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Fields not looking good in his starter opportunity

I watched him in an interview recently. He seemed like a scatterbrain to me. Just one interview though. Maybe he has deep discussions with the rocket science guy but the news doesn't report that. You ain't seeing that on TMZ!
Well I just watched him in an interview with Missy and Craig and he is smart, we'll spoken, polite with a sense of humor. Jesus this is becoming like politics where everyone sees what they want.
Fields has been making the same kind of errors in his 3rd practice as well, according to reports by eyewitnesses at camp. He missed a wide open Warren coming out of the backfield by a wide margin. Threw the pass too hard and high. It's this type of "routine plays" not being "routine" that have some pundits worried about Fields.
Fields has been making the same kind of errors in his 3rd practice as well, according to reports by eyewitnesses at camp. He missed a wide open Warren coming out of the backfield by a wide margin. Threw the pass too hard and high. It's this type of "routine plays" not being "routine" that have some pundits worried about Fields.
Noted. I'm done ✔️
Fields has been making the same kind of errors in his 3rd practice as well, according to reports by eyewitnesses at camp. He missed a wide open Warren coming out of the backfield by a wide margin. Threw the pass too hard and high. It's this type of "routine plays" not being "routine" that have some pundits worried about Fields.
Isn't that what practice is for? Does no good player(s) ever have a bad practice or two...three?

Also. It is one thing for someone to report on what they see. It is another for others to jump on those reports and use them as justification that said player will never be good. Then beat their drum as loud as they can while screaming....look at me....look at me.
Pgh is desperately hoping that one of the two QBs we got for cheap, ends up proving worthy of being the starting QB for the next few years. Here's hoping Russ heels up that calf, it appears we're gonna need him.
If they’re successful. That’s a successful piece to the team
Field's brain just isn't there. That's nearly impossible to fix.
Literally the post after ONE guy defends you, and you play Neurosurgeon/Psychologist expert to know that a young man's flaw is his brain?


The only way your comment has any relationship to reality is that you might recognize flaws in Fields as similar to yours. But I doubt that you were starting QB at OSU or were drafted early on Thursday into the NFL.

Isn't that what practice is for? Does no good player(s) ever have a bad practice or two...three?

Also. It is one thing for someone to report on what they see. It is another for others to jump on those reports and use them as justification that said player will never be good. Then beat their drum as loud as they can while screaming....look at me....look at me.
Naw. the "look at me" posts are coming. 1st the loose practice denial posts, then come the "lousy preseason game" posts excuses. Then the "but it's early in his season games" excuses to follow. We have to go through the whole gambit. Just like with Kenny.
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The NFL has a guidebook on this.
Fields has been making the same kind of errors in his 3rd practice as well, according to reports by eyewitnesses at camp. He missed a wide open Warren coming out of the backfield by a wide margin. Threw the pass too hard and high. It's this type of "routine plays" not being "routine" that have some pundits worried about Fields.

New receivers, new system, new verbiage, new progressions ... I am not surprised Fields is not optimal right now. It happens. I am a doubter or believer when real games start, not before.

Or have we already forgotten Kenny Pickett's 2023 Hall of Fame preseason?

This is why we brought in 2 QB's...
Well three if you count Allen as you never know when that third stringer will be called on to guide the 🛷.

New receivers, new system, new verbiage, new progressions ... I am not surprised Fields is not optimal right now. It happens. I am a doubter or believer when real games start, not before.

Or have we already forgotten Kenny Pickett's 2023 Hall of Fame preseason?
Weird thing about Pickett's preseason last year....they let him throw the ball to the middle of the field. Down field. All over the field. Then when the season started it was back to the 5 yards outs. Go figure.
I'm aware what you think you are aware of, and? What's next? Great. Now what? Do we all stop posting then? Is that what your suggesting? I have been utilizing the ignore button of posters only interested in name calling and making false accusations as their standard posts. This will lead to less garbage.
Keep posting. But it doesn't matter if some people get it, in your opinion, or do not. It doesn't make a bit of difference in what the Steelers do. If it did, would Mike Tomlin still be the coach? I get the sense you believe it does matter to the Steelers. I simply disagree.
Well I just watched him in an interview with Missy and Craig and he is smart, we'll spoken, polite with a sense of humor. Jesus this is becoming like politics where everyone sees what they want.

My thoughts too !!!

Listen to 5 words and I tell you whoever is speaking’s life and how it will go from that point on…………….

Salute the nation
But what's the guy supposed to do when covering the subject of Fields? Not cover his bad decisions and poor throws? They were there, he reported on them, that's his job. Now I'm sure it hurt the feelings of the "everything is going great" Steeler fans. But if he made errors in practice, and they happen to be the same he's been making.
Again, what are you reading that I have said? How are you interpreting it? My point is I just do not know if judgements should be made on 3 practices in shorts. Have I said he will be great? No. I do not know.

I thought about what you asked there, and you know what, yes, I would not report it...one way or the other. Good plays or bad. It's just practice. Fans can watch preseason games and make their own assessments. I am old school. I think it is dumb to report every damn play at camp.
Again, what are you reading that I have said? How are you interpreting it? My point is I just do not know if judgements should be made on 3 practices in shorts. Have I said he will be great? No. I do not know.

I thought about what you asked there, and you know what, yes, I would not report it...one way or the other. Good plays or bad. It's just practice. Fans can watch preseason games and make their own assessments. I am old school. I think it is dumb to report every damn play at camp.
This just in: we're in camp, it's what there is to talk about. Get it? If you choose to apply the discipline and not speak about what happens at camp, then good for you. Others are not built the same way. Others wish to discuss things about how QBs look. In THIS case, Fields is NOT looking like he has improved on his habits/errors that have put him at 10-28 as an NFL starting QB. He has continued to make the same poor throws, that are "routine" in nature. He has continued to make poor decisions on RPO passes vs. runs. He has sailed passes over running backs and WRs, as had been the case his entire NFL career. To some of us, that is worrisome and worth writing over. To you, and some others, you chose to not think it's even worthy of mentioning because it happened in camp. That is YOUR prerogative. You can choose to live life in that manner. To some of the rest of us, we choose the need to make mention of it.

No one is telling you how to live your life. Perhaps you should not feel the need to tell them how much weight they should put on a QB's performance in camp, one who notoriously has had these same problems in his previous 3 years of NFL play. Oh sure. it's his other teams fault, his poor play was 100% caused by that poor Bear's team. And pay no attention to Field's poor play he is replicating at the Steeler's camp, it's just camp, no reason to note the similar errors, they will be magically deleted due to our team's stellar handing of QBs. No need to think there is any need to worry. I mean all one needs to do is consider the fantastic job Tomlin did at developing Kenny Pickett and the super job he did in advancing his traits. Nothing to worry about there.
Is Fields better than T-biscuit?

IMO he can’t be much worse

If he is better than T-biscuit then they upgraded the position and that is always a positive in my book…obviously Russ should be an upgrade at QB1 over KP

So are we really bitching that they likely upgraded QB1 and QB2 while lowering the cost?
You're gonna feel mighty silly in due time. MIGHTY SILLY.
You look silly now. This thread should have never been started to begin with.

No one here believes Fields or Wilson (Russ) is the savior of this team. They are a cheap stand-in while the Steelers regroup from their colossal **** up of drafting Kenny. What do you do? FIELDZ LOOK BAD AFTURRR TWO DAYS!!

No **** Sherlock.
Fields vs T- biscuit in a qb competition. Would anyone watch that on tv?
You look silly now. This thread should have never been started to begin with.

No one here believes Fields or Wilson (Russ) is the savior of this team. They are a cheap stand-in while the Steelers regroup from their colossal **** up of drafting Kenny. What do you do? FIELDZ LOOK BAD AFTURRR TWO DAYS!!

No **** Sherlock.
Wait, 1st of all, that an erroneous assertion that NO Steeler fans were looking for Fields or Russ to be their savior. You must live a sheltered life. I know several hardcore Steeler fans who were hoping one or the other would fulfil our empty QB unit adequately. If you don't know any such persons, you have a limited outreach. Secondly, camp has opened: What do you want to discuss, anything but camp? Shaking my head. Our current QB play is a topic of choice. The current QB is stinking up the joint, making the same errors the Bears had warned us of. THAT is a worthwhile topic at hand. I can't imagine what should be in its place: how the Steelers are showing up to camp? What they are wearing and driving? OK, talk about useless space.
Wait, 1st of all, that an erroneous assertion that NO Steeler fans were looking for Fields or Russ to be their savior. You must live a sheltered life. I know several hardcore Steeler fans who were hoping one or the other would fulfil our empty QB unit adequately. If you don't know any such persons, you have a limited outreach. Secondly, camp has opened: What do you want to discuss, anything but camp? Shaking my head. Our current QB play is a topic of choice. The current QB is stinking up the joint, making the same errors the Bears had warned us of. THAT is a worthwhile topic at hand. I can't imagine what should be in its place: how the Steelers are showing up to camp? What they are wearing and driving? OK, talk about useless space.
Filling the QB unit adequately is far from being the savior.
Wait, 1st of all, that an erroneous assertion that NO Steeler fans were looking for Fields or Russ to be their savior. You must live a sheltered life. I know several hardcore Steeler fans who were hoping one or the other would fulfil our empty QB unit adequately. If you don't know any such persons, you have a limited outreach. Secondly, camp has opened: What do you want to discuss, anything but camp? Shaking my head. Our current QB play is a topic of choice. The current QB is stinking up the joint, making the same errors the Bears had warned us of. THAT is a worthwhile topic at hand. I can't imagine what should be in its place: how the Steelers are showing up to camp? What they are wearing and driving? OK, talk about useless space.

If you are looking for some semi legit Tomlin Criticism.... the scuttlebutt is that Russ got hurt pushing a blocking sled in conditioning test drills... a lot of people are questioning why a 35 year old QB was running blocking drills.... might have a bit more substance than posting an assumption of a player off of a couple camp practices....
Wait, 1st of all, that an erroneous assertion that NO Steeler fans were looking for Fields or Russ to be their savior. You must live a sheltered life. I know several hardcore Steeler fans who were hoping one or the other would fulfil our empty QB unit adequately. If you don't know any such persons, you have a limited outreach. Secondly, camp has opened: What do you want to discuss, anything but camp? Shaking my head. Our current QB play is a topic of choice. The current QB is stinking up the joint, making the same errors the Bears had warned us of. THAT is a worthwhile topic at hand. I can't imagine what should be in its place: how the Steelers are showing up to camp? What they are wearing and driving? OK, talk about useless space.
I said "no one here" i.e. Steelernation.com, believes that either of them is the Steeler's savior. At least, I haven't read a post from any member here who is that damn stupid. Fans here understand that Russ is in the twilight of his career and signed a one-year deal. Fields also signed a one-year deal on the cheap as a backup after Chicago punted his sorry ***. He has something to prove and he's in the Burgh to do just that. Fans here are intelligent, unlike the people you apparently hang around or listen to.

You've earned a reputation of being a negative nelly. I don't see you posting about Fields having a very good day four of camp, right? So don't paint this thread as one of "talking about camp" when it's simply a means of you ******** all over players, coaches, and life in general.

Go be miserable somewhere else.