lost. My hope is to raise my own kids free of this mental disability.

Sent from my [device_name] using Steeler Nation mobile app

I think she's got ****** up mid 70s Marxist/Socialist sensibilities, and they are now twisted into an internal frenzy by the TDS layering onto the multiple personality stuff.

Gonna assplode one day.

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I guess it's true what my daddy used to say " rank has it's privileges". When I worked for the government everything we had in our office was provided by GSA.
I guess it's true what my daddy used to say " rank has it's privileges". When I worked for the government everything we had in our office was provided by GSA.

NO, you didn't get the memo: Carson was gifted the furniture by the deep state, the deep state was put in place by Democrats....therefore, OBAMA!

See its eaasssy when you're a CONSERVATIVE................Lol