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Ford cancels plan for $1.6 billion plant in Mexico after Trump criticism


Regular Member
Apr 20, 2014
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The President Trump Effect!

He's already done more for American in a month than Obozo has done in 8 years!

Ford cancels Mexico plant. Will create 700 U.S. jobs in 'vote of confidence' in Trump

FLAT ROCK, Mich./WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Ford Motor Co (F.N) said Tuesday it will cancel a planned $1.6 billion factory in Mexico and will invest $700 million at a Michigan factory, after President-elect Donald Trump had harshly criticized the Mexico investment plan.

The second largest U.S. automaker said it would build new electric, hybrid and autonomous vehicles at the Flat Rock, Michigan plant.

Ford Chief Executive Mark Fields said the decision to cancel the new Mexico factory was in part related to the need to "fully utilize capacity at existing facilities" amid declining sales of small and medium sized cars such as the Focus and Fusion.



Go suck on Hillary's tit you bitter clingers

Elftard will be along soon to tell us how Trump didn't do this. That it's fake news like Carrier.
And the hits keep on coming.

House GOP reverses course on gutting ethics panel

Following a public outcry, and criticism from President-elect Donald Trump, House Republicans reversed course Tuesday on drastic changes to the independent Office of Congressional Ethics.

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) offered a motion to restore the current OCE rules, and that was accepted by the GOP conference.

President-elect Trump on Tuesday morning called out his fellow Republicans on Twitter:

"With all that Congress has to work on, do they really have to make the weakening of the Independent Ethics Watchdog, as unfair as it," Trump said in one tweet, adding, "........may be, their number one act and priority. Focus on tax reform, healthcare and so many other things of far greater importance! #DTS."

Good. Keep those jobs in the US
It is deplorable what this man is doing, leading up to his innaugaration.
Interesting how things change around here..

Now it seems that all those over-paid, lazy, good for nothing, bad for American manufacturing, UAW card-carrying members who are getting some of their jobs back....
.....Are going to help "Make America Great Again"....hmmm?

Don't get me wrong.....I LOVE hearing that, especially since I used to work in a UAW manufacturing facility, but lets get some consistency on our opinions folks...and God Bless Trump if he actually influenced this decision...and I hope it continues..
But...It wasn't very long ago that these hard working, tax paying, patriotic Americans were seen in a much different light in this very forum...
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Interesting how things change around here..

Now it seems that all those over-paid, lazy, good for nothing, bad for American manufacturing, UAW card-carrying members who are getting some of their jobs back....
.....Are going to help "Make America Great Again"....hmmm?

Don't get me wrong.....I LOVE hearing that, especially since I used to work in a UAW manufacturing facility, but lets get some consistency on our opinions folks...and God Bless Trump if he actually influenced this decision...and I hope it continues..
But...It wasn't very long ago that these hard working, tax paying, patriotic Americans were seen in a much different light in this very forum...

Don't fret. I'm still very much anti-union.
I still ******* hate unions not the workers. I hope they can help them stay competitive without bleeding the company into bankruptcy.
Interesting how things change around here..

Now it seems that all those over-paid, lazy, good for nothing, bad for American manufacturing, UAW card-carrying members who are getting some of their jobs back....
.....Are going to help "Make America Great Again"....hmmm?

Don't get me wrong.....I LOVE hearing that, especially since I used to work in a UAW manufacturing facility, but lets get some consistency on our opinions folks...and God Bless Trump if he actually influenced this decision...and I hope it continues..
But...It wasn't very long ago that these hard working, tax paying, patriotic Americans were seen in a much different light in this very forum...

You can be anti-union and pro-American jobs. There is nothing inconsistent about wanting to see jobs stay in America while still being anti-union. I'll take US union jobs over them being shipped to Mexico any day.
You can be anti-union and pro-American jobs. There is nothing inconsistent about wanting to see jobs stay in America while still being anti-union. I'll take US union jobs over them being shipped to Mexico any day.

Great to hear!

Your UAW brothers and sisters thank you sir...
95% of the members are hard working good Americans and are not the problem..
And the hits keep on coming.

More Trump Effect?

US yanks funds from unbuilt windmill farm

ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (AP) A plan to build windmills off the New Jersey coast that has already burned through nearly $11 million and remains dead in the water is being cut off from further government funding.

The U.S. Department of Energy says Fishermen's Energy failed to meet a Dec. 31 deadline to have a power purchase agreement in place.

The department is revoking most of the $47 million in funding it pledged to the project in 2014; about $10.6 million has been spent already on preliminary work.

I still ******* hate unions not the workers. I hope they can help them stay competitive without bleeding the company into bankruptcy.
I get **** for being a union guy. I'm a union carpenter so **** is so much different and people don't believe me. We don't have seniority. If we are slow or suck, we get laid off a day after you start sometimes. Company union vs a labor union is huge difference I think. Our contractors are making a killing, otherwise they could just go non union.

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More Trump Effect?

US yanks funds from unbuilt windmill farm

ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (AP) A plan to build windmills off the New Jersey coast that has already burned through nearly $11 million and remains dead in the water is being cut off from further government funding.

The U.S. Department of Energy says Fishermen's Energy failed to meet a Dec. 31 deadline to have a power purchase agreement in place.

The department is revoking most of the $47 million in funding it pledged to the project in 2014; about $10.6 million has been spent already on preliminary work.


I passed a house the other day with a bunch of solar panels on the roof...all covered with snow. I wondered how they were working out.
I passed a house the other day with a bunch of solar panels on the roof...all covered with snow. I wondered how they were working out.

Precisely why solar won't work in Alaska either. Well that and it's dark half the year.
Trump has tremendous momentum going for him. The right type of change
Trump has tremendous momentum going for him.

Trump Poised to Build Wall and Undo Obama's Executive Actions on Immigration

President-elect Donald Trump is poised to hit the ground running when he takes office in two and a half weeks, and it looks like "the wall" and reversing Obama's immigration policies are high on the agenda

Great rant by Mike Rowe about the Ford decision:

You can see it at https://www.facebook.com/TheRealMikeRowe/

I just read that my old employer, The Ford Motor Company, has reversed their decision to build a $1.6 billion manufacturing plant in Mexico, opting instead to invest $700 million in a Michigan assembly line. I’d like to take a moment to congratulate Ford, its current employees, its future employees, the great state of Michigan, and of course, The United States of America. This is a big, fat victory for anyone who wants to see America get back to the business of making things.
Will Ford’s decision be politicized? Yup.
Will Ford be accused of acting in their own self-interest? Yup.
Will critics say Ford could do more, and criticize them for doing too little? Yup.
Will the media overwhelm us with articles that explain why this is no big deal, and how Ford’s decision will ultimately result in no new jobs? Yup.
Do me a favor – ignore these people. They don’t know how to feel good about anything other than feeling bad. They don’t understand the value of justifiable optimism - or it’s importance.
Honestly, I don’t care what your politics are, or your opinion of NAFTA, The UAW, The New F-150, rich people, poor people, The Global Economy, or The President-Elect – this is good news, and sensible people should celebrate it. The company who invented mass production is once again betting on the future of America! What's the worst part about that? And if I’m reading this right, it's happening – at least in part – because of new “pro-growth policies, and a more positive manufacturing environment for US business.” http://fxn.ws/2ivzf7r
Couple years ago, I narrated a commercial for Walmart that announced their commitment to invest a quarter trillion dollars in US Manufacturing. That’s $250,000,000,000.00. That's a lot of zeros.
The backlash was instantaneous. People with an axe to grind against Walmart were livid with me, and thousands came to this page to tell me personally they hoped that Walmart would fail. Why? Because some people hate Walmart more than they care about America. Some people can't see the bigger picture. Some people don't understand if companies like Walmart choose NOT to invest in this country, no one will. And they don’t realize the importance of other companies, following their example.
Bottom line - we need more companies to do what Ford just did. We need to support decisions like this one. And most of all, we need more policies that reward the kind of behavior we want to encourage. I hope we get them, soon. My only question now is...
who’s next?
PS. Hey Michigan – speaking of your fair state – my foundation partnered with your leaders last year to draw attention to a few hundred thousand opportunities in the skilled trades that currently exist in your own backyard. We made a few videos that might be worth sharing, if you’re inclined to celebrate such things. Check the out here. http://puremi.ch/2j5W6Yg

MSM spinning again