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PRESIDENT Trump the Socialist: 12 billion in Welfare Handouts for Farmers

That's all fine and dandy circa 1924.

That's not how the modern global economy works anymore.

Oh really?

President Trump struck a trade deal Wednesday with the European Union, reaping significant concessions as top E.U. officials moved to avoid an escalating tariff war with the U.S.

The agreement seeks to eliminate all tariffs, trade barriers and subsidies, which was the deal pushed by Mr. Trump.

“This was a very big day for free and fair trade,” Mr. Trump said in announcing the deal in the Rose Garden with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker by his side.

Winning! MAGA!
The people who always cry "Racist!" and see racism everywhere they look are the true racists. Twatty is the biggest racist of all.

Great argument. Let's sum it up with an image.

The apex of the CONservative "intellect" on this board:

Elfie.... you are so wrong. What just happened today with the E.U. is like your worse nightmare and blows holes in every one of your posts in this thread.

Just stop already. America is winning whether you like it or not.
Poor Elfie. Bad timing.

Maybe the worse timing and worst foot-in-mouth event on Steeler Nation. Couldn't have happened to a better guy (if that's what zhe is).
1. This never took place

2.Allowing conversion into euros through dollars even if it had happened would not constitute access to our financial systems, they could not buy anything with dollars it was merely a formality.

3. Again: even if it had taken place there would have been nothing illegal about it.

4. Again: it was THEIR money moron.

it is documented, dipshit.
unlike the people your party want voting in our elections.
******* moron says a handful of russians definitely effected our election, but has no problem with millions of undocumented/illegals voting in elections. so long as it pushes the agenda.
you're a ******* moron, elfie
The idea is not for tariffs to be permanent. The idea is for the EU and China to reduce or eliminate their tariffs on our stuff and we will reduce or eliminate our tariffs on their stuff.
It's a negotiation. Just wait and watch.

The idea is not for tariffs to be permanent. The idea is for the EU and China to reduce or eliminate their tariffs on our stuff and we will reduce or eliminate our tariffs on their stuff.
It's a negotiation. Just wait and watch.

From Steelworth in the other thread:


By S.A. Miller - The Washington Times - Updated: 4:48 p.m. on Wednesday, July 25, 2018
President Trump struck a trade deal Wednesday with the European Union, reaping significant concessions as top EU officials moved to avoid an escalating tariff war with the U.S.

The agreement seeks to eliminate all tariffs and trade barriers and eliminate all subsidies on non-auto industrial goods, which was the deal pushed by Mr. Trump.

“This was a very big day for free and fair trade,” Mr. Trump said in announcing the deal in the Rose Garden with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker by his side.

Mr. Trump called the deal a “new phase” in the U.S.-E.U. relationship.

The deal also included the E.U. importing more U.S. soybeans, lowering industrial tariffs and working on an agreement to import more liquified natural gas (LNG) from America.
WOW....so now we'll go ahead and up the ante: first you go with plain ol racism, now you step it up to faux cultural appropriation so as to cover up your racism.

Sorry champ, you are truly exposed now no matter how many times you play the "I know you are but what am I?" gambit.

Now a term created in the African-American community and used almost exclusively by that community..........is a term used by everyone regardless of race, religion, or national origin. LMAO....


That's 2 gerbils for the price of one.

Too, TOO easy....lol
Elftard, sees racists behind every tree. It is great fun triggering your snowflake ***. I do it for sport. You never disappoint.

So, what were you saying about tariffs again?

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Seems like bribery for votes. Just add it to the 100 billion we already subsidize farming per year. And some say socialism doesn't exist
in America. By the way what is the credit limit on our grandchildren's credit card?
all taken care of.

elf ... chill some
LOL what a ******* doofus.

Wall Street Journal: EU official used colorful, simplified cue cards in trade meeting with Trump

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker reportedly used colorful cards with simple explanations to discuss trade policies during his Wednesday meeting with President Trump.

The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday
that Juncker relied on more than a dozen of the cards while explaining trade topics to Trump, including automative trade, ahead of their Rose Garden announcement to hold further trade talks.

“We knew this wasn’t an academic seminar. It had to be very simple,” a senior European Union official told The Journal.
Tibs, in all seriousness, how much time do you spend hunting for these stories to post here to further prove your point about Trump?
I have a hard time believing a man with a degree in economics from one of the more premier business schools in the world and who has brokered billion dollar financial deals (in many parts of the world) most of his life had to have simplified cue cards read to him.
Seems like bribery for votes. Just add it to the 100 billion we already subsidize farming per year. And some say socialism doesn't exist
in America. By the way what is the credit limit on our grandchildren's credit card?

..... um afraid no liberal in this country has any right to play that card.... balanced budgets havent been your strong point lol
I have a hard time believing a man with a degree in economics from one of the more premier business schools in the world and who has brokered billion dollar financial deals (in many parts of the world) most of his life had to have simplified cue cards read to him.
And I bet he knows that there aren't 57 states.

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Tibs, in all seriousness, how much time do you spend hunting for these stories to post here to further prove your point about Trump?

Gulp. It's The Hill a readily available, widely read news site. And the article that's referenced is from the Wall St. Journal. Real murky, quirky stuff.

Have you seen some of the obscure alt right fake news websites that the Trumptards Post? Talk about hunting!

Yeah no kidding. The stuff I post here takes zero effort to find as it's simply news of the day in the low-ratings soap opera called ''How the Donald Turns.' Readily available at legitimate news sites round the clock, trying to stay abreast of this off-kilter President.
Gulp. It's The Hill a readily available, widely read news site. And the article that's referenced is from the Wall St. Journal. Real murky, quirky stuff.

Yeah no kidding. The stuff I post here takes zero effort to find as it's simply news of the day in the low-ratings soap opera called ''How the Donald Turns.' Readily available at legitimate news sites round the clock, trying to stay abreast of this off-kilter President.

Yes, complete joke. Two on here are the worst, seems to think the more **** they post the more they know (hahaha if only). Learned a lot here though...well mostly conspiracy theories and rhetoric bullshit.
Haha ... libs talking about conspiracy theories and rhetoric.
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