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Speaking of distractions, how are all those Reich Wing predictions coming along as far the ACA? Are premiums going through the roof yet as they claimed they would by now?

You mean, like this?


If the HI premium tax takes effect, the vast majority of small businesses currently providing insurance will see their premiums increase beyond what they would have without the tax. According to survey data from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS), among private sector establishments who offer health insurance, nearly 75 percent of those with between 100 and 499 employees and more than 85 percent of those with fewer than 100 employees do not self-insure. For a small business owner who does not self-insure, this increase in premiums will be borne by both the employer and the employee, each of whom contributes toward financing the insurance.

Thanks Supe! Yep, started posting here in the mid 90s. Damn, time gets on down the road on you....

No ****. It's crazy. We are all getting to be a bunch of old ********. I came here when I was not much more than a kid, fresh out of college. I blinked my eyes and am now pushing 40. What the **** happened?
You mean, like this?


If the HI premium tax takes effect, the vast majority of small businesses currently providing insurance will see their premiums increase beyond what they would have without the tax. According to survey data from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS), among private sector establishments who offer health insurance, nearly 75 percent of those with between 100 and 499 employees and more than 85 percent of those with fewer than 100 employees do not self-insure. For a small business owner who does not self-insure, this increase in premiums will be borne by both the employer and the employee, each of whom contributes toward financing the insurance.


Some places actually started raising their rates in anticipation of the ACA being passed... that would definitely increase those numbers for WV and OH...
My brother cannot get insurance because he cannot afford the policy his company offers, but since they offer one he is not eligible for any subsidies. So if he quits his job he could get insurance, as long as he keeps working he can't. Way to help out the working folk Obama.
No, what actually happened is more Americans now have health insurance and that will save us money in the long run...so.

The Facts:

12.5% fewer uninsured by 2014 rather than 37.3%
millions with cancelled coverage, of which 1 million remain uninsured
a $2 trillion increase in the federal debt in its first two decades rather than a deficit reduction
far higher premium increases in the non-group, small group and large group markets than originally estimated
Nearly $7,000 in added taxes/fees over a decade even for families in the lowest 20% of household income

I live in WV and work in OH. The least anticipated time of the year is the open enrollment period for insurance.

Ours have gone up 35% since Obamacare was enacted. That's just the premiums. Co-pays and deductibles have all gone up. Medication that used to be covered no longer is.

All in order to subsidize the premiums of people who will still have thousands in out of pocket costs they can't afford.
Thanks Supe! Yep, started posting here in the mid 90s. Damn, time gets on down the road on you....

yep. let me know when your private plane is picking your best buddy, me, up from the airport and whisking me away to south carolina for some bbq and beer on your dime.
yep. let me know when your private plane is picking your best buddy, me, up from the airport and whisking me away to south carolina for some bbq and beer on your dime.

Lol.. Will do man..
Some places actually started raising their rates in anticipation of the ACA being passed... that would definitely increase those numbers for WV and OH...

Who commissioned your study there? You do know they used models right? And as you've told us many, many times...models don't work. Of course you'll say this is an economic model so it doesn't count.
Are health insurance premiums skyrocketing in 2015? Despite you might have heard, the answer is 'No!'

Published: August 29, 2014 12:00 PM


"O-care premiums to skyrocket,” said a headline in The Hill, a widely-read website on politics. That dire forecast was a dream come true for legions of the Affordable Care Act's detractors, who spread the troubling assertion far and wide on conservative media outlets.

The thinly-sourced article was based on assertions by anonymous “insurance officials” and one research organization member who said his “gut” told him that premiums for policies sold on state Health Insurance Marketplaces would go up a lot. But a funny thing happed on the way to 2015: The forecast "skyrocketing" is nowhere in evidence.

Here’s what’s going on with 2015 health insurance premiums and what you need to know.
Increases are in the single digits, a not-terrible showing

With preliminary or final individual premiums available for 31 states and the District of Columbia, the average rate increase is 8 percent, according to the most recent (Aug. 15) update of PricewaterhouseCooper’s interactive map. But 29 states have released only the rates that the insurers have requested, not final rates. And the average masks huge variations: In Arizona, for instance, changes in proposed premiums range from a 23 percent decrease to a 27 percent increase. And in any event, 8 percent is not a terrible rate increase by historical standards. In the three years before the Affordable Care Act was passed into law, the average rate increase in the individual market was 10 percent or more—and that was in an era when insurance companies didn’t have to sell to sick people or offer comprehensive health benefits the way they do now.
Some states are using regulatory mojo to roll back outrageous requests

“Some states have the authority to review rates, and do,” Betsy Imholz, a health insurance expert for Consumer Reports, said. “In other states there have been negotiated reductions.”

In Oregon, for instance, average 2015 premiums came in lower than 2014 rates after regulators got done with them. In Maryland, CareFirst, the state’s dominant insurer, asked for outrageous increases ranging from 23 to 30 percent, but was granted still high, but more modest, increases of 10 to 16 percent. And rates are actually decreasing for other insurers.
So, what came of the lawsuit to produce Michael Browns juvenile record that some of you felt was being hidden ?

Nothing...not a GODDAMN THING !!!! :-)
So, what came of the lawsuit to produce Michael Browns juvenile record that some of you felt was being hidden ?

Nothing...not a GODDAMN THING !!!! :-)

The 2nd degree murder charge was all B.S. made up on conservative blogs. They'll move on to something else, maybe call Eric Holder a racist. I say this because I notice that's the tactic they use on me and it's the tactic that let's you know they have nothing, nada, empty bag.
I have heard of La Raza and all about their socialist policies. I have read articles and seen news reports ( from a few years ago) that stated specifically that Latinos were NOT allowed to join the NAACP because they were not black.

A student at GA State University (white) was NOT allowed to start a WHITE Student Union, even though Whites make up only 33% of the school's population. He said that every other race was afforded the right to have a Student Union based solely on race, and also because whites are a minority at that school that he felt he should be allowed to have a White Student Union. The school denied his request saying that he would have to include all races.

You saw reports ? Ive never seen or heard such....not saying youre incorrect but that goes against the stated mission of the NAACP....if you visited their page youd understand the mission includes "all persons" ...Do you know the organization was started in 1909 and it had among its members, some who WERENT Black ? They focused their intent for the cause of people of color but didnt limit it to people of color, so its sorta hard for me to understand why theyd invoke a practice of discrimination which they were vehemetly opposed to.

I dont take any issue with white kids starting a union......no stress no sweat from me. Take that issue up w the school.
The 2nd degree murder charge was all B.S. made up on conservative blogs. They'll move on to something else, maybe call Eric Holder a racist. I say this because I notice that's the tactic they use on me and it's the tactic that let's you know they have nothing, nada, empty bag.

We wouldn't possibly call Eric Holder a racist because he has
a) chosen to file hate crimes against the white man that struck the black man in knock-out, ignoring thousands of black on white attacks, or because
b) he's selected to investigate the Ferguson PD, but not the PD in Utah, Albuquerque, blah, blah blah where other innocents have been killed by the PD, including black officers slaying white victims.

That's not racist at all.

Let's keep on banking on "facts" from those eyewitnesses. http://fox2now.com/2014/09/02/mid-m...es-by-witness-in-michael-brown-shooting-case/
The 2nd degree murder charge was all B.S. made up on conservative blogs. They'll move on to something else, maybe call Eric Holder a racist. I say this because I notice that's the tactic they use on me and it's the tactic that let's you know they have nothing, nada, empty bag.

80 percent of these clowns know not the definition of what a racist is....Cause if they did, theyd never call any person with black ethnicity racists. Its like calling an atheist a devout Jehovas Witness ...it just doesnt fit given the current circumstances. They believe bringing attention to ones plight as racist....or promoting ones culture as racist. The belief that ones race is superior to another is what defines a racist.

For Eric Holder to be considered a racist he would first have to change the power structure in this country and tilt it in favor of people of color....its built on a foundation of White Supremecy..that cant be undone in a short time.

In less than 50 years whites will be the minority in this country and their power significantly diminished...what i do believe will happen is the redneck backwood Klan mentality will be signiicantly supressed and go deeply underground, while you see a rise in mixed racial or biracial or multi ethnical factions becoming a substantial part of the American color wheel. Some whites can embrace an America like that...some cant and will look to leave.........those are the true "haters". :-)
80 percent of these clowns know not the definition of what a racist is....Cause if they did, theyd never call any person with black ethnicity racists. Its like calling an atheist a devout Jehovas Witness ...it just doesnt fit given the current circumstances.

You are completely delusional. Do YOU even know what racism is? Take off the egocentric blinders and look it up. A core tenet of racism is prejudice and/or discrimination based on color/race. It's that simple.

When Eric Holder files hate crimes against one white knock out assailant and none against a thousand black assailants, it's a text book definition of racism - it is discriminatory. Knock out IS racist. Most of the cases involve one color vs. another color.
Last edited:
You are completely delusional. Do YOU even know what racism is? Take off the egocentric blinders and look it up. A core tenet of racism is prejudice and/or discrimination based on color/race. It's that simple.

When Eric Holder files hate crimes against one white knock out assailant and none against a thousand black assailants, it's a text book definition of racism - it is discriminatory. Knock out IS racist. Most of the cases involve one cover vs. another color.
It's impossible for a black person to be racist. Don't you know that?
I could say I was paraphrasing Zeke Emmanuel (Obama's healthcare adviser) who admitted it was why insurance rates were increasing over 25% in 2013 but I was going off of the empirical evidence of seeing my own rates increase by that rate while having major increases in deductables and out of pocket expenses.
yep. let me know when your private plane is picking your best buddy, me, up from the airport and whisking me away to south carolina for some bbq and beer on your dime.

Can you two please get a room and quit having cybersex in front of us?
Here’s what’s going on with 2015 health insurance premiums and what you need to know. Increases are in the single digits, a not-terrible showing.

The best you have to offer, from a Pro-Bammy, Pro-ACA site, is that the rate increases are "not terrible"?

And of course Bammy and his social engineers used a contemptible tactic to keep the inevitable rate increases artificially low - they designed plans with massive deductibles.

Americans seeking cheap insurance on the Obamacare health exchanges may be in for sticker shock if they get sick next year, as consumers trade lower premiums for out-of-pocket costs that can top $6,000 a person. Expenses for some policies can reach $6,350 for a single person and $12,700 per family, the most allowed by the health-care law, according to a survey by HealthPocket Inc. of seven states, including California and Ohio. That’s 26 percent higher than the average deductible in the seven states, and a scenario likely repeated across the country, said Kev Coleman, head of research and data at Sunnyvale, California-based HealthPocket.


For some, Obamacare deductibles deliver sticker shock. The Affordable Care Act is turning out to be less than affordable for some consumers. That’s because many of the plans carry huge deductibles, creating potential financial problems for middle-class consumers. Some “bronze”-level plans, the lowest level of coverage, carry deductibles as high as $12,700 per year for a family of four.



Oh, yeah, and you fail to acknowledge that Bammy and his cynical compatriots put off a significant portion of the employer mandate until 2015, to avoid blowback during the 2014 elections.

Shortly after the passage of the Affordable Care Act, the Department of Health and Human Services produced an analysis that predicted the employer mandates and increased costs would force “66 percent of small employer plans and 45 percent of large employer plans” to be canceled. That was the “mid-range” estimate, one that went unnoticed until the mass cancellations of plans in the individual market. As Forbes’ Avik Roy argued at the time, it meant that the churn in the individual market provided just an appetizer to the main course of market disruption that will come this fall.

The White House has been attempting to avoid its consequences ever since. They have delayed the implementation of the employer mandate for businesses with fewer than 200 employees until 2016, and pushed open enrollment this fall for 2015 until mid-November – well after the midterm elections.


Finally, you also simply ignoring the fact that despite the delay of the employer mandate and the inevitable price increase from that portion of the law, and despite the massive increase in deductibles, the ACA has seen increase in premiums - where the ACA was trumpeted as a means to reduce premiums - REDUCE, not increase.

“You should know that once we have fully implemented, you’re going to be able to buy insurance through a pool so that you can get the same good rates as a group that if you’re an employee at a big company you can get right now — which means your premiums will go down.”.


Further, the rallying cry for Bammycare was that it was absolutely necessary to provide insurance to the 30 million uninsured Americans. How is that working out? Not well at all, the data show. The ugly truth is that the large percentage of "new enrollees" in Bammycare are those who were previously covered under Medicaid, or their parents' plan, and that the actual number of "newly insured" is 7 million - or less than 25% of the uninsured population.

Hard Truth #1: The total number of uninsured has NOT declined by 9.5 million

Roughly 1 Million With Cancelled Plans Remain Uninsured. The problem with the first figure is that the LA Times itself reports “Fewer than a million people who had health plans in 2013 are now uninsured because their plans were canceled for not meeting new standards set by the law, the Rand survey indicates.”[1]This means we have to subtract this ~1 million newly uninsured group from the 9.5 million to arrive at the net reduction in uninsured of 8.5 million.

The Number of Previously Uninsured Young Adults Covered by Parents Half as Large as Reported. It was announced nearly 2 years ago that 3.1 million previously uninsured young adults age 19-25 had gained coverage as a consequence of the Obamacare mandate that parental plans cover such dependent “children.” This was based on an analysis of data from the National Health Interview Survey. However, there’s two other much larger surveys that both show much smaller declines: 1.8 million according to the American Community Survey (ACS)[2] and 1.4 million using the Current Population Survey (CPS).[3] I’m willing to split the difference and say that this feature of Obamacare reduced the number of uninsured young adults by 1.6 million, meaning the net reduction in uninsured across the entire population is 7.1 million.



So, to sum up Bammycare thus far:

  • We were told premiums would go down.
  • They have not and instead have increased by more than 8%.
  • That increase does not take into account the massively increased deductibles.
  • The Bammy-mandated plans have deductibles of at least $2,500 for most new enrollees.
  • Meanwhile, the tsunami of policy cancellations and rate increases were delayed in a cynical political move, so that Bammy could put off the day of reckoning until after the 2014 mid-terms.
  • But that clock is ticking, and come November, 2015, Bammy's **** will hit the fan - and us.
  • Further, the selling point was to insure the uninsured.
  • However, more than 75% of the uninsured remain just that - uninsured.
  • So we have deductible increases, rate increases, a pending explosion of employer cancellations come November of 2015, and 23 million uninsured.
  • But hey, what are the chances the government ***** up this issue and we see cost overruns and lousy insurance?
I could say I was paraphrasing Zeke Emmanuel (Obama's healthcare adviser) who admitted it was why insurance rates were increasing over 25% in 2013 but I was going off of the empirical evidence of seeing my own rates increase by that rate while having major increases in deductables and out of pocket expenses.

Mine went up 30%, with the possibility of higher rates next year. Health care has become less affordable for me.
You saw reports ? Ive never seen or heard such....not saying youre incorrect but that goes against the stated mission of the NAACP....if you visited their page youd understand the mission includes "all persons" ...Do you know the organization was started in 1909 and it had among its members, some who WERENT Black ? They focused their intent for the cause of people of color but didnt limit it to people of color, so its sorta hard for me to understand why theyd invoke a practice of discrimination which they were vehemetly opposed to.

I dont take any issue with white kids starting a union......no stress no sweat from me. Take that issue up w the school.

You agree then that what Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson preach and do now is exactly the opposite of what MLK wanted then, right? That's why the NAACP has fallen so far from its original promise(s).
So, what came of the lawsuit to produce Michael Browns juvenile record that some of you felt was being hidden ?

Nothing...not a GODDAMN THING !!!! :-)

Have you seen his juvenile records? All we know right now is he has no Class A or B felony charges or convictions. We don't know if he has lesser charges or convictions, including class C felonies. Personally though, I don't think any of it's really relevant to the legal case involving Officer Wilson. Whether he was a choirboy or a repeat offender, all that matters is exactly what he did in the moments leading up to the shooting. That we still don't know.