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Whats the point of this comment ? You dont think we believe these youth that attacked this man should go free do you ? Certainly we wont be so vile and barbaric to suggest (as some racist white jack ***** have done in the Martin case) he shouldnt have been in that neighborhood. They should and will be punished for their crimes. But do you feel as though these young men will be tried by a jury of mostly black members and given light sentences by a black judge, thereby agitating those of Anglo descent who feel the justice system favors people of color ?

If you really wanna know why black folks dont rise up in protest of the murder or attack of a white person by black assailants, you only need to look at historical factors. We arent dissinterested in those stories but they pale in comparison to the number of injustices inflicted on people of color throughout modern American history...from the false accusations of rape by a white female vs a black male in Tulsa, OK that lead to an all out assault on Greenwood District (Black Wall Street) to black men lasso'd and drug behind horse or pickup truck or even lynched just from staring too long at a white woman or refusing to exit the sidewalk when a white person approaches. In many of these tragic events the white assailants were charged lightly if at all.

Theres a systemic injustice thats slanted against people of color...has been for a long time. So, are we sorry for an attack on a white kid in the hood ? Damn straight we are. But we wont protest because the young man, by his color is afforded advantages most black men dont get to experience. We fight for equal justice daily. This white kid nor his parents or the white community has tables of injustice or unfair treatment by the judicial system or law enforcement stacked against it. Whats there to protest about ?

The point of this comment is QUITE simple. Why is there no outrage? Why is there never any outrage with black on white crime? Why is the media not equally as outraged over this story as Michael Brown's?
Pat Condell.... A recovering liberal. I love that man.
Pat Condell.... A recovering liberal. I love that man.
Laid out, well and in full.


A Dose of Reality for Ferguson

Following are some of the best excerpts from this well-written piece.

Unlike much of America, I’ve stayed quiet about the shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. As a cop, I know initial media reports about any incident are usually wrong. I also know that many media outlets and internet commentators deliberately twist facts to inflame emotion.

Which is PoloElfie, in a nut shell.

“But he was unarmed!”

I’ve lost count of the times I’ve heard the term “unarmed teenager”. Yes, Brown was an unarmed 18 year old. He was also 6’4″ and 292 pounds. Anyone who thinks an unarmed, 6’4″, 292 pound man can’t be a threat has never been punched in the face. Unarmed people can be extremely dangerous.

In 2012 an unarmed 17 year old beat an El Paso police officer to death. The officer was 29 years old, a former Marine and veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan.


An off-duty police officer in New York City was beaten almost to death by an unarmed man last November.

In July, an unarmed 21 year old “felt like killing someone” and beat a 56 year old random victim to death at a train station in San Antonio.


In 2012, an unarmed 24 year old man beat a man to death for raping his daughter.


Those chanting “but he was unarmed” are pathetically ignorant of the reality of violence. Unarmed people hurt or kill others on a regular basis. No, that doesn’t mean every unarmed person needs to be shot; it does, however, mean an aggressive, unarmed person can be a threat to your life. The bigger and stronger that person is, the bigger the threat.

“All Michael Brown did was shoplift cigars.”

No, he didn’t “shoplift” anything. He committed a robbery. Shoplifting is a nonviolent crime, usually committed by people desperate to avoid confrontation. Robbery is violent. When someone uses or threatens force to take anything, no matter how unimportant or inexpensive, that’s robbery. If someone grabs you by the collar, reaches into your pocket and takes a single piece of chewing gum, the problem isn’t the lost gum. The problem is that someone used force to take your property.

Many media outlets refer to Brown’s crime as theft or shoplifting. That’s probably a deliberate lie, chosen specifically to downplay the crime Brown committed. The Daily Kos, which can always be trusted to produce inflammatory stupidity, said “Brown shoplifted some cigars on the day he was killed”, which does not in any way describe what happened (the same article also claimed “Michael Brown was gunned down by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri, apparently for the crime of jaywalking”).

“The officer shot him six times!”

Yes, the officer shot Brown six times. That sounds excessive. It’s not. On TV and in movies, people get shot one time, fly through the air in a spray of blood and immediately die. In real life they don’t.

A police officer got into a gunfight with a robbery suspect in 2009. The officer shot the suspect 14 times with a .45 pistol, and 6 of the bullet wounds were nonsurvivable. The suspect still didn’t go down. The officer finally shot the suspect three more times, in the face and top of the head. The head shot finally stopped him, but didn’t kill him; he died later, at the hospital. An autopsy determined he hadn’t been under the influence of drugs or alcohol.


Last year I wrote an essay about what bullets really do (and don’t do). I described incidents I worked where people were shot but didn’t react the way most people think they should. These incidents include a robbery victim who was shot three times including once in the forehead and still ran 500 yards to find help, a young female shot through the thigh who showed no reaction at all, and a man with part of his head blown off who was still conscious and alert.


Police officers are trained to shoot until the threat is neutralized. Under stress we’re not counting bullets, we’re shooting until we’ve eliminated the threat. It is not at all uncommon for a person to take multiple bullets before they stop being a threat.

“Witnesses said Brown was giving up when he was shot.”

Witnesses have said a lot of things. Shockingly, Brown’s friend insists he and Brown were innocently minding their own business until an evil racist police officer cursed at them, ordered them out of the street, grabbed 6’4″ Brown around the neck (without even getting out of his patrol vehicle!), shot Brown as he was running away, then shot him again after Brown put his hands up in surrender.

There is no reason to disbelieve this version of events. Except for the fact that Brown’s friend was with him during the robbery, has a warrant for theft and giving a fake name to police, and, being Brown’s friend, is biased in his favor. Oh, and the multiple autopsies that show Brown wasn’t shot in the back.

This might be a shock to some, but sometimes people lie to protect their friends. Every time we cops show up to a bar fight, it’s practically a comedy routine from each “victim” and their friends. “Officer, I was walking by the pool table and that guy bumped into me. I said ‘Excuse me sir, I didn’t mean to bump you and I profusely apologize’, but the guy punched me! For no reason!” I’ve lost count of the hours I’ve wasted taking statements from bar fighters and their friends who insist they’re all sweet innocent angels who were viciously attacked for no reason.

Read the entire article. Well worth the time.
Whats there to protest about ?

By the way, I could go on about this last sentence for days, whether it's where the taxpayer dollars of America are spent, to the rampant violence in these communities that often claim innocent lives...etc. There's no need. It would be a circular argument that I don't want to get into. And out of respect I won't. As one intelligent black man said in a video posted here, "Change." That's what I would ask. Enough programs have been created, the help is out there, and the excuses for not making something of one's self are running thin. Entitlement runs rampant. Dependency is at an all time high. Supported by...guess who...

And I'm comfortable saying these things. While in anonymity here I've been called "racist" by the likes of Vis and PoloElfie time and again, they've no clue that I spend 3-6 days a week with struggling, often poor black and Hispanic youths. These are kids who I coach, kids who's parents I've never even met (because they are nowhere to be found), kids we have to sponsor and have to fill out their forms for them, kids that I have to buy lunch for and equipment for, kids who I "do" for, kids who I know haven't been home in days, but find a home with us. These are kids that get literal and physical hugs from me daily, kids I truly love. Kids that need love that they don't get in their communities. They thirst for it and it's amazing how every one of these 120+ kids in our program all share one thing in common - they wanna do right, they want to be good. And given the opportunity to improve themselves, they can and many will. But many we'll lose, because their "community" will lead them astray. It's sad. My friends include African Americans. My sons have countless friends that are black. I can't count the number of times that African American boys have slept in the beds in our home, as our guest, as our friends, as extended members of our family. But I digress.

None of this makes me black, far from it. But racist? I laugh when I hear it thrown about.

Life isn't fair. And from your side of the fence, I bet you think the white world is grand. Or the Asian world or the Indian world. But there's plenty we could protest about.

It just isn't worth the war of endless words that would emanate from it in this thread. History is over. Today is today. Live like a human being and make something of yourself. Every opportunity is out there to do so.
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When it rains, it pours...here's another. Where, indeed, is the outrage. He was NINE....shot four times. This is far more disturbing, far more heinous that what "appears" to be the case in Ferguson. Yet *crickets*.


9-year-old is executed: Where's the outrage?

Antonio Smith, 9 years old, was assassinated the other day.

He was Chicago's youngest fatal shooting victim this year. He was shot at least four times and fell in a backyard on the South Side.

And when I went out there on 71st and Woodlawn less than 24 hours after he was murdered, here's what I didn't see:

I didn't see protesters waving their hands in the air for network TV cameras. I didn't see the Revs. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson playing their usual roles in the political race card game.

I didn't see white college anarchists hiding behind their white plastic Guy Fawkes masks talking about being oppressed by the state. I didn't see politicians equivocating. But the worst thing I didn't see was this:

I didn't see the theatrical outrage that you see in Ferguson, Mo. A white cop in Ferguson — a place most people never heard of just two weeks ago — shoots a black teenager and the nation knows what to do. The actors scream out their roles on cue.

But in Chicago, a black child is assassinated, and Attorney General Eric Holder isn't on his way here. There are no hashtag campaigns saying #saveourboys. And instead of loud anger, there is numb silence.

"It's only the second day. I don't know what will happen," said Helen Cross, 82, a neighbor who lives down the street from the shooting. She's lived in the neighborhood for 49 years.

"Everybody says it's a shame," she said. "It was terrible. But nobody's … nobody is …"

Her voice trailed off.


She nodded.

No one gives a damn. No one will stand up in those communities, out of fear, when 9 year olds are assassinated. Yet they will loot and riot and cost additional lives in Ferguson over Michael Brown? That is an outrage, and far too telling.

Perhaps indeed the Apocalypse is upon us.
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Whats the point of this comment ? You dont think we believe these youth that attacked this man should go free do you ? Certainly we wont be so vile and barbaric to suggest (as some racist white jack ***** have done in the Martin case) he shouldnt have been in that neighborhood. They should and will be punished for their crimes. But do you feel as though these young men will be tried by a jury of mostly black members and given light sentences by a black judge, thereby agitating those of Anglo descent who feel the justice system favors people of color ?

If you really wanna know why black folks dont rise up in protest of the murder or attack of a white person by black assailants, you only need to look at historical factors. We arent dissinterested in those stories but they pale in comparison to the number of injustices inflicted on people of color throughout modern American history...from the false accusations of rape by a white female vs a black male in Tulsa, OK that lead to an all out assault on Greenwood District (Black Wall Street) to black men lasso'd and drug behind horse or pickup truck or even lynched just from staring too long at a white woman or refusing to exit the sidewalk when a white person approaches. In many of these tragic events the white assailants were charged lightly if at all.

Theres a systemic injustice thats slanted against people of color...has been for a long time. So, are we sorry for an attack on a white kid in the hood ? Damn straight we are. But we wont protest because the young man, by his color is afforded advantages most black men dont get to experience. We fight for equal justice daily. This white kid nor his parents or the white community has tables of injustice or unfair treatment by the judicial system or law enforcement stacked against it. Whats there to protest about ?

You speak like America is still the 1950s Deep South. Its not. We've got affirmative action and all kinds of special considerations for minorities. Don't give me the poor, disadvantaged black person crap. Its a values problem. The black community in many cities (and I can speak for mine from personal experience) generally does not value education, fatherhood, and family values. Rather, they value victimhood, dependence on others (read Government) to take care of them, baby daddies, thug life, and easy money. The African-American community doesn't have a racism problem, it has a values problem.
Laid out, well and in full.


A Dose of Reality for Ferguson

Following are some of the best excerpts from this well-written piece.

Which is PoloElfie, in a nut shell.

Read the entire article. Well worth the time.

What is the height and weight of Officer Wilson does anybody know yet?

The attempt to paint Brown as a monster and Wilson as a a man with 'unknown characteristics other than a spotless duty record shows us what is intended for the consumption of Reich Wing nit wits. It's the same as Benghazi! Benghazi!

This one is '6 foot 4, blah blah pounds!.....did we mention he's a black thug?' Over and over......pathetic.
When blacks kill each other it's business as usual, par for the course, no outrage. If a white person kills a black criminal in self defense all hell breaks loose.
Why is there no outrage? Why is there never any outrage with black on white crime? Why is the media not equally as outraged over this story as Michael Brown's?

It would be ironic, wouldn't it, if this story ends up backfiring on the racial victim industry? I think a lot of people are kind of fed up with this situation. Black people are killed by black people all the time. White people are killed by white people all the time. White people are killed by black people, not as often but it happens. But the minute a black person is killed by a white person (or even a half-Hispanic person) no one waits for the facts. No one gives the white person the benefit of the doubt in terms of self-defense or justification. No one looks at the circumstances. It is automatically assumed to be a cold-blooded, racially motivated killing and the world goes berserk.

Enough already.
It would be ironic, wouldn't it, if this story ends up backfiring on the racial victim industry? I think a lot of people are kind of fed up with this situation. Black people are killed by black people all the time. White people are killed by white people all the time. White people are killed by black people, not as often but it happens. But the minute a black person is killed by a white person (or even a half-Hispanic person) no one waits for the facts. No one gives the white person the benefit of the doubt in terms of self-defense or justification. No one looks at the circumstances. It is automatically assumed to be a cold-blooded, racially motivated killing and the world goes berserk.

Enough already.

Zimmerman is a murderer. Anyone who doubts that has their head so far up their racist agenda ***, they think the sun is white as well.
What is the height and weight of Officer Wilson does anybody know yet?

The attempt to paint Brown as a monster and Wilson as a a man with 'unknown characteristics other than a spotless duty record shows us what is intended for the consumption of Reich Wing nit wits. It's the same as Benghazi! Benghazi!

This one is '6 foot 4, blah blah pounds!.....did we mention he's a black thug?' Over and over......pathetic.

It's really irrelevant. Ignore the points laid out in the article and spin and spin and spin. And show patience. Unless Holder suppresses the facts, the facts will come out.

I also know that many media outlets and internet commentators deliberately twist facts to inflame emotion.
Zimmerman is a murderer. Anyone who doubts that has their head so far up their racist agenda ***, they think the sun is white as well.

And black on white crime is rampantly higher than white on black crime despite the vast difference in the sizes of those populations.

*Crickets*. It's all about an agenda. Facts be damned.
The point of this comment is QUITE simple. Why is there no outrage? Why is there never any outrage with black on white crime? Why is the media not equally as outraged over this story as Michael Brown's?

AGAIN...where is the peril....? What is the battle that the white community faces with frequent injustice throughout history ? Is there a pattern of unequal prison sentences, police abuse and profiling of black cops vs whites, targeting of whites by black officers ? I want YOU to answer the question ...if you can
AGAIN...where is the peril....? What is the battle that the white community faces with frequent injustice throughout history ? Is there a pattern of unequal prison sentences, police abuse and profiling of black cops vs whites, targeting of whites by black officers ? I want YOU to answer the question ...if you can

where is the black community wanting an emphasis based on skill and ability and NOT skin color?
the black community has the NAACP, Affirmative Action, etc, etc. and the "white man" is still blamed for "keeping the man down" by some.

There's not enough black head coaches in the NFL.
Rooney Rule enacted

There's never been a black president.
we know how that is working out.

where is the emphasis on family? education? look at the sheer number of children born out of wedlock in the black community.


Preliminary data indicate that 40.7 percent of all 2012 births were out-of-wedlock

is that the fault of the blue-eyed white devil?

I'm definitely NOT saying the white community has it's **** together. Not by a long shot. But, finger pointing to blame the white man for the black man's problems is illogical and flat out wrong.

We can find stories of black cops beating/killing white people that goes untouched by the MSM.
But, a person with even a mixture of white-man blood coursing through their veins touches an angelic black person and the MSM cries racism from the top of the White House.

Certainly you can see the hypocrisy.
and, the knockout games.

WHO is the main perpetrator of that bullshit?
WHO is the main victim of that bullshit?
What is the height and weight of Officer Wilson does anybody know yet?

The attempt to paint Brown as a monster and Wilson as a a man with 'unknown characteristics other than a spotless duty record shows us what is intended for the consumption of Reich Wing nit wits. It's the same as Benghazi! Benghazi!

This one is '6 foot 4, blah blah pounds!.....did we mention he's a black thug?' Over and over......pathetic.

How is the officer's height and weight relevant? Are you suggesting that if he was an equally big guy he should have engaged in a physical fight with the suspect? On what page of the police training manual does it suggest this?

A police officer carries a gun, therefore he can't take the chance of engaging you in a fistfight or wrestling match and you getting your hands on his gun. If you attack a police officer, you should not expect a fair fight. You should expect to be shot.
AGAIN...where is the peril....? What is the battle that the white community faces with frequent injustice throughout history ? Is there a pattern of unequal prison sentences, police abuse and profiling of black cops vs whites, targeting of whites by black officers ? I want YOU to answer the question ...if you can

What Supe said. No need to add to that.

But I find the following odd...

When a white man kills a black man in TODAY'S day and age (because history is just that at this point, history), it's full on outrage. When a black man kills a white man, there is no coverage, no outrage...there's almost excuse making. The white man cannot ever be a victim.

Why has Eric Holder filed Federal hate crime charges against the one white man to attack a black man in knockout? And why has he never filed hate crime charges against the endless list of African American's that have killed, maimed and assaulted whites in this deadly game? Can you answer that? Why is one different than the other? The answer is easy. People in power want to make it about color. It's not about color. At all.

When you consider that black on white crime is MASSIVELY greater than white on black crime, it makes you scratch your head. When a black man kills a white man at Denny's or maims a black man in knockout, barely a peep is heard save for the local news. There are no riots. There is no looting. The AJ doesn't fly into town and predetermine an outcome to gain political points. Isn't that odd?

And in today's day and age, who are the victims? The statistics show that TODAY, the white man is the victim of the black hand far far more often than the opposite. Is that not an injustice today? Or somehow, in your mind, is this warranted to somehow make up for 200 years of history? When do we advance? Or must this be cyclical for time to come?

As for the profiling, are you going to keep ignoring the points brought up, including the very well written article by the law enforcement agent about profiling? That that is what they do. Let me ask you...should the police stop profiling the people and activities that history shows leads to the predominance of crime when certain communities commit the vast majority of said crimes? Should they stop looking for the prototypical "prostitute-looking" women when trying to attack prostitution? Or must they tail grandmothers and housewives so as not to offend while missing the actual criminals? If you want the police to keep the municipalities safe, you target crime. And crime has a face, a history and "often" it is identifiable. There was a great History channel episode the other day on biker gangs that have been busted for murder, drug and weapons selling, etc. across the country. That community has an extra eye of law enforcement on it because of past behavior. They have a higher propensity to commit crime than grocery shoppers.

If you want the profiling to stop, stop committing crimes. Stop glorifying the thug lifestyle, educate, marry, establish families, stop having babies out of wedlock, establish careers, lift yourself out of poverty by taking advantage of the endless programs taxpayers fund in this country to assist those in need. If you fix the community, this "vicious profiling" you cry about goes away. The community and the lifestyle leads to the profiling. It's really that simple. And profiling is necessary if warranted. Otherwise we'll relegate law enforcement to what TSA has become....fearful of frisking and over-inspecting Middle Eastern flyers while patting down grandmothers in wheel chairs. That defeats the purpose of security.
Zimmerman is a murderer. Anyone who doubts that has their head so far up their racist agenda ***, they think the sun is white as well.

And you probably had no doubt OJ Simpson is innocent.

Now the LOOTERS in Ferguson have filed a lawsuit against the city for use of excessive force. They also have threatened another lawsuit and more riots if Officer Wilson is NOT indicted.
AKA the Sharpton legal process. Hopefully everything will come out in a court of law and we can determine whether the officer had reason to shoot the bible toting college scholar.
The reality of this is that the violent black community took to the streets and looted and burned their communities causing the necessary attention to what they believe is a travesty of justice. When a black cop shoots an unarmed white man most of us "white folk" trust that the police officer acted in an appropriate manner and that the justice system will sort out the facts and justice will be done. The Black community as a whole has been supressed by the government as a social experiment and their heads filled with dreams of bling and money aspiring to be the next great musical talent, rapper, athlete or forced to gain protection from gangs and work their way up the ranks in the drug trade. I have heard many black people voicing their hope of a change in the black family unit and attitude to pull themselves out from this oppressive mindset. Until the leaders in the black community start acting more like Dr. King and less like Loius Farakahn this division amongst the country will continue to surface and always be prevalent.
Whites were enslaved and persecuted long before blacks ever were... Difference is whites have moved on and don't us it as a crutch every time something happens...

That's history it happened... But many choose to ignore that part and continue to push whatever agenda benefits them..
That's not even mentioning that Wilson had a screwed up childhood and had his own run ins with the law. SO HE DOES HAVE A RECORD! This guy was just waiting to go off, or he had gone off before in Jennings it was just never reported.



Address the fact that you just made that **** up before you go on another misdirectional tenagent.

This. This right here.

This is the root of the conservative ethos. Dehumanize the "those people" however you want to categorize them. Conservative Christians do it with Muslims, Conservative Muslims do it with Jews, Conservative rich people do it with poor people and so on. It's a culture of hatersim going back beyond Jim Crow and Nazism to the colonial based founding of Western Civilization.

Bravo for your honesty, gentlemen. Bravo. Too many on this board try to pretend they are civilized and attempt to rationalize their prejudices. Your candid remarks give light to the lie of their disingenuous intellectualism. Bigots and haters. The two are neither synonymous nor mutually exclusive, and that is what you find down here in God and Government.


And this is the liberal philosophy in a nutshell.

If you call someone who commits a crime a thug, if you have little sympathy for someone who possibly brought his own death upon himself by being violent and belligerent, you are a bigot or a hater. If you don't accept that every black person who meets with some harm is an innocent angel who didn't deserve it, you are a hater and a bigot. If you don't agree that every non-black person who harms a black person is obviously a racist, you are a bigot and a hater. If you don't think people should be breaking the law to cross our borders, you are a hater and a bigot. If you think that welfare programs actually do more harm than good, you are a racist and a hater.

Basically, anytime you support police over criminals, laws over lawlessness, personal responsibility over victimhood, you are a bigot and a hater.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to oneforthebus again.

Meaning, I would not send a man away to jail by telling a lie. Lying about having a Drivers License and ruining someone's life are two totally different things.

Thanks for claifying.

What is the height and weight of Officer Wilson does anybody know yet?

The attempt to paint Brown as a monster and Wilson as a a man with 'unknown characteristics other than a spotless duty record shows us what is intended for the consumption of Reich Wing nit wits. It's the same as Benghazi! Benghazi!

This one is '6 foot 4, blah blah pounds!.....did we mention he's a black thug?' Over and over......pathetic.
