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Fields not looking good in his starter opportunity

This place used to be fun.
It still can be. When the regular season starts it will be easier to ignore that one or two attention ******. The lack of news will be starting to ramp up here quickly when those pads come on. 😉
I said "no one here" i.e. Steelernation.com, believes that either of them is the Steeler's savior. At least, I haven't read a post from any member here who is that damn stupid. Fans here understand that Russ is in the twilight of his career and signed a one-year deal. Fields also signed a one-year deal on the cheap as a backup after Chicago punted his sorry ***. He has something to prove and he's in the Burgh to do just that. Fans here are intelligent, unlike the people you apparently hang around or listen to.

You must not have seen the congratulatory posts upon their signings. Your scope seems very limited.
You've earned a reputation of being a negative nelly. I don't see you posting about Fields having a very good day four of camp, right? So don't paint this thread as one of "talking about camp" when it's simply a means of you ******** all over players, coaches, and life in general.

Go be miserable somewhere else.
I could care less how you perceive me, I tell it like I see it. If you don't like it put me on ignore. If your fragile sense of self worth is so limited that you can't take the truth, well-spoken and communicated with proper rhorteric, then I'm not for you. No one has a gun to your head making you read my posts. Oh, and as far as Field's day at camp, I did comment on it; I offered how he still was making the same errors he had been the days prior: missed throws to easy targets, missed reads, etc. I commented on it.

But "badcat" you just go on being "you." Nevermind the more cognitive stuff. Be happy with the others in self delusions. Repeat after me: The Steelers are great, they never make errors in judgement of who to keep around, all is perfect. The QBs added are nothing to speak highly of, until camp ends,then we will see Fields/Russ take off and become special as only a Tomlin team can make them be. All hail the "non losing" record. Yea, all hail.
I said "no one here" i.e. Steelernation.com, believes that either of them is the Steeler's savior. At least, I haven't read a post from any member here who is that damn stupid. Fans here understand that Russ is in the twilight of his career and signed a one-year deal. Fields also signed a one-year deal on the cheap as a backup after Chicago punted his sorry ***. He has something to prove and he's in the Burgh to do just that. Fans here are intelligent, unlike the people you apparently hang around or listen to.

You've earned a reputation of being a negative nelly. I don't see you posting about Fields having a very good day four of camp, right? So don't paint this thread as one of "talking about camp" when it's simply a means of you ******** all over players, coaches, and life in general.

Go be miserable somewhere else.
That is what he is a miserable mope that gets off on dissing players and coaches. These will always be the worst kind of fans that habitually bring this to the table over anything else.
Good posters are less inclined to contribute/opine when they are met with cooch's unending pile of **** linking the poster to Tomlin or stupidity.

Disagreeable for the sake of making others feel like ****.
You must not have seen the congratulatory posts upon their signings. Your scope seems very limited.

I could care less how you perceive me, I tell it like I see it. If you don't like it put me on ignore. If your fragile sense of self worth is so limited that you can't take the truth, well-spoken and communicated with proper rhorteric, then I'm not for you. No one has a gun to your head making you read my posts. Oh, and as far as Field's day at camp, I did comment on it; I offered how he still was making the same errors he had been the days prior: missed throws to easy targets, missed reads, etc. I commented on it.

But "badcat" you just go on being "you." Nevermind the more cognitive stuff. Be happy with the others in self delusions. Repeat after me: The Steelers are great, they never make errors in judgement of who to keep around, all is perfect. The QBs added are nothing to speak highly of, until camp ends,then we will see Fields/Russ take off and become special as only a Tomlin team can make them be. All hail the "non losing" record. Yea, all hail.
He isn’t delusional he just isn’t a mental midget. Nobody wants to hear criticism daily. Your truth is skewed toward hatred. You are delusional if you think that what you offer the site is welcomed outside of site traffic by a select few. I have told you before nothing you bring to the table is earth shattering. It is just regurgitated crap that we have discussed without the daily bashing attached.

Weird thing about Pickett's preseason last year....they let him throw the ball to the middle of the field. Down field. All over the field. Then when the season started it was back to the 5 yards outs. Go figure.
Bingo, bongo, bluto. Right on the $.
Madden calls Tomlin a "nitwit" for having Russ try to hit sleds. Said Ben would have never agreed to do it. It's where the calf injury happened. Madden correct again?
You must not have seen the congratulatory posts upon their signings. Your scope seems very limited.
People congratulatory for bringing in two high profile QBs to fill the void left by crybaby Kenny and Rudy is them calling Fields and Russ a savior to the woes of the Steelers offense? :rolleyes: please.

I could care less how you perceive me, I tell it like I see it. If you don't like it put me on ignore. If your fragile sense of self worth is so limited that you can't take the truth, well-spoken and communicated with proper rhorteric, then I'm not for you. No one has a gun to your head making you read my posts. Oh, and as far as Field's day at camp, I did comment on it; I offered how he still was making the same errors he had been the days prior: missed throws to easy targets, missed reads, etc. I commented on it.
Look at you with the positive reaffirmations, Del Griffith. News flash, it isn't perception it's a known ******* fact that you delight in bashing players and coaches. FACT. highlighted in your own words. Now, if you had said, "still missed a few throws but had a much better day" it's a different story. Show some ******* positivity once in a while.

You're the type of guy who won't lick the ice cream because they didn't give you enough sprinkles.
People congratulatory for bringing in two high profile QBs to fill the void left by crybaby Kenny and Rudy is them calling Fields and Russ a savior to the woes of the Steelers offense? :rolleyes: please.

Look at you with the positive reaffirmations, Del Griffith. News flash, it isn't perception it's a known ******* fact that you delight in bashing players and coaches. FACT. highlighted in your own words. Now, if you had said, "still missed a few throws but had a much better day" it's a different story. Show some ******* positivity once in a while.

You're the type of guy who won't lick the ice cream because they didn't give you enough sprinkles.
Not enough sprinkles? The hell I say. I won't touch it.
Good posters are less inclined to contribute/opine when they are met with cooch's unending pile of **** linking the poster to Tomlin or stupidity.

Disagreeable for the sake of making others feel like ****.


Salute the nation
If you are looking for some semi legit Tomlin Criticism.... the scuttlebutt is that Russ got hurt pushing a blocking sled in conditioning test drills... a lot of people are questioning why a 35 year old QB was running blocking drills.... might have a bit more substance than posting an assumption of a player off of a couple camp practices....
They have a new S&C coach, right? That'll be something to watch this season. Either way, Tomlin should not have had his veteran QB (or any QB) pushing a sled.
People congratulatory for bringing in two high profile QBs to fill the void left by crybaby Kenny and Rudy is them calling Fields and Russ a savior to the woes of the Steelers offense? :rolleyes: please.

Look at you with the positive reaffirmations, Del Griffith. News flash, it isn't perception it's a known ******* fact that you delight in bashing players and coaches. FACT. highlighted in your own words. Now, if you had said, "still missed a few throws but had a much better day" it's a different story. Show some ******* positivity once in a while.

You're the type of guy who won't lick the ice cream because they didn't give you enough sprinkles.

Badcat, he's less than able to think out of his box.

PLEASE don't short him of his "sprinkles"......................................

Salute the nation
They have a new S&C coach, right? That'll be something to watch this season. Either way, Tomlin should not have had his veteran QB (or any QB) pushing a sled.
Ever, ever.Ever. I wonder who the pure man of genius was who came up with that idea.
Weird thing about Pickett's preseason last year....they let him throw the ball to the middle of the field. Down field. All over the field. Then when the season started it was back to the 5 yards outs. Go figure.
I would guess San Francisco was better and took the game more seriously than the preseason teams. Could have that had something to do with it?

Look, I agree that the offensive coaching has been putrid. But they aren't playing against air.
This just in: we're in camp, it's what there is to talk about. Get it? If you choose to apply the discipline and not speak about what happens at camp, then good for you. Others are not built the same way. Others wish to discuss things about how QBs look. In THIS case, Fields is NOT looking like he has improved on his habits/errors that have put him at 10-28 as an NFL starting QB. He has continued to make the same poor throws, that are "routine" in nature. He has continued to make poor decisions on RPO passes vs. runs. He has sailed passes over running backs and WRs, as had been the case his entire NFL career. To some of us, that is worrisome and worth writing over. To you, and some others, you chose to not think it's even worthy of mentioning because it happened in camp. That is YOUR prerogative. You can choose to live life in that manner. To some of the rest of us, we choose the need to make mention of it.

No one is telling you how to live your life. Perhaps you should not feel the need to tell them how much weight they should put on a QB's performance in camp, one who notoriously has had these same problems in his previous 3 years of NFL play. Oh sure. it's his other teams fault, his poor play was 100% caused by that poor Bear's team. And pay no attention to Field's poor play he is replicating at the Steeler's camp, it's just camp, no reason to note the similar errors, they will be magically deleted due to our team's stellar handing of QBs. No need to think there is any need to worry. I mean all one needs to do is consider the fantastic job Tomlin did at developing Kenny Pickett and the super job he did in advancing his traits. Nothing to worry about there.
To be fair, I listened to the scout's eye guy today, Williamson, and he was not over the moon with Fields. So, just like I said in our arguments about Heyward, in time you may be proven right. I have no problem with that and will say so. I just have learned over the years to let things play out.

I sympathize with you to some degree. I enjoy talking Steelers, and certainly enjoy watching and all that. But worrisome? Nah. And I will continue to live life in such a manner.
They have a new S&C coach, right? That'll be something to watch this season. Either way, Tomlin should not have had his veteran QB (or any QB) pushing a sled.
The decision got coach Tomlin anointed "nitwit" by a local writer. Nitwit. Many feel it was a much-deserved moniker.
Weird thing about Pickett's preseason last year....they let him throw the ball to the middle of the field. Down field. All over the field. Then when the season started it was back to the 5 yards outs. Go figure.
Odd thing is Kenny is outplaying Hurts in Philly right now.
Well, I have friends that were hoping Fields was the "savior," the long term answer at QB. It's just not looking like it, so far. He still might be, but my guess is he is showing signs of not being the answer, showing the same ole characteristics as he has so far in his previous 3 years. He is still "flirting with" some tangibles from the physical aspect of his game, but alas, you've got to have the brain configuration to succeed, which he doesn't appear to have. He seems to possess the Joey Harrington, David Klingler, Heath Shuler, Akili Smith, Ryan Leaf sort of cognitive skills: physical traits just don't matter.
I find that hard to believe

don't bring comments from discussion with your "friends" here and and act like that was a prevailing opinion here
hope he starts for them. heh heh
He won’t. I wouldn’t bank on him outplaying Hurts either. We know that troll likes to make up crap as he goes along. Plus most here grasp football in shorts and preseason in general means little in the grand scheme of how things shake out.
I find that hard to believe

don't bring comments from discussion with your "friends" here and and act like that was a prevailing opinion here
"Cause I have friends, and that's a fact
Like Agnes, Agatha, Jermaine, and Jack."