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Fields not looking good in his starter opportunity

Did he also get a raw deal in Carolina and LA before Tbay? I'm not even saying Fields is as good. I'm saying give the guy a ****** chance. Let's see. What is the point of ******** on a guy based on practice reports that vary btw he is gonna beat out Wilson to he's a bum.
Let’s be honest with Mayfield here.
First he goes to an absolutely horrible Carolina team where it was almost impossible for him to show his skills and shine. That team was bad, real bad.
Next stop LA Rams where he knew it was just a stop off and he’d be Stafford’s backup. He actually played well when he he got the chance but he wasn’t supplanting Stafford who is getting paid big money.
I’m not saying Baker is the second coming of Mahomes but he’s shown a hell of a lot more than Justin Fields.
Now with that being said I hope the hell Fields turns it around but this is year four and I have a lot if doubts about him.
Stop trying to start **** here. This is a message board where people have opinions just like you.
IMO Fields is not very good. That has nothing to do with sounding like another poster.
So you’re one of these guys if a poster doesn’t agree with your opinion then you try to place him in a category.
Lloyd has his opinions just like you do. Just because you don’t agree with him is no reason to criticize him.
Thank you, a rational thinking man, they do still exist. Not every Steeler fan's opinion ends with "we are perfect, we are great, we are gonna win the Super bowl." Some digress from that and they are often correct.
Stop trying to start **** here. This is a message board where people have opinions just like you.
IMO Fields is not very good. That has nothing to do with sounding like another poster.
So you’re one of these guys if a poster doesn’t agree with your opinion then you try to place him in a category.
Lloyd has his opinions just like you do. Just because you don’t agree with him is no reason to criticize him.
Nope, plenty of people I disagree with that I don't categorize. You are welcome to your opinion. I didn't say you are wrong I simply said we don't know yet. Sorry if that triggered you. Maybe it was a low blow comparing you to Lloyd. Fields is only 25 and is younger than Pickett. He came from a school that doesn't well prepare QB's for the NFL and went to team with no stability. He has all the physical gifts. He has shown flashes of being great and flashes of being terrible. To try and say any of us know what he can be in the right system yet is disingenuous at best. For better or worse I don't see him as any different than Lamar Jackson, whom I think would be considered a bust had he played in Chicago rather than Baltimore. What Justin can do here is up to him and the OC.
Let’s be honest with Mayfield here.
First he goes to an absolutely horrible Carolina team where it was almost impossible for him to show his skills and shine. That team was bad, real bad.
Next stop LA Rams where he knew it was just a stop off and he’d be Stafford’s backup. He actually played well when he he got the chance but he wasn’t supplanting Stafford who is getting paid big money.
I’m not saying Baker is the second coming of Mahomes but he’s shown a hell of a lot more than Justin Fields.
Now with that being said I hope the hell Fields turns it around but this is year four and I have a lot if doubts about him.
So what's happening here is you are making apologies for Baker's performance prior to his success. Horrible Carolina? How about horrible Chicago. This is Fields second chance. If he fails. Maybe one more. Give him a chance. Zero risked here.
Let’s be honest with Mayfield here.
First he goes to an absolutely horrible Carolina team where it was almost impossible for him to show his skills and shine. That team was bad, real bad.
Next stop LA Rams where he knew it was just a stop off and he’d be Stafford’s backup. He actually played well when he he got the chance but he wasn’t supplanting Stafford who is getting paid big money.
I’m not saying Baker is the second coming of Mahomes but he’s shown a hell of a lot more than Justin Fields.
Now with that being said I hope the hell Fields turns it around but this is year four and I have a lot if doubts about him.
1ST OF ALL. Mayfield did show some skills while he was still slinging it in Cleveland. Did we already forget the 48 point beatdown he put on us IN Pgh with a Big Ben Steeler outfit. He rang up 48 points IN Pgh on us. Yes, Mayfield did that with Tomlin as our head coach. 48 points.

Then, they paired him with one of the very worst, least prepared head coaches in Freddy Kitchens. This just in, he hasn't been looked at as a potential HC since he was incoherently put at HC in Cleveland. That was a Mayfield choice, no one said he was a good GM. Freddy was a complete disaster at HC. Who can forget his wearing of the "He started it" shirt after the Mason/Garrett "incident." Oh, he wore it because "his daughter" "gave it to him." What a moron. Freddy was the worst, least-deserving HC I can remember.

The LA stop was discussed, he wasn't gonna beat out Stafford. Carolina was just a horrid team. Mayfield got a real chance in TB and played well enough to get another contract. Bottom line.

Fields has yet to play up to Mayfield's standards, even in Cleveland. Could he? Sure, anything is possible. But so far he's been repeating the same errors that made him a 60% passer, a 10-28 losing career starter, a 40-30 TD-int thrower and so on. And he's been playing for 3 years, not ONE. And I have to refuse to admit that no Steeler fans are hoping he is the savior. I KNOW some who do.
So what's happening here is you are making apologies for Baker's performance prior to his success. Horrible Carolina? How about horrible Chicago. This is Fields second chance. If he fails. Maybe one more. Give him a chance. Zero risked here.
And when eyewitnesses write on what they see? They are somehow fallible for reporting what they see?
1ST OF ALL. Mayfield did show some skills while he was still slinging it in Cleveland. Did we already forget the 48 point beatdown he put on us IN Pgh with a Big Ben Steeler outfit. He rang up 48 points IN Pgh on us. Yes, Mayfield did that with Tomlin as our head coach. 48 points.

Then, they paired him with one of the very worst, least prepared head coaches in Freddy Kitchens. This just in, he hasn't been looked at as a potential HC since he was incoherently put at HC in Cleveland. That was a Mayfield choice, no one said he was a good GM. Freddy was a complete disaster at HC. Who can forget his wearing of the "He started it" shirt after the Mason/Garrett "incident." Oh, he wore it because "his daughter" "gave it to him." What a moron. Freddy was the worst, least-deserving HC I can remember.

The LA stop was discussed, he wasn't gonna beat out Stafford. Carolina was just a horrid team. Mayfield got a real chance in TB and played well enough to get another contract. Bottom line.

Fields has yet to play up to Mayfield's standards, even in Cleveland. Could he? Sure, anything is possible. But so far he's been repeating the same errors that made him a 60% passer, a 10-28 losing career starter, a 40-30 TD-int thrower and so on. And he's been playing for 3 years, not ONE. And I have to refuse to admit that no Steeler fans are hoping he is the savior. I KNOW some who do.
Mayfield played well but he was helped immensely by turnovers. He was not a play form behind QB in Cleveland by any stretch. Despite the turnovers we still made a game of it. Chubb was more key than Baker. Fields hasn't had a Chubb or anything remotely close to what he brings. He also has great wheels. Lets see if with some seasoning the brain can catch up.
We’ll have to see how the season plays out.

From Fields career thus far, not too promising
Pgh is desperately hoping that one of the two QBs we got for cheap, ends up proving worthy of being the starting QB for the next few years. Here's hoping Russ heels up that calf, it appears we're gonna need him.
And when eyewitnesses write on what they see? They are somehow fallible for reporting what they see?
But you failed to say what other eye witnesses reported. And he hasn't even taken a snap in an exhibition. How bout we wait for that to judge at least? Fair?
So what's happening here is you are making apologies for Baker's performance prior to his success. Horrible Carolina? How about horrible Chicago. This is Fields second chance. If he fails. Maybe one more. Give him a chance. Zero risked here.
I hope Fields does well here I really do but what I’m saying is Mayfield had success with his stint in Cleveland but Fields didn’t in Chicago.
Of course you can make the point that Cleveland had a better surrounding cast than Chicago and that certainly played a part.
What concerns me with Fields are the things I pointed out. Inability to read a defense, accuracy issues, taking off after his first read, and turnovers.
If he can overcome all that, great, I’m just having doubts that he can. We shall see.
Nope, plenty of people I disagree with that I don't categorize. You are welcome to your opinion. I didn't say you are wrong I simply said we don't know yet. Sorry if that triggered you. Maybe it was a low blow comparing you to Lloyd. Fields is only 25 and is younger than Pickett. He came from a school that doesn't well prepare QB's for the NFL and went to team with no stability. He has all the physical gifts. He has shown flashes of being great and flashes of being terrible. To try and say any of us know what he can be in the right system yet is disingenuous at best. For better or worse I don't see him as any different than Lamar Jackson, whom I think would be considered a bust had he played in Chicago rather than Baltimore. What Justin can do here is up to him and the OC.
Look, like you and others here, I truely hope that young Justin succeeds here, I really do.
I’m not rooting against him, I’m hoping he proves me wrong. I’m just having my doubts but if he can turn it around I’ll be the first to say I was wrong.
Won’t be the first time I’ve been wrong.
He’ll, I thought Kenny was going to be the answer and I stuck with him until the end and then some.
I obviously blew that one!
We don't know that. You sound way too much like Lloyd. Fields is young still.
I agree. With Tomlin's track record Fields will be churning out league MVPs and SBs by the dozen.
Thank you, a rational thinking man, they do still exist. Not every Steeler fan's opinion ends with "we are perfect, we are great, we are gonna win the Super bowl." Some digress from that and they are often correct.
Exactly! It’s ok if we disagree here on this board. We are all passionate about the Steelers I get it.
Not one is really wrong here, it’s just a matter of opinions and how we all see things.
This is still America and we can exercise our first amendment rights even on a message board.
And yes it’s healthy to disagree because it shows everyone’s point of view and their take on things.
Lloyd has his opinion and takes and at times I don’t agree with him but I respect his opinion and his right to voice them here.
And by all means I get it when you don’t agree with me. That’s fine! Like I said, it’s healthy discussion to disagree and voice our opinions.
Mayfield played well but he was helped immensely by turnovers. He was not a play form behind QB in Cleveland by any stretch. Despite the turnovers we still made a game of it. Chubb was more key than Baker. Fields hasn't had a Chubb or anything remotely close to what he brings. He also has great wheels. Lets see if with some seasoning the brain can catch up.
Field's brain just isn't there. That's nearly impossible to fix.
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But you failed to say what other eye witnesses reported. And he hasn't even taken a snap in an exhibition. How bout we wait for that to judge at least? Fair?
I have the links on who said what, but I'm not allowed to post them.
your friends are the only people that have ever thought fields a "Savior". No one I have ever met or talked to or have read, has Fields being close to a "savior"
what type of people do you hang out with?

I suspect Lloyd attended several meetings of the "Justin Fields Is Our Savior" discussion group.
I watched him in an interview recently. He seemed like a scatterbrain to me. Just one interview though. Maybe he has deep discussions with the rocket science guy but the news doesn't report that. You ain't seeing that on TMZ!
I watched him in an interview recently. He seemed like a scatterbrain to me. Just one interview though. Maybe he has deep discussions with the rocket science guy but the news doesn't report that. You ain't seeing that on TMZ!
Question how does Lamar Jackson come across on an interview. Like he might be studying how to cure cancer in the off season. He seems to do well!
I never saw or heard an interview with Jackson so I can't comment.
Did you read where I said "I don't know if Fields will be anything or not?" I'm not saying he will be good. I'm not saying he will be bad. I'm not passing judgment on 3 practices in shorts. That is all, no more, no less.

Just know, if they said Fields was looking fantastic, I would put nothing into it. 3 days. Shorts. For the love.
But what's the guy supposed to do when covering the subject of Fields? Not cover his bad decisions and poor throws? They were there, he reported on them, that's his job. Now I'm sure it hurt the feelings of the "everything is going great" Steeler fans. But if he made errors in practice, and they happen to be the same he's been making.