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Far right-wing terrorist murders two American heroes in Portland


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
It's been two days since this horrendous act, I figured it would've shown up on the board by now. For some reason, it hasn't. :noidea:

These guys are true American heroes. May they rest in peace.

This Saturday, police identified Ricky John Best, 53, and Taliesin Myrddin Namkai-Meche, 23, as the victims who were killed in the attack carried out by Jeremy Christian on a Portland train. Micah David-Cole Fletcher, 21, was also stabbed in the attack but is expected to survive.

The men were defending two Muslim women who were the targets of Christian’s Islamophobic vitriol, and they are nothing short of heroes.

Taliesin Namkai-Meche


Namkai-Meche got a bachelors degree in economics from Portland’s Reed College in 2016. He was interning for the Cadmus Group, a consultancy company, at the time of his death.

“We lost him in a senseless act that brought close to home the insidious rift of prejudice and intolerance that is too familiar, too common,” his sister Vajra Alaya-Maitreya told BuzzFeed. “He was resolute in his conduct and respect of all people. In his final act of bravery, he held true to what he believed is the way forward.”

Ricky John Best


According to the Oregonian, Best was a father of four and an army veteran who served 23 years as a platoon sergeant for Corps maintenance. He retired in 2012.

In 2013, the Oregonian wrote a profile on his candidacy for Clackamas County commissioner. Speaking of his decision to run for local politics, Best said, “I can’t stand by and do nothing.”

He was traveling home to visit his children when he was killed.


Suspect in Portland Hate Crime Murders is a Known White Supremacist


The Portland Police Bureau (PPB) reported that the man "was on the MAX train yelling various remarks that would be best characterized as hate speech toward a variety of ethnicities and religions. At least two of the victims attempted to intervene with the suspect and calm him down. The suspect attacked the men, stabbing three, before leaving the train."

Witnesses told the police that he was harassing two women who appear to be Muslim. One was described as wearing a hijab. One of the men he stabbed died at the scene, one was pronounced dead at a hospital, and one is expected to survive.

Christian is a known right wing extremist and white supremacist. On April 29, Christian showed up to the right-wing "March for Free Speech" on 82nd Avenue in Montavilla with a baseball bat in an attempt to assault left-wing protesters. The bat was quickly confiscated by Portland police officers. He ranted how he was a nihilist. He'd soon yelled racial slurs ("**** all you n*****s") and gave the Nazi salute throughout the day. He yelled "Hail Vinland" throughout the day.
I was also waiting(knowing it wouldn't happen) for it to be posted. The reason I didn't post this story myself was because I was going to show the similiarity between the Trumptards and their president the wife abuser in chief. Just like their brain damaged leader they will not acknowledge right wing terrorism.
Umm...so what's your point Tibsy ?

You just found out that nut jobs come in all flavors or that the left outnumbers the right in nut jobs like 100 to one?

Play time is over. back under the bed now like a good little boy or no cookies for you.

Umm...so what's your point Tibsy ?

You just found out that nut jobs come in all flavors or that the left outnumbers the right in nut jobs like 100 to one?

Play time is over. back under the bed now like a good little boy or no cookies for you.


And what is the common denominator there?

One Donald Trump. So yes, chaos and turmoil all the time, but it did not matter in November and it doesn't matter now. The hardcore Trumptards would support him even if he came on live t.v. and anally raped a 5 year old boy while biting the head off a kitten. They would say the kid is a snowflake anyway, and the kitten......well **** the enviroment and all the stuff in it, I want a new iphone.
First I'd heard of it. Hope they find that nutjob and electrocute his sorry ***.

Extremists from both sides need to be reined in and when they commit crimes prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. The difference I see in the alt left and the alt right is the left is fine with and in many cases has very well known politicians advocating violence and lawlessness.

For someone who promotes peace, you're on the wrong team at present. The Dems are no longer the party of peace, love and happiness. Not sure they ever were but they have a way of using those types to fulfill a cause
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Gee, what could have possibly happened to make this guy be so angry at Muslims?

Why has this story not been posted?
Perhaps there's little chance that while you're at a mall, an airport, a concert that the place gets blown up by a white supremacist.
Let's see. One problem is global. Systemic. Driven by ideology. Has an army 300 Million strong. Kills daily. Has declared war with the West. Just a few days ago, slaughtered a bus full of coptic Christians and, well, we all know about Manchester.

The other, well, isn't really a problem on the same scale, occurring far less often than say black on black crime. "Right Wing Terrorism." About as common as lighting strikes.

They aren't a comparison on any level, except in acts. And any version of terrorism is intolerable.

Thank you for playing. Your attempt to humanize radical Muslims, to make them less an enemy, by publishing outlier stories like this fails. Swing, miss.


Oh, hey look, a man dressed as a clown wearing gloves outfitted with knives actually killed a person last week outside a taco restaurant....(true story)....I must go start a thread about rampaging murderous clowns to try to somehow convince you that radical Islam really isn't a problem.

PS....when you have a chance, will you please post stories about radical Alt Left terrorists too? BLM-fueled murders. Cop assassinations. Black on white hate crime? Many thanks for doing that research as well.
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R.I.P. I don't think anyone is standing up and defending the attacker. clearly a nutjob.

What I want to know is how in the hell was this guy on the street. I saw that he had multiple arrests including kidnapping and armed robbery. And it's obvious he suffered some kind of serious head trauma. WTF?
What I want to know is how in the hell was this guy on the street. I saw that he had multiple arrests including kidnapping and armed robbery. And it's obvious he suffered some kind of serious head trauma. WTF?

It's our liberal "criminals are people too" idealogy and claiming prisons only make criminals worse and re-defining "non-violent crimes" so people can be let out of jail way too early.

It's actually quite humorous for you liberals to now complain a person wasn't kept in jail "long enough" for his crimes.... what hypocrisy.
Or more accurately a racist white terrorist, no?

Yes he committed an act of terror, so technically you can call him a terrorist. So what is your point?

But surely you're not so dense as not to understand why "terrorist" is understood around the world to identify Islamic extremists and not some looney white guy right?

You've been obsessed with trying to make this into an equivalency thing. It's not. Grow up Tibs.
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Clear, to me at least, this is a deflection post.
Look at it this way. If this was carried out by an Islamist terrorist, it would have been plastered over this board within 5 minutes of the news breaking. Since it's a white, far right terrorist, it doesn't even get mentioned. Nothing new or revolutionary, it's the way this board has operated for years now. Just wanted to point out the obvious double standard that exists around here.
It's our liberal "criminals are people too" idealogy and claiming prisons only make criminals worse and re-defining "non-violent crimes" so people can be let out of jail way too early.

It's actually quite humorous for you liberals to now complain a person wasn't kept in jail "long enough" for his crimes.... what hypocrisy.

Get a ******* clue. More likely he wasn't in jail because the Jeff Sessions of the world needed to make space for some guy that grew a bunch of marijuana.
Look at it this way. If this was carried out by an Islamist terrorist, it would have been plastered over this board within 5 minutes of the news breaking. Since it's a white, far right terrorist, it doesn't even get mentioned. Nothing new or revolutionary, it's the way this board has operated for years now. Just wanted to point out the obvious double standard that exists around here.

Since you feel that way, why do you continue to put yourself through all the angst you have to know you'll receive?
Honest question. I've reach an age that it's not worth worrying about things I can't control.
Zona, believe me I ask myself that question a lot, as far as posting on this board. I guess I feel like I'm part of the SteelerNation family, been here for over a decade. I look at the time I spend on this side of the board like visiting unsavory, bigoted, drunk relatives over Thanksgiving. It would be easier to skip that meal, but family is family so you grin and bear it.
Let's see. One problem is global. Systemic. Driven by ideology. Has an army 300 Million strong. Kills daily. Has declared war with the West. Just a few days ago, slaughtered a bus full of coptic Christians and, well, we all know about Manchester.

The other, well, isn't really a problem on the same scale, occurring far less often than say black on black crime. "Right Wing Terrorism." About as common as lighting strikes.
4 Killed, 34 Wounded In Weekend Shootings Across ChicagoCHICAGO (CBS) — Four people were killed and at least 34 others, including a 9-year-old boy, were wounded in shootings across Chicago between Friday night and Monday morning. http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2017/05/22/weekend-shootings-gun-violence-chicago-may-22/

That was just last weekend. I felt like I had to post it or be a hypocrite, even though it has nothing to do with the global islamic terrorism problem. This is just a normal weekend in a liberal big city.
Look at it this way. If this was carried out by an Islamist terrorist, it would have been plastered over this board within 5 minutes of the news breaking. Since it's a white, far right terrorist, it doesn't even get mentioned. Nothing new or revolutionary, it's the way this board has operated for years now. Just wanted to point out the obvious double standard that exists around here.
Such a stupid take on things. The liberal instinct of reaching for equivalences is pathetic.
So we put all murders up now for what point exactly?

A man and a woman were found murdered Sunday inside a row house in North Philadelphia, homicide detectives said.

The unidentified victims were both shot in the head, police said. No gun was found.

The murders occurred inside a house in the 1900 block of East Clearfield Street. Detectives found the bodies about 9 a.m. and it was not clear when exactly the shooting happened.
Umm...so what's your point Tibsy ?

You just found out that nut jobs come in all flavors or that the left outnumbers the right in nut jobs like 100 to one?

Play time is over. back under the bed now like a good little boy or no cookies for you.


The point is to, now, change the definition of "terrorist" the way they did with "mass shooting ".