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I'm not sure what that would prove. It could show he's a trigger happy *******, it could show the first few shots either missed or just failed to stop him from advancing.

That's what I think, that the first shots were to the arm, then the cop paused but the thug kept charging so he followed up with the head shots. Or they picked up audio from a run of the mill Ferguson drive-by.
I'm not sure what that would prove. It could show he's a trigger happy *******, it could show the first few shots either missed or just failed to stop him from advancing.

You are right. We will see.
I grew up in a middle class neighborhood. I use to hang in the project community as a young teen. The family that controlled the drugs flowing from this community are doing life in prison. I can not tell you how many *** whippings and shootouts I witnessed. I hung with many of the guys that provided the so called "muscle" for this family. Non of them would attack a cop by themselves and try to take his gun. 3am in the morning, a lone cop might get his *** beat, but no one would shoot him. I just can not see it.
Similar here.
Though we're now dinosaurs to the world the cops are patrolling. You probably didn't walk around with your *** hanging out the back of your pants, either, did you? Just a different culture today than when we were kids. Just like it's a different culture when we were kids than when our parents were...so on and so forth.

Now, the cop may have tried to grab onto Brown. Brown may have tried to escape his grasp. In doing so, Brown may have inadvertently hit Wilson in the eye socket - with his elbow, forearm, etc.

Regardless of HOW the cop's orbital socket was broken (if indeed it was), that is considered assaulting an officer. It's a charge because that **** happens or happened at some point. I doubt you would have ever done that, either.

But let's consider that happened.

Brown ran. Wilson exited his car and commanded Brown to stop.

Brown, from witness testimony, either held his hands up with his back to Wilson OR charged him. Autopsy does not show penetration from the back, so he was not shot in the back.

Video shows Brown having just committed a strong-arm robbery moments before. Could that have weighed on Brown's mind? Could he have been thinking "that old dude called the cops and I'm going to be arrested"? Could he have seen his life flashing before his eyes?

That's possible. Very likely, too.

If you consider that as being possible, would it be out of the question that an 18 year old man, seeing some old policeman, could have thought he could knock the old guy down/out and gotten away? Cop didn't know his name, remember?
Who are criminals? Who are they? I have a record of giving false information to a cop when I was 24. I also have a record for disorderly conduct when I was 19. My dad owned a construction company and my mom was a housewife. I am now a successful business owner of 20 years. I have a brother with similar success as me. You can not write several people off that easy. Maybe they are credible, maybe they are not. If I witnessed something, I would tell the truth.

Someone better check different news sources beyond MSNBC...someone is being fed propaganda.

Dorian Johnson, the star witness that got the riots started with his lies, is a criminal.

Similar here.
Though we're now dinosaurs to the world the cops are patrolling. You probably didn't walk around with your *** hanging out the back of your pants, either, did you? Just a different culture today than when we were kids. Just like it's a different culture when we were kids than when our parents were...so on and so forth.

Now, the cop may have tried to grab onto Brown. Brown may have tried to escape his grasp. In doing so, Brown may have inadvertently hit Wilson in the eye socket - with his elbow, forearm, etc.

Regardless of HOW the cop's orbital socket was broken (if indeed it was), that is considered assaulting an officer. It's a charge because that **** happens or happened at some point. I doubt you would have ever done that, either.

But let's consider that happened.

Brown ran. Wilson exited his car and commanded Brown to stop.

Brown, from witness testimony, either held his hands up with his back to Wilson OR charged him. Autopsy does not show penetration from the back, so he was not shot in the back.

Video shows Brown having just committed a strong-arm robbery moments before. Could that have weighed on Brown's mind? Could he have been thinking "that old dude called the cops and I'm going to be arrested"? Could he have seen his life flashing before his eyes?

That's possible. Very likely, too.

If you consider that as being possible, would it be out of the question that an 18 year old man, seeing some old policeman, could have thought he could knock the old guy down/out and gotten away? Cop didn't know his name, remember?

You have many good points, but I know how some police view some people and poor areas. Cops can be ****** up too. I was stopped in my Vette riding through a poor area on my way to the mall. Sumbitch flew up behind me like a bat out of hell. He fed me the wrong tag bullshit(why is he running my tag? I have broke no laws). You should have seen the look on the cop's face when I gave him my Drivers License and Concealed Weapons permit. He did not expect that. I know that cops do sneaky ****.. That is why I am questioning. I have also encountered police that gave me a break when I actually was committing a traffic violation..
I don't doubt whatever was going on in the car may have looked like different things to different people (who all have their biases). But from a logical perspective it make much more sense that Mike Brown was reaching into the car for some reasons, than that the cop was trying to pull him in. Why would a cop do that? How could he possibly have any hope of success? Use your brains.

Read the ****** witness accounts please....theres a lot of bullshit strewn about regarding this story.

I know ******* cops are in these streets of America

Ive been pulled over as a black male for no apparent reason other than i was black, driving a very nice vehicle (own my own company and do quite well for myself financially). Apparently this profiling event angered me because it was bullshit...i was put thru bullshit --searched vehicle, questioned, detained. Ive seen firsthand and up close how a white cop in an area of mixed demographics or predominantly black will try and exert control, extreme aggression or dominance when they are questioned...simply questioned. An associate of mine was told by police to leave a parking lot at night after a concert event. We had to return to pick up another associate and when my associate (in his car --drivers seat) questioned the reason he could not reenter the premesis the cop immediately shine a bright light in his eyes, at which my associate asked him to get the light out of his face. This cop immediately punched him closed fist to the side of the head =without provocation. That action was uncalled for and extremely aggressive..not warranted.

Now on to Michael Brown and Darren Wilson. Im willing to bet Mike was summoned to the vehicle or came up to the vehicle and a few words exchanged..something was ignited and these two locked in on each other. ...what i dont fcking understand is why Offc Wilson didnt have non lethal arsenal to subdue this man regardless of his size. He knew he didnt have a weapon (why would an assailant have a weapon and STILL attempt to take the weapon of an officer if he did indeed go for the officers weapon ?) The orbital bone injury has been refuted and wasnt a factor. Folks need to drop it.

ANother thing.....whenever theres an assault involving an officer and injuries are reported (as the chief claimed Wilson incurred) clothing of the officer (shirts most often) are taken and used to collect evidence. If there was a gunshot that went off INSIDE the vehicle, its part of the crime scene. Its towed to the police garage and casings are identified. Did any of this occur.... ? Do we know ?

Now...to this notion that Brown charged Officer Wilson....theres been a few witness accounts that dispute this idea...Tiffany Mitchell who claims to have seen the entire event starting from just before the first shot is fired said this:

she saw Brown and the officer "tussling through the window." Mitchell and Crenshaw concurred with Johnson, saying Brown appeared to be trying to pry himself away from the officer's grasp. Brown had his hand on the police cruiser, trying to push himself away, Mitchell said.

He (Brown) started running, but he only got about 20 feet from the squad car....

The cop gets out of his vehicle shooting," Mitchell said. "(Brown's) body jerked as if he was hit from behind, and he turned around and he put his hands up. ... The cop continued to fire until he just dropped down to the ground, and his face just smacked the concrete


In this link (youtube) she gives her verbal account of what she witnessed....notice she never says Brown charges the officer, but that "he turned around with his hands up and the officer continues to walk up him and shoot him until he goes all the way down"


Another witness account of what he saw...mentioned no charging of Officer Wilson by Michael Brown whatsoever.....
I've hung with some cops and I don't know any who would try to grab a kid or shoot him for jaywalking.

But perhaps you know of maybe one that would get agitated and use excessive force, were he to be verbally challenged by a young man, especially if hes experienced a really ****** up series of events that day prior to the encounter with a youth.

Its spoken of often in the black community that "youre one swift move and a poorly worded comment from dying at the hands of an agitated cop with an anger problem". When some black folks see cops, they go the opposite direction.....not because they have a record or warrants but theyve come to realize thru experience that this white cop could be up to no good or looking to take his frustrations out....and whom better than a black person whom he can say "resisted" arrest which explains the bruises and blemishes on ones face.

This isnt hearsay...hell its documented on video (violent encounters and excessive force by officers vs minorities)....not saying all cops are evil nor all white ones are...but its those white ones that we are unsure about the gives us pause and makes some us very uncomfortable...they dont trust us, we dont trust them. Adversaries for life (Lions n Hyenas)
As a police officer you are one quick move from a wanna be thug who wants to make a name for himself being dead. It goes both ways. 5 minutes earlier Brown commits a felony, officer has a clean record. And you know if the cop had ever done anything wrong those people would be coming out of the woodwork to smear him. I doubt the cop is even charged.
if the cop shot at Brown from behind, why are there no exit wounds in the front?
. When some black folks see cops, they go the opposite direction.....not because they have a record or warrants but theyve come to realize thru experience that this white cop could be up to no good or looking to take his frustrations out..)

I think that's profiling. Just sayin'.
magic bullets that killed JFK resurfaced in Ferguson?

You asked if he shot at him from the rear, why there are no exit wounds in the front. That would assume he actually shot from the rear, hit him and the bullet exited from the front. The autopsy seems to indicate no rear entry wounds, which would imply if he did shoot from the rear, he missed. Based upon the information I have, which isn't much, that scenario has not been ruled out.
I think that's profiling. Just sayin'.

But theres a history of racial profiling by cops against blacks....everyone knows it,....im sure even YOU know it. Theres documented history of injustices and manufacturing of evidence to charge and convict blacks, stiffer sentences given for the same crimes committed by whites. Furthermore blacks dont harrass white cops on the regular, now do they ? THey dont seem to intimidate them either

Your world is different than that of a black. You dont have to fear a black officer arresting you, appearing before a black judge and being tried by a mostly black jury. You dont have to worry about a renegade black officer pulling your son/daughter from a vehicle, using extreme force and then charging them with resisting arrest while other black/minority officers witness or simply look the other way. Would you sleep well knowing a black officer who had issues with white folks placed a slug in the head of a loved one in a dark alley then told his peers and reporters a tussle ensued, they went for the gun and he defended himself, and the black cop walked.

Of course you dont fear that because you dont live in a world of Black supremecy or a black-dominated society.

Now, tell me...whose profiling is more caustic and damaging...?
But perhaps you know of maybe one that would get agitated and use excessive force, were he to be verbally challenged by a young man, especially if hes experienced a really ****** up series of events that day prior to the encounter with a youth.

Its spoken of often in the black community that "youre one swift move and a poorly worded comment from dying at the hands of an agitated cop with an anger problem". When some black folks see cops, they go the opposite direction.....not because they have a record or warrants but theyve come to realize thru experience that this white cop could be up to no good or looking to take his frustrations out....and whom better than a black person whom he can say "resisted" arrest which explains the bruises and blemishes on ones face.

This isnt hearsay...hell its documented on video (violent encounters and excessive force by officers vs minorities)....not saying all cops are evil nor all white ones are...but its those white ones that we are unsure about the gives us pause and makes some us very uncomfortable...they dont trust us, we dont trust them. Adversaries for life (Lions n Hyenas)

You can't even joke with them or they'll beat you senseless, if you're black. This is a great eye opening story that tells us where Office Wilson learned his 'policing' at.

A P.D. so brutal they had to disband it, when and where has that ever happened before?

Another thing is Michael Brown had no record and we are supposed to believe he is a 'thug' that deserved what he got, yet Officer Wilson came from a 'thug' department...what does that tell us about Wilson? He was fired along with everyone else!

That's not even mentioning that Wilson had a screwed up childhood and had his own run ins with the law. SO HE DOES HAVE A RECORD! This guy was just waiting to go off, or he had gone off before in Jennings it was just never reported.


What a fine bunch of heroes.......

FERGUSON, Mo. — The small city of Jennings, Mo., had a police department so troubled, and with so much tension between white officers and black residents, that the city council finally decided to disband it. Everyone in the Jennings police department was fired. New officers were brought in to create a credible department from scratch.


“You’re dealing with white cops, and they don’t know how to address black people,” Epps said. “The straw that broke the camel’s back, an officer shot at a female. She was stopped for a traffic violation. She had a child in the back [of the] car and was probably worried about getting locked up. And this officer chased her down Highway 70, past city limits, and took a shot at her. Just ridiculous.”

Police faced a series of lawsuits for using unnecessary force, Stichnote said. One black resident, Cassandra Fuller, sued the department claiming a white Jennings police officer beat her in June 2009 on her own porch after she made a joke. A car had smashed into her van, which was parked in front of her home, and she called police. The responding officer asked her to move the van. “It don’t run. You can take it home with you if you want,” she answered. She said the officer became enraged, threw her off the porch, knocked her to the ground and kicked her in the stomach.

The department paid Fuller a confidential sum to settle the case, she said.

“It’s like a horror story in my mind. I never thought a police officer would pull me off my porch and beat me to the ground, for just laughing,” Fuller said in an interview.

And here of course we see the heroes behaving like common thieves....

The Jennings department also had a corruption problem. A joint federal and local investigation discovered that a lieutenant had been accepting federal funds for drunken-driving checks that never happened.
Wow. How do you know so much about me? Oh, because all white people are alike. Another example of profiling. With all of the outrage blacks...including people like you have against whites, i have every reason to think that a black police officer may take out his racial frustrations on me. However, I choose not to think that way and use it as a crutch whenever it is convenient.

As for your examples, harassment is subjective. Someone ( of any race) is jaywalking and is approached by a cop...in their opinion they are harassed with no regard that there was just reason for them to be approached.

As far as what is more damaging...that is like saying it is ok to steal because there are more violent crimes giong on in the world. That's a double standard cop out. You can't have it both ways.
Read the ****** witness accounts please....theres a lot of bullshit strewn about regarding this story.

I have.

I know ******* cops are in these streets of America

I am sure they exist, haven't denied it.

Ive been pulled over as a black male for no apparent reason other than i was black, driving a very nice vehicle (own my own company and do quite well for myself financially). Apparently this profiling event angered me because it was bullshit...i was put thru bullshit --searched vehicle, questioned, detained. Ive seen firsthand and up close how a white cop in an area of mixed demographics or predominantly black will try and exert control, extreme aggression or dominance when they are questioned...simply questioned. An associate of mine was told by police to leave a parking lot at night after a concert event. We had to return to pick up another associate and when my associate (in his car --drivers seat) questioned the reason he could not reenter the premesis the cop immediately shine a bright light in his eyes, at which my associate asked him to get the light out of his face. This cop immediately punched him closed fist to the side of the head =without provocation. That action was uncalled for and extremely aggressive..not warranted.

As I mentioned, I don't doubt for minute that profiling goes on. I don't doubt there are overzealous cops, even violent ones.

Now on to Michael Brown and Darren Wilson. Im willing to bet Mike was summoned to the vehicle or came up to the vehicle and a few words exchanged..something was ignited and these two locked in on each other. ...what i dont fcking understand is why Offc Wilson didnt have non lethal arsenal to subdue this man regardless of his size. He knew he didnt have a weapon (why would an assailant have a weapon and STILL attempt to take the weapon of an officer if he did indeed go for the officers weapon ?) The orbital bone injury has been refuted and wasnt a factor. Folks need to drop it.

IF the account we've heard is true, and Michael Brown slammed the door on the cop and punched him in the face, he really didn't have the time to mull over what his next action would be. He "knew he didn't have a weapon?" That's ridiculous. As a police officer who is under attack, an assumption like that could get you killed. And Michael Brown may have been reaching for a weapon. The orbital bone fracture has been confirmed by some sources and refuted by one. I'll wait for the facts on that one, lot of spin going on, on both sides. I don't even think it's all that relevant. If you punch a cop in the face, bad things are going to happen to you, whether you manage to severely injure him or not.

ANother thing.....whenever theres an assault involving an officer and injuries are reported (as the chief claimed Wilson incurred) clothing of the officer (shirts most often) are taken and used to collect evidence. If there was a gunshot that went off INSIDE the vehicle, its part of the crime scene. Its towed to the police garage and casings are identified. Did any of this occur.... ? Do we know ?

No we don't. It appears much of the actual evidence in this case is being kept tightly under wraps, probably so that they can avoid prosecuting this case in the media. Whatever Wilson did, he is still entitled to the presumption of innocence and a fair trial. I would be shocked if the car and the entire scene were not processed.

Now...to this notion that Brown charged Officer Wilson....theres been a few witness accounts that dispute this idea.

Yes, I'm well aware of that. There has also been a candid recording of someone describing the incident who says the officer shot at him but he kept on coming. There are reports that up to a dozen witnesses corroborate the cops story. We don't know all the evidence yet. These three witnesses may have not been observant enough, may have been partially influenced by things they heard in the media, may be lying or exaggerating...who knows? I suspect if there are corroborating witnesses to the cop's story, they would be very fearful of coming forward publicly.
But perhaps you know of maybe one that would get agitated and use excessive force, were he to be verbally challenged by a young man, especially if hes experienced a really ****** up series of events that day prior to the encounter with a youth.

Its spoken of often in the black community that "youre one swift move and a poorly worded comment from dying at the hands of an agitated cop with an anger problem". When some black folks see cops, they go the opposite direction.....not because they have a record or warrants but theyve come to realize thru experience that this white cop could be up to no good or looking to take his frustrations out....and whom better than a black person whom he can say "resisted" arrest which explains the bruises and blemishes on ones face.

This isnt hearsay...hell its documented on video (violent encounters and excessive force by officers vs minorities)....not saying all cops are evil nor all white ones are...but its those white ones that we are unsure about the gives us pause and makes some us very uncomfortable...they dont trust us, we dont trust them. Adversaries for life (Lions n Hyenas)

Again, I'm not denying they exist. I was replying to 6rings post that said he'd never known anyone who would rush a police officer. Just because he has never met anyone who would do that, doesn't mean they don't exist. Just because I have never met a cop who enjoys drumming up physical confrontations over jaywalking, doesn't mean they don't exist. This case should be evaluated on its facts and its facts alone. "Some cops are racist ********", while true, is certainly not any sort of evidence against Darren Wilson.
As for your examples, harassment is subjective. Someone ( of any race) is jaywalking and is approached by a cop...in their opinion they are harassed with no regard that there was just reason for them to be approached.

This is true. Not to mention, people are "profiled" for all kinds of reasons unrelated to race. I once got pulled over for going the wrong way on a one way street...in a parking lot! I happened to be driving a friend's car that was covered in a bunch of hippie Grateful Dead crap stickers. I'm sure the cop assumed I'd be stoned out of my mind.
Bottom line is there are a lot of things that happen to black and white people, that are only brought to the forefront when it happens to the black person.
The cops profile the people in the white low income/high crime areas also. There's just no Al Sharpton to kick and scream for them. It's part of the job. It's only unfair if it is SOLELY based on race.
One from Chip's Fred that I think sheds light on the Ferg and what goes on in all cities...

"Racial Profiling"
The View From A Squad Car

Lately there has been considerable honking and blowing in the press about "racial profiling" by the police. People who make their livings by being in an uproar are. Columnists emit boilerplate indignation. Politicians pose. Legislators threaten to pass laws ending this iniquity. Etc. Regarding which, a few thoughts:

If columnists, and a lot of other people, spent time in police cars (I do: I've written a weekly police column for the Washington Times for half a decade), they would discover all manner of interesting things. For example, that "profiling" means recognition of patterns. If you call it profiling, or much better, "racial profiling," you can make it sound evil and discriminatory and establish a category of victims.

Not exactly.

To begin with, the imputation of racial hostility without establishing it is dishonest and, often, nonsensical. For example, in Washington the majority of cops are black, and much of the time we have had a black chief. For another, although again you have to have some first-hand knowledge of the police to know this, black cops behave just like white ones.

Cops, who are on the streets forty hours a week, notice consistencies. For example, youngish women, in fishnet stockings and plastic miniskirts up to their armpits, lounging against lampposts in red-light districts, tend to be prostitutes. So the cops check these women out. They do not check out elderly women in minks, or men with brief cases, for prostitution. The police do not have a vicious prejudice against plastic miniskirts. Nor do they hate young women. They simply know from endless experience what kinds of people are usually engaged in prostitution.

This is profiling.

They also know that scruffy homeless-looking men, walking down back alleys in pricey residential neighborhoods with VCRs under their arms, are quite likely to have stolen the VCRs. So they check them out.

This too is profiling.

Possibly a woman in a Saran-wrap tank top and a thong bikini just likes Saran wrap. Maybe she's wearing a thong bikini because the weather is warm. Maybe she is on her way to a costume party. Or took a wrong turn on the way to the beach. And perhaps the scruffy guy is an eccentric millionaire like Howard Hughes, taking his VCR for a walk. Maybe some charitable rich guy gave a bum a VCR out of the kindness of his heart.

So, yes, you could say that checking out half-naked women on street corners, or derelicts with expensive items, is discrimination. They might be innocent, yes. And it's certainly profiling.

But it is the soul of police work. Scruffy people who go into expensive department stores, in baggy clothes, and then proceed to look furtively around them and brush up against merchandise, are often shoplifters. This recognition is profiling. Perhaps they are innocent--honest paranoids, or have merchandise-brushing personality disorder. But people who work in security in those stores know what shoplifters look like. And so they watch them.

Security personnel at airports look for certain kinds of people--those who fit the terrorist profile. IRS audits people who meet certain standards. On and on. It isn't that airports carry irrational prejudices against people who twitch and sweat and have ticking shoulder bags (or whatever is on the profile: I don't know). If you wanted to sit home and twitch, or if they knew for a fact that the ticking came from an innocent alarm clock, they would have nothing against you whatever. But they know from experience that certain things give away terrorists. So they check out those people. Do you want them to stop?

Problems arise when the targeted class belongs to a politically sensitive group, especially if it is a racial group other than white. (Although profiling can affect whites. If the police check out a slinky white woman who keeps approaching men in the bar of a classy hotel, she may turn out to be promiscuous heiress, which it isn't illegal to be. She raises Cain because she has been humiliated. And she probably has been.)

What usually makes the news is profiling of blacks. The fact is that most street-level drug dealers in Washington are black. Blacks are heavily involved in transportation of drugs for sale. Should you doubt this, ask any cop of any color. Dealers look and behave in certain ways, and are certain kinds of people. They are black, scruffy, young, hang in certain places, display certain body language when cops are around. So cops check them out.

The downside of profiling is that, while young black males on I95, wearing scruffy clothes and driving rentals with no baggage, are in fact often drug couriers, often they aren't. Sometimes they are innocent kids of black doctors, wearing scruffy clothes because it is the current teenage way of annoying their elders. These kids get very sick, very fast, of constantly being stopped and humiliated in front of their girlfriends. I don't blame them. Your choice: Let the drugs through to avoid embarrassing the innocent kid, or embarrass the kid and get the drugs. That is precisely the choice. Let's not pretend otherwise.

It is also true, but verboten to point out, that race and crime are very closely correlated. When I go into the security rooms of the big department stores around the Pentagon (usually to pick up a shoplifter), the photographs of previously collared boosters are almost entirely black. The region isn't. Now, you can explain this correspondence as you like: You can blame society, blacks, whites, capitalists, racists, the weather. You can say it's my fault, your fault, God's fault. But it's a fact, politically palatable or not. Cops deal in facts, not theories.

Cops check out those who fit the patterns.

Racial discrimination? Seldom. The same majority-black cops who check out likely black drug dealers would just as quickly check out whites if the whites fit a pattern. They assuredly do check out prosperous-looking whites with Virginia and Maryland tags who park in bad black sections of Washington. Anti-white prejudice? Nope. They know they are there, almost certainly, to buy drugs. Whites from McLean don't have poor black friends in Anacostia.

I know all about that. You said those people I believe, which means more than one. Do not assume you know me or what I watch on TV.

Actually, no, I did not say "those people you believe", check again.