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Florida Valentines Day Shooting

7 posts down before the weapon gets mentioned........Repugnicans......

Nothing will be done, NOTHING! And Repugnicans and their gun industry donors are to blame. After the Vegas shooting there was agreement across the aisle that no one needs a bump stock. This type of accessory isn't even protected by the second amendment.....what happened? The NRA told it's Repugnican puppets what they wanted, that's what.

Repugnicans ARE THE SCUM OF THIS EARTH. 58 dead 500 wounded.......no worries, more kids slaughtered this time in Florida.......no worries, just keep the money flowing THIS IS THEIR GOD AND THEIR "MORALITY".

Party of " family values".........what a sick joke.

this isn't a republican or democrat thing. but thanks for trying to make it so
Can’t blame the fbi for his comments. Jfc just read YouTube of any media comments. **** half the kids in this country would be locked up for making stupid or inflammatory comments. Can’t they tail him for years with the anticipation of him doing something? No. Check it out do the job and watch for a bit maybe.
Elfie, I'm not really sure what throws you off the handle in EVERY thread you choose to post in, but a word of advise...calling people with whom you don't agree with names is a sign of low intelligence. Really. You should give it some thought.
And in Elfie’s post, no mention of all of the law abiding gun owners or the rampant inner city gun violence, knowing that these inner city crime areas are overwhelmingly democrat backers.

Factual Racist!
Elfie, I'm not really sure what throws you off the handle in EVERY thread you choose to post in, but a word of advise...calling people with whom you don't agree with names is a sign of low intelligence. Really. You should give it some thought.

My....my.........can I call him a Trumptard?

Florida high school shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz's Instagram profile shows him wearing MAGA hat



Enough said............

Repugnicans are just a sick deluded bunch, no two ways about it.
7 posts down before the weapon gets mentioned........Repugnicans......

Nothing will be done, NOTHING! And Repugnicans and their gun industry donors are to blame. After the Vegas shooting there was agreement across the aisle that no one needs a bump stock. This type of accessory isn't even protected by the second amendment.....what happened? The NRA told it's Repugnican puppets what they wanted, that's what.

Repugnicans ARE THE SCUM OF THIS EARTH. 58 dead 500 wounded.......no worries, more kids slaughtered this time in Florida.......no worries, just keep the money flowing THIS IS THEIR GOD AND THEIR "MORALITY".

Party of " family values".........what a sick joke.

The worst mass shooting ever occurred in Norway where Anders Behring Breivik shot and killed 69 mostly young adults....in a country where automatic weapons are ILLEGAL.
Now run along snowflake.
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7 posts down before the weapon gets mentioned........Repugnicans......

Nothing will be done, NOTHING! And Repugnicans and their gun industry donors are to blame. After the Vegas shooting there was agreement across the aisle that no one needs a bump stock. This type of accessory isn't even protected by the second amendment.....what happened? The NRA told it's Repugnican puppets what they wanted, that's what.

Repugnicans ARE THE SCUM OF THIS EARTH. 58 dead 500 wounded.......no worries, more kids slaughtered this time in Florida.......no worries, just keep the money flowing THIS IS THEIR GOD AND THEIR "MORALITY".

Party of " family values".........what a sick joke.

As I said in a previous post.......

Why didn't the Democrats do something when they had SUPER MAJORITIES in both houses not so long ago? School shootings and mass shootings didn't start in 2016. Seems the first was 1998 at Columbine. Didn't stop them from ramming through the atrocity called Obamacare. Yet nothing on gun control.

I'll tell you why neither Republicans or Democrats are interested in doing anything. There is too much money to be raised and too many votes to be garnered by keeping this an ongoing issue. These ********* could solve a litany of problems if they had anything other than political power in mind.

This isn't, or a shouldn't be, a political issue. Neither side has the stomach to do anything meaningful, or it would have been done already.
Bunch of conservatives and republicans on this board, yet the only psycho I see in this thread is you.
So kids will bully other kids on-line and in person, but they fear ratting out potential school shooters, their own personal safety be damned?


Do you have a study supporting your position? You demanded proof from Lyn, who obviously has a wealth of information from years of experience in education and dealing with dozens - hundreds - of students.

Shoe is on the other foot, sport. Go ahead and link your research article proving that students do NOT fear ratting out potential crazies for fear of their own personal safety.

Oh, and by-the-by, the people who bully ARE the potential crazies. Their victims have been PROVEN to fear reporting the bullying for fear of retaliation.

Several reasons that students do not report bullying: 1) Victims are often told: “Ignore the situation or act like it does not bother you and the bully will stop.” In reality, this does not work. Adults must be informed so that they can intervene in a professional manner to help resolve the issues. Some victims are ashamed of being bullied. They might also think, incorrectly, that no one can or will help them. Victims may also be afraid of retaliation if they make a report. 2) Bystanders are often afraid to report bullying because they do not want to become the next target of bullying. 3) Most adolescents have been conditioned to consider reporting as “snitching.” We have repeatedly tried to educate students that they always have the right to report problems if their goal is to get themselves or a peer “OUT OF” a harmful situation. We do tell them that they may be “snitching” if their only goal is revenge or to get another student “IN” trouble. When children are younger, parents and teachers work hard to stop “tattling;” however, junior high school students need to understand when their behavior is “tattling” or “snitching” and when they have the right to make a report. Most adolescents understand the difference between having a goal of helping themselves or a friend “OUT OF” a bad situation vs. getting someone “IN” trouble as a form of revenge or attention seeking.


Oops. You didn't shoot yourself in the foot, Trog, you shot yourself in the head. Several times. With an AR.

Back to you.
It's easy to bully from behind a keyboard. As for not speaking up in person, kids ARE afraid of being labeled a snitch. A lot of times, kids think that warning signs like this guy put up are just jokes. They honestly do not think that anything bad will happen- it's an invincibility thing

That’s not at all what you said. You said they feared being labeled racist, homophobic or xenophobic.
Elfie, I'm not really sure what throws you off the handle in EVERY thread you choose to post in, but a word of advise...calling people with whom you don't agree with names is a sign of low intelligence. Really. You should give it some thought.

He's always been an ignorant ****, he can't help it.
It's the law that they are given the benefit of doubt. As I said, it's illegal to keep a kid out of school for being weird or creepy. They have the same rights as every other student in the school even if the teachers are all scared of them. Until they've violated the rules in a big way they will be in the building. Most of these school shooters are quiet backwards kids who nobody even gave a second thought too. This kid sounds like one of the ones everyone knew was nuts. Hell he was expelled. That's the most drastic thing a school can do.

This kid was kicked out of three different schools, shouldn't that have raised a red flag? If nothing else the police should have been involved. you stated yourself that they had to violate the rules in a big way, can you clarify what that means to us that are not educators. I watched an interview with a couple kids from that school and even they thought he had mental issues before any of this happened, if a couple of kids picked up on this, how in the hell can a school full of educated adults not see this coming..
Deputies were called to the house 39 times since 2010. Come on man
I am far from a gun nut... I could honestly care less what gun laws are enacted, I simply logically see it as a stupid impotent response that never addresses the real issue... the vast majority of people in this area own guns. A very small minority abuse them... a kid wanting to cause real damage to a school has access to a lot more damaging things than guns if they really go looking for them... homemade improvised explosives or chemical weapons are easily made and plans for them are everywhere on the net...

Gun violence is only an issue inasmuch as guns have been unnecessarily glamourized through movies, media, and video games... and this generation has been stripped of morals and respect for others and endowed with shortsighted selfish philosophies...

Again I almost hope they do ban guns so I can spend the rest of my days getting to say I told you so to every imbecile who thinks thats the problem here.. or the solution...
you have to be careful of overreacting top tragedies. It's easy to say why didn't the FBI do something bus is that what we want? Do we want it to be common practice that somebody tells the cops about something your wrote online and they come drag you out of your house, interrogate you, have you examined by a shrink, go through your computer and search your home?

How many people on this board would be tossed in a cop car based on a gameday thread?

Guns are not the problem. A gun is just a tool like a car, a knife or an airplane. More people are killed with hammers each year than by guns.

We need to get serious about the real problem. The education system which is turning the kids into snowflakes who can't handle minor setbacks, can't be told "No", can't hear a differing opinion, and can't deal with any sort of conflict.

Ther's also the role of social media and parents allowing various devices to parent their kids. Increasingly kids are losing social skills. I read a report that said many kids now have trouble recognizing common body language. They can't recognize a sly smile or a raised eyebrow as a sign that somebody is being sarcastic. They are losing real human connections.

Finally, you have Doctors putting these kids on psychologic drugs from early ages. What? Little Billy fidgets in school and sometimes doesn't pay attention? Hmmm, he's only 6, maybe we should give him drugs that affect his brain so he stops acting like a normal 6 year old.

But it's easier to blame the inanimate object in the equation.

Not long ago, i found myself in a room with some smug millennials watching a Harry Potter movie. As the bad guy wreaked havoc with his magic wand, i simply asked them why they didn't just make wands illegal?
A part of me believes, thanks to social media, that kids nowadays don't see other people a human beings with feelings that can be maimed or killed and the destruction that **** like this causes to those that love the victims. I honestly think that they see it as a video game, where if they shoot someone, they will get another life. Like tape said, they don't see other people as people. They don't recognize simple things like facial expressions or body language. They live in the matrix. They don't know what is real anymore.
This kid was kicked out of three different schools, shouldn't that have raised a red flag? If nothing else the police should have been involved. you stated yourself that they had to violate the rules in a big way, can you clarify what that means to us that are not educators. I watched an interview with a couple kids from that school and even they thought he had mental issues before any of this happened, if a couple of kids picked up on this, how in the hell can a school full of educated adults not see this coming..

In order to get expelled from a school you have to do something big. So yes he had done things on several occasions that had warranted that punishment. But ya know.....this is the first school shooter, probably since that I can remember since the Columbine shooters who were on people's radar as scary characters BEFORE the shooting. Almost all school shooters are talked about the same way afterwards. _____________ was a quiet kid, a little strange but did not seem dangerous. Those were the kids I was referring to as being impossible to throw out of school. This kid WAS thrown out of school so obviously he does not fit the mold I'm talking about. I was referring more to the normal shooters who are strange but have done nothing that warrants disciplinary action before their killing rampage, which makes it damn near impossible to prevent.
The olympics are in South Korea and i heard during one of the broadcasts that they have opened several rehab facilities for technology addiction. Apparently they have a huge problem with young people so addicted to video games and social media that they can barely function due to lack of sleep.

They actually passed laws banning video game play between the hours of like midnight and 6 AM. I didn't catch all the details. I assume that applies to games played online which is most games these days. Even games on consoles like the Xbox or Playstation are mostly played online vs others.

All of these tech companies with games and apps are designed to be addictive. There is well established psychology at play. Facebook, Twitter, they are designed around these addictive techniques.
7 posts down before the weapon gets mentioned........Repugnicans......


30 + posts down before some libtard democRAT once again declares this a gun problem.

What took you so long?
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7 posts down before the weapon gets mentioned........Repugnicans......

Nothing will be done, NOTHING! And Repugnicans and their gun industry donors are to blame. After the Vegas shooting there was agreement across the aisle that no one needs a bump stock. This type of accessory isn't even protected by the second amendment.....what happened? The NRA told it's Repugnican puppets what they wanted, that's what.

Repugnicans ARE THE SCUM OF THIS EARTH. 58 dead 500 wounded.......no worries, more kids slaughtered this time in Florida.......no worries, just keep the money flowing THIS IS THEIR GOD AND THEIR "MORALITY".

Party of " family values".........what a sick joke.

The person who commited this horrible crime, you know, the ONE RESPONSIBLE, was an ANTIFA supporter. So shut the **** up!
A part of me believes, thanks to social media, that kids nowadays don't see other people a human beings with feelings that can be maimed or killed and the destruction that **** like this causes to those that love the victims. I honestly think that they see it as a video game, where if they shoot someone, they will get another life. Like tape said, they don't see other people as people. They don't recognize simple things like facial expressions or body language. They live in the matrix. They don't know what is real anymore.

I don't know Sarge. I'm a mom of three teens. Yes, their faces are in their phones a lot but they also participate in many other activities. They work hard in school, they perform service to the community, they are kind and inclusive. My son plays shoot 'em up video games but is the most mild mannered, kind kid you'll ever meet. Most of their friends are the same way. I don't know why this is happening with more frequency now than years ago but the kids who do this are not representative of the vast majority of kids today. There's something else there.

I think one of the biggest factors is just the copycat aspect. Kids see the 24/7 media coverage of these events and become fascinated by the drama of it. It's a way for a lonely, socially outcast kid to make his mark on the world. A big mark. Before these things started happening a lot of these kids probably would have just been suicides. Now they figure why not go out in blaze of glory (so to speak).

The availability of guns has to be factored in of course. But I don't see any simple solutions to that because there are ways to get around any gun control measure for someone who doesn't care about violating laws.
And by the way Elfie, here's proof of my claim:

Funny that it's always a blame game of who did this and didn't do that? Instead of blaming, what is your solution? Throwing out insults? Real intelligent solution. Since Columbine, what has any President or Congress done to stop the shootings? Some are too stupid to realize that percentage of shootings pales in comparison to the money that is involved and generated from firearms. Take away automatic weapons. I'd be for that. Stricter gun laws? Sure, have at it. When gun laws can't keep every illegal gun off the street or out of the hands of the mentally unstable, then what angle do you take? Guns, drugs. . . no matter what you do, you can't stop it. Try to contain it. I'm all for it, but stop blaming that not enough is being done sitting behind your computer.
Let's start taking kids and people off the streets that WE think need help. How many are on the radar that do nothing and are not the cause any shootings? Anyone can lose it at any time.
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