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Polo - your accounts of Ferguson citizens having very unpleasant interaction with the Ferguson police department do NOT involve Officer Wilson - not one of them. Therefore, they have literally no bearing on this case. At all. In any fashion.

Wilson's prior use of force is relevant to this analysis. Some other cop's use of force in 2012 or whenever has nothing to do with the case.

In my prior, detailed post - which you conveniently tip-toed around as it shredded your feeble analysis - I cited Brown's actions prior to the incident - not his mom's conduct, or his brother's conduct, or other such irrelevant, idiotic anecdotal data.

You also refer to the cop's childhood? Seriously?

You know nothing - NOTHING - about relevant evidence. So let me give you information that has significant value, since it comes from a lawyer with 25 years' experience and summarizes admissible evidence in both civil and criminal proceedings. The information is this:

Nothing you cited in your post - NOTHING - would be relevant, admissible, or considered by the jury.

So do us all a favor and stop commenting on this topic. You are just embarrassing yourself.

Is this where I put the clown car video??
Sorry Steeltime, your facts will only confuse and agitate the liberals. They will chant "no justice, no peace" and ignore everything else. And when the officer is found not guilty St. Louis will burn.
Steeltime is racist, like the entire legal system. Polio has a Masters degree in Women's Literature, and knows better.
Why do people keep stating that he was stopped for jaywalking?

I doubt many people get stopped for jaywalking.

Jaywalking is improperly crossing the street.

Walking down the middle of the road because you think you are a bad *** and making traffic go around you is not jaywalking.

It is being a confrontational jackass.

Really, I have trouble understanding the sympathy for such a dead piece of trash.

He strong arm robbed a convenience store, played Mr. Badass in the middle of the street until noticed by the cops, continued with his tough guy routine instead of just getting the **** out of the road when the cop did his job, took offense to something the cop said and assaulted him......and wound up dead.

Good riddance to bad rubbish,.

Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

And, if you believe a white jackass wouldn't have been DRT if he had pulled the same bullshit you are ******* ignorant as hell.
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Why do people keep stating that he was stopped for jaywalking?

I doubt many people get stopped for jaywalking.

Jaywalking is improperly crossing the street.

Walking down the middle of the road because you think you are a bad *** and making traffic go around you is not jaywalking.

It is being a confrontational jackass.

Really, I have trouble understanding the sympathy for such a dead piece of trash.

He strong arm robbed a convenience store, played Mr. Badass in the middle of the street until noticed by the cops, continued with his tough guy routine instead of just getting the **** out of the road when the cop did his job, took offense to something the cop said and assaulted him......and wound up dead.

Good riddance to bad rubbish,.

Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

And, if you believe a white jackass wouldn't have been DRT if he had pulled the same bullshit you are ******* ignorant as hell.

And that's really what it all boils down to: **** that piece of ****. And **** you too, Polio.
I have a record of giving false information to a cop when I was 24. If I witnessed something I would tell the truth.


Another thing is Michael Brown had no record and we are supposed to believe he is a 'thug' that deserved what he got, yet Officer Wilson came from a 'thug' department...what does that tell us about Wilson? He was fired along with everyone else!

If the department was disbanded of course he was fired along with everyone else. WTF?

That's not even mentioning that Wilson had a screwed up childhood and had his own run ins with the law. SO HE DOES HAVE A RECORD! This guy was just waiting to go off, or he had gone off before in Jennings it was just never reported.

Where in the **** does the article say that? IT DOESN't so just more douchebaggery misrepresentation from you.

Way to profile.


One from Chip's Fred that I think sheds light on the Ferg and what goes on in all cities...

"Racial Profiling"
The View From A Squad Car

Lately there has been considerable honking and blowing in the press about "racial profiling" by the police. People who make their livings by being in an uproar are. Columnists emit boilerplate indignation. Politicians pose. Legislators threaten to pass laws ending this iniquity. Etc. Regarding which, a few thoughts:

If columnists, and a lot of other people, spent time in police cars (I do: I've written a weekly police column for the Washington Times for half a decade), they would discover all manner of interesting things. For example, that "profiling" means recognition of patterns. If you call it profiling, or much better, "racial profiling," you can make it sound evil and discriminatory and establish a category of victims.

Not exactly.

To begin with, the imputation of racial hostility without establishing it is dishonest and, often, nonsensical. For example, in Washington the majority of cops are black, and much of the time we have had a black chief. For another, although again you have to have some first-hand knowledge of the police to know this, black cops behave just like white ones.

Cops, who are on the streets forty hours a week, notice consistencies. For example, youngish women, in fishnet stockings and plastic miniskirts up to their armpits, lounging against lampposts in red-light districts, tend to be prostitutes. So the cops check these women out. They do not check out elderly women in minks, or men with brief cases, for prostitution. The police do not have a vicious prejudice against plastic miniskirts. Nor do they hate young women. They simply know from endless experience what kinds of people are usually engaged in prostitution.

This is profiling.

They also know that scruffy homeless-looking men, walking down back alleys in pricey residential neighborhoods with VCRs under their arms, are quite likely to have stolen the VCRs. So they check them out.

This too is profiling.

Possibly a woman in a Saran-wrap tank top and a thong bikini just likes Saran wrap. Maybe she's wearing a thong bikini because the weather is warm. Maybe she is on her way to a costume party. Or took a wrong turn on the way to the beach. And perhaps the scruffy guy is an eccentric millionaire like Howard Hughes, taking his VCR for a walk. Maybe some charitable rich guy gave a bum a VCR out of the kindness of his heart.

So, yes, you could say that checking out half-naked women on street corners, or derelicts with expensive items, is discrimination. They might be innocent, yes. And it's certainly profiling.

But it is the soul of police work. Scruffy people who go into expensive department stores, in baggy clothes, and then proceed to look furtively around them and brush up against merchandise, are often shoplifters. This recognition is profiling. Perhaps they are innocent--honest paranoids, or have merchandise-brushing personality disorder. But people who work in security in those stores know what shoplifters look like. And so they watch them.

Security personnel at airports look for certain kinds of people--those who fit the terrorist profile. IRS audits people who meet certain standards. On and on. It isn't that airports carry irrational prejudices against people who twitch and sweat and have ticking shoulder bags (or whatever is on the profile: I don't know). If you wanted to sit home and twitch, or if they knew for a fact that the ticking came from an innocent alarm clock, they would have nothing against you whatever. But they know from experience that certain things give away terrorists. So they check out those people. Do you want them to stop?

Problems arise when the targeted class belongs to a politically sensitive group, especially if it is a racial group other than white. (Although profiling can affect whites. If the police check out a slinky white woman who keeps approaching men in the bar of a classy hotel, she may turn out to be promiscuous heiress, which it isn't illegal to be. She raises Cain because she has been humiliated. And she probably has been.)

What usually makes the news is profiling of blacks. The fact is that most street-level drug dealers in Washington are black. Blacks are heavily involved in transportation of drugs for sale. Should you doubt this, ask any cop of any color. Dealers look and behave in certain ways, and are certain kinds of people. They are black, scruffy, young, hang in certain places, display certain body language when cops are around. So cops check them out.

The downside of profiling is that, while young black males on I95, wearing scruffy clothes and driving rentals with no baggage, are in fact often drug couriers, often they aren't. Sometimes they are innocent kids of black doctors, wearing scruffy clothes because it is the current teenage way of annoying their elders. These kids get very sick, very fast, of constantly being stopped and humiliated in front of their girlfriends. I don't blame them. Your choice: Let the drugs through to avoid embarrassing the innocent kid, or embarrass the kid and get the drugs. That is precisely the choice. Let's not pretend otherwise.

It is also true, but verboten to point out, that race and crime are very closely correlated. When I go into the security rooms of the big department stores around the Pentagon (usually to pick up a shoplifter), the photographs of previously collared boosters are almost entirely black. The region isn't. Now, you can explain this correspondence as you like: You can blame society, blacks, whites, capitalists, racists, the weather. You can say it's my fault, your fault, God's fault. But it's a fact, politically palatable or not. Cops deal in facts, not theories.

Cops check out those who fit the patterns.

Racial discrimination? Seldom. The same majority-black cops who check out likely black drug dealers would just as quickly check out whites if the whites fit a pattern. They assuredly do check out prosperous-looking whites with Virginia and Maryland tags who park in bad black sections of Washington. Anti-white prejudice? Nope. They know they are there, almost certainly, to buy drugs. Whites from McLean don't have poor black friends in Anacostia.


Yep. Otherwise referred to as "reasonable suspicion."
Why do people keep stating that he was stopped for jaywalking?

I doubt many people get stopped for jaywalking.

Jaywalking is improperly crossing the street.

Walking down the middle of the road because you think you are a bad *** and making traffic go around you is not jaywalking.

It is being a confrontational jackass.

Really, I have trouble understanding the sympathy for such a dead piece of trash.

He strong arm robbed a convenience store, played Mr. Badass in the middle of the street until noticed by the cops, continued with his tough guy routine instead of just getting the **** out of the road when the cop did his job, took offense to something the cop said and assaulted him......and wound up dead.

Good riddance to bad rubbish,.

Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

And, if you believe a white jackass wouldn't have been DRT if he had pulled the same bullshit you are ******* ignorant as hell.

End of discussion. Right on!!!!
blitzburgh, polo, sharpton and jessie will be along soon to frown.

John Stewart is not impressed with Fox News coverage of the situation...I don't watch his schtick, so I don't know if he was equally unimpressed with the MSM.
Really, I have trouble understanding the sympathy for such a dead piece of trash.

Good riddance to bad rubbish,.

And that's really what it all boils down to: **** that piece of ****. And **** you too, Polio.

This. This right here.

This is the root of the conservative ethos. Dehumanize the "those people" however you want to categorize them. Conservative Christians do it with Muslims, Conservative Muslims do it with Jews, Conservative rich people do it with poor people and so on. It's a culture of hatersim going back beyond Jim Crow and Nazism to the colonial based founding of Western Civilization.

Bravo for your honesty, gentlemen. Bravo. Too many on this board try to pretend they are civilized and attempt to rationalize their prejudices. Your candid remarks give light to the lie of their disingenuous intellectualism. Bigots and haters. The two are neither synonymous nor mutually exclusive, and that is what you find down here in God and Government.
This. This right here.

This is the root of the conservative ethos. Dehumanize the "those people" however you want to categorize them. Conservative Christians do it with Muslims, Conservative Muslims do it with Jews, Conservative rich people do it with poor people and so on. It's a culture of hatersim going back beyond Jim Crow and Nazism to the colonial based founding of Western Civilization.

Bravo for your honesty, gentlemen. Bravo. Too many on this board try to pretend they are civilized and attempt to rationalize their prejudices. Your candid remarks give light to the lie of their disingenuous intellectualism. Bigots and haters. The two are neither synonymous nor mutually exclusive, and that is what you find down here in God and Government.

If he had been white I'd still say **** that piece of ****.
This. This right here.

This is the root of the conservative ethos. Dehumanize the "those people" however you want to categorize them. Conservative Christians do it with Muslims, Conservative Muslims do it with Jews, Conservative rich people do it with poor people and so on. It's a culture of hatersim going back beyond Jim Crow and Nazism to the colonial based founding of Western Civilization.

Bravo for your honesty, gentlemen. Bravo. Too many on this board try to pretend they are civilized and attempt to rationalize their prejudices. Your candid remarks give light to the lie of their disingenuous intellectualism. Bigots and haters. The two are neither synonymous nor mutually exclusive, and that is what you find down here in God and Government.

And this is the liberal philosophy in a nutshell.

If you call someone who commits a crime a thug, if you have little sympathy for someone who possibly brought his own death upon himself by being violent and belligerent, you are a bigot or a hater. If you don't accept that every black person who meets with some harm is an innocent angel who didn't deserve it, you are a hater and a bigot. If you don't agree that every non-black person who harms a black person is obviously a racist, you are a bigot and a hater. If you don't think people should be breaking the law to cross our borders, you are a hater and a bigot. If you think that welfare programs actually do more harm than good, you are a racist and a hater.

Basically, anytime you support police over criminals, laws over lawlessness, personal responsibility over victimhood, you are a bigot and a hater.
And this is the liberal philosophy in a nutshell.

If you call someone who commits a crime a thug, if you have little sympathy for someone who possibly brought his own death upon himself by being violent and belligerent, you are a bigot or a hater. If you don't accept that every black person who meets with some harm is an innocent angel who didn't deserve it, you are a hater and a bigot. If you don't agree that every non-black person who harms a black person is obviously a racist, you are a bigot and a hater. If you don't think people should be breaking the law to cross our borders, you are a hater and a bigot. If you think that welfare programs actually do more harm than good, you are a racist and a hater.

Basically, anytime you support police over criminals, laws over lawlessness, personal responsibility over victimhood, you are a bigot and a hater.

Damn I'm a racist and bigot by that definition and proud of it.

Yep. Otherwise referred to as "reasonable suspicion."

Meaning, I would not send a man away to jail by telling a lie. Lying about having a Drivers License and ruining someone's life are two totally different things.
This. This right here.

This is the root of the conservative ethos. Dehumanize the "those people" however you want to categorize them. Conservative Christians do it with Muslims, Conservative Muslims do it with Jews, Conservative rich people do it with poor people and so on. It's a culture of hatersim going back beyond Jim Crow and Nazism to the colonial based founding of Western Civilization.

Bravo for your honesty, gentlemen. Bravo. Too many on this board try to pretend they are civilized and attempt to rationalize their prejudices. Your candid remarks give light to the lie of their disingenuous intellectualism. Bigots and haters. The two are neither synonymous nor mutually exclusive, and that is what you find down here in God and Government.

What people am I dehumanizing? POS criminals that assault store owners, steal, try and intimidate everyone on a road, and assault an officer?

Well, yeah.

You got me.

I hate vermin like that regardless of race, sex, religion or any other weak identifying factors other than their actions you wish to cling to.

And to further dispel your fine summary of me...

I hate the republican party just as much as I hate the democratic party.

I am a first generation citizen being the son of a legal immigrant.

and you, my friend, are a clueless ********.

How is that for dehumanization?
I've met gareth.
tis true.

man hates everyone. even himself. he bites himself when no one is around.
*crickets* *crickets*

Another hate crime by blacks on whites...

Al Sharpton nowhere to be found, Tawana Brawley must have called.


Whats the point of this comment ? You dont think we believe these youth that attacked this man should go free do you ? Certainly we wont be so vile and barbaric to suggest (as some racist white jack ***** have done in the Martin case) he shouldnt have been in that neighborhood. They should and will be punished for their crimes. But do you feel as though these young men will be tried by a jury of mostly black members and given light sentences by a black judge, thereby agitating those of Anglo descent who feel the justice system favors people of color ?

If you really wanna know why black folks dont rise up in protest of the murder or attack of a white person by black assailants, you only need to look at historical factors. We arent dissinterested in those stories but they pale in comparison to the number of injustices inflicted on people of color throughout modern American history...from the false accusations of rape by a white female vs a black male in Tulsa, OK that lead to an all out assault on Greenwood District (Black Wall Street) to black men lasso'd and drug behind horse or pickup truck or even lynched just from staring too long at a white woman or refusing to exit the sidewalk when a white person approaches. In many of these tragic events the white assailants were charged lightly if at all.

Theres a systemic injustice thats slanted against people of color...has been for a long time. So, are we sorry for an attack on a white kid in the hood ? Damn straight we are. But we wont protest because the young man, by his color is afforded advantages most black men dont get to experience. We fight for equal justice daily. This white kid nor his parents or the white community has tables of injustice or unfair treatment by the judicial system or law enforcement stacked against it. Whats there to protest about ?
Steeltime is racist, like the entire legal system. Polio has a Masters degree in Women's Literature, and knows better.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to hamster again.