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Florida Valentines Day Shooting

How would the Chinese or the Russians handle this?
That’s not at all what you said. You said they feared being labeled racist, homophobic or xenophobic.

Yes I did say that. And then to further my point, I added snitch. So what is your point other than proving you are a cyber bully?

Labels are labels, and kids don't want them....be they racist, homophobe, snitch, whatever.
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Yes I did say that. And then to further my point, I added snitch. So what is your point other than proving you are a cyber bully?

Labels are labels, and kids don't want them....be they racist, homophobe, snitch, whatever.

I question your assertion and that makes me a cyber bully? How radically liberal of you!

It’s ridiculous and out of left field. Where is the evidence that a kid didn’t snitch on the Columbine or Sandy Hook or any other school shooters because they feared being labeled racist, homophobic, or xenophobic? You made that **** up to shift the blame to liberal political correctness.
I question your assertion and that makes me a cyber bully? How radically liberal of you!

It’s ridiculous and out of left field. Where is the evidence that a kid didn’t snitch on the Columbine or Sandy Hook or any other school shooters because they feared being labeled racist, homophobic, or xenophobic? You made that **** up to shift the blame to liberal political correctness.

Dude, seriously. Why do you keep coming back to this thread? You're getting your *** handed to you left and right, as you typically do. It's why you've earned the name Floglodyte. You're losing ground with each post. Lyn's absolutely right and has the insight as a school teacher. Steeltime took you to the woodshed 14 times in one post.

For your own self esteem brah, stop.
I question your assertion and that makes me a cyber bully? How radically liberal of you!

It’s ridiculous and out of left field. Where is the evidence that a kid didn’t snitch on the Columbine or Sandy Hook or any other school shooters because they feared being labeled racist, homophobic, or xenophobic? You made that **** up to shift the blame to liberal political correctness.

Lyn was talking about her own observations, there's no "evidence" she can produce of that and you know it. I will say in my own observations volunteering extensively with teens, some kids are given deferential treatment and odd behavior or quirks are overlooked due to other kids not wanting to appear racist or homophobic. I have witnessed that. I can imagine it could extend to reporting threats.
Lyn's absolutely right and has the insight as a school teacher. Steeltime took you to the woodshed 14 times in one post.

You like to research articles and post them, where’s the evidence of her assertion? There is none, it’s nonsense. Nobody has every made that assertion before and I called her out on it. You know it and now you’re just being awkwardly chivalrous.
That said, I think the main reason kids don't report is that they just don't know. Knowing someone's weird or creepy isn't the same as knowing they're planning to shoot up the school.
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Funny that it's always a blame game of who did this and didn't do that? Instead of blaming, what is your solution? Throwing out insults? Real intelligent solution. Since Columbine, what has any President or Congress done to stop the shootings? Some are too stupid to realize that percentage of shootings pales in comparison to the money that is involved and generated from firearms. Take away automatic weapons. I'd be for that. Stricter gun laws? Sure, have at it. When gun laws can't keep every illegal gun off the street or out of the hands of the mentally unstable, then what angle do you take? Guns, drugs. . . no matter what you do, you can't stop it. Try to contain it. I'm all for it, but stop blaming that not enough is being done sitting behind your computer.
Let's start taking kids and people off the streets that WE think need help. How many are on the radar that do nothing and are not the cause any shootings? Anyone can lose it at any time.

Yup. Common sense gun reform blah blah blah. You'll never take my guns blah blah blah. The NRA buys reich wingers blah blah blah. Knee jerk reactions on both sides accomplish nothing.

My wife is in a troubled (failing, teetering on extinction) school today. She's state level intervention. She text me a few minutes ago to tell me they're in a fire drill at the moment. My high school son had one yesterday. Neither one is focused on active shooter drills, just simply round up the kids, walk them outside, clear the school, lather rinse repeat. Kids don't even pay attention anymore because there's never been a fire. Might be time for law enforcement level training for teacher and admin in active shooter drills. We have trained, armed personnel in banks and airports, why not in schools? But more guns, it'll frighten the children blah blah blah.

As to the AR-15, mini 14 and the like, I see and understand both sides of the argument. I own them. Love shooting them. My kids have been taught proper handling and probably shoot better than I do. They know how to clean and store them properly. But I'm starting to question the practicality in todays society. I wouldn't want anyone to have to deal directly with the loss of their child because some dumbass got ahold of one. If we are really interested in a solution rather than all the blah blah blah, these weapons need to be a part of that discussion too. And believe me, I never thought I'd feel this way, just tired of seeing kids killed.
Here’s and article about not reporting for fear of being called racist.


but an article shouldn’t be necessary because it basic common sense to anybody who has lived in the US in the last 10 years.

For more info on what should be obvious, google the Bradley Effect or Spiral of Silence

[FONT=&quot]The [/FONT]spiral of silence theory is a political science and mass communication theory proposed by the German political scientist Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann, which stipulates that individuals have a fear of isolation, which results from the idea that a social group or the society in general might isolate, neglect, or exclude members due to the members' opinions. This fear of isolation consequently leads to remaining silent instead of voicing opinions. Media is an important factor that relates to both the dominant idea and people's perception of the dominant idea. The assessment of one's social environment may not always correlate with reality.
That said, I think the main reason kids don't report is that they just don't know. Knowing someone's weird or creepy isn't the same as knowing they're planning to shoot up the school.

Exactly. You see this time and again from Sandusky to Weinstein. After the fact people come out of the woodwork claiming everybody knew and did nothing, but as you said, there’s a big difference between hearing a rumor or thinking somebody is strange and actually accusing somebody.

I remember working in an office with a strange guy and people used to comment that if anybody ever shot up the workplace, it would be him. If that happened would we all be negligent? What would have happened if we went to HR or the police and reported the guy was a weirdo? Nothing.
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The inept FBI failed to find this nutjob even though he used his real name in the YouTube school shooting threat. They were probably too busy trying to cover their ***** in the Russia scandal.

The FBI was reportedly alerted to a threat posted on YouTube by Nikolas Cruz five months ago — but the bureau was unable to track down Cruz despite him having used his real name on the site when he allegedly made the threats.
NBC News reports that five months ago, the FBI was alerted to a threatening comment allegedly posted by Nikolas Cruz, the gunman behind the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. It seems that the FBI failed to follow up on the comment or were unable to track Cruz down despite the gunman using his real name as his YouTube username. In September, the YouTube user with the username “nikolas cruz” wrote “Im going to be a professional school shooter” on a video uploaded by Mississippi bail bondsman Ben Bennight.
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I question your assertion and that makes me a cyber bully? How radically liberal of you!

It’s ridiculous and out of left field. Where is the evidence that a kid didn’t snitch on the Columbine or Sandy Hook or any other school shooters because they feared being labeled racist, homophobic, or xenophobic? You made that **** up to shift the blame to liberal political correctness.

Columbine was wayyyyy before all of this divisive labeling took place. From what I can recall, one of the Columbine shooter's parents knew about the bombs and all of that but said nothing. (If I am wrong, please correct me).

In EVERY DAY CONVERSATION IN THE HALLWAYS, I hear students talk. I hear them say things like "Well, so and so is such a *****." The other says "You can't say that. She's black. That's racist." Or "Fred is so WEIRD. WHY does he dress like that?' Reply "OMG SHUT UP. You KNOW he's gay. Don't question what he does."

(While those aren't word for word, I hear conversations like that ALL THE TIME. Sorry that my anecdotal experiences go undocumented. Sorry that you don't believe someone who witnesses **** like that on a daily basis. Sorry that you have to be so ******* hateful and in denial of what children may or may not do.)
The FBI really messed up. In Jan a person close to the killer gave them specific info and they did not act
The FBI really messed up. In Jan a person close to the killer gave them specific info and they did not act

If he was a Trump campaign worker they'd be up his *** with a magnifying glass.
The FBI really messed up. In Jan a person close to the killer gave them specific info and they did not act

Yeah I just saw that come across my phone as breaking news. Guess the FBI was too busy deleting text messages and emails from Hillary to give a ****.
Local authorities were at this guys house 38 times. He was turned into the FBI at least 2 times and 1 time was with very credible and specific info. You add all this together and this was one incident that was totally preventable
Local authorities were at this guys house 38 times. He was turned into the FBI at least 2 times and 1 time was with very credible and specific info. You add all this together and this was one incident that was totally preventable

What's the use if the preventable laws and red flags are not followed through? It's like trying to catch fish with a hole in the net.
You like to research articles and post them, where’s the evidence of her assertion? There is none, it’s nonsense. Nobody has every made that assertion before and I called her out on it. You know it and now you’re just being awkwardly chivalrous.

SteelerLyn: "Kids are afraid to speak up when they see something because they don't want to be labeled as racist, homophobic, genderphobic, xenophobic. It's PC gone awry."

To the woodshed....again. Jesus, why do you persist.

Code of Silence: Students’ Perceptions of School Climate and Willingness to Intervene in a Peer's Dangerous Plan

Statistics in the Safe School Initiative report funded by the U.S. Secret Service and the U.S. Department of Education reveal that in 81% of school shootings between 1974 and 2000, the attacker told someone about his plans—almost always a peer, sibling, or friend (Vossekuil, Fein, Reddy, Borum, & Modzeleski, 2002). Yet, these young people decided not to alert anyone in authority about the attack.
When adolescents make important decisions, they weigh the costs and benefits of their choices. In the decision of whether to go to a teacher or principal in order to stop a peer from acting on a dangerous plan, adolescents likely consider many factors. One of the salient costs that adolescents may take into account is whether disclosing to an adult would result in more trouble for them or their peer. Our prior work on adolescents’ intentions to intervene in their friends’ alcohol, tobacco, and drug use indicates that regardless of age, the more adolescents believe that telling an adult would get them or their friend into more trouble, the less likely they are to go to an adult (Bertelsen, 2005). This finding seems rational, as few people are willing to do something that they perceive could result in unfavorable consequences for themselves or someone they care about.
Deadly Lessons, a report funded by the National Research Council and the Institute of Medicine (2003), examined case studies of incidents of lethal school violence, providing a rare glimpse into the peer and school cultures surrounding school shootings. The authors of the report determined that there was sufficient evidence across the eight case studies to conclude that the sense of cohesion between youth and adults in these schools was lacking. The authors described a disturbing disconnect: teachers and school administrators in these schools seemed to be unaware of students’ concerns about status issues, experiences of peer victimization, and overall ability to respond to social situations. Taken together, these findings prompted the authors to conclude that the students in these schools may have felt that they had “nowhere to turn” with their concerns, creating a climate of silence and inaction (p. 6). On the basis of this work, we hypothesized that students who believed that confiding their concerns to an adult would have negative consequences and those who reported that their teachers were not open to students’ views would be less likely to approach a teacher or principal with their concerns.

Further, given the normative tendency for adolescents to be sensitive to others’ impressions, they may be hesitant to act out of fear of reacting inappropriately or being labeled a “snitch” or “narc.” Another possible explanation, as shown in the present study, is that students do not intervene, at least by seeking the assistance of an adult at school, because of beliefs that telling an adult will only result in more trouble.

Accordingly, future research should also investigate the specific school policies and practices that account for students’ fears that going to a teacher or principal may have negative consequences for themselves and/or their peers.

Now why would kids fear that going to a teacher would get them into more trouble? Lyn's theory holds water. The study already shows students may be fearful of notifying the school for fear of being labeled a snitch or a narc. That's one theory. Why else might they be afraid? The study shows, they are afraid " to do something that they perceive could result in unfavorable consequences for themselves or someone they care about." What are those negative consequences? If the kid is black, and I rat him out because I think he's potentially dangerous, I'll be labeled a racist. If he's Hispanic, I'll be labeled a racist. Pretty easy conclusion to reach and the study supports this.

So to do real life events.

The San Bernadino terrorists. It's documented: neighbors were highly worried and suspicious about the two terrorists, but admitted they didn't say anything for fear of being labeled Islamaphobes or racists.

Yes, the new PC culture is quite literally leading to death.
I don't know Sarge. I'm a mom of three teens. Yes, their faces are in their phones a lot but they also participate in many other activities. They work hard in school, they perform service to the community, they are kind and inclusive. My son plays shoot 'em up video games but is the most mild mannered, kind kid you'll ever meet. Most of their friends are the same way. I don't know why this is happening with more frequency now than years ago but the kids who do this are not representative of the vast majority of kids today. There's something else there.

I think one of the biggest factors is just the copycat aspect. Kids see the 24/7 media coverage of these events and become fascinated by the drama of it. It's a way for a lonely, socially outcast kid to make his mark on the world. A big mark. Before these things started happening a lot of these kids probably would have just been suicides. Now they figure why not go out in blaze of glory (so to speak).

The availability of guns has to be factored in of course. But I don't see any simple solutions to that because there are ways to get around any gun control measure for someone who doesn't care about violating laws.

****** up, abusive, neglectful, uncaring or non existent parents are the problem with unruly, belligerent and mentally defective kids 90% of the time. The other 10% are chemical imbalances in the brain.
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This wasn't terrorism btw.. there is no real political connection as of yet.. its just a psychopath playing out the fantasy in his head...
This wasn't terrorism btw.. there is no real political connection as of yet.. its just a psychopath playing out the fantasy in his head...

Not sure anyone is saying it is or thinking that it is?
The FBI really messed up. In Jan a person close to the killer gave them specific info and they did not act

Yeah the FIB is in some deep doo doo here, and I see, after much of the recent muh russia fallout, Wray is gonna lose his job and should. Someone's head's gotta be on a pike. But I got to thinking, what about all this raw metadata and the NSA's ability to scour the web, texts, emails, and phone calls, for keywords? We were told it was innocent after Ed Snowden spilled the beans. So, how does the killer post words on a social video website, which when put into a sentence are pretty heinous, not get noticed?
Here is what happens. A shooting like this happens and tge left wags its finger at the right like at this point gun laws would somehow solve all these very complex problems. If something happens that has a "terrorist" slant the right is all over the left talking about curtailing rights of foreign people. Ok but neither solves anything. Why. Cause they are totally unsolveable unless people work together to at least minimize the problems. The reality is people who threaten your country will have to have their rights curtailed. And if they dont want to. Go home. But at the same time if guns are in the hands of people who arent legitimate sportsman. You got a problem their too. In Canada we have very high gun per citizen rates. But the vast majority of those people can gut a deer or clean a waterfowl. If you own a gun because guns are cool. Join the military. If the right and the left wont work together on solutions this **** will continue to play out time after time at an alarming rate. And you can talk about Denmark all you want. But it doesnt happen there twice a year.